Expand Your Awareness

Expand Your Awareness

Supporting your journey towards an even greater connection with Pure Source/Creator energy.


Strawberry Super Moon
June 14 at 8pm pacific
(photo by Illumina)

Timeline photos 05/03/2022

Sunday March 6 at 8am (INTRODUCTION & ascending with the higher frequencies) and 8pm (receiving the higher frequencies)💫 https://www.franteitge.com/online-events/


Match your frequency to where you wish to be.

Timeline photos 26/02/2022

Sunday Feb. 27 at 8am (INTRODUCTION & the vibration of Peace) and 8pm (PEACE)💫 - https://mailchi.mp/f0f86f9f07fd/sunday-january-9-meditation-14756698


Feeling the energies!!!


Sunday Morning Connection
Meditation on Zoom
February 20th at 8am

Timeline photos 20/02/2022

MEDITATION - Sunday Feb. 20 at 8am (INTRODUCTION)
and 8pm (222222 Portal)💫
LINK to website:

Join this 30 minute introduction and short meditation.
FEEL as the energies begin to move through your body as you read these words.


Welcome Dear Ones to the Transmission
As we sit in meditation wi are clearly being guided to connect to our higher self and the wider cosmos beyond. With this knowing comes a deep inner standing that wi are all connected to the vast cosmos, and simultaneously this vast cosmos exists within. Wi are only a vessel to output the hologram into the field. As wi see and feel this, wi begin to inner stand that the totality of the creation wi are in, is solely created from our internal thoughts and projections. With this inner standing, wi can come to a place of deeper contemplation on where wi wish to focus our thoughts, what wi wish to create, and how wi wish our output to look like. All polarity in our field, all things that wi may term "negative" or that are unwanted in our creation, wi simply turn our focus so deeply to that which brings us joy. So do you know and are you entirely clear on what brings you joy? Take some time to contemplate this question. What truly, truly brings you joy? Are you creating more of that in your creation? or are you focussed on the blocks and limitations that are seemingly in your way. If it's all our own creation, taking our focus off the blocks and limitations is the first step to allow the magic to flow!! Love and infinite blessings to all humanity!
~ through Sophia Love Inspiring Light

Crystalline Light Body - February 13, 2022 18/02/2022

Meditation from last Sunday - Connecting to crystals and a crystalline body activation. There is no introduction in this video - we go directly in to meditation.

After wi closed this meditation on Zoom, we sat for another 30 minutes connecting with Star Nations.


Crystalline Light Body - February 13, 2022 Connecting to crystals and a crystalline body activation.There is no introduction in this video - we go directly in to meditation.After wi closed this medita...



Unity Transmissions The Unity Transmissions are Codes of Wholeness brought through Unity Grace to the Living Library, Th

Timeline photos 10/02/2022

MEDITATION this Sunday, Feb. 13 at 8am (INTRODUCTION) and 8pm (2-22-222 portal)💫 - https://mailchi.mp/7499800b6f3c/sunday-january-9-meditation-14670694


Following the breath in.
Following the breath out.
Feeling a connection to all life.
Feeling the sacredness of the breath
and the sacredness of all creation.

Wi are all part of one human consciousness.
Wi are all in this together, unity consciousness.

Allow your heart to feel the connection to everything -
to the minerals, the plants, the animals - to the planet itself.
Feel the expansion within your heart as your mind releases its grip on seeing yourself as an individual.

Wi are one consciousness operating as billions of individuals.
Connecting through the heart space to everyone else on the planet allows us to feel that deep connection to all of creation.


Meditation creates a deep relaxation in the physical body and the mind, allowing more of our true essence to flow through.


Here wi are
on this journey

One heart beating
One breath breathing
One mind connected to all

Wi remember our mission
wi remember our goal
to know beyond doubt

that wi are all here
to let it all go.


Sunday Morning, February 13
Meditation & frequency transmission on Zoom


I wonder ...


Wi are all One.


Stop. Slow down. Follow the breath in. Follow the breath out. 🤍🤍🤍

Videos (show all)

Invitation to join full moon mediation Sunday, March 28