LIVE SMART Lifestyle Videos

Videos by LIVE SMART Lifestyle. This page is for people who seek to live a smart and healthy lifestyle! https://livesmartlifestyle.c

Imagine how amazing it would be to party in the middle of the sea!

Imagine how amazing it would be to party in the middle of the sea!

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Imagine how amazing it would be to party in the middle of the sea!
Imagine how amazing it would be to party in the middle of the sea!

Would you visit this mountain ranges in Europe? 😍

Time is the most valuable Asset in everyone's life, and we should make sure we spend it on purposeful and meaningful tasks.
"An inch of time is an inch of gold but you can't buy that inch of time with an inch of gold."....... Chinese Proverb

Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who'll argue with you.....JOHN WOODEN

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.
The field of science is perhaps the best illustration of how success always seems to come to those who apply the principle of accurate thinking in a persistent, determined effort. America’s great inventor Thomas A. Edison is said to have failed 10,000 times in his attempt to develop a workable electric light bulb. He learned from each failure and refused to quit until he succeeded. Breakthroughs occur every day because a determined person continues to search for solutions to complex problems long after everyone else has given up and gone home. You may not invent the light bulb or the next supercomputer, but you can find creative solutions to old problems if you apply the proven principles of success consistently and persistently.

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."
The surest way to achieve acceptance in any organization or in any line of work is to be successful. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. No matter how carefully you study a subject, no matter how rationally you make decisions, no matter how well prepared you are, you will occasionally make mistakes. Human beings always do. The important thing is to realize that temporary setbacks are not permanent failures. Successful people recognize that we all experience temporary setbacks that require us to reevaluate our performance and take corrective action to achieve success. They know that adversity is never permanent.

Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.
Successful people are decisive. They don’t agonize over decisions and thereby miss out on a great opportunity. They gather the relevant information, discuss alternatives with advisers whose opinions they respect, and then make a decision and get on with it. Indecision creates the worst kind of paralysis and, left unattended, can permanently damage you and your organization. If you have trouble making decisions, remember that there are few decisions that are irreversible. If you later discover that you were wrong, correct your course and move on.

True, knowledge is power! but without money not much can be done.
Folks Knowledge is power! but without money not much can be done. Financial power can be used to gain political power, which in turn can be used to get new legislation passed for good and bad. Also many successful people never received a higher education, but have made billions and changed the world like Steve Jobs.