Serious Feng Shui

Serious Feng Shui

Stephanie Stewart has been studying and consulting since 2002. Feng Shui, Ba Zi, Divination

With more than 20 years experience as a gardener Stephanie's specialty is in working with the real wind and water that can only be found outdoors.


Thursday August 22nd Earth Horse 戊午
Star: 9
Lunar Mansion: Horn
Day Officer: Open
Second Fortnight: Chu Shu 大暑 (Limit of Heat) 16:29
The Limit of Heat feels just right for the Earth Horse whose digestive ailments may have been more active this year


Wednesday August 21st Fire Snake 丁巳
Star: 1
Lunar Mansion: Carriage
Day Officer: Receive
If you must travel today, maybe don’t do it by rail. If you’re road tripping, inspect the car and tires before you hit the road.


Tuesday August 20th Fire Dragon 丙辰
Star: 2
Lunar Mansion: Wings
Day Officer: Success
Not a suitable day for travel but there are other successes to be had with relationships, family and otherwise. Let the happiness happen.


Monday August 19th Wood Rabbit 乙卯
Star: 3
Lunar Mansion: Bow
Day Officer: Danger
A day where you might think about how many people are competing for the same wealth. What if it didn’t have to be that way? Also, does size matter?


Sunday August 18th Wood Tiger 甲寅
Star: 4
Lunar Mansion: Star
Day Officer: Destruction
What if we think we are doing our duty by enduring and facilitating violence? Who is owed that? A learned person would see the fallacy.


Saturday August 17th Water Ox 癸丑
Star: 5
Lunar Mansion: Willow
Day Officer: Initiate
The tears of the pious are not enough to change today’s sadness but every action has an equal and opposite reaction. We just don’t always get to know what it is.


Friday August 16th Water Rat 壬子
Star: 6
Lunar Mansion: Ghost
Day Officer: Stable
Things that are washed away will tend to stay that way. Avoid the water. If pessimism calls don’t answer.


Thursday August 15th Metal Pig 辛亥
Star: 7
Lunar Mansion: Well – Southern Palace of the Red Bird
Day Officer: Balance
Water drains metal, Metal cuts wood. The feelings of loss are mutual. An opportunity to change fate if you choose it.


Wednesday August 14th Metal Dog 庚戌
Star: 8
Lunar Mansion: Orion
Day Officer: Full
The Iron Dog is here which is the energy of taking big chances. Will they come to anything this time? The rewards may not be what you expect today.


Tuesday August 13th Earth Rooster 己酉
Star: 9
Lunar Mansion: Beak
Day Officer: Remove
Despite urban legends to the contrary, no bird would remove its beak on purpose. As my Mom (born in a Rooster year) used to say, don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.


Monday August 12th Earth Monkey 戊申
Star: 1
Lunar Mansion: Net
Day Officer: Establish
Heavenly Pardoning Day
Set a tone of giving and receiving forgiveness in your life. Be surprised by the rewards.


Sunday August 11th Fire Sheep 丁未
Star: 2
Lunar Mansion: Pleiades
Day Officer: Closed
Good decisions are what make this a good day. No actions are favored. Wars avoided due to weather?


Saturday August 10th Fire Horse 丙午
Star: 3
Lunar Mansion: Stomach
Day Officer: Open
The kind of day that might push you to burnout without you noticing because well, you are having fun. It’s unexpected. Use the Fire to help your seasonal preparations.


Friday August 9th Wood Snake 乙巳
Star: 4
Lunar Mansion: Mound
Day Officer: Receive
Everyone comes to watch the show but of course it rains. It’s probably a delay. Wood Snake - always with the waiting. Hexagram 5.


Thursday August 8th Wood Dragon 甲辰
Star: 5
Lunar Mansion: Astride
Day Officer: Success
Aggressive moves. The process that’s been happening under the surface finds some kind of completion, but not an ending. Even on an inauspicious day someone is lucky.


Water Monkey Month Animal Fortunes - August 2024 -


Monday August 7th Water Rabbit 癸卯
壬申 Water Monkey month
Solar Term 立秋 Li Qiu (Autumn Begins) 09:05
It’s the first day of autumn in the Chinese calendar. In the Monkey month the season of Metal begins and so the qi begins to contract, turning inward.


Tuesday August 6th Water Tiger 壬寅
Star: 7
Lunar Mansion: Room
Day Officer: Danger
When you see that it’s an Extinct day, you know that the following day is the beginning of a new season. Summer is over, but not the heat.


Monday August 5th Metal Ox 辛丑
Star: 8
Lunar Mansion: Danger
Day Officer: Destruction
Expect clashes around rules and the lack of enforcement. Conflicts potentially escalate so be ready to end them quickly and with flexibility. Hexagram 6.


Sunday August 4th Metal Rat 庚子
Star: 9
New Moon 04:13 PDT
Lunar Month Water Monkey
An auspicious day and yet, there are really no favorable activities other than talking about things that are hard to talk about. Kind of like 2020.


Saturday August 3rd Earth Pig 己亥
Star: 1
Lunar Mansion: Maiden
Day Officer: Stable
A day to be like a monk or a nun? What would it mean to dedicate your life to service? You might try that on today. Be humble.


NEW CLASS OFFERING: BaZi Combinations -
NEW Group Class Offering for September
Learn all about BaZi combinations in the 癸酉 Water Rooster month. As you may already know, the Dragon and Rooster combine to create Metal. What does this mean?!


Friday August 2nd Earth Dog 戊戌
Star: 2
Lunar Mansion: Ox
Day Officer: Balance
Time to hit the road. Partings could be hard today unless you know that in time all will be as it’s meant to be. Surrendering to Earth.


Thursday August 1st Fire Rooster 丁酉
Star: 3
Lunar Mansion: Dipper – Northern Palace
Day Officer: Full
One of the most helpful things to do today would be to go for a walk. Send some gratitude towards your home on the way back.


Wednesday July 31st Fire Monkey 丙申
Star: 4
Lunar Mansion: Basket
Day Officer: Remove
Cleaning up a nasty mess. Be curious enough to sort through and you might be rewarded. You might.


Tuesday July 30th Wood Sheep 乙未
Star: 5
Lunar Mansion: Tail
Day Officer: Establish
The challenge today is to keep your heart open when you know it’s so vulnerable and exposed.


Monday July 29th Wood Horse 甲午
Star: 6
Heavenly Pardoning Day
Sometimes dreams and memories can open doors we’ve forgotten that we closed. That what today is for. Revive an old back up plan? You don’t have to decide today, just be open.


Sunday July 28th Water Snake 癸巳
Star: 7
For students: When can Water turn to Fire?
Maybe today around noon. That’s the 戊午 Wu Wu hour.
Three branches coming together 巳 午 未 makes it possible. Could be harsh as well as helpful.


Saturday July 27th Water Dragon 壬辰
Star: 8
Lunar Mansion: Foundation
Day Officer: Receive
Speak with courage and you can avert the misunderstanding that might come when emotions are intense. Just say it. No fear, hear.


Friday July 26th Metal Rabbit 辛卯
Star: 9
Lunar Mansion: Neck
Day Officer: Success
Precision isn’t everything and taking chances suits this day. Get a haircut. Be a beautiful “mess”.

What is Serious Feng Shui?

serious: of an action or occupation: requiring earnest thought; characterized by careful consideration and application; performed with sincerity.

All Services based on Traditional Chinese models unless otherwise noted.

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Thursday November 30th Water Dragon 壬辰Star: 5Lunar Mansion: AstrideDay Officer: InitiateTiming and proportions are off. ...