At Ketology, we believe the right mindset + a solid plan + consistent action = life-changing results. Online Keto Coaching


Good Energy just arrived this morning and after reading the introduction, I am quite certain this book is going to be a must read for anyone interested in human health.

I haven’t been posting much here lately because I am less and less interested in weight loss, and more and more interested in health gain. If you are obese, keto is a great tool to help you lose body fat. But ultimately, I think the key to a lean, strong and healthy body is to simply avoid processed food as much as humanly possible.

I’ll post my 90 second review once I finish the book.


Look... I know that low carb isn't the only way to lose weight, but when reading through the comments in my neighborhood FB group when someone asked for weight loss advice... I wanted to scream!

If it was as simple as eating less calories than you burn, 4 out of 5 people in the US would not be overweight. Yes, calories count, but that doesn't mean you need to count calories. In fact, counting calories is about as effective as trying to become a millionaire by looking for loose change in your couch cushions.

Instead of counting calories, focus on eating foods that fill you up (fat & protein) and avoid foods that make you hungry (processed carbs). You'll automatically end up eating less without having to reply on willpower and you won't have to kill yourself in the gym.

If you are struggling to lose weight, watch the 5-minute video at the link in the comments and you'll understand why your efforts have not been working.


If you are a guy trying to lose weight by eating salads and counting calories… you are doing it wrong!

If you want 11 practical guidelines that will help you achieve safe, sustainable, fat loss, download the KetoCode Commandments at (link in bio)


This half pound, grass fed cheeseburger topped with crispy pork belly might be the best burger I’ve ever made!


Today marks 13 years of mostly low-carb living.

According to the "so-called experts" I should be dead by now based on the amount of beef, bacon, and butter I have consumed in that timeframe.

In a typical week, I usually eat 10-15 pounds of beef, a couple pounds of bacon, and a couple sticks of butter. I eat a few other things as well, but that accounts for the vast majority of the calories I consume.

Fortunately, they got it wrong when it comes to saturated fat. Beef, bacon and butter should be the foundation of your diet if you want to be healthy.

I'm no longer pre-diabetic.

I no longer have high blood pressure.

I am not on any medication whatsoever.

I have endless energy.

I sleep like a rock and I just feel good all of the time.

The trick is to avoid processed foods as much as possible. It's not easy in today's world, but it is possible.

Carbs are not the enemy... processed carbs are.

But if you want to lose a significant amount of weight, giving up all/most carbs is a great way to begin.

My KetoCode Reset will show you exactly what to do to turn your body into a fat burning machine and it will provide you all the resources so that you will actually put the plan into action.

It will also show you how and when you can enjoy some carbs again once you've hit your goal.

Back in 2010, I started my low-carb journey the week before Christmas thinking to myself that if I was able to lose weight during the holidays, I could do it any time.

As it turns out... I was right. I lost 9 pounds the first week and by the end of the year, I was down 15 pounds. 13 years later I effortlessly maintain a 75 pound loss (and I do eat carbs from time to time).

Most people will wait until New Years to try a new weight loss or fitness plan, but I encourage you to start today!

You can save $500 on the KetoCode Reset if you sign up BEFORE Christmas at

Of course you can wait until New Years to sign up, but you will have to pay full price (still totally worth it, but why not save some cash?!?!)

I would love to help you crush your health and fitness goals in 2024, but I think the real trick it to get started now!


Pro tip: when making bacon cheeseburgers, be sure to add some extra bacon on the side.

If you want 11 practical guidelines that will help you achieve safe, sustainable, fat loss, download the KetoCode Commandments at (link in bio)


1,000 shares! Thanks to all of you who continue to support and share about I am on a mission to help people improve their health by losing excess body fat in a way that doesn’t suck!

If you want 11 practical guidelines that will help you achieve safe, sustainable, fat loss, download the KetoCode Commandments at (link in bio)


The thing about low-carb that is like magic, is that it helps you control your hunger. If you are simply eating small(er) portions, you’ll likely be hungry all the time and eventually your willpower will run out and you’ll eat more than you intended to. Start your day with a bunch of healthy fat and protein, and you’ll be satisfied for hours! Plus, you’ll keep your blood sugar and insulin low, which enables you to tap into stored fat for fuel (which is the whole point). All the fat in your body if simply food you ate a long time ago and didn’t need the energy, so your body stored it for later use. When you’re eating all the time, and your insulin is high (due to high blood sugar) you won’t be able to tap into the stored fat.

Start your day with a couple of bunless bacon cheeseburgers, a side of sausage, and a small avocado and you won’t need to eat again for hours.

Btw, there’s still a few days left in October (my birthday month) and you can sign up for the KetoCode Reset for only $50/mo. Details at (clickable link in bio)


To celebrate my 50th birthday, you can now sign up for The KetoCode Reset for only $50/mo (normally $997). Details at (clickable link in bio).

Photos from's post 28/08/2023

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be expensive. I just got four days worth of food for under $40. 5 pounds of grass fed 80/20 ground beef @ $2.99 per pound. 3 pounds of bacon (also at $2.99/pound). 4 honeycrisps apples, 4 avocados, and 4 sweet potatoes. I basically split this up into two meals. I cook 1.25 pounds of ground beef and 10 strips of bacon (3/4 pound), and dice the sweet potato and crisp in the air fryer. I put half the meat in a bowl, add in the sweet potatoes, top with the avocado, and then have about 5 strips on bacon. A few hours later for my 2nd meal, I eat the reat of the beef and bacon and slice up the apple and put cinnamon on it. Oh, and I typically put some on the meat.


Tomorrow is August 1st and the perfect time to start the KetoCode Reset. Give up added sugar, refined grains, and processed seed oils for 90 days and you will be transformed! Sign up today at (tip: if you request a copy of the KetoCode Commandments you can save 50% on the Reset)


Christmas is just about 5 months away. What if you could lose 10 pounds a month and learn to keep it off for good? Trust me, if you sign up for the Lose 50 by Christmas challenge the only thing on your list this year will be new clothes.


The 4th KetoCode Commandment (and simplest piece of health and nutritional advice:

Eat real food, avoid processed crap.

It really is that simple (but it’s not necessarily easy in the current food environment). Get the other KetoCode Commandments at

Photos from's post 08/06/2023

Only a few hours left to save 50% on the KetoCode Reset and finish in time for Labor Day. Be sure to read the UN-Guarantee and you understand why the plan works so well. You must have skin in the game. Sign up at


Start your day off with a 1/2 pound bacon cheeseburger made with wagyu beef and you’ll be satisfied for hours. Most people trying to lose weight will try to limit their calories. I don’t worry about calories. I just eat foods that fill me up and avoid foods that make me hungrier. This burger was so incredibly delicious and satisfying that I won’t even think about for again until this evening.

If you want 11 practical guidelines that will help you achieve safe, sustainable, fat loss, download the KetoCode Commandments at (link in bio)


Tomorrow is June 1st and the perfect time to start the KetoCode Reset. Summer is grilling season which makes low carb even easier. Imagine how you’d feel if you were able to lose between 20-40 pounds in the next 90 days AND you learned how you could keep it off for good. Save 50% for a limited time at (clickable link in bio). Let’s go! I will not let you fail!


Out of all the the KetoCode Commandments, this is the most controversial… “Eat a meat based diet.” While the whole world is promoting a plant based diet, I assure you that it has nothing to do with health. It’s all about the profitability of processed foods. Most people are already on a plant based diet as a majority of Americans get over 70% of their calories from sugar, grains and seed oils (which are all plant based). The sooner you realize red meat is a health food and it’s the sugar, grains, and seed oils that are making everyone fat and sick the better off you will be.

If you want all 11 practical guidelines that will help you achieve safe, sustainable, fat loss, download the KetoCode Commandments at (link in bio)


I love this! Not only is Ray down 21 pounds in 6 weeks since starting The KetoCode Reset, he's turning this way of eating into a lifestyle and even managed to stay on track while traveling!

Get your KetoCode Commandments at and if you need help putting the plan into action, sign up for the Reset!


Instead of focusing on calories, try managing your insulin levels. You’ll find you don’t necessarily have to eat less, you just have to eat better.

When your insulin is high, you will not be able to tap into stored body fat no matter how much you exercise or how big of a calorie deficit you are in.

If you want 11 practical guidelines that will help you achieve safe, sustainable, fat loss, download the KetoCode Commandments at (link in bio)


If you sign up for The KetoCode Reset within the next 2 days, you can expect to lose 20-40 pounds by the 4th of July.

Hint: If you download a copy of the KetoCode commandments at you can save $500 on the Reset.


Thanks to everyone who watched the new video at I appreciate all the feedback. It’s seems like this slide has been hitting home with several of you. Low carb isn’t for everyone, but it might be for you. Watch the video and find out.

If you want 11 practical guidelines that will help you achieve safe, sustainable, fat loss, download the KetoCode Commandments at (link in bio)


New video alert.

If you are frustrated that none of your weight loss efforts have worked long-term... you owe it to yourself to watch the brief video at


The current episode of the Peak Human podcast is a must-listen for anyone concerned about their health. (link in comments)

Photos from's post 12/04/2023

Hands down the best bacon I’ve ever had and that is saying something! The photo doesn’t adequately show the thickness and meaty goodness. $8 a slice a la cart of $14 for 3 strips. It comes in a bunch of different flavors but I just went with original because there’s no need to enhance the taste of bacon.


If you care about your health, or the health of your loved ones, this episode of the Stay Free podcast with is an absolute must watch/listen. Link in bio.


If you are struggling to maintain a healthy weight despite your best efforts, get 11 practical guidelines that will help you achieve safe, sustainable, fat loss.

Download the KetoCode Commandments at (link in bio)


Today was the final day of my February experiment. Ground beef topped with cheese, steak and sausage, with a half of an avocado.


Day 27 of . 2 steaks and a side of sausage.


Day 26 of . Tri tip with a side of sausage.

Videos (show all)

Fauci had it right back in 2019, yet I haven’t heard him, or any other government officials, mention any of this things ...
The 90-Day KetoCode Reset starts January 1st. If you sign up by the end of the year you can name your price. Link in com...
Take a few minutes to discover why counting calories may be keeping you fat. If this video resonates with you, sign up f...