Charlene Christiano

Charlene Christiano

Charlene Christiano MSN ANP-BC is an Integrative Health & Advanced Energy Medicine Practitioner


It is rare for me to have time to simply get quiet, take a breath and rest. After working this morning, I chose to spend the rest of my afternoon in quiet contemplation. Getting validation only makes me smile.
(From the "Secrets of the Mystic Grove" deck by Arwen Lynch)


I tried to share this the usual way and couldn't do it. There is always a work around.

I have worked with Michele Grace Lessirard for many years doing various programs with her which have all been incredibly transformative. Last June, I did her 5th annual Doodle Your Passions (TM) Journal Prompt and was blown away at the insights and shifts which happened. If you are ready to let go of old stories, especially around money, and want true expansion and transformation in your life or business, I highly recommend doing this one.

"Michele Grace Lessirard
This week I'll be publishing my 6th annual Doodle your Passions™ Journal Prompt... taking you through the energy of Jupiter in Gemini and what that means in your life and business.
Jupiter asks for expansion.
Gemini focuses on speaking truth to power. Telling our stories. Power of your voice.
Right before I start writing.... I'm led down a rabbit hole. Look at this date, look at that date. There and then. Here and now. It's a dance.
Not on my mailing list? You're invited to join my community. Link in first comment."

PS: not sure why her name will not highlight either. I will put the link in he comments.


Not everything which happens to you has a reason, a lesson, or deep meaning. It can simply be life happens.

I Call Back My Power - Lee Harris & Davor Bozic 14/02/2024

Perhaps, the greatest of all love is the one you have for yourself. It has to start with you first to be the powerful emanator unto others. Reclaim your power to love. Call it back.

Enjoy the video and begin to feel the shift in your own heart.

PS: It's under 10 minutes

I Call Back My Power - Lee Harris & Davor Bozic Available Now:"I Call Back My Power" is the second mantra from Lee Harris & Davor Bozic's release MEDICINE MANTRAS. The story told i...


COVID is running rampant again in many states. I have 4 new clients with it in the past 6 days. While it may present lighter in most people, it is still invasive throughout the body unlike the flu virus. Please, take precautions and avoid getting it. We still do not know the long-term sequela from repeated infections on the heart, lungs, brain, nervous system, kidneys, GI and immune systems.

Animoto video 01/01/2024

Let the new year begin...

Animoto video Animoto makes video creation easy! Animoto's video maker turns your photos and video clips into professional videos in minutes. Fast and shockingly simple!


May 2024 fill you with peace, health and prosperity.


teaching moment.

Colorectal cancer.

Rising rates are happening amongst younger people. It is no longer an old person disease. In 2020, people younger than 50 yrs old made up to 20% of those diagnosed. Some in their 20s, 30s and 40s.

It almost always starts from a polyp in the large intestine.

Symptoms are pain, discomfort, change in bowel habits, blood in your stool ("p**p"), and unexplained weight loss.

High fat, low fiber diet, highly processed foods, obesity, to***co and alcohol contribute to its development.

Family history raises your risk, including breast and ovarian cancer history.

Testing should begin by age 45yrs.

Cologuard is easy to do with a high sensitivity detection rate. For older people, there is higher false positive rate.

Colonscopy is the usual gold standard for high risk people and those with family history.

I have had 2 members of my immediate family die from colon cancer. My father had a common type: adenocarcinoma. My sister had from a very rare type: medullary.

Today, I had my 4th colonscopy in approximately 20 yrs. I am on the 5 yr plan and not the usual 7-10 yr plan.

Happy to report there are no polyps or masses. Colon lumen is clean and healthy. Good for another 5 years.

If you are 45 yrs or older, give your family the gift of getting a screening. There is no better gift than you being present in their life.

May you all have a wonderful and healthy holiday season.


Many years ago, when I was new to the game of online marketing, I purchased a couple of "lifetime" products to use. They were ahead of the curve. For one of them, it helped give them seed money to build out. It wasn't cheap at the time.

Both products are well known and are still used in the marketing world. Both declined to honor the "lifetime purchase" I made because they "created something new" and the "old one" was going away (2 years after purchasing). In each case I was offered to buy the new one, of course, with no discount. Nope. They lost their integrity and lost a customer.

Yesterday, I got an email offer from one of the above mentions offering another "lifetime" of the same named product doing the same thing. Of course, they upgraded as technology did, but the basic function and purpose is exactly the same. Thousands more. Nope. Not going to fool me twice.

Around the same time, I bought a third program with a lifetime purchase guarantee. This year, there was a confusing email go out talking about an increase in price. I asked for clarity on the forum and the builder responded directly. He spoke to holding the integrity of the lifetime offers and will not increase any of them even though so many others have done so. Now, this is a product I will continue to use. One who honors their word no matter how many enhancements they do for everyone.

If you offer a "lifetime" product or service, you better mean lifetime at the same price. Losing your integrity destroys the trust people have in you and ultimately will damage your reputation and bottom line.


Imagine if hackers and spammers actually found something constructive to do for humanity.


Please note: someone is "recommending" me under false pretense to do crypto business with an individual other than me. First, I do not know these people. Secondly, I do not have a crypto business. Do not contact them or do business with them under my name. It is spam.


When things go wrong, listen to the intuitive messages you receive. Your next steps in life may become very clear. Be willing to listen them.


Some days, a biscuit looks yummy.

2 cups all-purpose flour , packed (if using self-rising flour, omit baking powder and salt)
1 Tbsp baking powder (leave out if using self-rising flour)
½ tsp salt (leave out if using self-rising flour)
½ cup butter, salted, cut in small pieces
Full Recipe


Back from the eye specialist for a few hours now. The good news, the eye is stabile and my brain will adapt at some point and "not see" the glob of vitreous gel sitting right in my line of sight.
The not so great news is my eyes are still so dilated I can barely see much beyond my hand. Hard to work like this let alone be out in the sunlight yet.


For a "low calorie" summer treat. This sounds good.


Easy to make, but even easier to eat, this Pineapple Bread will become a huge hit with the family VERY quickly! Be sure to save yourself some because before you know it, it will be G-O-N-E!

Get $10 Gift Card from REVIVE! 02/07/2022

Anyone having trouble falling asleep?
Even with doing all the great pre-bedtime things to wind down your brain and nervous system, sometimes that isn't enough.

I found something that works for me which I have used for the past 2 months now.

Sleep essential oil by Revive.

A few drops on the bottom of my feet and I feel my body relaxing in minutes. I sleep better when I use it, too.

This is a direct to consumer brand which I really have learned to love after trying all the network marketing brands (at a higher cost). And, they have free shipping in the US and Canada. Cannot beat that one. Oh, and no membership fees.

Want to check it out, use this link:

For transparency, if you order using this one, we each get a $10 gift certificate. How cool is that?!

Give Sleep a try. I am pretty confidant you will love it as much as I do.

Get $10 Gift Card from REVIVE! I buy REVIVE Essential Oils and love them! Check out the company and get a $10 gift card when you buy with my link. They are 100% pure and every batch is GC/MS tested.


Women have incredible knowledge. Nice to see a man appreciate it. Enjoy!

Why omicron is crushing hospitals — even though cases are often milder than delta 30/01/2022

While there is reason for some optimism around this last variant, and while the symptoms appear to be less severe, the numbers of hospitalized are the highest due to the sheer number of infected people.
Great article about its impact still.

Why omicron is crushing hospitals — even though cases are often milder than delta People who get infected with omicron are less likely to go to the hospital, go on a ventilator or die. But with the current huge volume of patients, hospitals are still struggling to treat them all.

The Healing Power of Herbs - Nature's Sunshine USA 20/01/2022

One of my favorite and go-to herbal supplements is Ashwagandha. It has been used in the ayurvedic tradition to enhance wellbeing. This is the one I use and for today only there is a $5.00 off coupon.

The Healing Power of Herbs - Nature's Sunshine USA The first company to put herbs into easy-to-take capsules, delivering results you expect. Shop over 600 herbal supplement products, and get 25% off your first order.


When your client tells you they cannot believe how much their life has transformed in the past six months from working with me, it makes me smile.


Having done energy medicine now on clients infected by all 3 , there are differences and similarities with each. It remains to be seen if the omicron variant leads to long hauler symptoms and permanent damage. Too soon to tell. Mask up, everyone. This new variant replicates faster than rabbits.


Not getting vaccinated and banking on getting a monoclonal antibody infusion instead is a bad bet to take. Two are not effective and one cannot be obtained by many hospitals.

Hospitals are maxing out of available beds in many states and this wave just started. Staff are walking out, no longer willing or able to go through another wave of useless attempts to save people who refuse to save themselves and get abused by them instead.

When war zone type triage starts, better known as who to treat and who to let die, do not be surprised or angry. We have been seeing this coming and saying it since the beginning of this pandemic. People simply thought it was fear mongering and a joke.
It is no joke. We have the plans already drawn up ready to implement.

You still have time to do everything you can to help mitigate this next wave. Just do it.

COVID-19 Can Infect Nerve Cells and Cause a Range of Neurological and Psychiatric Symptoms 01/12/2021

While the focus is now on the US overcoming the variant while watching for the variant, neurological research is beginning to show us what we saw was happening since the onset of the Alpha variant: and (damage) impact.
Further research will determine if it is temporary or permanent.

COVID-19 Can Infect Nerve Cells and Cause a Range of Neurological and Psychiatric Symptoms The cluster of neurological symptoms associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection, the virus that causes COVID-19, suggests the virus can enter the brain and affect neural function. New findings were presented at Neuroscience 2021, the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience and the world’s largest...


When a client is ready for their second monthly session and sends me a message:
"This has been amazing. You are amazing. This is the start of a very long relationship!!"

Photos from Charlene Christiano's post 11/10/2021

When life and business get to be draining, I take a step back, stay off the computer and phone, and do something I love to do. One thing is gardening. Something about playing in dirt, physical exertion and seeing the beauty of plants rejuvenates the soul. What do you do for self care?


There is a new energy coming in for the past few weeks which is causing people difficulties assimilating and integrating it. It acts like a centrifuge and stirs the deep proverbial pot on all levels, "clogging up the pipelines" blocking flow. I have worked for decades with these energy changes and this one is the hardest yet for people.

It can cause stress, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, anger, grief, pain, stomach and intestinal upset,, and sleep disturbances. You have this sense of change but cannot describe it, which triggers fear of loss of control and vulnerability.

If you are struggling and need support, please schedule a consult to discuss how I may be help you.

Week in Review: September 13, 2021 13/09/2021

With a career steeped in science and numbers, I love reading what epidemiologists have to say about things regarding health.

This article about is totally data driven and clearly shows what is happening and why.

It isn't pretty and you may not like what you see. Definitely worth a read either way.

Week in Review: September 13, 2021 And, a note about blue/red states and evangelicals


Has anyone been experiencing an increase in fatigue? Stress? Anxiety? Agitation? Dizziness or lightheadedness? A feeling like you are not in your own body?

Three weeks ago during client sessions, I began to see and feel it. With each client it was nearly identical, except for the intensity and rapidity of it fully coming in which seems to be individualized. A new, very potent and transforming energy. And unlike all the others I have seen, this one completely changes the immune system.

It knocks the socks off people.

As it continues to integrate, it acts like a centrifuge, spinning out all types of toxic and old energies from every energy system, every organ and bodily system, and every cell. It collects to form a thick blackish dense "blob" which clogs up everything and creates a back flow effect, like stopped up sewage lines.

This disconnects and distorts energy systems due to the body being in overload. Staying grounded is extremely difficult. Energy fields rapidly deplete and pull upward. Chakras get congested, blocked and stop flowing. Hara lines disconnect and get filled with debris. Grids get coated and some have warped.

An intensive surge and overloading of our "circuitry" is happening. Our nervous systems and adrenals can feel like they are sizzling.

We are evolving. Our bodies need to change and adapt. Old emotional and mental constructs are falling away. We are being stripped of that which prevents our full light body from being completely present in the world.

It is no coincidence we are under the external stressors at the same time - a global pandemic, climate change events, wild weather, systems collapsing, ideological divisions, etc. - all converging at the same time. It is an external breakdown and breakthrough as much as a personal human breakdown and breakthrough.

And while we would like this to be a "quick get it done with it already", this is not the case. It is here where we are seeing signs of resistance. The desire for "normal". Normal was not great for a huge number of people. Why do you want to repeat it?

There is no going back. There is no normal.

And not everyone will survive this evolutionary process.

This is the collective, "when s**t hits the fan" time.

How is this a good thing? It is and will be.

It will not be an easy time for the vast majority of us. Many will hide their difficulties to continue protecting their vulnerability. Being a pollyanna and "all love and light" will not help you either. It only prolongs the process and we see right through your inauthenticity anyway. It is time to drop the masks, people, and look in the mirror.

What can you do to support the process and make it easier to adapt to the changes?

1. Self care is paramount. Sleep, nutrition and stress reducing activities are critical, such as exercise, meditation, massages, quiet time.

2. Be kind to yourself and others. We all need it.

3. Find communities to support your emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

4. Take breaks from social media and the news feeds. We are in information overload.

5. Find joy every day even in the smallest of things. Simply watching birds at a feeder can bring a smile to your face.

6. Gratitude for what was and the lessons learned. Gratitude for the present moment and all it offers.

7. Create something your heart desires. Make it your own. Share it with the world or keep it for yourself.

8. Play and have some fun. As we get older, we forget how important it is to laugh. Let go of adulting for awhile.

9. Recognize when you need support and ask for it. This is the time not to go it alone.

These past 2+ decades has prepared me for this time to energetically facilitate this enormous evolutionary process. If you need help bringing in, processing through,, and anchoring this energy much easier, please reach out to me.


For the past 2 weeks, I have been assisting others to bring in and integrate a new, very potent and high frequency energy into their body and energy systems. It is causing some challenges by accelerating deep wound healing of core issues which "clogs" up the energy. It is also modifying body structures to accommodate this new frequency and resonance. This is requiring increase support to clients on all levels. The results so far are revealing incredible healing. Wonderful to facilitate and witness.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00