Help Find Meatball

Help Find Meatball

This page is dedicated to Probie who was lost & FOUND after a fatal car accident in Liberty Hill, TX.


We need help!! If you live or have a business with outdoor cameras within three miles from the Liberty Hill Library, would you please check your camera footage for a possible Meatball sighting for us? He went missing around 10am on Wedn, 11/1. If you find something, please message it to our page or email the footage to [email protected]. Thank you so much!! 🐾🐾


Please contact Help Find Meatball and/or one of the numbers below if you see Meatball. He was last seen south of Hwy 29/Loop 332 in Liberty Hill. He is EXTREMELY skittish, so please do not attempt to capture or even look at him for too long. He will bolt. We have a humane trap ready to drop at a moment’s notice. Thank you!


If you have a sighting, please do NOT attempt to capture. Text one of the numbers below and/or message our page while trying to keep eyes on him without him knowing he’s been seen. He is an EXTREME flight risk, however, we can have someone on the scene within minutes. Thank you for your help!!

From Meatball’s Dad:


We are on Day 3 without our beloved dog, Meatball. Each moment without him is difficult for our family, and we are asking our community for help.

🐾 Name: Meatball 🐾 Description: Brown/White 🐾 Last Seen: Near the 800 Block of CO RD 279 and Liberty Hill Middle School, Liberty Hill, TX

Meatball is very skittish by nature. If you spot him, please do not chase as it may frighten him further. Instead, if you could 📲 call or text us IMMEDIATELY at 512-552-7688 or 512-497-9242, we would be deeply grateful.

A $1,000 REWARD is being offered for any information leading to Meatball's safe return. He's not just a pet; he's a part of our family.

🔍 Please help us by:

• Sharing this post and talking about Meatball to your friends and family.

• Looking in your yards, garages, and under porches - any space where a little dog might take refuge.

• Keeping an eye out during the quiet times of dusk and dawn when Meatball might be more likely to venture out for food or water.

For your safety and Meatball's, please take care when searching and avoid taking risks or entering private property without permission.

Let's make this post go viral for Meatball! Like, comment, and share! Every bit of interaction helps us extend our reach. Check back here for updates and possibly more pictures to aid in your search.

Thank you for all your help and support during this time. Let’s bring Meatball home!


Hello All! We are in the midst of switching the page over to Meatball. He is a brown Boston Terrier who went missing on Wedn, 11/1. He is very skittish, so PLEASE do not attempt to capture him. If you have a sighting, text one of the numbers on the poster and/or message our page. We are prepared to drop a humane trap ASAP.

Please share this post to help spread the word! If you are able to share to a private neighborhood FB page, please comment below with the name of the neighborhood, so we can keep track of which private neighborhood pages have been contacted. Thank you for all of your help!!

Photos from Help Find Meatball's post 13/06/2023

Look who I got today. Bandit and Nova. Going for vet follow up! They are healing up nicely. These are such good dogs! Over a hundred pounds each and they are easier to deal with then my 5lb. chihuahua 😂

Photos from Help Find Meatball's post 31/05/2023

Nova and Bandit, lovingly called The Coneheads, are out of the hospital and getting some much needed R&R! Thank you for all the donations to Mercy Veterinary Hospital! All of the expenses were covered with donations!! They have a follow up appointment in 14 days for a checkup and to get stitches out.

Just realized most of the pics from today were taken from behind them. It’s safer for my shins to be on the butt end of a cone! 🤣 I’ll try to get some better pics posted soon! They’re curious and exploring their current stomping grounds while learning how to drive a cone. 😂

Photos from Help Find Meatball's post 30/05/2023

***6/1/23 ALL vet funds were raised and vet bill paid in full. Nova and Bandit are under the care of Amy until they can go home. We are truly blessed to have such compassionate friends, family, followers & community to assist this family and their babies. A link to a go fund me is posted at the bottom of this post to assist the family further. Follow the page for all future updates. Thank you sincerely!***

5/30/23 3:45 pm Hi everyone! This will be the last update of the evening. Nova and Bandit are doing great. They will be staying the evening with Dr. Daigle and his amazing compassionate team at Mercy Veterinary Hospital.

Tentatively, Amy will be picking both of them up tomorrow and they will stay with her at Dancing Dog Bed & Biscuit for medical aftercare until the family is able to retrieve them. Nova received several stitches and wound clean up. We thought the black color on her fur was dried blood from her wounds. That is where Nova was thrown from the vehicle and hit the asphalt. That is asphalt on her. In other words severe road rash. Her wounds contained gravel and muscle was exposed in several areas.

Bandit, we were told, did remain in the vehicle. He was trapped in the backseat, so when the vehicle rolled, the glass from the windows was breaking, and he most likely cut his foot in the midst of the rotations. It had to be stitched because tendons were exposed.

These invoices are the current amount due. This does not include overnight care and boarding. We still need help on this one. When I left the vet a short while ago, we had received $140 in donations. Please donate if you can. The owner Robert is in ICU and cannot take on any responsibility for his dogs at this time so we as a community should step in and help as much as we can. Donations will be used to cover the medical needs of the dogs. Once their medical needs are met, the remaining funds will be used for Robert’s medical expenses or physical needs the family may have to get him back home (ie ramp into the house, bathroom equipment, etc.)

We need their current brand of food purchased from Tractor Supply. It's Victor brand. I don't think it matters which one as long as we keep to brand. Please share. Help if you are inclined. Please keep the family and Robert in your thoughts as he has a long road to recovery. Some photos may be sensitive to look at. I'm sorry I cannot figure out how to put the blur to them so you have the option to look or not. Thank you all once again!

Donations: Mercy Veterinary Hospital 512-890-2000 Tonya Arceneaux/Lost Paws/Nova & Bandit






Keeping everyone in the loop. We are currently at Mercy Veterinary Hospital with Bandit and Nova. Both are pretty busted up. Nova is currently being sedated for wound inspection/wound clean up and stitches. Bandit is being sedated for wound care and received x-ray to make sure his foot was not broken. Muscle exposed on Nova, tendons and ligaments exposed on Bandit. We need assistance on vet care. If you can donate any amount that would be helpful. Mercy 512-890-2000 under Tonya Arceneaux/Lost Paws/Nova & Bandit. I'll keep y'all posted as soon as the kiddos are ready to bust out of the vet. Thank you! Bandit in pic.


Quick update! Trying to change the name of the page to Bandit and Nova, but Amy's brain can't remember the correct password right now. There were actually two dogs in the rollover accident on 1869 last night. One dog, Bandit (a brindle mix) was secured on the scene. He has a deep cut to one foot, but no other visible wounds. Nova, tan pit mix, was thrown from the vehicle and secured via a hand capture by Amy this morning. She has bad road rash, several deep wounds (most likely from glass) and is tender to the touch.

Tonya has ties with Dr Daigle at Mercy Veterinary Hospital, and both dogs are on their way to have any medical needs tended to while their owner is currently under going surgery. We have spoken with the family and told them we are willing to take the dogs off of their to-do list, and they agreed to our wish. We will treat them as if they were our own dogs and make sure their all medical and emotional needs are met.

We will be posting more information once they are in the computer system at Mercy Veterinary Hospital in case anyone wishes to make a donation for their care. We may also take this page in a direction we have never gone in the past. The owner of the dogs suffered serious injuries and is also new to the community. Moving forward, depending on his and the family's needs, we may being be requesting assistance from the community to help meet their immediate needs as well.

Thank you for all your support! 💙🙏💙

PS--We will get a post regarding Blue's capture made asap. We have both been pulled in multiple directions the last couple weeks and haven't gotten it done, but it is definitely on our short list!


We found and secured Nova from the car accident on 1869 last night! Working to connect with owner and/or owner’s family now! Please pm page if you have any info. Thank you!


Our boy Blu is coming out of his shell, and he’s such a good boy! He does not have a microchip, but we did get him listed at WCRAS as a found dog.

There were reports of him being on CR 282 and possibly CR 281 before he arrived at Highland Oaks/CR 279. We are working at getting some ”Found Dog” posters made to put along his possible paths as well as getting him posted on lost/found fb pages. If anyone sees a lost dog posting that looks like him, please send the owner to our page and send us a screenshot of the posting.

We are working on a post of how he finally got caught. We were lucky enough to capture it all on video! Thank you all so much for picking up food he may have been accessing. We caught him on video earlier in the afternoon, and he was starting to finally act like a hungry dog. Being hungry was definitely a big reason he decided to enter the trap, but there’s another little surprise on why, too. 🤭😅 He did have a bad case of hives when he was caught, and we’ve almost gotten that under control. 💙💙

Photos from Help Find Meatball's post 10/05/2023

Blue’s safe, y’all!! We will post the whole story soon but wanted to post a few pics of the last hour for you! Tonight was going to be a practice run for getting him to know the new trap, but he decided he was ready to sleep inside tonight, so an incredible neighbor stepped up to the plate and hit it outta the park!! 💙🎉💙



We understand no one wants Blue to starve, but we need Blue to stop roaming and to feel safe at the trap by only eating at our food station, and this little porch thief is telling us he has lots of food connections. 😎 He is traveling between 3-5 miles a night picking up his porch deliveries in Highland Oaks and Silver Creek which makes trapping him considerably more difficult! 😳

This happens a lot because no one wants to see a hungry dog, but I’m sure many of you saw the Rotty who was sadly hit and killed on 279 a few weeks ago. We were involved in getting him back to his people, and one of Blue’s trails brings him dangerously close to 279. By luring him to porches, his life is more in danger than being hungry. 😰 We have a food station down where he gets more food than an 80 pound dog needs. If he becomes dependent on THAT SINGLE FOOD SOURCE, it will limit his roaming for food and make it easier to trap him. 🙏

We understand that it seems cruel to not leave food out for him, but if just 10 people are leaving out a cup of kibble, it means he’s eating 10 cups of food a night! That’s more food than a Great Dane eats in a day! 😂 In Blue’s mind, he hit the jackpot and is rewarded to widen is trek each night in hopes of more tasty morsels. The guy has actually put on weight over the last week! Look at how his harness is no longer sagging! 😅

We don’t want the outdoor cats to get hungry😼, so if you could place their food bowls somewhere above Blue’s head (4’ off the ground-he does stand on his hind legs in videos) for the next few days, it would also help tremendously! Thank you!! 🐶💜

**It appears a bot/scammer is trying to post a link to a Rotty page. We are deleting them as soon as we see them.”**


Looks like Blue weathered that storm last night and is sticking to his routine. He has a secret clubhouse where he is comfortable and returning to regularly. T minus 10 and counting!


Discovered this morning that ole Blue has a soft spot for HEB Homestyle Waffles! 😅 Me too, Blue, me too. 😂 Building trust and getting closer!! 🤞🧇🐶💜🙏


Strike 2! We pulled out all the stops in an attempt to desensitize ”Blue” from the trap and lure him inside, and he wasn’t buying what we’re selling. He delicately nibbled up every delicious morsel he could reach, told us ’thank you very much’ and went on his way.

This means Plan B. It’s time to dig out the motherload. The traps of all traps. A custom built beauty that won’t look like an Alien Transformer to him. We will be getting it transported and put together today. Depending on the weather, we may allow him a couple nights to investigate and become comfortable with it by setting down a feeding station with a camera to time stamp his arrival/departure times. Please don’t put down any food or treats for him. We need him to start relying solely on our feeding station.

Thanks again for all the reports and keep them coming! Every little detail helps. By connecting the dots with time/date/location, we are figuring out his nightly routine, and he’s been pretty religious to sticking to his schedule.

Photos from Help Find Meatball's post 02/05/2023

Not the news we want to give but update as of 5/2/23 6:40 am. This is as far as he would go. I suspect a caring person or persons are feeding him. He is not at all food motivated. We'll keep trying. It's not over until he's safe!

If you have food down, thank you for helping keep him in the area! We really need everyone to pick up any food they have out for the next few days. It will help motivate him to go into the trap. Come on, Blue!


FIrst, thank you so much for letting this fellow start to relax. By leaving him alone and letting him do his thing, we have gotten EYES ON HIM around a dozen times in the last 24 hours as well as sightings on cameras. 🎉🎉

We are planning to drop traps over the next 24 hours. If you happen across a trap, please cross to the opposite side of the street and give as much space between you and the trap as possible and keep on moving down the road. You won’t see us because now it’s our turn to hide. We will have cameras on the traps and will be monitoring them from around a corner every single second the trap is on the ground. WHEN he enters, we will be there within seconds.

Hopefully, with all of your help on this case, our next post will be of him smiling in the backseat of a vehicle! 🙏🙏

** If someone with access to your neighborhood groups could share this to those private groups, we’d greatly appreciate it! Thank you!! **


Quick update-Thank you so much for all the sightings! He definitely has a travel route. He’s pretty much a ghost at night, but the stitching on his harness reflects light really well as he passes by.

If you have cameras, please check them when you can. A screenshot is great but not necessary. What we need is direction moving, address and time/date, so something like ‘address’ heading west toward ‘address’ at 233am on 4/29”.

If it’s easier to text than use messenger, you may also send texts to 512-74zero-720two. Keep those sightings coming! They’re helping so much! Thank you, all!


We can not stress enough, PLEASE IGNORE THIS DOG!!!! He was eating out of my hand when someone stopped to see if I needed help, and he took off again. 😩

I know it sounds and feels backwards to not be a kind person and offer assistance, but this guy is tricky-tricky-tricky and extremely intuitive!!

Please act like he’s invisible, contact the page or call 512-7fourzero-720two if you see him! Thank you!


Hello Liberty Hill! We are in need of your help once again. We are currently working to capture a very elusive stray dog who is wearing a blue harness hence the name Blue. We are also hoping to find the owners. At this time, we are guessing he is a neutered male although we haven't gotten close enough to actual confirm our suspicions.

If you see him, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not approach him. He has proven multiple times that he is not interested in trusting any form of human interaction. Human interaction means DO NOT call to him, whistle at him, stare at him, park your car near him, toss treats to him, set food/water out for him, squeak a toy near him, or jingle your keys/honk your horn to get his attention.

PLEASE DO pretend he is invisible (which is what he wants to be), snap a picture and send the picture with an address/location description to our page. He does have an established path that he is becoming comfortable with repeating. He has located his food and water sources, so we don't need him to get pulled away from those to a new bowl of food/water that a Good Samaritan has put down. We want him to feel comfortable with the life he is establishing, so we can set a trap and capture him safely.

Photos from Help Find Meatball's post 18/10/2022

❤️🎉❤️🎉❤️Luna and Niete are home with their human brothers! ❤️🎉❤️🎉❤️

They also have a new safe space to go when workers need to open the driveway gate! Luna and Niete’s humans went shopping last week and have been working on putting this new enclosure together and reinforcing it while hoping for their dogs to return back home. Great job, guys! Your positivity, grace and perseverance is amazing and will be such a blessing as you go through life!! 💙💙

We also want to shoutout a huge THANK YOU to our animal community in Liberty Hill as well as across Texas and beyond. With the help of your shares, the people who needed to see the posts about Luna and Niete in order to get these two dogs back home saw them. It was nothing short of miraculous! 💚💚

This page was created when a young lady named Katie Kerr lost her life, and her dog Probie escaped in a fatal car accident on Hwy 29. On the evening Probie was found, there was an amazing cloud formation with an angel and a cross. Some people also saw a rainbow. Many of us at the time felt like Katie had a hand in getting Probie safe that night. We have taken this page out of retirement a couple times since then, and whenever we have, some pretty amazing things happen. Thank you to all of YOU for your loyalty, trust and assistance, and also, thank you to Katie for all the help you have given from above! 💜

Photos from Help Find Meatball's post 16/10/2022

‼️‼️UPDATE-Mon, 10/17 -- BREAKING NEWS ‼️‼️
Sorry of not getting this posted sooner!! It's been a crazy, busy morning and haven't had time to get on FB.

Luna and Nieve were driven back to Liberty Hill from Temple last night and returned to their family!!!! Thank you for all the shares and to all the people who helped make this possible. Pics will be posted shortly!!
UPDATE-Sun, 10/16
We have received information over the weekend that the dogs were picked up in Liberty Hill and driven to Georgetown. From Georgetown, they were driven to the Temple area.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE message this page with any information regarding where they have been or where they are currently. Thank you!

‼️ Please help bring these two dogs back home! ‼️

• Luna and Nieve are very loved and very missed!

• A worker left the driveway gate open when he left, and the dogs got out when they were let out of the house. The worker was instructed to close the gate when he left and either forgot or didn’t understand the directions.

• PM our page with any sightings or if you catch them.

• They are friendly, but both may bark. They understand Spanish and English.

• Luna is a female German Shepherd.

• Niete (Snow in Spanish) is a male Great Pyrennes.

Thank you for your help!


‼️‼️UPDATE-Mon, 10/17 -- BREAKING NEWS ‼️‼️
Luna and Nieve were driven back to Liberty Hill from Temple last night and returned to their family!!!! Thank you for all the shares and to all the people who helped make this possible. Pics will be posted shortly!!

Please help bring these two dogs back home! Luna and Nieve are very loved and very missed! A worker left the driveway gate open, and the dogs got out.

• PM our page with any sightings or if you find them.

• They may be taken to the Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter, and owners are prepared to show proof of ownership. Address is 1855 SE Inner Loop, Georgetown, TX 78626.

• Or call Animal Control at 512-260-4622 and ask them to pick up two found dogs.

Thank you for your help!


Here’s the last video! Lucy came completely out of her shell and showed her true personality! Such a smart and sassy lady!! 💖💖


Lucy got more and more excited as it started to sink in that this was really happening and she wasn’t dreaming! 😅💜💜

(Part 2 - I had to split the video to get it to load. One more video loading! 🤞🙏)


Here’s the video of Lucy and Dad being reunited! Look at Lucy’s little nub going a mile a minute! 💕💕

(Two more videos coming soon! Trying to get them to load now.)

Photos from Help Find Meatball's post 11/12/2021

Little Lucy Lou made it home today! I’m not sure who was more excited! Three videos of the reunion are posted on the page, too. 💕💕

Videos (show all)

Our boy Blu is coming out of his shell, and he’s such a good boy! He does not have a microchip, but we did get him liste...
Blue is making friends and coming out of his shell. We checked for a microchip this morning, and he doesn’t have one. We...
Looks like Blue weathered that storm last night and is sticking to his routine. He has a secret clubhouse where he is co...
Here’s the last video! Lucy came completely out of her shell and showed her true personality! Such a smart and sassy lad...
Lucy got more and more excited as it started to sink in that this was really happening and she wasn’t dreaming! 😅💜💜(Part...
Here’s the video of Lucy and Dad being reunited! Look at Lucy’s little nub going a mile a minute! 💕💕(Two more videos com...
