Orisha Creative: Nurture Marketing with Tamika Auwai

Orisha Creative: Nurture Marketing with Tamika Auwai

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Orisha Creative: Nurture Marketing with Tamika Auwai, Consulting Agency, .


In just a few hours we'll be stepping away from the 'office' to kick off our holiday festivities! ✌🏾🎄

As we enter this time of reflection, celebration and visioning for the year ahead, I want to thank YOU for being a valued member of our community.

It's admittedly been a quiet year on the socials with energies focused more towards private clients...
..AND there's a lot brewing behind the scenes that we can't wait to share in the coming months.

Cheers to continuing to grow together in 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣

Happy Holidays!


I joined the amazing Mellissa Seamen, Intuitive Strategist & host of the Channel Your Genius podcast for a fantastic conversation about Finding leads and making them count!

Listen in as we discuss:

❣️Staying prepared for the growth of your email list BEFORE you start lead gen
❣️Empathizing with your potential clients as a primary marketing strategy
❣️Nurturing your people before they become clients to accelerate their transformation



Over the past year my feed has gotten pretty crowded with posts calling out the sketchy practices we’ve all seen in the online coaching space.

These micro (or macro) rants get a TON of likes and plenty o' entertaining GIFs in the comments...
..but they rarely go beyond the core message of “burn it all down because the online space is evil"!

As well meaning as this "call out culture" aims to be (calling coaches up to a higher standard and rightly so), the constant poking at the problem without clear SOLUTIONS isn't all that helpful when you’re trying to build your business.

Now, I wholly agree that coaches (and marketers) need to rise above the selfies with a borrowed Lamborghini or glamor shots in front of the Eiffel Tower to allude to what's possible when you finally master their "proven formula" for locking in 100K in 10 days 🙈.

AND it's time for a deeper, solution-oriented conversation.

Enter an awesome resource I'm super proud to contribute to spearheaded by one of the SMARTEST, values-led business coaches I know, Dallas Travers.


"What to Do Instead" (WTDI) – a revolutionary digital magazine and podcast series dedicated to coaches like you who are driven by values and eager for real, actionable alternatives to the internet marketing trends that leave an awful taste in your mouth and do more harm than good.

>> Binge the Podcast & Download a copy of the Magazine in the comments

Why WTDI? Because it's not just about criticism.

It's about actionable (sleaze-free) solutions!

A Blueprint for Authentic Success:

Discover 28 actionable alternatives to the harmful and silly practices in the coaching world. Dallas, myself and 26 other brilliant business minds delve into the real nitty-gritty of running a values-based, profitable business so you can do business differently in 2024.

A Movement for Betterment:

Each new subscription to the WTDI magazine aids The Afiya Center in supporting reproductive justice for Black womxn and girls. Be a part of this noble cause – every subscriber counts.

Simplicity and Sustainability:

We understand that your goal is not just to make money but to make a difference while keeping things simple and sustainable. The practices you'll hear about follow suit.

Practical, Immediate Actions:

WTDI is filled with tangible actions from 28 of the smartest voices in the coaching space, ready for you to put into practice faster than I can google “who on earth is Travis Kelce?”.

So, here it is, folks…
..your invitation to join us on the journey to transform the coaching industry.

I can’t wait to see you there.

Step One:
Binge the entire What to Do Instead Podcast Series

Step Two:
Download the Free Companion Magazine.

***Remember, every download of the magazine = a $1 donation to The Afiya Center. Let’s make a difference together!***


Let’s do this!


Relationships MATTER in marketing! 👈

When we develop relationships with our audience (no matter where they are in their journey with us) we are able to more effectively address their needs.

And when we address and prioritize their needs as buyers, we ultimately fulfill the needs of our business (helping people and making sales).

Here's the thing, relationships with our ideal clients aren't the only relationships that matter.

🌱Fostering deep relationships with peers, your team, and even clients also pay off in spades.

🌱Strong peers can make introductions to other potential clients or opportunities.

🌱A powerful relationship with your team supports you in doing your best work with ease.

Maintaining relationships with your clients is the secret to referrals and repeat business.

And so much more!

Really think about this: How much more could your business grow (and do so authentically and joyfully) if you deepened relationships with the people surrounding your business?

If you want to build relational practices into the core of your business (or you want to deepen the relationships you’ve already nurtured), then you’re invited to join me for an incredible no-cost interview series I'm so excited to contribute to:

Success Beyond the Cart Interview Series
October 23rd - 27th, 2023
Live interviews daily at 1pm Eastern

During Success Beyond The Cart my colleague and brilliant Marketing Operations Consultant, , will be hosting intimate interviews with 5 business experts (including yours truly!) who will share their strategies on building and deepening relationships with:

**Networking peers

**Leads and prospects

**Your email subscribers

**Your team

**And your clients

I'll be sharing how to create nurture email campaigns that dish out everything your ideal clients need to see, hear, feel, know and understand in order to foster a relationship that leaves your prospects feeling confident that you're the mentor, coach, teacher, or consultant they need to hire next.

What I love about this interview series is that Lara designed it to get you thinking about and implementing 1 - 5 important approaches to relationship building in your business...
.. vs. structuring this as a firehose of dozens of ideas that you'll have to scramble to take in.

If you're ready to leverage the power of relationships to build your business head to the link in my comments to register!


Shutting 'er down to soak up the lazy hazy days of summer!

See you (sometime) in September friends ✌🏾


🙋🏽‍♀️ I have a quick request for everyone reading this post…

I want you to hold off on sending / writing your next newsletter until you’ve watched this FREE 20-minute training that we put together for you…

Especially if you’ve been relying on your newsletter as your primary lead nurture strategy…

And still find yourself hustling to see a single soul from your list step into your programs.

Hear me out on this because after watching, you can go ahead and schedule that newsletter, no harm done... OR *perhaps* you’ll want to ditch your weekly newsletter for our evergreen email strategy that transforms leads into new clients.

Now I’m not saying throw away your weekly newsletter entirely… but you need to understand that your newsletters are not usually engineered to help new leads orient themselves towards solving their problem with YOUR help.

Your newsletter might be establishing you as a knowledgeable expert sharing how-to’s, resources & success stories (assuming they’re opening your emails) BUT this isn’t what has your prospects decide to work with you.

Which is why I want to show you a way to more predictably leverage email marketing to have more new leads turn into new clients!

Now I can't share the entire strategy right here. Otherwise, this post would be a novel, so instead, I invite you to watch our NEW 20-minute on-demand training BEFORE you send your next newsletter.

In just 20 minutes, this on-demand training will reveal:

👉🏾 The real reason your lead gen and nurture efforts aren’t translating into new enrollments.

👉🏾 How to have qualified prospects from your list raising their hands to work with you, well before your next launch.

👉🏾 The super simple, highly effective email marketing framework that predictably turns more new leads into clients.

Click the link below to dive into New Leads Need Love: The Non-Sleazy, Evergreen Email Strategy That Transforms Leads into New Clients!


And be sure to come back here to share your thoughts in the comments!


If you could get the complete and absolute truth to ONE question, what would you ask? - I’ll go first in the comments... 😜


95% of what makes your marketing a success is communicating an aligned message...

If you want your campaigns to really land and connect with the prospects who want to hire you, you'll need to have the right message reach the right people at the right time.

We tend to spend a lot of time crafting the *right* message for the top and bottom of our funnels.

We name and re-name our freebies. We twiddle the language on our opt-in pages. We refine the lead magnet content itself. All so we can ensure it’s going to call in amazing prospects.

On the other end, we hire sales experts to support us in crafting our program promise, sales sequences, webinar content, etc

We do A LOT to ensure that when we make that offer, it gets ideal clients to say yes.

But what about the middle of the funnel?

What about the messaging that your new leads get after they enter your list... and before your sales campaign?

This *sweet spot* requires just as much love! Maybe even more…

Your middle of the funnel ‘nurture messaging’ is THE opportunity to pre-sell your programs and prime your new leads to become new clients.

And yet, we rarely apply the same effort to our nurture messaging as we do the rest of our funnel.

So in this Instagram Livestream Series... I put my teaching hat back on to bring you a "3 Part Guide to Nurture Messaging!"

In this series, I covered why your current nurture messaging is falling flat, the most valuable & effective nurture messaging you can share, and how to create nurture messaging that will earn its keep.

Now, it’s not EVERYTHING you need to know, but it’s a really great start!

Here's the link to dive in now: https://rpst.page.link/QZTz


True story! 😉


I'm excited to share that I joined the lovely Sara Oblak Speicher on the Make Your Life Your Legacy Podcast to talk about all things nurture!

Together we discussed nurturing our customers, our teams, our communities, and how it all begins with our willingness to nurture ourselves!

I also share some gold nuggets for successful, heart-centered marketing in the new era!

When you're ready, click the link below to tune in, I think you're going to love this convo! https://makeyourlifeyourlegacywithsaraoblakspeicher.libsyn.com/nutruring-customers-begins-with-nutruting-ourselves-interview-with-tamika-auwai


If you've done any planting before... you know that taking actions today for future payoff is natural when it comes to gardening…🪴

But in business, “work now, harvest later'' is harder to commit to, especially in the realm of sales and marketing.

Because we’ve all got short-term $$$ goals, don’t we?!

Rather than spending time today to create the foundation that will effortlessly bring us clients in quarters to come, it’s more common to focus squarely on the hustle needed to fill programs now.

We aspire to have a list filled with prospects who quickly raise their hands whenever we make an invitation.

Still, days are devoted to the current enrollment campaign…and then serving clients…and then the next enrollment campaign.

The foundation that would have your list work FOR YOU ends up on the perpetual backburner…I get it😓

Long term foundations have a tough time competing with the short term needs of your business.

AND!!!! Without these foundations, you stay trapped in a never-ending cycle of program-filling hustle.

The only way out?

You’ve gotta be willing to s-l-o-o-o-w down temporarily so you can sow the seeds that will turn your email list into a primary source of perfectly qualified, pre-sold and ready to enroll prospects.

The cool thing is, that “slow down” period doesn’t have to be long or extensive. And you don’t have to waste extra time guessing what it takes to turn more email leads into new clients in the next 3 - 6 months.

Instead, I invite you to watch our 20-minute video to swipe our proprietary new lead to new client
--> https://www.nurturematrix.com/training/?source=FBLI

And If our approach feels aligned for you and you'd like our help implementing it in your business, we should chat.

Click here to grab a time on my calendar! -> https://www.orishacreative.com/discovery/


If I told you that a simple shift to your email nurture strategy could turn more new leads into clients without being an icky, manipulative inbox spammer…

…Would you want to know “the how”? ​​👀

If so, I have a NEW 20-minute on demand training that will reveal all this plus:

💡 The real reason your lead gen and nurture efforts aren’t translating into new enrollments.

💡 How to have qualified prospects from your list raising their hands to work with you, well before your next launch.

💡 The super simple, highly effective email marketing framework that predictably turns more new leads into clients.

If you’ve ever felt like all you do in the name of nurture isn’t producing more ready-to-buy prospects, you’ll walk away from this no-cost training with a completely different perspective around nurturing your community PLUS the next step to take if you’d like to see more new leads become new clients.

Click here to watch now! https://www.nurturematrix.com/training/?source=FBLI


How often do you find yourself creating NEW content to email your list?

p.s. there is a way to shave hours off your content creation time… just ask us how :)


Before you start thinking differently or strategically about your nurture marketing… there needs to be a catalyst for change right?

You need a sign or a little ‘red flag’ 🚩🚩 to clue you in to the fact that what you’re doing is not working…

So what are the common signs that tell you to start thinking strategically about your nurture marketing?

PS: Most coaches miss at least THREE of these signs:

🚩 #1: You just said to yourself… “Hold up..Tamika, WTF is nurture marketing?”

🚩 #2: You’re creating heaps of content to nurture your community BUT you’re not actually sure it’s bringing you new clients.

🚩 #3: People easily sign up for your freebies, but they unsubscribe or hit snooze soon after.

🚩 #4: You’re playing the numbers game hoping more lead gen will equal more leads will equal more sales but it’s not adding up.

🚩 #5: You’re working really hard during launches and you HATE ‘em.

Now that you see these signs laid out in front of you, you’re most likely feeling very familiar with one of the signs...

Maybe you just had a launch that took all your energy... Or new leads refuse to stay after they’ve received their freebie… Or you have NO idea wtf nurture marketing really is.

You might not have noticed these red flags before. Not because you’re not looking… but because these signs are often subtle or even just outside of your awareness.

Or maybe you DO notice them, but you attribute their cause and solution to something other than upping your nurture game.

So what do you do if these signs are showing up in your business?

Head over to the link below to watch a 3-part mini-series where I break down these 5 signs and to get a deeper understanding of what’s really going on!

Tune in now: https://rpst.page.link/y6Q2


If you know .. you know… but if you don’t, comment to find out how!


My friend Tara Newman and I have a history of enjoying these really fantastic biz conversations that always end with the sentiment, "I wish we recorded that!"

Recently, she invited me to join her on The Bold Leadership Revolution podcast to have our dream come true.

Tara and I dug into how to get better results with your Nurture Marketing.

We also touched on how to give your prospects what they need so they can self-select and determine whether or not they should hire you, the real purpose of sales calls, the trouble with focusing on delivering value when you nurture and so much more.

Click here to tune in to the conversation now!

I hope you enjoy our convo as much as we did recording it.


So often, when biz owners realize the bulk of their email marketing efforts are not turning new leads into new clients, they find themselves scrambling to diagnose and course correct.

The easiest conclusion to jump to?

→ The problem must be related to the copy!

Because this is partly true, right?

Your email marketing isn't working because your emails DO need to be written differently.

So yes, you're off to a good start, but copy is only ONE part of the solution...

The permanent fix needed is far deeper than a change in writers or writing style.
What's required is a fundamental shift in your nurture marketing strategy, which will impact copy, for sure.

BUT before you even get to copy, you need to get extremely clear on who your ideal clients are...
..AND you need to be 1000% clear on their buyer's journey (by this I mean the mental, emotional and physical experience they move through from the moment they realize they're truly frustrated by their problem to the moment they choose to work with you)...

From there you need to uncover the messages they need to receive to move them along the buyer's journey...

THEN you need an aligned way to turn this buyer's journey and messaging into actual copy your people will want to read...

And finally, you need a way to roll this messaging out effectively.
So yes, copy absolutely plays a role here, but there's a bigger picture to take in.

Unfortunately most copywriters and content experts aren’t inviting you to look at your nurture emails from this expanded strategic view.

But we do! 😎.

If you’d like a few pointers on how to get better results with your nurture marketing right now, check out my interview, “How To Get Better Results With Nurture Marketing,” on The Bold Money Revolution Podcast. Click here to turn in now: https://theboldleadershiprevolution.com/how-to-get-better-results-with-your-nurture-marketing-with-tamika-auwai/


👏🏾 What 👏🏾 about 👏🏾 the 👏🏾 middle 👏🏾 of 👏🏾 your ​​👏🏾 funnel????

Why does no one really talk about what’s supposed to happen between lead generation and conversion…? Or effective marketing tactics for the middle of the funnel? 🤔

I’ll just share my 2 cents…

What’s supposed to happen in the middle of the funnel is that your new leads are to be nurtured in a very specific way.

What’s supposed to happen is that your new leads should be receiving the exact messaging they need so that they are primed to buy and therefore convert easily when an aligned invitation is made.

This is strategic nurture marketing.

I’m not talking about sending an email newsletter to stay connected or posting quotes on social media to stay visible…
..doing those things are better than nothing, but they don’t really prime your ideal clients to buy.

If you’ve been posting and emailing religiously but still have to do THE MOST to enroll clients, this is playing out in your business as we speak.

Which is why nurture marketing, in my opinion, is the single most overlooked opportunity in your coaching business if you want to have more ideal clients lining up to work with you...without having to rely so heavily on a launch.

Effective nurture marketing reduces the extra stress, bandwidth, and $$$$ that comes with many of the traditional ways to fill a coaching program.

We all know those campaigns can get really expensive to build, figure out, and tweak!

But when your audience is nurtured effectively, they are primed to step into your programs without all the regular launch hooplah.

If you’ve never really put a lot of thought into nurturing your community and want to see what’s possible when you do…

I invite you to create the space needed to watch our (FREE) 20-minute on-demand training…

👉🏾 “New Leads Need Love: The Non-Sleazy, Evergreen Email Strategy That Transforms Leads into New Clients”

Click here to watch now! https://www.nurturematrix.com/training/?source=FBLI


Tell me, what happens after a lead opts into your mailing list? And I'm talking AFTER they get that email delivering the freebie they requested.

ps: if your answer is they receive your newsletter, then you should know that you’re missing a big opportunity in the middle of your funnel to turn your new opt-ins into pre-sold, ready-to-buy clients.


What comes first? Your lead gen or nurture strategy?

As a nurture marketing strategist, this is a very obvious answer that requires no debate.

Nurture Strategy BEFORE list building, all day, every day!

Here’s why:

List building without an effective strategy to nurture those new leads is a COLOSSAL time, energy, and money leak.

When you focus on lead generation without the nurture strategy ready to rock n' roll, you leave a giant gaping hole in their buyer's journey.

You risk having your new leads unsubscribe or deprioritize your emails simply because you didn't give them what they REALLY needed after they opted in.

Few Coaches (and even marketers) really consider this but I want you to have the full scoop.

That’s why in this special 3-part Instagram Livestream Series, I present our case for having your nurture strategy in place before any major lead gen or launch activities... starting with HOW we end up so hyper-focused on everything but nurture in the first place.

Of course, I also closed things out with some action items that you can take to move forward in prioritizing nurture marketing for your business.

Ready to uncover why your nurture strategy needs to take first place?

Head over here to dive into this 3-part Instagram Series, "What comes first, the lead generation or your nurture strategy". https://rpst.page.link/uw9h


If you’re churning out content without strategically thinking about what’s rolling out in the name of nurture marketing, chances are your content strategy is dancing to the golden oldies! 🎵

Here’s what I mean...

💜 Old school content marketing builds awareness and engages your community so that they’ll consider working with you.

🧡 New school nurture marketing is all that PLUS making sure your ideal clients receive the exact messages they need to shorten their buyer’s journey and quickly make a decision to actually work with you.

It prioritizes MESSAGING, ensuring that you’re not just putting content out to , but rather with a clear intention, one that considers what your clients need to see, hear, feel, know and understand so that they can finally solve their problem knowing that YOU are the exact right mentor to help them.

And when it’s time to click buy or chat with you on that sales call? They're full body “YES!”

Ready to go ‘new school?’


I'm so excited to share that I joined the lovely Emily Reagan on the Unicorns Unite Podcast to discuss how to create powerful nurture content.

Curious about what nurture content is?

I break this all down for you in this episode including why nurture content is needed to bridge the gap between lead generation and sales content, content types that works great after a launch to engage and prepare your non-buying audience for future launches, and what ROI nurture content should achieve if done correctly.

I think you're going to love this conversation, click here to tune in: https://emilyreaganpr.com/episode108/


Is there a hole in your funnel 👀🪣?

We talk a lot about the ‘hole’ that most Coaches, Mentors, and Teachers have going on in their funnel.

Here’s a quick way to know if this affliction applies to you.

If you’re scrambling to find new leads every enrollment cycle because those leads who opted in last enrollment cycle have dripped out…

…you’ve probably got a hole in your funnel.❌

If you’ve got a lot of unsubscribes or massively declining open rates for your emails…

…you’ve probably got a hole in your funnel.❌

But here’s the biggest (most frustrating) one 😓

If you’ve got GREAT email open rates and you still can’t rely on your list to fill your program…

…you’ve probably got a hole in your funnel.❌

Want to know for sure?

Send us a quick note for a free, 15-minute no-pitch assessment of your current funnel. 💬


I see this happen to sooo many coaches when it comes to their nurture marketing...

They show up and put their message out there, doing their best to be visible, to be seen by their ideal clients, and to stay connected with their communities.

But they aren’t really looking at the details of what or why they’re doing what they do.

It’s not that they’re intentionally sticking their heads in the sand. Nothing could be further from the truth in most cases.

It’s just there’s A LOT going on behind the scenes of a coaching business. They don’t have the time and space (or expertise) to look deeply at every aspect of their marketing.

And this causes them to miss the gaps in what they’re doing in the name of nurturing their communities as well as the opportunities they could be taking advantage of.

They don’t see areas in which they are missing the mark.

And they don’t see the opportunities that ensure their nurture content is doing what nurture content is supposed to do.

Nurture content is supposed to pre-sell your programs.

Nurture marketing is supposed to have your newer leads warmed up and ready to enroll in your programs.

And it’s hard to know if that’s happening or how to shift gears without the bird’s eye view of an expert.

Taking a pause and having someone skilled point out what’s missing and how things should be set up inside your “marketing cupboard” is really helpful.

And that’s why I think it will be so worthwhile for you to take 20 minutes out of your day and watch our (FREE) 20-minute on-demand training 👉🏾 “New Leads Need Love: The Non-Sleazy, Evergreen Email Strategy That Transforms Leads into New Clients”

This SHORT on-demand training reveals our super simple, highly effective email marketing framework that predictably turns more new leads into clients.

So if your nurture game is falling short (because those new leads are not stepping in to work with you), click the link below to watch now! It’ll only take 20 minutes of your time!



How do you come up with compelling nurture content for your community?


In some scenarios, having a layer of automation or putting things on "autopilot" is an obvious and easy decision.

Like flying a plane on auto-pilot, turning on cruise control during a long-distance drive… or even having fresh coffee made automatically every morning as your alarm rings.

And as business owners, don't you love the idea of having things run in the background without having to do much... Or constantly exert ourselves to keep things moving along?

I know I sure do!

And for most of us, it is no secret that our marketing efforts can take up a lot of our time, energy, and attention…

Especially if you want your nurture content to pre-sell your programs and turn more of your new leads into new clients.

So having a super-efficient layer of automated "evergreen" content in our marketing can be essential in keeping us off that content creation treadmill… giving us some time, space, and energy to run our business and serve our clients.

Thing is, it takes a series of UNsexy structures and systems to arrive at the outcome of having evergreen nurture content we can rinse and repeat while still helping our ideal clients move along their buyer's journey.

So what structure and systems do we need in place to reach this outcome?

Use the link below to dive into this 3-part Instagram Livestream Series, "How to put your content on Auto-Pilot without losing the magic" to find out!
--> https://rpst.page.link/MzoC


I value hard work. I value working smart more. 🧠💜


Is your sales funnel a leaky bucket??

When you are focused on the top of the funnel and on lead gen, and you don’t have anything intentional going on from a nurture perspective, you’re essentially creating a leaky bucket in your business.

Want to stop your warm prospects from falling right out of your leaky bucket — and instead lead them further along their buyer’s journey?

I'm excited to share that I joined the amazing Amber McCue on the Right on Time podcast to share how to do just that!

In this podcast episode, we also discussed:

🌟Why we urge our clients to move BEYOND templates — and what Orisha Creative has done instead to help clients with their messaging.

🌟How to understand the type of messaging your ideal client needs to hear in order to step into transformation with you!

🌟Orisha Creative’s signature Nurture Matrix process — what it is, how it works, and how to get a free nurture opportunity assessment.

Click here to catch the full episode! https://ambermccue.com/is-your-sales-funnel-a-leaky-bucket/


Can I vent about marketers in our industry for a second?

It frustrates me to no end that email marketing is taught as a bunch of silos to assemble.

☑️welcome sequence
☑️sales sequence
☑️pre-launch sequence
☑️a newsletter per week

Rarely are we invited to consider how these sequences should flow together and layer atop one another.

Rarely do we consider the big picture—🖼️

That the highest converting email marketing is a layered conversation that’s designed to move our leads along their buyer’s journey towards working with us.

This KNOWLEDGE GAP keeps you from creating an email marketing ecosystem that actually earns its keep.

Luckily this stops here and now for you, my friend! 🛑

For as long as you’ll hang with us on the ‘gram we’ll continually invite you to take a big picture view of your email marketing because we know a more predictable payoff is possible!

To get started, you need to know what you don’t know about your current nurture email efforts.

Head to this link to watch a FREE training that will highlight why your newest subscribers aren’t becoming new clients ->> https://rpst.page.link/EByg

As you’re watching, be sure to drop your questions or “a-ha” moments in the comments of this post.

I’ll hit you back with answers or additional insights.

Videos (show all)

My friend Tara Newman and I have a history of enjoying these really fantastic biz conversations that always end with the...
I'm so excited to share that I joined the lovely Emily Reagan on the Unicorns Unite Podcast to discuss how to create pow...
Geeking out on the importance of strategy, the journey to building Orisha Creative as a self-managing agency, and the gi...
Who comes 1st - you or your clients?As service providers, we tend to focus on our clients — a lot...and sure, it's impor...
When you hear the term "Nurture Marketing", what comes to mind?Consistently publishing blogs or videos, posting on socia...
My friend Tara Newman and I have a history of enjoying these really fantastic biz conversations that always end with the...
Geeking out on the importance of strategy, the journey to building Orisha Creative as a self-managing agency, and the gi...
Who comes 1st - you or your clients?As service providers, we tend to focus on our clients — a lot...and sure, it's impor...
When you hear the term "Nurture Marketing", what comes to mind?Consistently publishing blogs or videos, posting on socia...
My friend Tara Newman and I have a history of enjoying these really fantastic biz conversations that always end with the...
I'm so excited to share that I joined the lovely Emily Reagan on the Unicorns Unite Podcast to discuss how to create pow...
Geeking out on the importance of strategy, the journey to building Orisha Creative as a self-managing agency, and the gi...