Fallen Soldiers March

Fallen Soldiers March

The Fallen Soldiers March gifts Certified Biblical Counseling and Service Dogs to help Veterans, Acti

The Fallen Soldiers March seeks to inspire and revive patriotism across America; honoring our Fallen, Veterans, Active Duty Military and their families cope with the "Consequences of War". Events & online donations help provide Service Dogs, Biblical Counseling & Veteran Advocacy Services for our Veterans, Active Duty Military & family members. The website is interactive and informational…please share and learn how you can make a difference.

‘Squaring The Circle’: New Documentary Explores How Hipgnosis Created Rock’s Greatest Album Covers 03/12/2023

Perfecting the Inherently Imperfectible

“Hipgnosis,” is a portmanteau of the words “Hip” and “Gnostic,” the latter of which, Jonah Goldberg, then with National Review Online, defined in 2002 thusly:

Gnostics were pre-Christian, early Christian, and various Jewish sects who believed that if you stood on one foot while saying the alphabet backwards, or some other silliness, you could release your soul from material constraints while you were still alive…Gnosticism took many forms, in many places, over many distinct periods (sort of like bell-bottom pants).
The central thing to keep in mind is that Gnostics believed that personal enlightenment — or revelation to a specific truth or viewpoint — liberated you from the need to find salvation in the afterlife or through any conventional, institutional means. Instead of going to salvation, they brought salvation to them…It’s not surprising, then, that the Catholic Church was constantly putting out Gnostic fires through most of its history.

Because the Gnostics believed they — and they alone — had figured out God’s plan in the here and now, they tended to be very, very smug and more than a little annoying (except when they were on the rack, which tended to make them a lot less smirky). It also inclined Gnostics to argue that heaven could be established here on earth, that through material or political means they could perfect the inherently imperfectible.

Read entire story below:

‘Squaring The Circle’: New Documentary Explores How Hipgnosis Created Rock’s Greatest Album Covers  

Letter to the American Church - Eric Metaxas 29/11/2023

This Is Our Moment in History | Church Leadership Needs To Break The Silence

"Can it really be God’s will that His children be silent at a time like this? Decrying the cowardice that masquerades as godly meekness, Eric Metaxas summons the Church to battle.

The author of a bestselling biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Metaxas reveals the haunting similarities between today’s American Church and the German Church of the 1930s. Echoing the German martyr’s prophetic call, he exhorts his fellow Christians to repent of their silence in the face of evil.

An attenuated and unbiblical “faith” based on what Bonhoeffer called “cheap grace” has sapped the spiritual vitality of millions of Americans. Paying lip service to an insipid “evangelism,” they shrink from combating the evils of our time. Metaxas refutes the pernicious lie that fighting evil politicizes Christianity. As Bonhoeffer and other heroes of the faith insisted, the Church has an irreplaceable role in the culture of a nation. It is our duty to fight the powers of darkness, especially on behalf of the weak and vulnerable.

Silence is not an option. God calls us to defend the unborn, to confront the lies of cultural Marxism, and to battle the globalist tyranny that crushes human freedom. Confident that this is His fight, the Church must overcome fear and enter the fray, armed with the spiritual weapons of prayer, self-sacrifice, and love."

Letter to the American Church - Eric Metaxas “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltless.”

Fallen Soldiers March - The Clay Pot Allegory 22/10/2023

"Several years ago, when I was a recent college graduate, I was assigned to the Anchorage, Alaska, Police Department as a police chaplain. During that time, I was trained in Critical Incident Stress Management through the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF). This training was to help with debriefings of police, fire, EMS, state troopers, and even the military after a critical incident.

While I was serving in Alaska, there was a serious incident out in the Matanuska Valley (Palmer/Wasilla, AK) that involved many Alaska State Troopers and included serious events during a car chase. I was assigned by the lead chaplain to lead a CISM team in debriefing the state troopers after this incident. They were required to attend before they could return to duty. The Matanuska Valley is about an hour away from Anchorage.

I remember thinking and praying as I drove out to this debriefing, "Lord, how am I going to be able to speak to these state troopers over this incident?"

Here I was, a female in my late twenties, and I was going to be debriefing male Alaska State Troopers. I didn't know how I was going to be able to reach these men who had gone through a critical incident and needed to go through this debriefing to return to work and to do their jobs effectively.

The critical incident stress debriefings were designed to allow first responders and military to be able to talk about everything they had seen, heard, felt/touched, and smelled during an incident.

The purpose was to be able to walk through the incident in a safe way, preventing them from ending up with PTS or PTD. I didn't know how I was going to be able to connect with these men after such a tough experience."

Read on below:

Fallen Soldiers March - The Clay Pot Allegory by Marti Anne Gilman, TILBC Certified Biblical Counselor Several years ago, when I was a recent college graduate, I was assigned to the Anchorage, Alaska, Police Department as a police chaplain. During that time, I was trained in Critical Incident Stress Management through the International Critical...

Fallen Soldiers March - The Ominous Gateway: Exploring the Spiritual Perils of the Ouija Board, Halloween, and Other Dark Practices, Particularly for Children 11/10/2023

The Ominous Gateway: Exploring the Spiritual Perils of the Ouija Board, Halloween, and Other Dark Practices, Particularly for Children by Pastor Warren Lamb, Retired USMC, TILBC

"When I was growing up in the late 50s and early 60s, our family was not like other families. We were not regular church attenders, and God was not much of a topic of conversation—except when my father used His name to curse one of us. We attended a Lutheran church from time to time, but it was not an important part of our lives.

In those days, it was not uncommon for families to have large coffee tables in their living rooms, replete with decorative ashtrays and a large family Bible or picture album. The Bible would be a heavy tome with gilt-edged pages and the family tree going back several generations written on the provided pages. The family album would have a collection of favorite photographs carefully mounted to the black paper pages with adhesive-backed corner holders precisely holding the pictures in symmetrical columns and rows.

In our home, right in the middle of our very large coffee table, was a Ouija board that was used regularly by family members, friends, and visitors. Even the children—me especially—were fascinated by how this mystifying board game worked and whether what we thought was happening really was.

With the Zen Buddhism, Shinto, and Shamanism that were part of our family’s spiritual mix blended in with the Ouija board and my mother’s monthly seances, I grew pretty familiar with the demonic and all things spiritual. So much so that, in my adult years, I was heavily involved in Eastern mysticism and some very dark, demonic practices.

My mother’s seances became more frequent as Halloween approached, and October was a month when they occurred almost daily. Of course, Halloween night was the ultimate séance experience with all kinds of goings on from "the other side." The celebrating of terror, death, and the demonic came to a head that night, and many nights before and afterward were filled with terrifying nightmares—as well as my bedroom being party-central for the familiar spirits that had become my steady companions."

Read on below:

Fallen Soldiers March - The Ominous Gateway: Exploring the Spiritual Perils of the Ouija Board, Halloween, and Other Dark Practices, Particularly for Children by Pastor Warren Lamb, Retired USMC, TILBC Introduction When I was growing up in the late 50s and early 60s, our family was not like other families. We were not regular church attenders, and God was not much of a topic of conversation—except when my father used His name to curse one of us. We ...

Fallen Soldiers March - Mission Report 18/08/2023

View or Download the Fallen Soldiers Mission Report or request a printed copy.

Our second Mission Report contains updates and a summary of our efforts to create and build a network of Certified Biblical Counselors to provide free counseling to Veterans, Active Duty Military, First Responders and family members.

In addition to the report, we invite you learn more by exploring our website including:
Sign up to join our network of counselors.
Read all of our past newsletter articles.
Sign up to receive our quarterly newsletter via email.
Make a donation to help us continue and expand our mission.

We have provided two options to view the digital version of the Mission Report:

Details below:

Fallen Soldiers March - Mission Report 2023 Updated Mission Report View or Download the Fallen Soldiers Mission Report or request a printed copy! Our second Mission Report contains updates and a summary of our efforts to create and build a network of Certified Biblical Counselors to provide free counseling to Veterans, Active Duty Milita...

Fallen Soldiers March - Deaf Biblical Counseling Partnership 28/07/2023

2.7 Million Veterans Have Service-Connected Hearing Disabilities or Are in Treatment for Hearing-Related Issues

60,000 Military Members Are on Disability for Hearing Loss From Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom

Dealing with the emotional trauma of Post Traumatic Stress is every bit as difficult, and often times more difficult, than dealing with the physical injuries sustained in battle. When combined with tinnitus, hearing loss, or hearing related issues, the effects are magnified and the difficulty returning to a "normal" life can be insurmountable without assistance.

Read on below:

Fallen Soldiers March - Deaf Biblical Counseling Partnership 2.7 Million Veterans Have Service-Connected Hearing Disabilities or Are in Treatment for Hearing-Related Issues 60,000 Military Members Are on Disability for Hearing Loss From Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom These staggering facts from the Hearing Loss Association of America (...

Fallen Soldiers March - Be Faithful: Navigating the Waters of an Integrationist University 07/07/2023

"Almost six years ago, in the last semester of my bachelor’s program in religious studies at the largest Christian university in North America, I began examining what master’s program I wanted to pursue. My university was on the top of my list as I considered seminary."

"Like any college student, I suppose, I underwent many changes as my beliefs and views were challenged. I was confronted by the Spirit in the areas where my own theology was incongruent, and what I wanted most in not only my faith, but also my education, was congruence."

Read on below:

Fallen Soldiers March - Be Faithful: Navigating the Waters of an Integrationist University by Scotty Cameron, Assistant Fire Chief, Volunteer Chaplain, Nouthetic Counselor Theological liberalism and progressive Christianity are not new threats to the church in the Western world. Since the eighteenth century, enlightenment tension has grown and at times surfaced to a point of reckoning.[1]...

Fallen Soldiers March - Deaf Mother's Love Inspires Enlisted Son 03/07/2023

"Since our son enlisted, I’ve found out there are a number of deaf people who are either parents of a soldier, children of a soldier, or even a spouse of a soldier.

Because deaf people don’t speak the same language as the hearing do, there can be much lost in the translation that can compound the challenges of dealing with the military culture.

But there is hope!"

Read on below:

Fallen Soldiers March - Deaf Mother's Love Inspires Enlisted Son by  Suzanne Clothier, Deaf Biblical Counselor Since our son enlisted, I’ve found out there are a number of deaf people who are either parents of a soldier, children of a soldier, or even a spouse of a soldier. Because deaf people don’t speak the same language as the hearing do, there can be muc...

State Trooper and U.S. Army veteran share emotional moment in Tolland 29/03/2023

Sep 15, 2022 When State Trooper Kyle Kaelberer pulled over to assist a truck stopped on the shoulder of I-84 in Tolland with its hazard lights on, he discovered that the driver, a U.S. Army veteran, was on the phone with a su***de hotline and emotionally distressed.

Kaelberer then reassured the man, and gave him a hug when asked.


To direct Veterans, Active Duty Military or First Responders forward to request Certified Biblical Counseling through Fallen Soldiers March: https://fallensoldiersmarch.com/biblical-counseling

State Trooper and U.S. Army veteran share emotional moment in Tolland When State Trooper Kyle Kaelberer pulled over to assist a truck stopped on the shoulder of I-84 in Tolland with its hazard lights on, he discovered that the ...

Fallen Soldiers March - Church Solution to Prohibiting the Free Exercise Thereof . . . 508 (c)(1)(A) 29/03/2023

"Broadly speaking, you can form your church under the protection and rights of the Constitution of the United States of America, or you can form your church under the statutory laws and regulations created by the U.S. Congress.

Your choice will impact what your church can and cannot do.

In 2018, I served as finance chair on the council of my local United Methodist Church. I learned more during that time about how the church was organized and the restrictions placed on certain activities, like specific donations, than I had in the time from 1989 when I was first married there until I became finance chair. I think I had been like many congregants who go to hear the Word of God, make a donation, and never really wonder what happens after that.

I certainly didn’t wonder about such issues as church organizational structure or the messages I might not hear because of speech restrictions imposed by the federal government. I think there are still many who believe, as I did, that their church has no such restrictions. I also learned of government restrictions on "directed" donations, financial reporting to the IRS, and other restrictions or requirements that troubled me as a matter of conscience."

Read on below: https://fallensoldiersmarch.com/church-solution-to-prohibiting-the-free-exercise-thereof-508-c1a

Fallen Soldiers March - Church Solution to Prohibiting the Free Exercise Thereof . . . 508 (c)(1)(A) by Bennett McPhatter, USMC Veteran Epilogue by Warren G. Lamb, USMC Veteran, FSM Senior Advisor Disclaimer: This article represents the opinion of the author and is not certified tax advice, legal counsel or the opinion of Fallen Soldiers March. Broadly speaking, you can form your church under the p...

Fallen Soldiers March - Flee Practices of Psychologists; Seek Out Biblical Counselors for Combat-Related Anxieties 23/03/2023

My father is a twenty-seven-year Army veteran, and I was following in his footsteps.

Little did I know just how depraved and wicked the culture of the military is. Despite my being a believer, I gave in to much temptation and allowed my desire to be one of the guys, part of the team, to lead me down a path of sinful behavior.

In October 2012 my best friend was killed in an IED explosion in Afghanistan. This event ate at me. I couldn’t understand why he had to die. Unable to wrap my mind around what had happened and having no understanding how to seek counsel, I turned to the bottle to clear my mind and ease my pain. Eventually, I was referred to a therapist, who thankfully was a Christian.

This was my first experience learning how psychology treats someone who has gone through a traumatic event. His brotherly counsel led to me putting down the bottle, but the guilt and hurt of losing my friend remained.

Read on below: https://fallensoldiersmarch.com/flee-practices-of-psychologists-seek-out-biblical-counselors-for-combat-related-anxieties

Fallen Soldiers March - Flee Practices of Psychologists; Seek Out Biblical Counselors for Combat-Related Anxieties by Pastor Joshua Smith, U.S. Army Veteran I thank the Lord I was born into a Christian home and raised in the faith. Professing faith at a young age and being rooted in the Scriptures and the church from the start was a great and gracious providence that would prove to be an incredible help ...

Fallen Soldiers March - Honoring Dr. Jay Adams: Does Biblical “Nouthetic” Counseling Work? 15/03/2023

"I entered a dual master’s degree program at a seminary majoring in social work and received a degree in church social services from the seminary as well as a secular master’s in social work from a state university.

Yes, I was trained as an integrationist.

At that time, the only thing I knew about Jay Adams was what I had been told: his approach was simplistic, and I needed to stay away from it. I pursued licensure and ultimately was licensed as a clinical social worker.

I attempted to integrate the best of the world's wisdom with my theological convictions and the Bible, but in reflection, I recognize that even though I was theologically trained and walking with the Lord in ministry, there was little theology or Bible in my counseling.

If the latest continuing education workshop or method I encountered in a journal made logical sense, was not clearly contrary to Scripture, and seemed as though it would be effective, that's what I would focus on—at least until the next new and better approach came along.

When I was in the process of seeking a second level of state licensure, God confronted me with the importance of ministering Scripture."

Read on below: https://fallensoldiersmarch.com/honoring-dr-jay-adams-does-biblical-nouthetic-counseling-work

If you are ACBC, IABC, FBC or TILBC Certified or entering the Supervisory Stage endeavoring for counseling hours to complete this final level, please apply using the link at the end of this article below.

Fallen Soldiers March - Honoring Dr. Jay Adams: Does Biblical “Nouthetic” Counseling Work? by Dr. John Babler, Chairman & Professor, MidAmerica Baptist Theological Seminary College FSM Advisory Board When I first started taking classes in psychology and sociology, I was intrigued by the various empirical studies we read in my undergraduate classes. For example, I found it intriguing that....

"The Heart of Addiction" premieres on Thursday in Virginia 08/03/2023

Congratulations to FSM Advisory Board Member Dr. Mark Shaw!!

The documentary that dives into how Scripture can help people struggling with addiction is about to make its debut and is based around the book, The Heart of Addiction, written by Mark Shaw.

The premiere of the documentary is Thursday, March 9th, at 7pm, at Grace & Truth Bible Church in Virginia. It is free and open to the public.

Read on below for details & contact information: https://www.wdio.com/front-page/top-stories/the-heart-of-addiction-premieres-on-thursday-in-virginia

"The Heart of Addiction" premieres on Thursday in Virginia The Heart of Addiction is a documentary featuring how people have change their lives with the help of ministry. You can see the premiere on Thursday in Virginia.

Opinion: What is Revival—and is it Happening at Asbury? 22/02/2023

"Some voices in social media are hotly debating whether this should be called a revival or not. Since the term is an extrabiblical one, my thinking is, “Who cares what we call it? Let’s celebrate what God is doing!”

Different events labeled revivals in the past few centuries have looked different—from dramatic weeping to dramatic joy, from massive conversions to empowerment for missions, leading to even more conversions.

Calvinists dominated the First Great Awakening, the Hebrides Revival, and the West Timor Revival. Wesleyans dominated the Second Great Awakening, the Azusa Street Revival, and the 1950 and 1970 Asbury Revivals. Witnesses from the West Timor Revival reported a sound like a rushing wind. Witnesses from the revival at Pandita Ramabai’s orphanage in India reported tongues of fire. Miraculous signs accompanied evangelism in the Shandong Revival.

Why should an infinite God fit our boxes?"

Read on below: https://julieroys.com/opinion-what-revival-happening-asbury

Opinion: What is Revival—and is it Happening at Asbury? New Testament scholar & Asbury Seminary professor Craig Keener shares what he has seen on campus and whether it should be termed 'revival.'

Pat Devine Fallen Soldiers March Soul Care Conference Intro 12/02/2023

Fox set the cost of a 30-second Super Bowl LXVII ad at $7 million, a little pricey for our budget! Please share our wishlist ad with your family & friends!

Healing Our Communities: Returning Biblical Soul Care and Discipleship to the Local Church

Now is the ideal time for the church to be better prepared to minister compassionate hope and healing from God’s Word to the troubled and the in-trouble.

Join us for this important training opportunity and grow in your understanding and ability to minister the Gospel to those in the local church in real and tangible ways.

Our presenters are all personally involved in providing soul-care to others and equipping everyday believers to do the same.

This unique gathering of some of the leaders in biblical counseling will allow the attendees to interact with the speakers and ask specific questions about how to be further trained in providing soul care in the local church.

A scholarship is provided to cover the cost of tickets for any Active Duty Military Chaplain to attend live or virtually: https://fsmsoulcare.com/active-duty-military-chaplains-special-offer

General Registration: https://fsmsoulcare.com


Pat Devine Fallen Soldiers March Soul Care Conference Intro Join us at the first Fallen Soldiers March Soul Care Conference, February 25, 2023 in Edenton, NChttps://fsmsoulcare.com/Lieutenant Colonel Pat Devine, Army ...

Dr Warren Lamb FSM Soul Care Conference Intro 28/01/2023

Pastor Warren Lamb's Invitation: Healing Our Communities: Returning Biblical Soul Care and Discipleship to the Local Church

Pastor Lamb has been involved in pastoral ministry for over thirty years. He is a "recovered psychologist", having been trained in clinical psychology at the University of Washington before coming to Christ at the age of thirty-one.

Since that time, he has gained extensive experience in Christian ministry, including teaching, conference speaking, Biblical counseling, and training Biblical counselors.
Trauma and Abuse are significant areas of his counseling focus. His book, Behind the Veil: Exposing the Evil of Domestic Oppression and Providing Hope, provides help and guidance for the church in identifying and addressing this rising problem in the church.

He also developed the biblical counseling and discipleship curriculum Unbound: Growing Ever-freer in Christ. This material has helped thousands find a path to a fruitful and vibrant freedom in Christ that eluded them for many years.

Experienced in counseling a broad spectrum of troubles, he specializes with those who have suffered significant trauma from childhood abuse and neglect, domestic oppression and abuse, sex-trafficking, kidnapping, sole-survivors of catastrophes, traumatic loss survivors, first-responders, combat trauma survivors, and the like.

He also works extensively with the sexually broken, including those struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction.
He provides specialized training for churches, including shepherding churches through the aftermath of a leader’s moral failure.

Pastor Warren's Invite: https://youtu.be/HveTLecr72E

Details & Registration Details live or Virtual Streaming:

Dr Warren Lamb FSM Soul Care Conference Intro Join us at the first Fallen Soldiers March Soul Care Conference, February 25, 2023 in Edenton, NChttps://fsmsoulcare.com/Introduction to Warren Lamb, PhD, Th...

Fallen Soldiers March - Encouragement For The Parents of War Fighters 22/01/2023

"Our story is not an unusual one, though—it’s repeated daily throughout our nation.

It may be your story as well. Or perhaps it may soon be your story. As parents of a Marine, we made many friends with other parents of Marines and loved to hear and share our experiences and ways the Lord was working. Promotions, successes, awards—all reasons for great joy!

The stories, of course, were not all rosy. The stresses, while different in each case, can be quite extreme. The limited contact during training or deployment to dangerous places, disappointments and failures, hard decisions, injuries related to combat or in normal life, and friends making the ultimate sacrifice—just to name a few.

Parents, these joyful moments and times of great stress should lead us to pray!

Pastor John Piper once said, "We cannot know what prayer is for until we know that life is war." That’s a fitting way to consider prayer, as our children who serve are not engaged in merely an earthly battle but a spiritual battle as well—as we all are."

Read on below: https://fallensoldiersmarch.com/encouragement-for-the-parents-of-war-fighters

Fallen Soldiers March - Encouragement For The Parents of War Fighters by Pastor Jim Koerber, ACBC Fellow Parents of Warfighters: Pray! It seems like yesterday we dropped our son off at MEPS and watched him board that bus to begin his journey to Parris Island, South Carolina. We shouldn’t have been surprised when he told us he wanted to serve in the military. His bed...

Fallen Soldiers March - Grace Abounds “Post Tenebras Lux” Conquering Addiction 13/01/2023

Out of Darkness, Light!

"My testimony starts when I was about sixteen when I caused an incredible amount of pain and heartache in my family. They really did not know what to expect from me. I was volatile, violent, and mean.
My family was regularly subjected to my explosive outbursts, which could be provoked in innocuous ways. My words were often cruel. I would scream at the top of my lungs in their faces. I hurt them physically. I threatened them. I was manipulative. I was a thief. I rebelled against any and every authority.

My conscience was seared. I felt no conviction about the pain I inflicted on others, a reality which rarely troubled me. I imagine that living with me was something like living with a terrorist who could suddenly turn on their own for any reason. I am not sure that those outside of my family really knew the type of person I was, but certainly, my family got the real deal.

I was a typical class clown type of student. I was not actually very funny, but I thought I was, so I kept at it. I competed in wrestling and dabbled in the chess club. After school and on weekends I played video and role-playing games with a group of friends who were, for the most part, good influences. As far as academics were concerned, I set the bar pretty low."

Read on below: https://fallensoldiersmarch.com/grace-abounds-post-tenebras-lux-conquering-addiction

Fallen Soldiers March - Grace Abounds “Post Tenebras Lux” Conquering Addiction by Trevor Vestey, Army Veteran, ACBC Certified Biblical Counselor My name is Trevor Vestey. I am a veteran, and it is a privilege to share my testimony of God's grace with the recipients of the Fallen Soldiers March quarterly newsletter. I have chosen to write this testimony didactically, hoping it....

Dr Julie Ganschow Fallen Soldiers March Soul Care Intro 11/01/2023

Dr. Julie Ganschow's Invitation: Healing Our Communities: Returning Biblical Soul Care and Discipleship to the Local Church

Join us at the Fallen Soldiers March Soul Care Conference, February 25, 2023

Julie Ganschow has been involved in Biblical Counseling and Discipleship for more than 25 years. She is passionate about heart change for life change.

She is the founder and Director of Reigning Grace Counseling Center and Biblical Counseling for Women. A gifted counselor and teacher, Julie specializes in biblically counseling those suffering from trauma and domestic abuse and is a frequent retreat and conference speaker.

She has authored numerous books, articles, and training materials for biblical counseling. Julie provides training through Reigning Grace Institute and supervises and mentors women seeking certification. In addition, she has been writing a blog on women’s biblical counseling issues since 2008.

Julie earned a Ph.D. in Biblical Counseling and is certified by the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) and other certifying organizations. She is a Senior Advisor for the Fallen Soldiers March (FSM), serves in Overseas Instruction in Counseling (OIC), and is a commissioned member of The Addiction Connection (TAC). She makes her home in Kansas City, Missouri, with her wonderful husband, Larry, and two very spoiled dogs.

Julie's Invite: https://youtu.be/HEA4rNNg0v8

Details & Registration Details live or Virtual Streaming:

Dr Julie Ganschow Fallen Soldiers March Soul Care Intro Join us at the first Fallen Soldiers March Soul Care Conference, February 25, 2023 in Edenton, NChttps://fsmsoulcare.com/Introduction to Dr. Julie Ganschow, ...

Fallen Soldiers March - Help Me Decrease So Christ Will Increase 31/12/2022

May the Hope Realized Only Through Christ Guide & Heal Your Path in 2023!

The staff at Mighty Oaks helped me get signed up with a Fallen Soldiers March biblical counselor, and within a couple of weeks of coming home I was meeting with Pastor Robinson.

We initially focused on the grief I was feeling from the loss of the baby, but he noticed some deeper issues and we began spending more time focusing on idols.

The deeper issues of my self-esteem, pride, and the way I found my identity were things I had struggled with my entire life. Galatians 2:20 says, "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" (ESV).

It wasn’t until I started receiving biblical counseling that I realized that my pride and my identity had not been in Christ. My old self was still alive and kicking and needed to be crucified with Christ.

Read on below: https://fallensoldiersmarch.com/help-me-decrease-so-christ-will-increase

Fallen Soldiers March - Help Me Decrease So Christ Will Increase by David Alden Inglee, Army Veteran  Epilogue by USAF Veteran Pastor Joseph Robby Robinson ACBC Phase III Candidate In John 10:10 (ASV) Jesus says, I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly. As many times as I had heard that verse, it never really seemed to carry as much weight wit...

Senate PASSES 12 Gun Controls | GOA 27/12/2022

Why Are Veterans Apprehensive About Seeking Treatment for PTS and Other Consequnces of War?

On your behalf, Gun Owners of America has already notified the House and Senate that we will be scoring all votes to advance the anti-gun appropriations package unless each of the following gun control provisions are struck from the bill:

Massive 14.1% ATF Budget Increase to Facilitate Biden’s Pistol Ban

50% Increase for ATF’s NTC Budget to Maintain the Illegal Near-Billion Record Gun Registry

$700+ Million in Funding Available to Bribe States to Pass “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Laws

Directing VA Medical Centers to Utilize Confiscation Orders on Vulnerable Veterans

Department of Education to Push “Safe Storage” of Parents’ Fi****ms

Funding for VA to Maintain “Gun Storage Maps” to Keep Tabs on Where Veterans Keep Guns

New Annual Compensation for Families of Deceased ATF Agents Could be an Indication of Upcoming Gun Confiscation

Gun Control Earmarks for “Orchid Healing Circles” and More!

Dickey Violations Galore While CDC Suppresses Self-Defense Statistics

Programs Discouraging Women from Exercising their Second Amendment Rights

Anti-Gun “Community Violence Intervention” Initiatives

“Violent Anti-Government Ideology” and “Domestic Radicalization Research”

Unfortunately, 12 gun control items just passed the Senate with the help of these 18 Republican turncoats:

Blunt (MO)
Boozman (AR)
Capito (WV)
Collins (ME)
Cornyn (TX)
Cotton (AR)
Graham (SC)
Inhofe (OK)
McConnell (KY)
Moran (KS)
Murkowski (AK)
Portman (OH)
Romney (UT)
Rounds (SD)
Shelby (AL)
Thune (SD)
Wicker (MS)
Young (IN)

Senate PASSES 12 Gun Controls | GOA Your Congressman Has One LAST CHANCE to Stop 12 Gun Controls Watch our video action alert and read our full analysis here. On Capitol Hill, Gun Owners of America is strongly objecting to the Omnibus government funding bill on your behalf, because it is infested with Second Amendment infringements. T...