Practical Info For Civil Engineer's

Practical Info For Civil Engineer's

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.--- Oscar Wilde

Timeline photos 14/12/2016

Important Qualities for Civil Engineers:

Decision making skills:- Civil engineers often balance
multiple and frequently conflicting objectives, such as
determining the feasibility of plans with regard to
financial costs and safety concerns. Urban and regional
planners often look to civil engineers for advice on
these issues. Civil engineers must be able to make good
decisions based on best practices, their own technical
knowledge, and their own experience.

Leadership skills:- Civil engineers take ultimate
responsibility for the projects that they manage or
research that they perform. Therefore, they must be
able to lead planners, surveyors, construction
managers, civil engineering technicians, civil engineering
technologists, and others in implementing their project

Math skills:- Civil engineers use the principles of
calculus, trigonometry, and other advanced topics in
mathematics for analysis, design, and troubleshooting
in their work.

Organizational skills:- Only licensed civil engineers can
sign the design documents for infrastructure projects.
This requirement makes it imperative that civil engineers
be able to monitor and evaluate the work at the job site
as a project progresses. That way, they can ensure
compliance with the design documents. Civil engineers
also often manage several projects at the same time,
and thus must be able to balance time needs and to
effectively allocate resources.

Problem-solving skills:- Civil engineers work at the
highest level of the planning, design, construction, and
operation of multifaceted projects or research. The
many variables involved require that they possess the
ability to identify and evaluate complex problems. They
must be able to then utilize their skill and training to
develop cost-effective, safe, and efficient solutions.

Speaking skills:- Civil engineers must present reports and
plans to audiences of people with a wide range of
backgrounds and technical knowledge. This requires the
ability to speak clearly and to converse with people in
various settings, and to translate engineering and
scientific information into easy to understand concepts.

Writing skills:- Civil engineers must be able to
communicate with others, such as architects, landscape
architects, and urban and regional planners. They also
must be able to explain projects to elected officials and
citizens. This means that civil engineers must be able to
write reports that are clear, concise, and understandable
to those with little or no technical or scientific



Includes review of contracts,
order materials, hire and schedule subcontractor's, resource
planning and to provide quality control and ensure that the
construction project is completed on time and within
allocated budget.
Planning and scheduling of activities involved in the
construction process is extremely important to successfully
achieve the goals of a construction project. Gantt Charts
(bar charts), CPM (Critical Path Method) and PERT
(Program Evaluation and Review Technique) are important
tools used in scheduling of projects. There are many
computer software available for planning, scheduling and
resource allocation. Some of the common software are
Primavera, MS-Project and Pertmaster.
A successful construction manager should have good
leadership skills, effective communication skills, sound
organisation skills with knowledge of dispute resolution
techniques, He should be able to motivate the construction
team. Good knowledge of accounting & finance and
quantity survey is also required.


What are the functions of different components of paint?
For normal paint application, there are mainly three main
components of paint, namely primer, undercoat and finishing coat.
Primer: This is the first layer of a typical painting system and it is
used to inhabit corrosion and provide a good bond for subsequent
Undercoat: This component acts as a barrier to corrosion agents
and even out irregularities of bonding surface. It also serves to
hide the underlying background and prevent the details and colour
of the area of application to affect the designed colour and
finishing details of paint.
Finishing coat: This is the final layer of a typical painting system
and it protects the underlying layers from the effect of adverse
weather conditions (e.g. sunlight) and to provide the designed
properties of paint like colour, impermeability, wearing resistance,


Here is the list of the most commonly asked questions during the
interviews.Hope this helps to most of you.
1.Introduce yourself?
2. What are your career preferences?
3. How much salary you are expecting?
4. What is your plan regarding continuing your education?
5. Tell us about your hobbies?
6. What are your strengths & weaknesses?
7. Are you ready to work in a team?
8. Can you work in stress?
9. What good things you liked in your ex boss?
10. How do you feel working on weekend?
11. Define success?
12. How good your communication is?
13. Where do you see yourself in next 2 years?
14. You like trying new things or stay with old ones?
15. Why you have applied for this position?
16. Tell us about your family?
17. Areas where you can revamp your skills?
18. What if you are not selected for this position?
19. What makes you feel that you are the best candidate for this
20. What you preferred, money or work?
21. Tell us about your subjects?
23. What is your greatest strength?
24. What are you looking for in a job?
25.What kind of person would you refuse to work with?
26. What is more important to you: the money or the work?
27. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure.
28. Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?
29. What motivates you to do your best on the job?
30. Describe your management style.
31. How do you propose to compensate for your lack of
32. Describe your work ethic.
33.What qualities do you look for in a boss?
34.What position do you prefer on a team working on a project?
35. Do you have any questions for me?


“Civil Engineering is a Renaissance
field that requires the knowledge of many disciplines. ”
Below we have a list of disciplines one can choose from:
* Bridge Engineering
* Construction engineering
* Environmental engineering
* Fire protection engineering
* Geotechnical engineering
* General engineering
* Hydraulic engineering
* Materials science
* Piles Engineering
* Structural engineering
* Surveying
* Timber Engineering
* Transportation engineering
* Water resources engineering
