Inspirational Astrology

Inspirational Astrology

This is my weekly blog where I will give my personal view on what is happening around us on a spirit


Full Moon in Virgo

Todays Full Moon in Virgo is super intense and as the Moon is opposite Spiritual Pisces we can’t not look at this as a massive Spiritual awakening.

The Moon today is grounded it’s in Earth so that’s practical and of the earth, money possessions and material gain and how we exist on a daily level, however it’s contradicted by the Sun in spiritual and nebulous Pisces.
So we are human beings but also a spirit having a grounded human existence……. So today get the balance right and for the coming period.

Be realistic with the Virgo Moon essence of practicality this is the energy of the ego and we need that to survive here on Earth.
However the contradiction is Pisces energy connects to the realms of existence and our spirit, that part of us that believes everything is possible and we can create our own reality, but don’t fiorget about the forces of life path and karma of which we have no control.

This Moon is about striking , the balance here and taking all these energies and blending them and using them all successfully.
Be strong, be creative be practical but above all realise life is a gift it’s given to us to learn and grow but also to enjoy the very experience 🙏….. Happy Full Moon in Virgo 💋
