Flu Patch

Flu Patch

Hate Needles, Try the New Flu Vaccine Patch! The New Flu Patch is safe, less painful, shipped & stored at room temperature and reduces overall medical costs.

Every idea starts with a problem. Why are we still using the same technology to deliver vaccinations as we did back in 1853? One hundred sixty years after the invention of the needle and syringe, we're still using them to deliver vaccines; it's time to evolve.

Here's what evolution looks like.

​The Flu Patch delivers vaccinations through a tiny patch that’s smaller than a postage stamp and has

Blog Title: The Future of Flu Vaccines: Could a Patch Replace Needles? - Health Advantages 25/01/2023

The Future of Flu Vacccines: Could a Patch Replace Needles


Blog Title: The Future of Flu Vaccines: Could a Patch Replace Needles? - Health Advantages As flu season approaches, many people are looking for ways to protect themselves from contracting the virus. For years, traditional flu shots have been the go-to way to get vaccinated against the virus. But what if there was another option? What if…Read More »