Robin Miller Healing Facilitation

Robin Miller Healing Facilitation

Guiding individuals and groups to rediscover their Inner strength. The amazing spark which exists in all of us that gets hidden behind life's challenges.


In funny thing indeed.

Funny thing time... It's our perception of it. Looking forward to something? Then we speed time up.
Being right here?
Then time slows.
Just perception


Here's a review from a man who had a tumour and part of his pelvis removed.
Pain free for three days after a simple 20 minute session.

Hi, my name is Rob Mack, I'm 47 years old and I was at a 4 day festival and was lucky enough to receive a treatment from both Robin and Keren on the Saturday. I experience constant pain I have in my pelvis due to a large bone tumor removal. Because my dysfuction is largely mechanical I was skeptical that there would be any change but I surrendered to the process. During the treatment I did feel my brainwaves settle to an almost sleep like state and I remember feeling safe, warm and tingly... It was a really lovely peaceful experience and after it was over I wandered blissfully back to my tent for a peaceful nap.

When I woke, I noticed I felt no pain and headed straight to the dancefloor where I spent most of my time til late Monday. I was amazed that I felt almost zero pain all weekend, alongside that, the angst I generally feel about my body had also eased. I was even (for the first time in 3 years) able to enjoy dancing as freely as I used to before the tumor.

I fail to describe the healing I enjoyed in any logical terms as it defies anything I can rationally connect with but I can say that I experienced great pain relief and emotional ease after being in their comforting hands. Now that I understand that their methods can even help something as mechanical as a large part of my pelvis missing I plan to take the opportunity to enjoy their healings more often for sure!


Hey weekly update. Or my rants. I spend a lot of time working out the universe and the meaning of life. Yeh 42 I know.

I see so much new age spiritual stuff. And unfortunately most of it is based on the teachers learnt behaviours. Light dark. Good evil. Yin yang. Etc
We have been taught basically to think that we must work through our stuff to get to a place within ourselves to be happy or more fulfilling blah.

So is it learnt to think that we must remove and change our old behaviours. Our habits based on fight or flight? Or is it safe to assume that we are already at that place. Already perfect and the longer we focus on what we want to change the less we actually change.
I truly think that we are the only species on the planet that does this. And with the old excuse that our brains are more formed or such rubbish. Do trees do this? Or anything else? It's a pretty easy assumption to get to that they don't. So why do we? Learnt behaviours. Socially conditioned. Whatever

If we think about what is the only true joy that any of us feel then it's evident what we are here to do and what really fulfils us. And that's connections with people. Our families. Our friends. And those people we meet who we feel a genuine warmth for. And every thing else on this planet and the universe combined for that matter.

If we think more on the feeling we get with the connection or relationship then not much else matters. Look into a babies eyes. Pretty hard to think about any of our perceived problems yeh? Or stare into the stars. Or a tree. Or a small bird on the window sill it doesn't matter what it is for the individual.

And when we say we are done with that cause we have work to do in our lives then the feeling is gone. Back to the mundane and what we think we need to do.

So if we stay with the feeling and understand the importance of these connections then there is little room for pain and hurt. Or to even think about doing our work. Sorting through our stuff. Letting go of pain etc.

The doing of said work keeps us trapped. Whenever we feel pain could that not very easily disappear if we felt that connection with a baby or lover or friends. Etc?

So I say to focus on the joys. The love for whatever. Catch your thoughts when you mind goes to nut things out. Look out the window at a tree etc for a moment to remind yourself that everything is ok.
I could go on but it's written enough.
Look at the things that you like instead of what you don't like.


You might not be the person that you think you are. Alan Watts


Hi. Well I've had a pretty disgusting head cold for two days now. And I've realised that I abuse my body to get the attention I need. To be nurtured when we are sick is so lovely and comforting.
So I'm seeing that an action I'm taking by letting my body get down is to receive attention.
Which then makes me realise that I somewhere deep down have a feeling of not being loved.
Ok got that.
Then I remind myself or realise that I don't need to be sick. Of course I don't because I can eat and rest to get my body going again.
And then the clanger hits.
I only need to be calm. Stop all this reactive behaviour.
That crazy intense vibration that we can have were there is no pain. No sickness and no reaction.
We all know it and experience this in many different ways.
And there it is again. Yes what I say to someone else is what I say to myself.
Have a glorious experience my friends.


Everything that we do is a choice. All of it.
Observe a little what comes out of our choices.


shape your words for a good future


Observe the humanness of yourself (and others).
Observe the learnt behaviors and actions.
Most of who we are and how we react is learnt. Copied.
Just observe.


Hey. Sharing some of my thoughts that you may wish to ponder.
Intent. How much do we limit ourselves on this. Intent for what. Jesus spoke of healing ect and he just did cause he allowed god.
So if we allow the awareness that we can change whatever then our intent is different. Our intent is limited base on our 3d perspective of what is possible. Bound by old teachings and our scientific perspective.


well there's so much on the Internet or Facebook at least about being healthy and living happily ect.
removing blocks. reaching our potential. dealing with past lives.
dealing with others negative stuff let alone our own.
sounds so hard doesn't it.
perhaps we have listened to hard to old teachings. albeit more modern teachings. and so much of it is fear based.
think about this.
are we not happy way deep inside?
what happens when we sit alone.
in nature?
what happens.
it's peaceful. happy joyful. calm.
so the question I ask is how much of our learnt behaviors and fears which keeps us unhappy?
numerous posts about being happy when fishing. sitting on the beach ect.
do we need or fears?
to keep us alert perhaps...
but scared of what and who we are ?

just sit. be still. listen to the breeze. 5 minutes. that's all.
all is well


So much fear in the world. so much. it's so important that we stay strong in ourselves. shine. be what we believe in. stand tall. do what we know is right.
and in time the fear will go. in ourselves and in those who we interact with


So if you stand in front of someone and remove the visual. how they look. how they act. smell feel ect. what's left? a pure being. as we are all born. all of us are pure beneath our learnt behaviors.
so this pure being standing in front of us is what?
angel, light being?
something beautiful that's for sure.
way more beautiful than our 3d perception anyway.
you are beautiful


Hi. well I havnt posted anything on here for a while. what to say? what do I need to say?
what does anyone need to hear?
what I say is basically what I need to learn and this is no different to anyone.
so if anyone reads what I write they can follow a loose time line of what I am going through.
that said I feel a longing in people (and myself) to stop. stop moving. doing. just stop and listen. those who live or spend time away from towns and city's will get this. listen to the trees rustling. the birds singing. the water flowing. and stop. what is hidden behind our thoughts of physical stuff. slowly if we allow ourselves there's a hum. so soft to start. science will explain this in Hz ect. slow down enough and it starts to become felt. and here lies the good bit.
people meditate and spend so much time at stilling the mind. just listen and feel the hum and silence of the earth. and soon with practice it's not a hum. it changes. a tune perhaps.

so just stop. listen. listen to way more than your ears will hear.


I surrender to love you with my heart. no thought. just let love in with no fear. for you and for all.


all is well


she's singing to soul. music quiz. . doesn't matter really. what does this mean? what's that deep desire within a woman? only to love and to heal those around her.
to heal my soul


well I'm pretty convinced or such that we are only here to have fun. to find joy in our hearts. to love whatever. a tree a bird a person a happy thought.
to flourish in the things that make us feel alive. to dance. to sing.. no fear cause what's the point of it in the end.


this has been ticking around in my head a lot lately.
what do I want to do? what is fun for me?
what is it that really grounds me. the thing where I feel happiest.
and it occurred to me that is not how I have been living .
some things come to mind.
relationships friends and families.
Heaps when I write it down really.
finding the thing or attitude which is where I flow is for now what I need.


Shall I ramble?who will listen? doesn't matter.
a change in humanity is happening. like never before.
I'm 44 and I sense like my parents never did. telepathy . healing. ect
a knowing of what we are here for.
observe the 20 yr Olds. another generation evolved.
5 yr Olds.... they don't live in the 3rd dimension. they don't realise yet. mmm.
the human species is changing
like it or not.
evolving as Darwin might say
why do know what you may say?
why do I know who's on the phone that's ringing?
why does a random person come into my mind?
why do I feel compassion for someone who hurt me?
I remember hearing about the age of Aquarius as a kid. yeh hippies. cool. yeh?
but as I get older I start to realise that we REALLY are changing. scientists have shown that our DNA is changing. from our thoughts.

so ... how do I affect you?
and how do you affect others.


mmmm. twin flame. what the hell does this mean? is this telepathy. direct and immediate reflection of thoughts with the other. feelings of love as well as their pain. ill feelings around not wanting to own what is reflected immediately cause physical pain.
twin flame. what fun.
ready to deal with every little bit of pain that was buried deep inside? and the pain won't subside until it's let go of?
and oh yes there's immense love. lots of it.
s*x.. well it can be mind blowing. the union of two souls (or one) intwining . yep amazingly lovely.

so those that long for their twin flame. are you ready to have your buttons pushed? all of them. everyday.
not an easy ride some may say. well at least those who fear bringing up the old stuff thats been hidden in the closet.
thing is what does it really matter?
isn't life about being totally present and caring with whoever we choose to be with?

just live. be here. now.
with your friend. your lover.


It’s in her eyes.

You can read trust in a woman’s eyes like a grade three book. It’s there in black and white, written for you to see. She will project it to you even in the most erotic situations. Look deep in her eyes, and read what she is writing for you.


I'm in pain. He did this or she did that. If they weren't like that I would not feel this unease inside.
So I'll pull away from these people.
Sorted. For now. More people doing stuff that brings up hurt.
Ooh a pattern. Its not the people around me. Its the same emotions that I'm reacting to.
How I react. What action I take on the emotion that a person may bring up in me..
A person may be really horrible and I can observe. No pain. Only compassion.
Another person could do or say another thing which wrecks me.
Whats the difference? One of them has shown me some aspect of myself that I may not like. Some old wound I have suppressed.
My pain is my choice. I can take an action based on their behaviour or not.
Only action I need to take is what is the emotion that they show me. And why does it hurt me.
Its not their fault. Its nobody's.


i am a man, strong and safe, a haven for others to be held in safety, a protector, a primate thing that holds safety.
i am pain, old ways coming out,

but a man. a marvelous creature willed into this reality to do great things, to learn, to love, to spread a place of love. i am me and that is what matters....................... so it is my story to share who i am, and no-one will really get it as i feel. thats what makes us so special, because theres a realisation inside that we all are amazing


So the term is thrown around 'holding space' for someone.
What does this mean to each of us?
Is it being that solid rock for someone when they are hurting?
Is it the kinds words without judgement ? Without buying into their pain. Keeping the emotions at check to allow them to just feel safe to let whatever they have to say out.
Is it just being present with someone? Really listening to what they are saying underneath their words and pain.
Is it the eye contact. The open hearted body language.
Surrounding them with love ?

What is it for you?


I post lots of stuff about global politics. Its to inform others basically.

Its heart breaking and sad most of it. I totally get why people dont want it in their lives. ... but we do need to be aware.

But theres hope. When someone with a bad attitude / vibe is around it can totally throw us.

And thats what the media delivers.

Its so important that we keep our spirits up. Way to many people let all the wrongs in the world bring them down.

Loving our friends. Our families.
The things that bring us joy. Pets. Nature. Our gardens. Our passions. Ect.

Keep the spark inside alive or it all goes to s**t.

So when we hurt from what is going on around us its important to ask ourselves a question.

Will i let this bring me down?

Or not..

Be strong and just love. Just be. Get on with our lives and promote happiness in everything we do.

Its all we can do sometimes. And it will be all that matters for humanity


words ... the pain i feel is not what the other has done or thought. the pain is me seeing something i don't like in myself. the bigger the pain the less i like whatever it is about myself.
so when someone makes me sad angry or whatever, i go why am i having this emotional response to their actions?

people will be people, we all have our faults. the odds of being around someone who does not annoy me in some way are slim to say the least
so what action will i take on the back of someone else's actions??

Tree Hugging Now Scientifically Validated 05/11/2015

Once we connect with the tree.. or adjust to its vibration it's quite easy to step back and feel it's 'aura'. Each tree is different and if we use our memory of a particular tree it's the same as if we were right there again

Tree Hugging Now Scientifically Validated It has been recently scientifically validated that hugging trees is good for you. Research has shown that you don't even have to…
