CSANC - College Stores Association of NC

CSANC - College Stores Association of NC

The purpose of the CSANC is to unite in one organization persons whose common goal is providing excellent service and support to the college store industry


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October 6 - 8th…

Photos from CSANC - College Stores Association of NC's post 11/06/2024

Another CSANC Summer Session in the books. We had folks from 3 states and 17 schools across NC in attendance. There was lots of pizza but more importantly there were some great sessions and fantastic networking. We were also very happy to see some new faces and stores join us. All in all great day now on to the CSANC Annual Meeting in October.


Save the date for the 2024 CSANC Summer Session. And remember to bring friends!


Good Morning CSANC!
Join us as we reach out to new members and share what CSANC can do to help them be the best college stores that they can be. Please do your best to attend and also share with anyone you think should attend. It would be good to have folks from your campus involved in Auxiliary Services, food service, administration, and business offices to help grow our scope of service by talking about how we can support them in addition to in partnership with our bookstores. Save the date and share the invite far and wide.
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Hello CSANC,
We have a lot of things cooking in the kitchen right now but we teased you with a special announcement a few weeks ago and now it is time to deliver. We are excited to announce a new CSANC website! You can find it at csaofnc.com.

We still have some work to do in order to build it up, but it will grow with us and we have lots of plans for it. In time this website will be a hub for information and connection where we can share documents, important dates, memories, and even take payments. It is also mobile friendly!

The current board set accessibility and visibility as priorities for growth and the new website is just one step. We want to make sure that we have a strong tool to share with our administrations, potential members, and vendors that show the professionalism, integrity, and value of CSANC.

Be sure to keep an eye on the website and here on Facebooks to see what is coming up next.

Talk more soon!


Hello CSANC,
We hope everyone headed to CAMEX has a fantastic time and safe travels.

Also, we hope to share some really big and exciting news with everyone next week so keep your eyes out.


North Myrtle Beach Resorts: Beach Cove Resort, Oceanfront 06/09/2023

Hello All,
This is just a friendly reminder to make sure to book your room and get your registration in for the meeting in a few weeks.

I have set up a zoom meeting forTuesday 9/12. If anyone has any questions I will do my best to answer them at this time. The link is below.


Also, if you would please go ahead and reserve your rooms they can be booked at https://www.beachcove.com or call 888-974-5531.
Group Code: SCACS- Reservations must be made by September 15th.
Oceanfront Executive Suite- $85 + all fees and taxes = $116.48 per night
Oceanfront 2 Bedroom Condo -$165 + all fees and taxes = $206.08 per night


North Myrtle Beach Resorts: Beach Cove Resort, Oceanfront Explore our oceanfront condos & suites, amenities & exclusive resort deals. Discover the best of North Myrtle Beach resorts at Beach Cove Resort.


Hello CSANC!
I know everyone has been rocking and rolling with a rush and is ready for the weekend.

I sent an email from [email protected] a few days ago with the agenda and registration for the upcoming meeting as well as the dues form for 2023.

If you did not get an email please send me an email and I will get your contact info updated and send you the forms.

Now go enjoy that weekend!!!!

North Myrtle Beach Resorts: Beach Cove Resort, Oceanfront 03/08/2023

Hello CSANC,

I know rush is upon us but I wanted to remind everyone to go ahead and make plans to join us for our annual meeting on October 2-4 in Myrtle Beach. This is a joint meeting with CSANC and SCACS and will have an updated agenda and registration forms out shortly.

So far we are working on the following sessions:

Maintaining Your Independence
Strategies for Staying Relevant
Attracting & Engaging Customers All Year

This is all in addition to some great networking and vendor show.

If there are other topics you would like to see on the agenda please let us know. We want to make sure we are all getting the most value out of this event as possible.

Also, if you would please go ahead and reserve your rooms they can be booked at https://www.beachcove.com or call 888-974-5531.

Group Code: SCACS- Reservations must be made by September 15th.
Oceanfront Executive Suite- $85 + all fees and taxes = $116.48 per night

Oceanfront 2 Bedroom Condo -$165 + all fees and taxes = $206.08 per night

We are looking forward to a great meeting so make sure to be there!!!


North Myrtle Beach Resorts: Beach Cove Resort, Oceanfront Explore our oceanfront condos & suites, amenities & exclusive resort deals. Discover the best of North Myrtle Beach resorts at Beach Cove Resort.


Some words from the President

Good Morning,

I want to personally thank each and every one of you for your commitment to seeing this plane(CSANC) take back off. We had to make a pit stop for refueling but we are back in the air. Thank you, Chad for all you have done in the midst of adversity. We may still have some adverse air to go through, but we will make it. As we move forward, we need to strengthen the ones that are here, reach out to the ones who left, but most importantly focus on the ones that never joined. Sounds cliche but over my 17 years in the industry, we have strength in numbers.

With that said, thank you all.


Terraic Williams


Good Morning CSANC,

I wanted to thank everyone who attended the CSANC Planning Meeting yesterday and let everyone who was not able to attend know that we missed seeing you.

I do want to share that we had a store quorum and voted to go ahead and approve the proposed updates to the CSANC Constitution and Bylaws to be effective immediately. We also seated a new board to help the association get moving again.

If you would join me in welcoming the 2023-2024 CSANC BOARD

Past President- Donna Arnett
President- Terriac Williams
VP- William Parry
Sec/ Tres- Chad Conville
BMAT- Beth McPherson
BMAT- Stephen Venters
BMAT- Kelly Church
BMAT- Kristina Rasmussen
Vendor Partner- Matt Bennett

After a great meeting, I think everyone is ready to get CSANC back on track and be a resource for our stores and vendors as well as a hub for friendship and comradery for everyone in our industry and state.

We will send out any and all updates as we progress. I am also attaching the revised CSANC Constitution and Bylaws.

Chad Conville


Good Morning CSANC Stores,

I wanted to get this information out so folks can make their travel requests and plans.

The CSANC Planning Meeting will be held at GTCC (more info below) on Tuesday, June 13th. The session will run from 10-2 with a lunch break. There are several options for food around campus as well as vending and the Titan Market on campus. Feel free to arrive between 9-9:30 if you want a have some time to catch up and socialize for a few minutes before the meeting. I know this may be the first time many of us have seen each other in a while. If you would send a response to either the csanc.org@gmail or [email protected] so we can get an expected number of attendees. Again your input and participation are both vital and appreciated.

I will be sending additional information on the Constitution and Bylaw updates next week.
Thanks, Chad

GTCC Meeting Details
Room number in Medlin is 2702 A and B. Attendees can park in the Visitor Lot out front of our Medlin Bldg. 601 East Main St., Jamestown, NC and it is a very short walkover to Medlin Center. The Meeting rooms are where the old Bookstore was located (for those that may remember) and it has a Green Awning in front of the rooms. Our Titan Market convenience store is just one level down in the building and we also have Vending and Restrooms adjacent to the meeting space. We will provide water for all attendees too. GTCC is fairly convenient off of I-40 and I-85.


Good morning CSANC Stores,

I hope everyone is doing well. I wanted to reach out to everyone to discuss a few things.

First, as many of us already know that after many years of service, Stephanie Talyor is making some professional changes and will be moving on from her stores. This does not mean she is gone forever and she will always have a home and a piece of our hearts at CSANC. If you have not reached out to Stephanie and say hello do so, but know she still plans on being involved with the association in some capacity or another.

With this in mind and in addition to the many changes and challenges we have faced over the past few years in the industry and with the ever-present ripples of Covid, we are in a unique situation in regards to CSANC. As all things change so do the needs of our association and our members and we feel like we are at an important juncture where we need to evaluate what we will look like and how we will serve each other in the future.

There have been many conversations about what we need to do as an Association to keep ourselves relevant and meet our current needs. In order to meet this challenge we have formed a group of recent Executive Committee members that are going to evaluate the current bylaws, make recommendations for updates, and then work to reseat a current Executive Board. We would like everyone to have an opportunity to provide input on any changes and to help us track a path for the future of CSANC.

Shawn Dee has graciously reserved some space for us to have a "CSANC Planning Meeting" on Tuesday, June 13th at GTCC. There will be more information out shortly but we want to make sure that everyone marks their calendar and makes arrangements to attend. It is very important that we get input and participation during this session as it will lead to changes that will be voted on at the Annual Meeting in October and will impact the future direction of CSANC.

Please be on the lookout for additional information about CSANC in the near future and if there are any contact updates or folks that need to be added please let me know.

Chad Conville
Randolph CC


Good morning CSANC,
I hope everyone is doing great. I know that this rush is like no other we have experienced, but you are gonna rock it out. If you have not heard it today you are awesome, you are a valued professional, you are smart, and you are pretty cool if we let you join the gang. Keep your heads up and let's cheers over a beer down in Myrtle Beach.
