Primal Focus Training

Primal Focus Training

Its tips and advice from a personal trainer


Rotator cuffs are crucial for every weight training regime. One of the best days to perform it is on chest day because not only warms up your muscle. It assist in shoulder protection as it helps you retract your scapula which decreases shoulder involvement . This allows for more chest activation. As well it helps for safety as it reduces the load on the shoulder which means more on the desired movement when your trading other muscles.

So the next time you enter a gym plan on doing a rotator cuff exercise such as lying down external and internal rotation.

Ps should always be preformed after cardio/ warm up and before working set to be granted these benefits that were mentioned.

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I seen so many people build a program around machines when their goal is try to lose weight with machines such as the sit down chest press machine . I’m not saying all machines are bad. Cardio machines are great but nothing beats utilizing your core during your lifts and or body weight .

Core and body weight exercises are more efficient because not only work your stabilizers which are the assisted muscles being used.

The more muscles involved the more calories that are bing burned, but that can not be done with machines as they only isolate a single muscle group.

Know that I’m not saying machines are bad they can aide in building muscle and I will discuss more in my next post but it should not be a program that your doing that is all done by machines .

Max amount of exercise that are on machines should be 2 or less and the main focus on your functional lifts that involve you’re core and body weight such as deadlifts as well as pull-ups.

As well as I’m sure you guys are aware that with machines your not actually lifting what weight says as its roughly 15 lbs or less than the actual number . The dramatic decrease for the machine weight depends on the quality and brand.

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What we use for sitting has other purposes

The gluteus is the strongest and one of the biggest muscles in the human body and is often separated in to two muscles such as the Gluteus Maximus as well as the Gluteus Medius , it is also connected to the coccyx (tailbone) while stabilizes your pelvis. Gluteus are often a muscle that gets over looked , by both the every day man who often neglects it and the athlete who thinks it will impress the ladies by solely working the upper body .However their missing a perfect opportunity to yield great results , as the the gluteus are responsible for your hip and thigh movement allowing you to perform everyday tasks such as jumping,walking and running. It also prevents if trained by doing sumo squats or hip bridge , muscle imbalance in the hip,quads,hamstrings and lower back. It will prevent injuries in places such as the achilles and runner knee,as well it prevents the hips being more dominate if not trained which will happened next time you neglect to emphasis your butt on your leg workout, which will create a lack of mobility.

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Circuit training is a combination of both cardio and strength based training

Circuit is great when your tired of your old workouts and need a change. It is a great way to incorporate a lot of volume in very minimal time which is great because you won’t any additional time in the gym . As well you won’t be wasting time by taking to long of a break
And it constantly involves your core

So next time you go to the gym try it out

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"Back" to basics.

Almost everyone has experienced or knows someone who has experienced throwing out their back at some point in their lives. This is usually due to a weak lower back (or lumbar) combined with improper form when lifting something heavier than what they're used to. One of the most important factors to remember when say; lifting a heavy bag of groceries out of the trunk of the car OR something as little as picking up a pillow off of the floor is A; practice proper form and B; strengthen the lumbar area. When in the gym, I recommend doing Good-Mornings and/or Lower Back Extensions at the end of "back day" . That way, you do not exhaust the lower back before doing your other back exercises such as deadlifts, bent-over rows ,lat pull-downs, etc. Now, you might find it challenging to complete your sets after doing your regular back exercises, but you will notice that as you progress, "back day" will get easier and easier and you will be less susceptible to injury.

Get up , focus, train.


Always keep your scapula retracted and warm up all three muscle groups: the front,middle and back shoulder. Be sure to also warm up your rotator cuff using a front and backward rotation. Do this prior to working the chest muscles because it will increase your lifts and put more emphasis on the muscles being used and will therefore reduce injury.

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This is something that most of us neglect and become limited in when we put on muscle and /or get older. To avoid the stiffness and lack of mobility, train with lower intensity and do some bodyweight exercises such as animal movements. For example, the lizard walk will aid in repairing muscle tissue, joints, etc. and give your body a break from the regular high intensity training.

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Animal like movements

Are great because it allows for more bodyweight exercises ,which also helps improve strength in the muscles that are often hard to target due to lack of mobility or flexibility.

These movements are great and can be modified and can be incorporated in to any workout program.

So why not give them a try ?

If your looking for some than don’t hesitate to ask


Don’t always do the same style of workout such as pairing the same muscles together or doing the same order , for example deadlifts first and pull ups last.

Twi months is the max duration when you should be doing the same program if there aren’t any changes. You could continue but it will be futile as you will be hitting plateaus and the results and progress will decline.

Also, changing the days you train each muscle if your doing splits will help in your progress.

By changing the days you will add some cycle and help build up your weak points and you will involve your mental focus and concentration at the same time.

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Benefits of a warmup

Prepares your heart and body on what’s coming next such as the stretch and load.

Increases the oxygen and delivery of nutrients to your body.

Improves the blood flow to the tissue and makes the muscles workable.

It also helps you mentally, as we humans enjoy being challenged but will never want to continue if it can’t be done.

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Long workouts are not beneficial because after 45 minutes to an hr depending on the exercises , lifts , and type of training your muscle will break down for energy. The 45min to 1h training will force you to increase the intensity of the workout, which will aid in better results. As well the quality of the work won’t get affected because if the workouts are to long the form will be affected and they will be a lot of working the wrong muscles.

This length of workout must be followed if trying to pack on muscle or improve strength.As well keep in mind your testosterone goes down to normal after 45min.

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Long workouts are not beneficial because after 45 minutes to an hr depending on the exercises , lifts , and type of training your muscle will break down for energy. The 45min to 1h training will force you to increase the intensity of the workout, which will aid in better results. As well the quality of the work won’t get affected because if the workouts are to long the form will be affected and they will be a lot of not working the correct muscles.

This length of workout must be followed if trying to pack on muscle or improve strength.As well keep in mind your testosterone goes down to normal after 45min.

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How to break a Plateau.

After 6 to 8 weeks, change a few things in your program whether it’s complimentary lifts or the angle of the lifting position. Change your diet such as consuming more fats and less carbs. Change your cardio and don’t always perform the same exercise routine. Train and focus on your weak links instead of focusing on your strengths.

Signs to look out for that will tell you it’s time to change up your workout program are: your mentally not interested in your current workout routine or your body has adapted to your regime and you have hit a plateau.

This is all important but remember that your body is a machine and it needs a right amount of rest and recovery to fire on all cylinders.

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Always incorporate full body workouts that involve multiple muscle groups. You will burn more calories , get stronger using your body as a unit.

The body is not made to isolate , as every activity , task, job etc incorporates multiple muscles because they are all connected for a reason.


The benefits of bodyweight workout

It involves multiple muscle groups. It’s very time efficient as it does not require equipment.
It’s a great source of muscle endurance and cardio , which means you will be able to put on lean muscle without having any stored fat.
It’s more of a natural movement and helps a great deal in balance and mobility.

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Make sure to train every muscle on the chest , back and legs etc.

That way the tension and pain gets evenly distributed.

So example working the upper and lower lats,,
Upper and lower traps, the inner back etc. Instead of just targeting two or three muscles.

Symmetry is needed or else you will just feel unwanted pain. You will have muscle unbalance and don’t forget it because it will affect how frequent you attend the gym.


Bench press

Keep shoulders retracted to minimize shoulder use “ this will allow you to incorporate more chest”.


You burn more calories through compound exercises such as deadlifts and push ups.


You boost your resting metabolism when you increase your muscle mass



Benefits it’s easier on the joints.

It involves both cardio and muscle work.

Yields great benefits when it comes to working your joints.

As well it offers more diversity when working out if creativity is being used.


A lot of people think that loosing weight consists of frequency , but what’s more affective is high interval training (HIT).
Which can be done through circuit training.

Videos (show all)

Here is my latest video on the landmine goblet squat.
Hey guys! Tune in to my next video on the dumbbell pullover.

