Student of Strength

Student of Strength

Strength is a skill that can be learned by diligent practice with competent instruction. I am a student of strength. Learn it - Practice it - Own it

How to Get Better at Everything by Training Multiple Get-Ups 20/09/2017

SFG is the gold standard of Kettlebell work. Practice time spent on the TGU makes everything stronger. Works 100% of the time. Thanks to Jay Weedall SFG II for this program.

How to Get Better at Everything by Training Multiple Get-Ups

The 3 Best Lifts for Developing Overhead Strength and Why 02/09/2017

Great post article by Chris Abbott SFG the conclusions in which I wholeheartedly concur. In preparation for my SFGII cert later this month I've chosen to practice these exactly these lifts in my program.

The 3 Best Lifts for Developing Overhead Strength and Why Here's how to develop considerable overhead strength using three particular lifts. When used together, these three lifts allow you to put major weight overhead while building seriously healthy shoulders.

The 6 Best Trap Bar Exercises You Aren't Using 27/06/2017

Great trap bar exercises.

The 6 Best Trap Bar Exercises You Aren't Using The Trap Bar Is More Than Just A Tool For Deadlifting Chances are you've used the trap bar to deadlift, but it would be foolish to think that this versatile piece of equipment's use is just limited to lifting heavy off the floor. Due to it's unique shape, size and handle placement, the trap bar is l...

7 Movements You Need For Full-Body Strength 19/06/2017

The Magnificent 7. Another great piece of work from Danny Kavadlo.

7 Movements You Need For Full-Body Strength Is your one-sided program setting you up for frustration? Eradicate your weaknesses for a body that performs from any angle by mastering the fundamental human movement patterns!


Working my way up to a 2x BW deadlift. 315 is now my training weight for 3x3 after warmup. Rack pulling from the knees up to 365 x5 final set with gas left in the tank. On my way to 4 wheels. Progress is slow. They're called grinds for a reason.

The Second Must Do | Original Strength 29/05/2017

Simple. Effective. Nourishing.

The Second Must Do | Original Strength Last week I talked about the one movement I would do, if I could only do one exercise for building and keeping strength; my must do exercise. If you didn’t read about that, it was loaded walking with a backpack and indian clubs, you can read more

6 Big Questions About Kettlebell Training - Part 1 | Dragon Door 09/05/2017

Want to learn the kettlebell basics? It's in here. Written by Dan John. If you want to dial in the movements, get with an SFG or RKC instructor.

6 Big Questions About Kettlebell Training - Part 1 | Dragon Door Recently on the Dragon Door forum, someone told us about their first adventures with kettlebells. The poster had six questions

Kavadlo Brothers’ Calisthenics Arms Workout 11/04/2017

The Calisthenics Bros.

Kavadlo Brothers’ Calisthenics Arms Workout Fans of progressive calisthenics know that you don’t need weights to pump up your arms. With nothing more than your own bodyweight and a few bars, you can blast your guns without any external resistance. Though you won’t find any dumbbell curls or triceps push-downs in this workout, the following ex...


Klokov is super-human.

Hang Your Way to Better Pull-ups 04/04/2017

Great article on progression to the pull-up.

Hang Your Way to Better Pull-ups A basketball coach walks into the gym and witnesses one of his athletes shooting free throws. He makes 1 out of 50 shots. The coach asks the athlete what he's doing and the athlete replies "practicing free throws." The coach then asks him a simple question: "Are you practicing making them or are you...

The Best Exercises. Period. | T Nation 19/11/2016

These may not be among regularly programed exercises but perhaps that should change. High pull, farmer's walk, dip, power sn**ch to get yoked, stay lean and build power and the underhand medicine ball throw to test athleticism. Thanks to Christian Thibaudeau, penned back in 2014 but timeless human performance truth.

The Best Exercises. Period. | T Nation The absolute best movements for fat loss, maximum power, chest development, overall strength, and more.


Great drill to increase shoulder extension and stability while strengthening the midsection as well.

7 Movements You Need For Full-Body Strength 15/10/2016

Danny understands human movement and is an expert practitioner and teacher of it.

7 Movements You Need For Full-Body Strength Is your one-sided program setting you up for frustration? Eradicate your weaknesses for a body that performs from any angle by mastering the fundamental human movement patterns!

10 Things Every Lifter Should Be Able to Do | T Nation 12/10/2016

Really easy, pretty tough or not there yet, all these are within reach of virtually anybody who is willing to work for it. Long and hard perhaps but attainable nonetheless. And worth working toward.

10 Things Every Lifter Should Be Able to Do | T Nation If strength, health, and longevity are what you're after, then you should be able to easily pass these tests. If not, you have work to do.


The Kettlebell bent press has been a particularly difficult movement for me to learn to perform correctly. At my SFG II cert at The Dome in 2014 Iron Tamer David Whitley was extremely helpful in instructing me through a breakthrough. Back then it seemed as if my body was locked and just didn't want to move in such a way as to allow anything resembling a decent bent press. I've been practicing it pretty consistently since that time and I'm beginning to get it. By that I mean grooving the movement. It's beginning to feel somewhat natural. I can't yet load it as much as I'd like but that will come with continued practice. Here's where I'm at with it today a year and a half since The Dome. Some things just take a lot of practice and time.The dead sn**ches are thrown for kicks as I'm working on increasing my explosive strength. Some of my teammates who were there and witnessed me struggling are: Joshua Hunter, Amanda Hudson, Viviana Lopez, Alydia Rose Bryant.


Think you have to be physically big and bulky to be strong? This is what real strength looks like.

How to Get the Benefit of Depth Jumps Without Jumping - StrongFirst 01/08/2016

Another reason to love StrongFirst. Where else do you get stuff like this?

How to Get the Benefit of Depth Jumps Without Jumping - StrongFirst While depth jumps are an effective approach to plyometrics, the overspeed eccentric swing is a safer alternative. Here are the scientific reasons why.

Program Minimum [Squared] - StrongFirst 28/07/2016

Get with the program.

Program Minimum [Squared] - StrongFirst Pavel's original Program Minimum used the bent press and the sn**ch. He reinvented the PM with the swing and the get-up. What if we use all four?

3 Tips to Get Your First Strict Muscle-up - GymnasticBodies 17/07/2016

3 Tips to Get Your First Strict Muscle-up - GymnasticBodies For those just starting Gymnastics Strength Training™, the quest to get your first strict muscle-up can seem daunting and almost never-ending. There are so many factors involved, and you will often hear conflicting advice as to how to go about training for it. First, you must be realistic with yours...

Jason Ferruggia’s Renegade Fitness 17/07/2016

"6-pack abs" "core strength" "ripped midsection" However you refer to it, everyone wants it, right? Well, its 85% a result of eating clean, nutritious food most of the time. Sucks, I know, but true. You can't out work a bad diet. The other 15% is systematically strengthening the muscles that surround the midsection. That includes, front, back, sides, top and bottom. Here's a good place to start.

Jason Ferruggia’s Renegade Fitness How to Build Muscle- Bodyweight Exercises – Home Workouts

Episode 160: Improve Wrist Mobility | Z-Health 16/07/2016

Wrist health and mobility is so important. Mine is compromised a bit on the right side, I think form repeated mac trackpading. Interferes with weight bearing movements i enjoy like pushup, down dog and handstand practice.

Episode 160: Improve Wrist Mobility | Z-Health Today we're going to look at some combined mobility and stretching exercises to improve your wrist extension.

A Program to Train for the Half-Bodyweight Kettlebell Press - StrongFirst 07/07/2016

Re-cert Level II is coming soon. My, how time flies. If you practice every day week in, week out (more or less), its nothing to get anxious about.

A Program to Train for the Half-Bodyweight Kettlebell Press - StrongFirst This program is for getting you to a half-bodyweight kettlebell press, but will work just as well for getting you to the next bell size, whatever that is.

Timeline photos 26/03/2016

It is one of the great revelations, vis-à-vis StrongFirst's training methodology— that you can derive so *much* benefit in so *little* time, once you have learned the basics from a Certified Instructor. Every new student has been surprised by this—

—That once you learn what to do and are able to do it well, you can get more out of 5 minutes with a kettlebell than from fiddling around in a gym for an hour and a half.

You'll think that sounds crazy, until you try sn**ching a kettlebell for 3 minutes straight (let alone 5). Or 10 minutes of get-ups, or alternating swings and goblet squats, or a few sets of cleans-and-presses... And though it might take very little time each day, it does take some honest effort. Because that's what strength requires. And even the effort *itself* worth it.


Brilliant bodyweight exercises.

A 4-Week Challenge to Develop Unexpected Strength 05/02/2016

This looks interesting. Seems like it will be a great core strength building exercise. I'm going to give it a try.

A 4-Week Challenge to Develop Unexpected Strength What would you do with just a barbell, yourself, and the endless expanse of Arizona desert?

Pavel Tsatsouline - More Russian Kettlebell Challenges 2003 28/11/2015

Pavel is the man credited with the proliferation of Hardstyle Kettlebell training in the west more than a decade ago. Today he is Chairman of StrongFirst. His body of work makes up a great deal of the foundation of my strength education. This video is from the early years of his work in the USA. Many timeless pearls of strength building wisdom here.

Pavel Tsatsouline - More Russian Kettlebell Challenges 2003 25 kettlebell drills for radical strength and old school toughness.

Folding Inner Space, Part II – Cessation of Thought and Super-Human Effort 03/11/2015

In Part II Marty Gallagher delves into the science of superhuman effort in training and the adaptive response of the human body to it. Even if one knew nothing of Marty's athletic accomplishments it is clear that the writer has taken himself to maximum physical exertion and exceeded it time and again.

Folding Inner Space, Part II – Cessation of Thought and Super-Human Effort Hormonal Nitrous Oxide Body-shocking physical effort, maximum effort of a very specific type and kind births an exercised-induced altered state of pure awareness that elite athletes routinely exper…

Folding Inner Space: Part I – Iron Zen: Exercise-Induced Altered States 02/11/2015

A good read by Marty Gallagher for any dedicated athlete looking to gain the edge.

Folding Inner Space: Part I – Iron Zen: Exercise-Induced Altered States Tibetan Lama Dungse Jampol is the son of a Tibetan meditation master. At a young age he asked his father to explain to him, “What is the nature of the mind?” and “What is ‘pure existence” and what …

Wimps are 'stronger than bodybuilders', study finds 30/09/2015

Muscle quality trumps quantity. Strength over mass. We who are StrongFirst already knew that. Study states: In contrast to bodybuilders, power athletes appeared to have an improved level of muscle quality, the researchers found.

Wimps are 'stronger than bodybuilders', study finds A gram of bodybuilders' muscle is less powerful than the same amount of tissue from someone who did not weight train, tests show


Strength. Power. Control.

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Kettlebell Bent Press
