Real World Weight Loss

Real World Weight Loss

You CAN lose weight without giving up everything you love. I lost over 80 pounds while still eating So, you want to lose weight? Boy I know that feeling.

Tired of not being able to tie your shoes or walk up the stairs? I was once so overweight I could not be strapped into a ride at Legoland. Stick with me and learn how to lose weight without starving or giving up everything you love. Get healthier. Learn new habits. But also enjoy. Life is too short not to eat chocolate. 🍫


Because breakfast = love.


"You’re either consciously or unconsciously manifesting. There's never a moment where you're not manifesting." ~Brittany Welsh

Does manifesting work? How does it work? What's the right way to manifest?

I had questions, because I'm not a big believer in everything I hear. My guest on episode 21 of the Walking & Talking with Helen podcast is Brittany Welsh, a manifestation expert.

What I really liked about talking with Britt is that she explains everything using common sense and some science. She gives us real talk about a subject that we hear a lot of but don't really know exactly what's up.

One of my favorite parts is when Brittany explained that we should start with baby steps (my thing, right?) and affirmations. Oh, and using affirmations we can believe in. Then we use that to springboard into manifesting.

Because you know I'm a doubter, I threw different scenarios at Brittany and she gave me some great answers.

This episode is available right here, or on all major podcast platforms (and my website -

I'm curious... how do you feel about manifestation? Are you a doubter or has it worked for you?


Why do we place limits on ourselves because of our age?

We think we can't learn tech? BS.

We think we can't be physically strong? BS.

We think we can't still build an empire? BS.

I throw those AARP mailers in the trash.



To get healthier or lose weight, just move your body every day. “I like to move it, move it.” (Hate that song or love it?)

5 minutes. 10 minutes. It doesn’t matter.

Walk (to my coached walk podcast?), bike, play with your kids/fur baby, run, swim, dance, climb, clean the floor to a sparkle… it doesn’t matter.


I love this yogurt. Loaded with protein and so yummy. I like the plain one (the flavored has stevia and I don’t like the aftertaste). Add some berries and off you go!


Want over 80 FREE healthy recipes? You got it! Join my free community at the link in the comments for recipes, mini challenges, free workshops, support, and more.


You don't have to do extreme things. Just be consistent with the small things.


I didn't notice until now that it looks like I'm wearing a rectangle sunflower hat. 😂 So... I repurposed my son's grilled cheese sandwich to be faster, healthier, and make clean-up easier.

1 slice Dave's Killer Bread
2 slices reduced fat sliced cheddar cheese (I get mine from Trader Joe's)
Spinach leaves

🕵️‍♀️ Here comes the secret...

A little bit of light mayo and seasoning on the OUTSIDE of the bread. What? Yes! It makes it much crisper. Weird, right?

My son normally makes this in a nonstick frying pan, but I popped it on a piece of foil in the air fryer.

This was pretty yummy.

You can use 2 slices of bread. I had a big breakfast so I wanted lunch to be lighter.

Have you ever tried this mayo trick on the outside of bread before?


Think you're too old to make a change? This woman started lifting weights at age 71! She didn't want to end up in a nursing home and wanted to make her daughter proud. (Link to article in first comment.)


What’s one of the most challenging thing you’ve ever done physically?

For me... cycling long distances. But it was so much more fun with my friends. This photo was taken in 2006, in Solvang, California.

Exercise doesn't feel like a chore with good friends.


What’s one thing you can do this week that makes you happy?


TIP: Just 1 in 10 Americans eat enough vegetables every day. What? Yes, it’s true. And greens are part of your superpowers.

So… to help you add more greens to your diet, add a green fruit or veggie every day.

Think: Kale (soften in a bag with a sq**rt of lemon juice), green apples, salad greens, broccoli, zucchini, kiwi, spinach, Brussels sprouts, green beans, sugar snap peas.

Go on a scavenger hunt at a farmer’s market or local health food store to find new and interesting greens.

Spinach is one of my faves. You can even “hide” it when you’re cooking for picky eaters. Add spinach to scrambled egg, spaghetti sauce, wraps, soups, frittatas, etc.

What is your favorite way to eat greens?


What yo do with rice cakes? See below.

Rice cakes have saved me more than once! When I travel I always try to get rice cakes in whatever country I am in because … you know … midnight snack and all.


When it's hot outside, one of my fave things to eat are protein smoothie bowls. You can make them so many ways. This one I "decorated" with a blueberry smiley face. I'm not going to win any awards for artistic ability here...

(PS I will post the recipe link in comments.)


Stay cool! Swimming burns calories, gives you some muscle, makes you less cranky, is easier on your joints, and reduces stress. You'll barely know you're working out. 😀


Shoutout to YogaByCandace. Follow her on IG, Facebook or YouTube for both yoga and fitness training ideas. Her "Yoga for Back Pain" from 8 years ago (!) is still my go to when my back hurts.


If you can't get motivated to work out, put on your favorite song & let it help get you in the mood.


What did you do today to improve your health? It's not too late. You can still do that one thing today. 😀


“But girls they wanna have fun
Oh girls just wanna have
That's all they really want
Some fun
When the workin' day is done
Oh girls, they wanna have fun...”

Play a little. Make moving you body fun.


Afternoon quickie


The easy habit to change...


Yup, don't trust things that seem too good to be true.

There is only so much you can do to lose weight "fast." Much of the weight your lose quickly on fads is water. Body wraps are temporary. Eating healthy with lots of vegetables, drinking water, and moving your body daily is the real solution.

(Quote from episode 6 of Walking & Talking with Helen podcast. It's a coached walk/podcast combo. Give it a listen.)


Check out this helpful article I'm featured in on how to avoid gaining weight during the pandemic. Link to the article is the first comment. Let me know your thoughts. There are some great tips in here.


Ever tried a pilates/yoga ball? I'm quoted in Bustle on how amazing they are. :) Burn, baby, burn...



My #1 weight loss tip!

Videos (show all)

"You’re either consciously or unconsciously manifesting. There's never a moment where you're not manifesting." ~Brittany...
Afternoon quickie
The easy habit to change...
My #1 weight loss tip!
Finding time to walk