Geng Sihat SG

Geng Sihat SG

A community outreach group aimed at promoting health and fitness . Ambil berat tentang kesihatan anda, beri inspirasi kepada orang lain untuk turut serta!

Geng Sihat SG (GSSG) adalah sebuah pergerakan yang dimulakan bagi menggalakkan dan mendorong rakyat Singapura untuk mengawal minda dan tubuh badan mereka melalui gaya hidup sihat. Mainkan peranan anda dan sertai Geng Sihat SG hari ini. Marilah menyumbang idea dan belajar bagaimana untuk mengamalkan gaya hidup yang lebih sihat untuk diri anda !


Geng Sihat SG (GSSG) is a movement started by the

#ResipiRabu 01/11/2023

Tis the season. But is your conscience pricking you? Giving your fav joint a miss? But you could still enjoy your fav seasonal brew-at fraction of the cost too.

I just love my coffees, especially flavoured ones. Unfortunately the versions sold at cafes aren't always on healthy side, with the sugar content and fat. So here is a recipe taken off Cooking Light. A very festive yet Skinny Pumpkin Spice Latte. Happy Holidays everyone! 🎅🎄

½ cup milk of choice
2 tbsp pumpkin puree
½ tsp pumpkin spice( ¼ tsp cinnamon powder, ⅛ tsp nutmeg, ⅛ tsp ground ginger)
¼ tsp pure vanilla extract( optional)
1 cup strong coffee

Combine pumpkin puree, spices and milk in small pot and warm over low heat, whisking to frothy mix.
Pour foamed milk over coffee.


Dr Riza

#ResipiRabu 01/11/2023

Salaam Geng. Craving chicken nuggets yet you are avoiding/boycotting ? Fret not we have you covered. It's healthier n more friendly on pocket too.

Salaam Rabu Geng semua.

Chicken Nuggets merupakan favourite kebanyakkan anak2. Tetapi yang sedia ada di pasarraya mahupun di fastfood restaurants, semuanya penut dengan bahan pengawet dan tidak 100% isi ayam. Jadi sempena Hari Kanak2 Jumaat ini, ingin mengongsi resepi Chicken Nuggets sedap dan sihat

500g isi dada ayam- potong kecil dan nipis( 1cm tebal)
250ml buttermilk/tairu
3 ulas bawang putih- tumbuk halus
1cm halia- tumbuk halus
2cm kunyit hidup- tumbuk halus( 2 tsp serbuk kunyit)
serbuk herba/rempah:
1 tsp serbuk cili/paprika/cayenne
1tsp serbuk jintan
2 tsp serbuk italian seasoning atau herbes d'provence atau rosemary atau lemon pepper
garam dan lada hitam secukup rasa
Cornflakes yang telah dihancurkan bg mereka yang s**a rangup ATAU
serbuk roti dan parutan keju parmesan- ikut citarasa
2 bij telur
Letak isi ayam yang telah dibersihkan dan dipotong dalam bekas berpenutup. Campurkan kesemua bahan tumbuk dan herb/rempah, bersama tairu dan gaul rata. Perap sekurang2nya 30 min atau semalaman.
Untuk menyalut, sediakan 1 mangkuk dan pecahkan telur dan pukul sedikit. Tuang serbuk roti atau cornflakes pada pinggan kedua. Ayam yang telah diperap, dicelup dalam telur dan kemudian disalut dengan serbuk roti atau cornflakes. Ketulan ayam nugget siap untuk diairfry. Boleh juga di sejuk bekukkan: Aturkan ayam yang telah disalut keatas dulang atau pinggan yang dialas dengan baking paper/ foil atau cling wrap. Pastikan kepingan tidak menindih. Masukkan dalam freezer. Bila sudah beku, boleh dipack dalam freezer bag.

Selamat mencuba!

Dr Riza


Geng Gombak Power 🔥
Join us every Sat 8.30 am at Bukit Batok West Ave 5 , Blk 391 A :)

Inside Singapore’s Fight Against Kidney Failure: A Looming Dialysis Crisis? 23/07/2023

Salam Sihat Geng !
Dah lama tak jumpa 🙂
I hope everyone is in the best of health .
I wish to share with you this videoclip .

Did you know that Singapore ranks first in the WORLD for kidney failure due to diabetes ?
And everyday around 6 people are diagnosed with kidney failure , a threefold increase from 2 decades ago .
More than 300,000 people here suffer from chronic kidney disease ( CKD ) but there may be many more undetected cases . We can avoid CKD through early detection with urine and blood kidney screening tests which unfortunately are NOT covered in Screen For Life .
So if you have diabetes , hypertension , are overweight , with a family history of kidney disease , please go for your kiney screening tests .
It may just save you years of pain , suffering on the dialysis machine and lotsof 💰💰💰
This is an excellent informative video by CNA Insider with NKF Singapore which I had the privilege to participate in .
Have a look and learn , Geng !

Yours in health,
Dr Elly

Inside Singapore’s Fight Against Kidney Failure: A Looming Dialysis Crisis? Six people are diagnosed with kidney failure every day in Singapore and the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) warns that if nothing changes, there might not b...


“Saham kesihatan yang anda laburkan dengan amalan gaya hidup sihat pada waktu muda akan memberi pulangan yang berganda pada waktu senja .”
Tidak terlambat untuk menjadikan senaman dan pemakanan sihat amalan seharian kita . Pelaburan kesihatan ini bukan hanya dapat membantu untuk melalui zaman persaraan dengan tenang dan bahagia tetapi juga akan memberi manfaat kepada generasi muda yang akan datang 🙂
Terimakasih Berita Harian Singapura atas liputan ini bersama rakan medikal seperjuangan Dr Nur Farhan Alami.

Salam Sihat ,
Dr Elly Sabrina


Pneumococcal vaccines help to prevent pneumococcal disease caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae .
Pneuomococcal disease includes infection of the lungs , ear , brain , blood and other serious infections .
All infants in SG are now given Pneumococcal vaccines as part of the national vaccination programme but do you know that it is important that our elderly loved ones should be protected too ?
Please encourage your Mak , Ayah , Tok , Nenek , Makcik , Pakcik to get vaccinated .
Those aged 65 years and above receive subsidies from Medisave .
Approach your trusted family physician / GP for this lifesaving vaccination 🙂
Thank you Health Promotion Board, Singapore for the opportunity to contribute to this nationwide effort .


Assalamualaikum semua !
Jumaat ini saya akan bersama DJ Suriani Kassim untuk berbincang mengenai Cacar Monyet atau Monkeypox .
Saya akan ke udara di Mediacorp Warna 942 dan FBLive Warna dari klinik saya .
Mudah-mudahan klinik dapat beres tepat pada masanya dan saya dapat berkongsi ilmu dengan anda sekalian .
See you at 10.30 pm Friday 10.30 pm !!


Walaupun komplikasi Covid-19 di kalangan kanak2 jarang berlaku , angka ini akan meningkat apabila lebih ramai orang dijangkiti virus ini . Oleh itu , teruskan dengan usaha mengurangkan pendedahan kanak2 kepada Covid-19 seperti memakai pelitup dan menjaga jarak sosial . Dan apabila vaksin Covid-19 diluluskan oleh golongan ini , dapatkan suntikan dengan segera .
Berita Harian Singapura


Apa itu MonkeyPox atau Cacar Air ?
Dr Zuraimi memberi penerangan terperinci mengenai penyakit ini .


Bolehkah seseorang itu berpuasa jika positif Covid ?
Bagaimana kita boleh berpuasa dengan sihat dan selamat ?
Jika baru sembuh dari Covid , bolehkah seseorang itu menunaikan ibadah terawih ?
Sebahagian dari berbagai soalan yang dijawab oleh Dr Zuraimi dan Dr Elly .
Berita Harian Singapura


Have you lost weight during Ramadhan but gained it all back again the month after? And the weight keeps increasing month after month after that?

So that you won't feel frustrated and won't struggle to keep the weight off even after Ramadhan!


Hi Geng !
Tomorrow Tuesday 29th March 2022 , Hisham Musa and I will be doing a Facebook LIVE on How to Lose Weight The Healthy Way in Ramadan .
We hope to share tips with you on how to LOSE that extra weight next month , keep it OFF and GAIN numerous physical and mental health benefits .
Please join us for a fun , candid but always informative discussion . Click on the link for more information 🙂
LIKE and SHARE with friends and family members who may benefit .


Part 2


Yesterday night ‘s health talk on preparing for a healthier Ramadan jointly organised by NKF Singapore and Masjid Maarof Jurong West , supported by Muslim Healthcare Professionals Association.
Especially helpful to those with chronic diseases like diabetes & hypertension .
This is Part 1 of recording .
Semoga memberi manfaat .

Salam Sihat ,
Dr Elly


Ayuh ! Persiapkan diri menjelang Ramadan agar sihat jasmani , rohani dan emosi .


The health talk on “Motivasi Ramadan “ at Darul Makmur Mosque with Ustazah Suhanah Ahmad .
I shared on how to fast safely if one has chronic diseases, gave tips on staying healthy and fit during fasting while Ustazah shared religious perspectives including Fidyah .
For those who missed the talk , here’s the playback .
Hope it’s helpful .

Salam Sihat ,
Dr Elly


Assalamualaikum Geng !
Sempena menjelang Ramadan , saya akan berkongsi tips berpuasa dengan selamat jika anda mengidap penyakit kronik .
Ceramah ini adalah usahasama National Kidney Foundation dan Darul Makmur Mosque
Sila imbas kod QR di bawah untuk mendaftar .
Salam Sihat ,
Dr Elly

Record-breaking Zumba & Malay dance Workout 08/01/2022

Record-breaking Zumba & Malay dance Workout Be a part of history and join us in our attempt to make a new record of the Largest Mass Online Malay Dance Workout! The first 40 to register will receive a special goodie bag and join us at WGS. We’ll see the rest of you in Zoom! Let’s get this on the Singapore Book of Records. *Participants mu...


Salaam Semua :) Coach Sharm here. Sharing a new video that I created to help us stay healthy. Please feel free to like, subscribe and comment there ya? Also feel free to ask any questions there at youtube comments if you have any burning questions ;) Thank you, stay safe and take care!

HOW TO EAT TO STAY FULL LONGER IN ORDER TO LOSE WEIGHT HOW TO EAT TO STAY FULL LONGER IN ORDER TO LOSE WEIGHT Know the secrets to overcoming overeating, saying no to cravings, and staying fuller longer in order f...


Jom join this Saturday , Geng !


Ikuti kami dalam forum kesihatan sempena Maulid anjuran Masjid Al-Muttaqin SG, NKF Singapore and Cheng San CC MAEC.

Ketahui rahsia untuk mengatasi pembunuh senyap iaitu kegagalan ginjal, fahami pentingnya menjaga kesihatan dari perspektif Islam, dan dengarkan pengongsian dari seorang pengasuh pesakit ginjal.

Sesi akan diadakan melalui talian Zoom. Anda juga boleh menontonnya secara live melalui lelaman Facebook NKF.

Tunggu apa lagi? Daftar sekarang! Imbas kod QR atau lungsuri lelaman 50 peserta pertama yang berjaya mendaftar akan menerima beg cenderahati percuma!

Videos (show all)

Geng Sihat@Gombak
Rain or shine or storm 😂, Geng Sihat @Gombak showee up for their weekly Saturday sweatout ! A shoutout to Coach Sariman ...
Geng Gombak Power 🔥 Join us every Sat 8.30 am at Bukit Batok West Ave 5 , Blk 391 A :)
Pneumoccoccal Vaccination for the elderly
How to lose weight and fat the healthy way in Ramadhan
