Asdel Consult

Asdel Consult

Asdel Consult


Have a good weekend.🥂


Where there is will, there's a way;

Egypt 🇪🇬 is Africa’s:
▪️Highest producer of Wheat
▪️Highest producer of Dry Onions
▪️Highest producer of Tomatoes
▪️Highest producer of Potatoes
▪️Highest producer of Cucumbers
▪️Highest producer of Garlic
▪️Highest producer of Oranges
▪️Highest producer of Sugar Beet
▪️2nd highest producer of Cabbages
▪️2nd highest producer of Grapes
▪️2nd highest producer of lemon
▪️2nd highest producer of Mangoes
▪️4th largest producer of Maize
▪️5th largest producer of Carrots

Among others

The above is based on annual average production (2017 - 2021)

▪️The Arable Land in Egypt is approximately 3.5 Million Hectares, the 13th smallest in the continent

▪️ Nearly 96% of Egypt is desert


Charting Success Together


Manchester United is a proof that money doesn't make organisations successful but Leadership and strong Organisational Culture and Value system, if the culture is broken within an organisation, you can spend billions of dollars and still fail!

Question; Who is your leadership mentor at work and what good values are you picking from your current work environment?

Have a Good Week!