Unhappy Grammy

Unhappy Grammy

Fighting for the return of ALL of our Stolen Children by CPS/DCYF and the unjust Judicial System


Open message to Isabella Hayes AKA Knightly, born August 31st 2005 in Nashua New Hampshire. I just want to let you know that you were not given up for adoption. You were stolen by the state of New Hampshire and illegally adopted by the strangers raising you. If you want to know the whole story, you can read Unhappy Grammy's grandparents blog and you will know the whole truth. When the state wouldn't give you back to your mother, I fought for your return for over 12 years and was told relative placement was not an option, which of course was also illegal, but the state got away with it. The New Hampshire legislature ruled that you were taken illegally and that you should have been returned, but that didn't happen either. You're almost 19 years old now and it would be nice if you would contact your birth family who have always loved you unconditionally and fought to bring you home. I know that you've been brainwashed all these years, but it's time that you knew the truth. Your two little sisters can't wait to meet you and you now have a little brother. You're an adult now and you no longer have to listen to your fake parents telling you to stay away from your birth family. As I said before, you were NOT given away. You were stolen. Love always Grammy, Mommy, Trinity, Jazmin and your little brother Armii.

Special DCYF Panel Hears from Parents, Including One Who Served 10 Years in Prison 27/03/2024


There never has been due process for families involved with DCYF!

Special DCYF Panel Hears from Parents, Including One Who Served 10 Years in Prison Six parents and a state representative testified about their concerns with the state Division for Children, Youth and Families Monday, including one man who said he served more than 10 years in prison, lost his children and much of it was based on a police officer with credibility issues.


Happy 24th Birthday, to my estranged grandson
Austin Haigler AKA Knightly. Pretty sad you're still letting your fake family push you around and brainwash you and most likely still drugging you. You can't stay hidden forever. Haven't you listened to them long enough? Do you even have a mind of your own or do you like being on a leash and not even included as part of their family? Are you ever going to break away and come back to your real family that loves you unconditionally, or are you going to live the rest of your life being brainwashed and told what to do? I can't believe you're letting those so-called people run your life.

Opinion: Even Strength to Succeed can’t make up for DCYF’s failure 26/09/2023


Opinion: Even Strength to Succeed can’t make up for DCYF’s failure Richard Wexler is executive director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform (nccpr.org) Both the Strength to Succeed program and Michaela Towfighi’s excellent story about it for the Monitor reflect a rare understanding that parents who...


Happy 18th Birthday to our Princess Isabella Hayes AKA KNIGHTLY, stolen by the state and illegally adopted. We can't wait to see you. Your two little sisters can't wait to meet you. Hopefully you read my blog and you know the truth and hopefully you're not being drugged and still being brainwashed. We love and miss you.


Austin Gamez-Knightly Austin Haigler AKA Gamez-Knightly, stolen by NH DCYF


Austin Gamez-Knightly, my stolen by the State grandson, was adopted by an older couple in Merrimack New Hampshire and now goes by the name of Austin Haigler. He graduated from Merrimack High School in 2018, but is still kept hidden from his real family. He is now 23 years old, severely brainwashed and most likely still being fed psychotic drugs.

Lawsuit: DCYF confirmed s*xual misconduct at her group home. Then abandoned her. – New Hampshire Bulletin 25/05/2023

Lawsuit: DCYF confirmed s*xual misconduct at her group home. Then abandoned her. – New Hampshire Bulletin Kristy Gesse said she’s come to believe that DCYF officials knew they were putting children in their care at risk decades before they acknowledged doing so by opening up a $100 million settlement fund in January for YDC victims.

NHLA and NH Bar address legislative panel about family court 17/05/2023

Good luck with that. Same s*** different day.

NHLA and NH Bar address legislative panel about family court CONCORD – Officials from New Hampshire Legal Assistance and the New Hampshire Bar Association addressed a special legislative committee on the Circuit Court’s family division Tuesday about how to make the system work better. This committee is not an appellate court to hear complaints about past ...

This campaign needs you now 06/04/2023


This campaign needs you now Human Rights Violations in Divorce and Family Courts

Report: Hundreds of Thousands of Parents in the U.S. Having their Children Kidnapped by the State at a Rate that Doubled in 6 Years 27/12/2022

Report: Hundreds of Thousands of Parents in the U.S. Having their Children Kidnapped by the State at a Rate that Doubled in 6 Years Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor

Mom sues DCYF over son's homicide in 2019 12/12/2022

Mom sues DCYF over son's homicide in 2019 CONCORD — A Manchester mother has launched a wrongful death suit against the state’s child protection system, charging its negligence led to the homicide of her 5-year-old son on Christmas


I hardly ever post memes, but I had to share this one! 🤣

Help ProPublica and NBC News Investigate Termination of Parental Rights in the Child Welfare System 21/08/2022

Help ProPublica and NBC News Investigate Termination of Parental Rights in the Child Welfare System Journalists at ProPublica and NBC News would like to connect with people whose parental rights have been terminated in the past decade. We have received an outpouring of responses, and at this time…

Texas child welfare agency fires employee for encouraging a foster child to consider s*x work 16/08/2022


Texas child welfare agency fires employee for encouraging a foster child to consider s*x work A spokesperson told The Texas Tribune that all employees are trained before supervising youth. DFPS Commissioner Jaime Masters apologized to the child and her mother.

Group bashing child protective services pressures Durham County officials, raising safety concerns :: WRAL.com 14/08/2022


Group bashing child protective services pressures Durham County officials, raising safety concerns :: WRAL.com Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor

CPS employee tells 14-year-old to become pr******te 14/08/2022


CPS employee tells 14-year-old to become pr******te Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor


Friendly reminder that we must love kids, but loving them also means holding them accountable. 🙌




Open Message to my Granddaughter, Isabella (Knightly) Hayes
Dear Isabella, I really hope you're okay and not as sad as you look in so many of your pictures. It must be tearing you up inside thinking your birth family didn't want you. That is the furthest thing from the truth. We have always wanted you and did everything possible to bring you home. We fought for years to prove you were ILLEGALLY stolen by the State of New Hampshire. Even the NH Legislature ruled that you were taken illegally and ruled that you should be given back to your Mother, or to me and your Grampie. Unfortunately it never happened.

I know you're being told you weren't wanted. That's the story they tell ALL the stolen children. They brainwash each and every one of you into thinking you were given away. That your REAL family's didn't want you. THAT is REAL child abuse. I can't imagine making a child suffer through so much pain as to make them believe they weren't wanted.That's how they make sure that you don't run away to look for your REAL family. A way to make sure you comply. And by the way, the stranger's raising you as well as all the other stolen kid's are paid quite handsomely to hold you hostage. And beware, many of these children are being drugged and told what they're being fed are vitamin's. Many of them even get Social Security, which the fake parent's take. I hope you're not one of them.

I met your FAKE parent's in the Hospital after you were born. Your fake Mother told me we would be good friends and I would be able to visit you. What a crock. DCYF did everything in their power to slander me and my entire family. I've heard from other Foster stranger's that they were told not to have anything to do with the birth families or the stolen children would be taken away from them and placed with someone else. I've seen it happen. DCYF lied to your fake parent's. They told them I would kidnap you. If I wanted to kidnap you, I would have done so a long time ago. Unlike DCYF and your fake parent's, I abide by the law. I do thing's legally. They accused me of going to their condo in Hudson one night and trying to break in. They supposedly found cigarette butts on the deck. So they tried to blame me. I asked if they tested for DNA. Of course I got no answer. The person who tried to break in was probably one of the many people they owed money to, because it sure as hell wasn't me. I had cataracts at the time and couldn't even see at night. And like I said, I'm not about breaking the law.

We have loved, missed and worried about you for almost sixteen years now. Your REAL Grampie never even got to meet you. He loved you with all his heart and your fake parent's didn't even have the decency to let you meet him while he was in the Hospital dying. They knew I sent out a message to you. They even told your Father I did. They tried to say I contacted them, which I didn't and begged them to let you see him. More lies. That's all you've ever been told. Your Mother was set up to fail from day one and your fake parent's didn't even meet State requirement's to have you placed in their home. Their fist question to the caseworker that dropped you off was,"When will we be financially supplemented?" On a cold rainy day in October, when your mother went to visit you, you had no jacket or hat on. You were wrapped in a thin blanket, so your Mother brought you a beautiful snowsuit from the baby shower we had for you so you wouldn't catch cold. Grampie bought you the most beautiful bassinet and everything else you needed. He even remodeled the house and made you your own bedroom. The bedroom your two little sister's have now. Your two little sister's who take your picture to bed at night, in hopes of someday meeting you. So yes, your entire family wanted you from the day we found out your Mother was pregnant. Our lives revolved around you. Our living room is a shrine filled with your pictures. Everywhere you look in the house are pictures of you. When your Mother used to visit you, she would put her phone up to your ear and I would sing to you, just like I did in the Hospital, but DCYF put a stop to that of course. No matter what your Mother did to fight for you, it was never enough. You were worth too much money to the State by being put in Foster care and then once the fake parent's adopted you (illegally) you were worth even more to the state.

Your Father tried fighting for you also.The State had his name as your Father and even knew where he worked. They wrote down a fake name as your Father, so they never terminated his right's. He filed twice with the court for paternity testing and was denied twice. DCYF put him through the ringer as well as the rest of us, but I was the strong one. I kept fighting them, which is why they hated me so much and made up their lies.

So yes Isabella, you were wanted and still are. I think you're old enough to finally hear the truth instead of only the lies you've been fed all these years.I hope you get to read this message. There is so much you need to know about your ILLEGAL adoption. Don't be unhappy. Please know you were NOT given up. You were STOLEN!

Love always and Forever, Your REAL Grammy.

Couple Brings Foster Kids Home, Has SICK Use For Them Behind Closed Doors 18/06/2022

Couple Brings Foster Kids Home, Has SICK Use For Them Behind Closed Doors Couple Brings Foster Kids Home, Has SICK Use For Them Behind Closed Doors - News_Society - operanewsapp


Candy and her stolen daughter Isabella Hayes AKA Knightly

DCF/DCYF Kidnapping Scam 18/02/2022

DCF/DCYF Kidnapping Scam More info: http://judicialmisconduct.blogspot.com/2012/02/dcf.htmlSteven G. Erickson interviews Dot Knightly of Nashua, New Hampshire by phone February 16, 2...

What Does a FOUNDED Redress Petition in N.H. Mean? 27/01/2022

What Does a FOUNDED Redress Petition in N.H. Mean? One of your neighbors posted in Health & Fitness. Click through to read what they have to say. (The views expressed in this post are the author’s own.)

Happy 22nd Birthday to my Stolen by the State of NH Grandson Austin Haigler AKA Gamez-Knightly 26/01/2022

Happy 22nd Birthday to my Stolen by the State of NH Grandson Austin Haigler AKA Gamez-Knightly Exposing Child UN-Protective Services and the Deceitful Practices They Use to Rip Families Apart/Where Relative Placement is NOT an Option, as Stated by a DCYF Supervisor

Review of DCYF Finds Serious Gaps Harmed Children 23/01/2022

Review of DCYF Finds Serious Gaps Harmed Children Review of DCYF Finds Serious Gaps Harmed Children In a review of four critical Division for Children, Youth and Families’ cases, the New H...

Child advocate warns of eroding years of progress keeping abused kids safe and alive 23/01/2022

Child advocate warns of eroding years of progress keeping abused kids safe and alive Child advocate warns of eroding years of progress keeping abused kids safe and alive By TEDDY ROSENBLUTH Concord Monitor ............... B...