Creationist vs Evolutionists / Theism vs Atheist

Creationist vs Evolutionists / Theism vs Atheist

Logically, Reasonably, and Civilly Debate and discuss personal views and or Facts
Being Kind and Polite is being Mature. Try and be Nice to All Geust!


The “Pillars of Creation” taken by James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) 🛰️✨





“Politics is the art of the possible”

(their promises, guarantees, It’s not really connected to anything, (never was) the idea is so what can we get away with? )


The Beautiful Carina Nebula!
Image credit: NASA, Hubble.


Ja 3:5-9
Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!
6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
7 For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind:
8 But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
9 Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God.


Isaiah 28:9 (KJV)
Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? [them that are] weaned from the milk, [and] drawn from the breasts.


Shrek’ was actually based off of a real person named Maurice Tillet. He was a French wrestler who married a beautiful woman named Olga.

Maurice Tillet was a French professional wrestler, better known by his ring name, The French Angel. Tillet was a leading box office draw in the early 1940s and was twice World Heavyweight Champion by the American Wrestling Association run by Paul Bowser in Boston.


Those that are interested in the path the Word of God had taken after the last Apostle passed away.
The Two Streams of Bibles: Purity Vs. Corruption
Death of John "the beloved":
The Apostolic Office ENDS
King James
Old Gothic
Luther's German
Pure English Bibles
I. Tyndale
II. Matthews III. Coverdale IV. Great Bible V.Geneva
VII. KJV (1611)
Old Syriac
Old Latin
Unknown Number of Foreign
Bibles Thru the Centuries
29 Original
Final "Revision" Of AV1769
33-65 AD
105 AD
350 AD
Egyptian coptic
*Antioch Text-based
*Revised/Corrupted Later
Events of the Book of Acts
Douay Version
Latin Vulgate
Jerome's Latin Rules The Dark Ages
Westcott Hort
Palestinian Syriac
& Arabic
Greek NT (Vaticanus)
Corruption of New Testament Manuscripts
Begins During the lives of the Apostle:
2 Corinthians 2:17
"For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God..."
• Latin Language dies.
•Popes forbid translations in any other language
•Popes kill millions for owning Bibles (Inquisition)
•Foreign Bibles do not show up until late 16** century
•English & other translations ONLY from Antioch Text
•All new Catholic Bibles are corrupt Alexandrian versions
RV 1881
ASV 1901
RSV 1954
Amplified 1965
United Bible Soc
NASB 1971
NIV 1978
NKJV 1982
NGV 1991
TNLT 1996
Message '02
They have created over 300+ versions in the last 100 yrs! (This data is from 1980’s) God knows how many are out there now!
if One cannot see clearly the Satanic attack on the Word of God your either ignorant of it or choose to allow it. Either way guilt of sin are committed or omitted sins of commissions or sin of omissions. Sin is Sin


White Pocket, a striking area within the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument in Arizona. The formations are primarily composed of Navajo Sandstone, originating from ancient sand dunes that were petrified over time. Erosion by wind and water has since sculpted these rocks into bizarre and intricate shapes, creating a landscape with swirling patterns and unusual textures. The resulting appearance is reminiscent of an extraterrestrial surface, contributing to White Pocket’s otherworldly and mesmerizing appeal.

Photos from Creationist vs Evolutionists / Theism vs Atheist's post 18/06/2024

The Pudicizia of Corradini
(Web)(shares from other FB Pg)

The sculpture I propose today is the Pudicizia of Antonio Corradini, also known as the Veiled Truth, sculpted by the artist for the Chapel of Sansevero in 1752.

Raimondo di Sangro dedicated the work to the memory of Cecilia Gaetani dell’Aquila di Aragon, his mother who died on December 26, 1710. It was Saint Stephen's day and Raimondo hadn't yet turned his first year of life.

Antonio Corradini, born in Venice in October 1688, was a renowned sculptor at the European level and in Vienna he had worked for Emperor Charles VI.

He was called to Naples by the Prince of Sanseverus to participate in the ambitious project of his chapel and he was entrusted with the realization of the Pudicizia. The fact was that Corradini died the same year he finished working on this work, in 1752, and a tombstone placed by Di Sangro at the pillar of his masterpiece, he remembers him.


Two of the tallest Freemasons.

Shaquille O'Neal, at 7'1", stands next to a wax figure of Robert Wadlow, who was the tallest man to have ever lived at 8'11".

Wadlow was raised in Franklin Lodge No. 25 in Alton, Illinois in November of 1939. His masonic ring was the largest ever made. O’Neal is a member of Widow's Son Lodge No. 28 PHA, Boston, Massachusetts.


Holy Roman Emperor II. Armor of Ferdinand (1578-1637).

Frederick II was King of Sicily from 1198, King of Germany from 1212, King of Italy and Holy Roman Emperor from 1220 and King of Jerusalem from 1225. He was the son of emperor Henry VI of the Hohenstaufen dynasty and Queen Constance of Sicily of the Hauteville dynasty.


The real "Rapunzel" Tower, in the English Countryside King Alfred's Tower is 49 metres tall. Built between 1762 and 1779, it was designed by architect Henry Flitcroft who used more than a million red bricks. It is believed to mark the place where King Alfred the Great gathered his troops in 878. The tower commemorates George III's ascension to the throne in 1760 and the end of the Seven Year War. The Triangular Tower is hollow, but it has an inside staircase (250 steps) to climb to the top. From there you can take in the spectacular vistas across Somerset, Wiltshire and Dorset counties.


Giant Books, Archives of Prague Castle


There is no rope in this image. This is carved from a single block of marble.
The artist dedicated 7 years of his life to sculpt.
It's called "The Release from Deception", by Italian sculptor Francesco Queirolo in 1759.
Possibly the greatest test of patience in the history of art - and not a single wrong step made in the marble.


Talisman of Charlemagne; a valuable and precious pendant from 9th Century AD, in filigreed gold, an oval sapphire cut into a cabochon, through which a relic can be seen and with 53 precious stones including pearls, garnets, amethysts and emeralds, is not just any jewel but Talisman of Charlemagne, given to him by Caliph of Baghdad Harun al-Rashid (d. 809 AD), which he always wore on his chest and with whom he wanted to be buried.

In 1000 AD, Otto III (980-1002 AD), Emperor of Holy Roman Empire, had tomb opened and took possession of talisman.

Then for centuries, it remained in cathedral of Aachen until in 1804, bishop donated it to Josephine Beauarnhais, wife of Napoleon I.

Josephine, upon her death, left it to her daughter Ortensia who gave it to her son Napoleon III, whose wife Eugenia kept it, finally donating it to Cathedral of Reims where it is still exhibited in Tau Palace, France.


This very rare form of rainbow - sometimes called a fire rainbow - is caused by the angle of the sunlight hitting cirrus ice crystals in the atmosphere. The effect is fleeting, usually only lasting a few seconds before either disappearing or turning normal-cloud white.
This was spotted June 5 in a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia.
Some think fire rainbows are where the concept of dragons came from.
The fire rainbow is play of light weather phenomenon, a form of Circumhorizontal arc.

(Copy and pasted not original)


The Bible says the earth is a circle ⭕️ it’s round.

Is 40:22 (KJV) It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.


Crown of Napoleon, 1804


The Kiss of Death is a marble sculpture made in 1930 and found in Poblenou Cemetery in Barcelona. It depicts death, in the form of a winged skeleton, planting a kiss on the forehead of a young man.



Armored Gauntlets owned by the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I, from 1508 until his death in 1519.


Beautiful image of the Helix Nebula. (The eye of God)


The Book of The Dead

The Book of the Dead (Egyptian: 𓂋𓏤𓈒 𓏌𓏤 𓉐𓂋 𓏏𓂻 𓅓 𓉔𓂋 𓅱 𓇳𓏤 rw nw prt m hrw; Arabic: كتاب الموتى‎ Kitab al-Mawtaa) is an ancient Egyptian funerary text generally written on papyrus and used from the beginning of the New Kingdom (around 1550 BCE) to around 50 BCE. The original Egyptian name for the text, transliterated rw nw prt m hrw, is translated as Book of Coming Forth by Day or Book of Emerging Forth into the Light. "Book" is the closest term to describe the loose collection of texts consisting of a number of magic spells intended to assist a dead person's journey through the Duat, or underworld, and into the afterlife and written by many priests over a period of about 1,000 years.

The Book of the Dead, which was placed in the coffin or burial chamber of the deceased, was part of a tradition of funerary texts which includes the earlier Pyramid Texts and Coffin Texts, which were painted onto objects, not written on papyrus. Some of the spells included in the book were drawn from these older works and date to the 3rd millennium BCE. Other spells were composed later in Egyptian history, dating to the Third Intermediate Period (11th to 7th centuries BCE). A number of the spells which make up the Book continued to be separately inscribed on tomb walls and sarcophagi, as the spells from which they originated always had be
We became one big family together!


Mummy of Ramesses II Reveals Remarkable Longevity:
The Best-Preserved Mummy in Egypt
Ramses II was an exceptional historical figure in every way. Known as Ramses the Great, he is considered the most prominent pharaoh of the New Kingdom, a period in which ancient Egypt experienced its golden era. He outdid his predecessors by building more than any other Egyptian ruler.....


The ANNUNAKI were giants! Take another look, they are holding a full grown LION
