Kellie Sanders Coaching

Kellie Sanders Coaching

Helping women in fitness attract dream clients, make more money and live the life of their dreams.


If you’re feeling stuck, income has stayed the same for age, confused as to what action to take - THIS IS WHY 👇⁣⁣⁣
I know you’re taking all the actions to grow your business, but somehow you’re stuck.⁣⁣⁣
You get new clients and just as you think you’ve figure things out, you then get the same amount of cancellations.
Why does it happen for others and not me?
Here’s what’s really going on⁣⁣:⁣
1️⃣ You’re not focusing on income generating activities daily.
Many get so caught up in being reactive to the day that they don’t focus on the daily actions that will get them clients and increase their income.
2️⃣ You keep thinking and doing the same things over and over and wonder why nothing changes.
The same things that got you here, won’t get you to the next level. In order to have something different you must be and do differently.

3️⃣ Bright shiny object syndrome
Instead of sticking to proven client generating actions consistently, you’re constantly switching and changing looking for the next best thing.

There are specific daily actions that increase your income consistently.

Ready for a change?

It’s been years since I’ve done a FREE live training and it’s a banger!

The Simple Map To Fast Track $20k+ Months In Your Business.

Day 1 - Unlock the #1 Thing That Results in $20k+ Months

Day 2 - Simple Daily Actions To Hit $20k (+ MUCH more) Every Single Month

Day 3 - The Secret To Living Your Dream Life

Comment 3 below and I’ll send you all the details and the link to register 👇🏼

Photos from Kellie Sanders Coaching's post 25/10/2023

The other day I quoted a fitness business for shirts and singlets.

Her response was ‘Amazing! Gosh that’s great value 🙏🏼’

Reason why I can provide quality merch at such an affordable price is I don’t have the overheads printing companies do.

We use AS Colour and because of our volume we get a great rate and pass onto you.

Check out AS Colours website, the prices you see we can do cheaper which is all inclusive of merch + printing (single colour logo front and back, will quote on multicoloured prints) + postage in Australia.

Some colours in the popular styles of t’s and singlets are running low so if you’d like a quote send me a message and I’ll forward the price list.

Some of the cool stuff we’ve done recently 👇🏼

I’ll pop the Instagram below also so you can follow.

PS. Can sort of see the shirt with the guys by the pool 😆


We are just days away from some of our busiest months in the fitness industry.

Is your business ready?

Every December I see fitness business owners worry and stressing when people start to suspend because they are going on holidays and then leads start slowing down.

OR the fitness business owner is burnt out and can't afford to take time off.

Don't wait until then to take action, it's too late.

You need to be taking action RIGHT NOW to grow your business.
What would that look like?

1. Getting the right message to your right market

2. Showing your dreams clients that you can get them result they desire

3. Have an irresistible offer that people can’t say no

4. Reason why you aren’t making the money you want is you’re running a program so doing the mindset work daily. Extra tip - if you’ve stayed at the same $ income for the last 12 weeks it’s not a strategy challenge.

If you want to live a different life, have a different business in 3 months from now, it's your daily consistent actions NOW.

You have to be proactive vs reactive.

Reactive doesn't work in December.

Playing the reactive game just means you stress and worry about money and business when you should be enjoying Christmas with your family and having fun in the sun.

September, October and November is where record months happen which then builds great momentum for January and February.


Friday ladies flew to the Gold Coast from Australia + New Zealand.

I wanted this experience for them to be truly unforgettable so I surprised them with our retreat on the 78th floor of the Q1 building.

It was THE best retreat I have ever run.

The clarity.

The breakthroughs as to what has been blocking them from having everything they desire.

The friendships and connections made.

The hugs.

Gaining valuable insights as to what’s working for other health and fitness businesses right now.

Cocktails + amazing food to end the day.

Business can be lonely, not knowing what to do next, feeling like you’re the only one going through challenges and not having others to bounce ideas off.

This is why I created this space for women in fitness so you have the support and guidance to help you every step of the way.

Since then I’ve had so many messages of these women feeling so clear in their next steps, awareness of what was holding them back so they can reprogram their old beliefs + daily strategies that will help fast track their success.

My heart is full knowing these women are inspired and know exactly what they need to do to finish 2023.

If you would like to be apart of our next one send me a message and I’ll forward the details.


Right now I’m hearing that many fitness businesses are closing.

Some are closing because people want to pursue another path.

Some are closing for financial reasons.

Listen to the media and it’s pretty doom and gloom.

If you’re feeling stressed, worried or anxious right now then this post is for you.

Firstly, you’re human. You will have days these fears crop up, doesn’t matter what level you’re at in business it happens.

But the difference being we minimise the spiral.

My clients know that when it starts to happen they can message me and I can easily put them on the right track.

Or they implement the tools I’ve shared to quickly switch their focus so they don’t go down the hole.

Your mental diet is one of THE most important aspects of your business, even more so right now.

What are you thinking? What are you feeling? What are your beliefs? What do you expect?

This is your programming.

Reason why you aren’t making the money you want is you’re running a program.

How do you feel about money right now? Right there is your answer. If you don’t feel good there is your block, you’re blocking the flow of money + clients.

Your physical world is a reflection of your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. That will only change when you change your programming.

Most people will do this for a day or two and stop then wonder why nothing changes.

I can give you all the strategies, lead generation tools, sales tips but if you don’t work on this programming nothing changes.

12 months will go by and nothing changes.

I’ll pop a screen shot of a comment from a client yesterday who is completely reprogramming her mindset. Just had her biggest class in the middle of winter.

Tip: Just become aware of your thoughts (would recommend you write them down in your phone). That will give you a very clear indication on where you're at with your programming.


Right now the media is blasting everyone about the current financial situation.

You get to choose what you listen to.

You get to choose what you focus on.

So I just wanted to remind you of how fast things can change when YOU change.

There is always a general theme that most clients are going though at the same time.

This week is offers + mindset.

One client I spoke to had cancellations, not too many enquiries coming in, not many new people starting.

🔥 Until that internal world changes the only way your external reality can progress is with sheer willpower and forced effort which is exhausting, frustrating and almost always results in burnout.

So we changed that internal world and….

6 hours later messaged to say:

Just wanted to let you know that when I got off our call today..

- I had a 2 week trial sign up from a client I was talking to 3 weeks ago
- An email from a client wanting to upgrade from 10pass to membership
- A lady rang to pop in this week for a chat
- A lead I was talking to 3 weeks ago said the classes didn't work but keen on pt
- Then another lady signed up for membership today so she wouldn't forget to do it before next week

✨ Today is a reminder that you possess the power to shape your own reality, and if your current experiences are not aligned with your desires, you have the ability to alter them and fast! ✨

Photos from Kellie Sanders Coaching's post 05/06/2023

A few weeks ago I was at Woolies and a lady was staring at me in the fruit and veg aisle.

She then said ‘I love your jumper, what do you do and where can I get one?’

Power of branding + merch that looks great.

When we talk about increasing revenue in business there are only 3 ways to do that:
🤑 Increase prices
🤑 Increase sales
🤑 Add additional revenue

Not only does merch increase your visibility and brand recognition but when done right it increases your revenue.

Plus we can help you can do a presale without outlaying the cash upfront.

I’ve had lots of messages about my previous post so wanted to share some of the merch we've just done.

Either comment YES below or shoot me a message for a catalogue.


When I had my outdoor group fitness program one of the marketing strategies was giving t-shirts to members when they got started in their welcome pack (one of the best referral strategies ever).

What ended up happening was everyone was wearing the shirts to every class.

Then people wanted to purchase more (hello additional revenue).

Our sessions were run on the Broadwater at the end of the Smith St Motorway. If you know the Gold Coast, it’s one busy road! So when people were driving past or stopped at the lights they saw 60+ people exercising and having a ton of fun.

The amount of times people enquired and said ‘Are you the guys on the Broadwater with the red shirts? 😂

People also used to stop me in the shops when I was wearing it because they recognised the shirts and told me they’ve seen us in the park.

Challenge I found was trying to find affordable, high-quality merchandise without outlaying a fortune or having excessive stock laying around.

So we created one 🙂

We’ve only been offering this service to private clients + contacts and it’s been so popular we’ve decided to expand.

Now you can get on demand customised mens + women’s jumpers, T-shirts, singlets, tote bags, active wear and accessories using the popular quality brand AS Colour.

If you would like a catalogue comment MERCH below or send me a PM and I'll forward.


FAQ #36 - My business is not growing and I feel stuck, what do I do?
It's not just one thing.

There are many different factors that you need to consider.

🔑 Your model - your pricing/delivery/payments
🔑 Your marketing strategies - how/what/when/how often.
🔑 Your conversion strategies - what are your processes for converting enquires into clients.
🔑 Your systems - what do you currently have in place, most say ZERO systems in place.
🔑 Mindset + Energy - this is 90% of your success, this is your thoughts, beliefs, feelings. If they aren't in alignment then no strategy or system will help. Nothing external is blocking you, its you and your energy.

👉🏼Obstacles are the way because it forces you to be creative.

It forces you to get out and look for different ways.

Look at everything as an experiment. Implement, test and either keep it, cut it or do more.

You have to be willing to experiment and take risks.

Being creative and having curiosity is the key to solving problems, not jumping into the rabbit hole of my whole business is collapsing which brings up so much fear and anxiety.

Be open to change because if nothing changes, nothing will change in your business.


🛑 Stop FIGHTING yourself 🛑

Only reason it takes so long you to achieve your goals whether it be related to your fitness business or personal life is because you are fighting yourself.

⚡️ I want $x per month.. but it's too hard
You've just cancelled the order.

⚡️ I want x clients but it's winter and no one starts
You've just cancelled the order.

⚡️ I would love to grow my business but....
You've just cancelled the order.

⚡️Would really love to do and have this dream BUT...
Another contradiction.

You are fighting your expansion.

Then you find yourself stuck in a place where those fear thoughts gain momentum and worse case scenario keeps playing over in your head and you go down that rabbit hole.

That then becomes your focus.

It creates stress.

No wonder you feel stuck.

If you simply stop contradicting yourself and allow.

Feed your DESIRES everyday vs your fears.


People come to your fitness business for one reason.

To get results.

They stay because they feel welcomed, supported and part of the community.

Recently I did a training for my clients on how retention multiplies revenue.

Very simple tweaks to your numbers can triple your business and it can happen in 30 days.

Many focus on getting new clients, few people focus on keeping long term.

Attrition is the biggest issue fitness businesses face as it grows.

You grow by increasing your acquisition and decreasing cancellations.

Which is why it’s SUPER important to know thy numbers. You can’t change what you don’t know.

In parts of the world you are about to come into colder months.

Meaning motivation for clients starts to drop and if you don’t have this under control, if you aren't proactive then you may find numbers start dropping.
It doesn’t have to be that way.

You can have record months regardless of seasons when you focus on the right areas.

I have 2 spots open for private coaching.

Instead of feeling stuck and wondering if you are on the right track and you just want someone to tell you the exact steps PM me and I'll send you the details.


Here's one for under-charger's.

Many of you started your business to help people so you can have the freedom to do what you want when you want.

Many are getting stuck with pricing.

Many are too cheap.

And it causes lots of stress when you don't have the right pricing.

Charge too little and will feel resentment.

Charge too much and you will feel ick.

Let's start with the common beliefs...

'If I keep my prices low then more people can afford it'
🚩 NO 🚩
It takes the same amount of energy to sell $25 a week as it does $55 a week.

'My market can't afford that'

If you genuinely believe that's the case then maybe it's not the best market to serve.

You also started this business so you can make money, this allows you to support your family, so you can create experiences and lead a happy and fulfilling life.

Unless you are a charity you can still serve that market with donations, volunteer work and scholarships.

'All of my competition charge $ (insert ridiculous cheap price)'

You aren't your competition, be completely different that you can't compete on price.

'What should I charge?'

It totally depends on what your irresistible offer is and what you feel is the right value exchange.

People will spend more when it's packaged differently.

When you combine your services and products in a way they then become unique you then become immune to price comparison.

If someone thinks that your services are overpriced is not your problem.

You won't be right for everyone.

You are right for your tribe who will love, value and happily pay for your services.

Which is why you can't base your pricing on what someone else charges.

You have to set the price as to what feels right for you.

It's not wrong to price what you offer.

It's just a choice that you can get behind.

The only thing that's too expensive is the approval of people who just don't get you and never will.

I have just opened up spaces for my Women in Fitness Mastermind.

This is for ladies who want inspiration, fresh ideas, a game plan to move forward, accountability and hang with like minded women who get it.

4 clients and this pays for itself. We cover proven strategies + mindset + energetics so you also can have $10 - $70 000+ months.

Send me a message and I'll forward the details.


Here is one reason why you may be struggling to gain traction in your business.

When I ask trainers what are they doing doing for marketing, a common response is post on social media.

When I look at their FB page I see inconsistency of posting and posting about a few times a week with no offers.

If your client is frustrated they aren't getting results and only eating right and working out once a week, what would you say to them?

There are lots of lives to be changed.

There IS money to be made. Lots of it.

You don't have to work 80+ hours a week and burnout to make this happen.

How many posts have you done the last 30 days?

How many offers have you made in the last 30 days to attract new clients?

None, 1, 5, 20?

The answer to that question determines your income.

A client just had a $11k week!

More offers = more sales = more money.

I’ll also add consistently otherwise lead flow will be up and down.

It can be simple (as long as you have the right message to the right market).

But so many people are caught up in bright shiny objects syndrome that they forget the core actions that build successful businesses thinking there must be something else.

The key is to be consistent so you have a PIPELINE of new leads coming to you every day.

PS. If you want to nail your marketing and have a consistent flow of new clients each week, spots for our Women in Fitness Mastermind are open.

Perfect way to get the support + strategies you need to achieve your income goals in 2023.

Send me a PM and I'll forward the details.


You don't have to justify your timetable.

You don't have to justify your prices.

You don't have to justify why you don't reply to messages/comments at night.

You don't have to justify ANYTHING!

It's your business, your rules that align and feel good for YOU!


When I had my outdoor group fitness program one of the marketing strategies was giving t-shirts to members when they got started in their welcome pack (one of the best referral strategies ever).

I was running 6 sessions a week at $40 a week.

What ended up happening was everyone was wearing the shirts to every class.

Then people wanted to purchase more (hello additional revenue).
Our sessions were run on the Broadwater at the end of the Smith St Motorway. If you know the Gold Coast, it’s one busy road! So when people were driving past or stopped at the lights they saw 60+ people exercising and having a ton of fun.

The amount of times people enquired and said ‘Are you the guys on the Broadwater with the red shirts? 😂

People also used to stop me in the shops when I was wearing it because they recognised the shirts and told me they’ve seen us in the park.

Challenge I found was trying to find affordable, high-quality printed merchandise without outlaying a fortune or having excessive stock laying around.

So we created one 🙂

We’ve only been offering this service to private clients + contacts and it’s been so popular we’ve decided to expand.

Now you can get on demand customised mens + women’s jumpers, T-shirts, singlets, tote bags, active wear and accessories using the popular quality brand AS Colour.

If you would like a catalogue comment MERCH below or send me a PM and I'll forward.


If I think this $1500 paperclip is is overpriced it's not Tiffany's problem.

They have plenty of people that love their products and happily pay.

Same goes for your business.

If someone thinks that your sessions/services are overpriced it's not your problem.

You won't be right for everyone.

You are right for your people who will love, value and happily pay for your services.

Which is why you can't base your pricing on what someone else charges.

You have to set the price as to what feels right for you.

It's not wrong to price what you offer.

It's just a choice that you can get behind.

The only thing that's too expensive is the approval of people who just don't get you and never will.

You have to set the price as to what feels right for you.

It's not wrong to price what you offer.


37.64% income increase in 30 days

Went from $13k to $21k+

There was no fancy new new strategy implemented.

In fact...

She kept it simple:

✅ Mindset work daily

✅ Connected on social media with her tribe daily

✅ Nailed the right message to her market

✅ Money tracking

✅ Self care

If you haven't produced consistent results you are probably sending mixed messages.

Mixed messages in your actions.

Mixed messages in your mindset.

You may want wealth, you may think wealthy thoughts.


If you feel poor you won't bring in abundance.

My super power is sharing simple fitness business marketing strategies + powerful mindset tools so you get to have a business you love.

And I freaking love it!!

1:1 + Mastermind spots available for May.

Send me a PM and I'll forward all the details.


Same goes for your fitness business..


For my fellow introverts 😆


**You want a $30k month. **

Then you start to think… ‘How the hell could I do that?’

I’m already tired and exhausted now, imagine how much energy it takes to creates $30k months!

I just don’t know HOW I can do that?

If in your head you don’t have what it takes to have a $30k month you will then discredit the possibility of doing it without even starting.

If you think you don’t have enough leads, don’t know what to sell this month or how to sell, then this will also determine whether you believe it’s possible or not to have a $30k month.

'Why bother, I’ve tried so many times and nothing changes'.

Insert disappointment.

And if time is money and we all have the same amount of time then we should all have the same amount of money.

HINT: It's not about doing more to have more.

There are other pieces to the puzzle apart from doing more that creates our ability to create more wealth.

This client did not do more 👇🏼

Want to learn how to do this to create more freedom? There are 2 spots open in May to work with me, send me a PM and I'll forward the details.


Generating leads and growing your fitness business is different for every single person.

Some of you are either feeling frustrated, bitter, angry or disappointed because what you are doing is just not working.

This is the importance of being in alignment and showing up as your most authentic self, you then attract opportunities that are in alignment with your desires with so much more ease and flow.

Let’s touch on doing business based on your Human Design (the science of differentiation).

If you are a generator or manifesting generator and you create content and ideas from nothing then you will get frustrated. You have to respond what grabs your attention. Someone will say something then you respond that, respond to what grabs your attention. But you have to share without expectations.

If you are a manifestor you will have an idea and then take inspired action. You have bursts of energy and won’t always feel like being on so batching your content to stay consistent is super powerful for you.

Projectors, let’s just start with you aren’t lazy 9-5 hours don’t really work for you. So when it comes to creating content you will have an idea, share it with their audience and then invite people into your world through your offers.

For reflectors you will have an idea, share it with your community and from there you will be recognised to share more + help. Important to take your time and do what feels good.

When you embody who you are meant to be like this lady 👇🏼 then you will reach greater levels with ease and flow.

This is a perfect example of creating content and doing business based on your Human Design.

This is why you always hear me say there is not one way or one blueprint to grow your fitness business 🚩

The more your business is in alignment with you, the faster you grow.

The more you run a business the way you want to do it, the more your people want to work with you.

The more you you are, the more money you make.

I've helped 100's women in fitness attract incredible clients, make more money and live the life of their dreams.

2 spaces open for coaching to help you take your business to the next level without working more.

Send me a message and I'll forward all the details.

2 spaces currently open for group


Life is so much better when we work together, especially in business!

Collaborating with others can bring fresh perspectives, new ideas, and help you achieve your dreams faster 🫶🏼


A client just had her best month ever in April $40k.

What are the secrets behind her success and the strategies she used to achieve such incredible growth?

1. Kept it simple - no fancy marketing strategies, no getting distracted with bright shiny object syndrome she committed to doing the daily lead generation consistently. It’s these things done daily that builds momentum.

2. Continually refined her message to make sure it attracts the right market, things are changing so fast right now so you have to stay ahead.

3. She was super clear on what she wanted, stepped into her future self and lived from that space. That prevents any feelings of feeling stuck and going around in circles.

4. Genuinely cares about her clients, their results and offers massive value that no one in her local area can compete with. When you get to this point you will never ever compete on price.

5. Ran challenges through out the year, these continually bring in over 5 figures every time she runs one. They get clients results and of course they want to stay. (You can purchase the exact same one she runs on my website, under programs, Drop A Dress Size).

6. The story you write internally will be experienced externally. She has totally transformed how she thinks, feels and what she believes about wealth and expanded her capacity to receive more so she had the freedom to live life the way she wants to.

Right now as fitness business owners it’s so important to tweak what you’re doing to stay competitive, profitable and have sustainable growth without burning out.

Send a message to learn more


This morning a client sent me a voice message.

She just did a second round of an offer that she created after a training we did back in January.

As of now her group fitness sessions are nearly full.

There are a few spaces left on a Tuesday and only 3 available on a Thursday.

What can happen when all classes are full is that it can create feelings of being capped, that there won’t be space to grow, what next?

This incredible, inspiring lady trusted and believed that the next step will open up.

And it has.

And pretty damn fast.

And now it’s all falling into place.

This is a sign for you to trust that there are things happening below the surface even though you may not see the evidence right now.

Keep focused on what you want.

Believe that you get to expand in abundance + success everyday, whatever that means for you.


One month you may have your best month ever then the next is lower.

What tends to happen when we have a lower month is we freak out, worry, stress, wonder why this is happening.

In that moment you unplug.

You start telling yourself stories and old beliefs.

Fear of failure kicks in.

You lose that confidence in yourself.

Question what you are doing wrong.

Wonder what others are doing to have their success and feel hurt around that.

If you don’t believe in yourself, seeing others success is more evidence that you feel you aren’t capable vs if I see others doing well it’s evidence that I can also do it.

Success in business is non linear.

It means that unpredictable things are coming under the surface where we can’t see them.

If we only look at what we can see to predict what’s coming we will create a predictable success.

Whether we are having our biggest or smallest month it does not mean anything of what is coming.

It comes back to being able to hold the energy and not getting stuck in old patterns of thoughts and feelings.

Believing with unwavering doubt that you’ve got this otherwise we base how we feel on circumstantial evidence.

Then we go around in circles and wonder why nothing changes.

Always have the strength to believe in what you can’t see more than what you can!

In order for change, something needs to change.

I know! There are so many pieces of the puzzle in business.

Social media, mindset, lead generation, how do I sell, growing my business, what action do I take that’s aligned for me, all the online stuff.

Nothing you can’t handle though.

So this is your sign to reassure you that you can do it.


⚡️ How many times have you looked at your class and thought,
"Whatever happened to those 5 new people who came in last week for a trial?” ⚡️

They get started and say they LOVE the class...

Then crickets.

They never come back and they don’t answer their phone or reply to your messages.

You are back to finding more leads, more clients and you feel as if more money is going out for little return.

Then you stress and worry about how you will pay the bills, getting more and more frustrated about the lack of growth.

It stresses you out even more knowing that winter is coming up and history suggests clients drop off and leads slow down.

There's a few reasons that cause clients to disappear after their first visit.

It's not how amazing your business is

Or how good the instructors are

Or what type of sessions you run

What matters most is what happens in that first session

They make the decision right then whether or not they're coming back.

Heard the saying ‘first impressions count’?

Getting that first session right is CRITICAL for the growth of your fitness business.

Make these tweaks consistently and then watch your income increase like this lady 👇🏼


The only people who think there are 'slow months' in business, are the people who have no idea what their clients want in those months.


How to step into your next income level this month like this lady 👇🏼

The reason a lot of people don’t get the money they want is because they aren’t even sure of themselves or whether or not it’s even possible.

Let’s say you want to have $15k by the end April and you’re currently in survival/stress mode.

​Bills are piling, you’re sick and tired of having to scrape the bottom of your accounts just to pay them off.

​If you’ve ever said the words “if I can just pay off these bills then I can focus on my next level”

Videos (show all)

When a fitness business takes time off over Christmas please support them.They’ve given their all this year.Many haven’t...
How many offers have you made in the last 30 days to attract new clients?Think about it.None, 5, 20?The answer to that q...
2017 this lady was about to embark on a crazy journey of starting a Fitness Business.No location 0 clients All she had w...
Move Your Face to Face Fitness Classes Online Easily and Effortlessly
Simple steps repeated = massive rewards.
You don't have to be in business for long to start seeing results...
Anything is Possible
All in under 12 months!How did she do it? She's a Personal Trainer who went through this program  ==> http://ptbusinesss...