Curing Cancer A Better Way

Curing Cancer A Better Way

Curing Cancer A Better Way Purpose is to Inform you of Choices for Better and Healthier Ways to Beat Cancer. Read the comments too, the info is stacked in them.

Curing Cancer A Better Way Gives you informative choices on Innovative Doctors, Scientists, Researchers, Clinics, Websites from around the world that have higher percentages of cure rates with little to no side effects from the treatments and or methods/products etc.. that can increase statistically survival from cancer and keep you healthier through treatment and after for a long life. Over the

How Restricting Glucose Intake May Benefit You 31/07/2022

All cancer cells, regardless of tissue origin, use fermentation energy for growth. They ferment lactic acid from glucose in the cytoplasm, which also involves succinic acid fermentation using glutamine as a fermentable fuel. GLUCOSE AND GLUTAMINE ''CANCER FEEDERS

How Restricting Glucose Intake May Benefit You I interviewed Thomas Seyfried, Ph.D., about the mechanisms of cancer and the influence of mitochondrial function. Listen to our discussion here.


POLY MVA + protocol STUDY 71% SURVIVAL 4TH STAGE CANCERS 1000 PATIENTS FOR 70 MONTHS STUDY by Dr. Forsythe oncologist and Functional Medicine.
Click on the following link to view Dr. Forsythe's "70 month - 1,000 Patient Stage IV study" which documents how Poly-MVA was able to provide statistically significant benefits as a stand alone cancer option in 3 separate "Stage 4" Outcome Based Studies(survival vs non-survival) performed by Dr. Forsythe.
Poly MVA | Cancer Survivors/Testimonials | Poly-MVA Supplement
