Razz Family Outdoors

Razz Family Outdoors

Follow along with us as we experience the outdoors as Razz Family Outdoors. Watch as we fish tournaments as a father/daughter team.

Keeping you informed from the Legislative Floors to the Great Outdoors. Hunting, Fishing and Outdoor news related to conservation efforts, policy updates and events. If you have an event you would like us to cover, Contact Us today : [email protected]


*Legislative Update*

HB 4386 - Rifle Deer Hunting passes House on a vote of 106-0-1 (Rep. Ammons voted Present) and now moves on to Senate.

Read the bill here: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/billstatus.asp?DocNum=4386&GAID=16&GA=102&DocTypeID=HB&LegID=137698&SessionID=110


*Legislative Update*

HB 4713 passes the House on a vote of 70-44.

This is the house version of the NRAB revamp bill that passed in the Senate last week.

Rep. Davidsmeyer hit the nail on the head. This bill is an attack on hunting and fishing. He further stated, "its a personal vendetta against the current Chairman because he stands up to the DNR and how they spend their money."

The sponsor of the bill Rep. Walsh is the current Chairman of the Legislative Sportsmans Caucus, who said that he doesn't know anyone who is on the board and is running the bill because the DNR asked him to.

No other Representative spoke on the bill and it passed. It now moves onto the Senate.

Share this. Voice your concerns with your representatives and the Governor.


*Legislative Update*
SB 3908 (Turner) legislation to revamp Illinois Department of Natural Resources Advisory Board passes Senate 37-14 and now moves onto the House.

This bill is bad government. It was fast tracked through the process for no reason. The sponsor and IDNR have stated that the intent is to modernize the board. However, it seems as though the intent is actually more control and less transparency.

This bill does the following:

- Current board members, including chairman's terms expire Aug. 1st 2022. This shortens all terms and provides for a completely new board.

- It gives the Governor sole appointment authority of all members including the chair.

-It strikes language where NRAB has input in season dates, bag limits and grants.

- Allows for only one meeting per year to take place.

The hunting and fishing community needs to stand up and call the Governor's office and the sponsor's office on this bill.

The board does need to be revamped, but this is not the way to do it.

Read the bill here ilga.gov


*Fishing Tournament Fee Update*

The Appropriation- General Services committee held a subject matter hearing on HB 5517 (Friess) which would waive the Activity fee for fishing tournaments.

Jeremy Richardson testified and discussed the impact on local economy and youth fishing the fee would cause. He discussed the fact that multiple fishing tournaments have chosen to hold tournaments outside of Illinois this year due to this new fee.

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources was once again, not present to answer questions on this bill.

The bill may be posted for a vote at a later date, but at this time, the bill remains in committee.

Share with fellow anglers. Get the word out.


*Legislative Update *

Today, the House Appropriations - General Services Committee will hear HB 5517 (Friess) at 2pm. This bill will waive activity permit fees, permit to sell fees, the 10% facility fees, and facility usage fees for formally recognized Friends Groups and for all fishing tournaments and clubs.
*Remember, if you filed a witness slip when this bill first got posted for hearing, you will need to fill out another one for this committee date.

Both the House (HB4713) & Senate (SB3908) version of the NRAB revamp bill passed committee and is now on their respective floors. They are both awaiting an amendment to add an appointment from both ABATE (outdoor power sports) and Illinois Trapper's Association to the board.

Last year, HB 123 the 5 year hunting & fishing license was halted due to negotiations between the DNR and the sponsor. The DNR wanted to make it a 3 year hunting & fishing license and with the new amendment, that is where it stands. It allows for the purchase of a three year hunting or fishing license. The cost is 3x the annual rate and simply makes it more convenient for those who don't want to purchase a license each year.

House Bill 4372, the bill to prohibit wildlife contests remains in the House Agriculture Committee. With the House Committee Deadline being last week, this bill may only move if the deadline gets extended.

We will keep you updated as the week goes by. Remember you can read about all of these bills on the ilga.gov website. Watch/Listen to the committee hearing and fill out witness slips.

Stay Informed! Be Educated!

Share with fellow anglers and hunters.


Amendment filed on Bill to Abolish NRAB. You can read more here: https://www.capitol-outdoors.com/2022/02/amendment-filed-in-illinois-general.html

Whether or not you agree with this amendment, at the very minimum the current board needs to be allowed to finish out their terms and select their chairman.

If the IDNR really wanted to diversify the board the amendment should have included appointments from all 4 caucuses instead of the Governor getting all the appointment authority, including for the chairman.

Tag your outdoor groups and get their thoughts?

Share with fellow outdoors men and women.


*RIFLE HUNTING Passes Committee*

Deer - Rifle Hunting Bill (HB4386) Passes Unanimously Out of the House Agriculture Committee: 8-0.

This bill would provide that a centerline rifle may be used to harvest deer during the firearm open season set by the IDNR. Provides that all straight walled rifle rounds rounds are legal ammunition for a centerline rifle.

As stated in committee, "the season will run concurrently with regular shotgun season." (Yednock)

IDNR is currently opposed to language as written, however there is a proposed amendment that would make them neutral.

The sponsor stated that, "the amendment will clarify centerline to ensure its a single shot rifle."

You can read the bill here: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/BillStatus.asp?DocNum=4386&GAID=16&DocTypeID=HB&SessionID=110&GA=102

We will continue to track this bill through the process.

Stay informed. Be educated. Share with fellow hunters.


*Legislation Filed to Abolish the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Advisory Board*

Hunters, Anglers, Outdoor Enthusiasts - I write to you today regarding a piece of legislation filed this year. My experiences with NRAB and the IDNR have spanned many years. My opinion is complex with lots of backstory.


Hunting and Fishing Legislation Filed - 2nd Year of the 102nd Illinois General Assembly 31/01/2022

Fishing Fee Increase, Prohibit Wildlife Contests, Tournament Activity Fees, Rifle Deer Hunting and more. Stay Informed!

Hunting and Fishing Legislation Filed in the 2nd year of the 102nd Illinois General Assembly - https://www.capitol-outdoors.com/2022/01/hunting-and-fishing-legislation-filed.html

Hunting and Fishing Legislation Filed - 2nd Year of the 102nd Illinois General Assembly January 28th was the deadline for the General Assembly to file bills for the second year of the 102nd G.A. Both the House and Senate filed many outdo

Legislation Filed to Abolish the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Advisory Board 29/01/2022

Hunters, Anglers, Outdoor Enthusiasts - I write to you today regarding a piece of legislation filed this year. My experiences with NRAB and the IDNR have spanned many years. My opinion is complex with lots of backstory. Read the entire article here:

Capitol Outdoors will continue to follow this legislation as it makes its way through the process and will keep you informed.

Illinois Department of Natural Resources Governor JB Pritzker Senator Doris Turner Representative Larry Walsh

Legislation Filed to Abolish the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Advisory Board Legislation Filed to Abolish the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Advisory Board


*Legislation Update*

We know that many of you have been discussing and have heard about the administrative rule related to activity fees and fishing tournaments etc. Be sure and share this with fishing groups.

State Representative David Friess filed HB 4429.
If passed, this bill waives activity permit fees, permit to sell fees, and facility usage fees for formally recognized Friends Groups and for all fishing tournaments and clubs.

The General Assembly has yet to start moving legislation this year, but we will continue to track this bill.

Read more here: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/billstatus.asp?DocNum=4429&GAID=16&GA=102&DocTypeID=HB&LegID=137778&SessionID=110

www2.illinois.gov 02/10/2021

For October 2021



Hunting is right around the corner. Check out the regulations for this season.

The 2021 - 2022 Hunting and Trapping Digest is now available on the Illinois Department of Natural Resources website at:

The Illinois Conservation Police do not have information on when print copies will be available.


Some great work by our Illinois Conservation Police! Sad that most the charges are against juveniles.

Illinois Conservation Police working in cooperation with Wabash County State’s Attorney Kelli Storckman, announced multiple felony and misdemeanor charges have been filed against three juveniles as well as Richard Stringfellow, 46, as a result of search warrants executed Jan. 8 near Mount Carmel.
Learn more visit


NEWS from Under the Dome

HB 562 - FOID Modernization Act has passed the Illinois House (75-40-0) on Concurrence and now heads to the Governor's desk.

Some highlights of this bill include:
-Administrative changes to fix the FOID backlog
-Provides that each applicant MAY include a set of electronic fingerprints in order to allow for automatic renewal
-10 year FOID card with a $10 renewal fee
-The DNR will be losing the $6 per FOID card fee that is typically deposited into the Wildlife and Fish Fund

Please read more about the bill here: https://ilga.gov/legislation/fulltext.asp?DocName=&SessionId=110&GA=102&DocTypeId=HB&DocNum=562&GAID=16&LegID=128640&SpecSess=&Session=


🛑Session Wrap-up🛑


Both the House and Senate have adjourned to the call of the Speaker/President and plan to return in the near future. There is a new version of the FOID bill that has originated in the Senate and is awaiting House action.

✳FOID Bill
HB 562 was amended and sent to the House late last night. Notable changes to this version is the voluntary use of fingerprints. Applicants who provide fingerprints with be able to have their FOID card automatically renew. Those that do not, will have to renew every 10 years. This is awaiting House action.

✳Trailer Registration Bill Heads to Governor*

SB 58 passed both the House and Senate unanimously. This was a heavily negotiated bi-partisan bill to fix the increase last session.

This would reduce the current $118 trailer fee for TA plates to $36. It would also create a utility trailer plate for those 2,000 lbs and under with a fee of $25.
The following bills have passed both Chambers and now move onto the Governor. These were non-controversial pieces of legislation.

-SB 1245 – Clarifies the language in the statute related to allowing the DNR to make public announcements related to Late Winter and CWD season. This is just a clean-up bill.

-SB 1247 – Herptiles Act Clean-up which creates clearer definitions to reduce confusion. Aligns language related to propagation of any endangered or threatened herptile species with federal law.

-SB 1533 – Allows for disabled veterans, active duty members, military members, and terminally ill people to have the same permit and fee exemptions for trapping licenses that are granted for hunting licenses.

-SB 1878 - Adds bowfin and paddlefish to a species list with a $4 per pound or $8 per pound fair market value or replacement cost. Removes bowfin from a species list for species with a $1 per pound fair market value or replacement cost. This will put them on the same penalty level as other roe species.

-SB 1879 - Provides that it is unlawful for any person to take or attempt to take aquatic life by means of a pitchfork, underwater spear gun, bow and arrow or bow and arrow device, including a sling shot bow, spear, or gig along, upon, across, or from any public right-of-way or highway in the State. This will just codify this into the Fish & Aquatic Life code instead of just the Wildlife code. DNR clean-up bill.

-HB 3928 - This bill creates the Illinois Thirty-by-Thirty Conservation Task Force Act. The Task Force shall hold listening sessions regarding ways in which Illinois can protect 30% of its land and water resources by 2030. It further states that the task force shall hold a minimum of three listening sessions across the state.

Stay informed. Be educated.
You can read more about each bill here: www.ilga.gov

✔Share with fellow outdoors men and women.


PASSED the Senate with little discussion 58-0 and now moves on to Governor.

*Legislative Update*
TA Plate reduced to $36

Trailer Registration Decrease Bill Passes IL House

SB 58 passed the House on a vote of 116-0. It now goes back to the Senate for Concurrence.

This would reduce the current $118 trailer fee for TA plates to $36. It would also create a utility trailer plate for those 2,000 lbs and under with a fee of $25.

You can read more here: https://ilga.gov/legislation/fulltext.asp?DocName=&SessionId=110&GA=102&DocTypeId=SB&DocNum=58&GAID=16&LegID=128304&SpecSess=&Session=

Stay informed. Be educated. Share with those who would appreciate some good news.



Rep. Hurley filed a motion to reconsider the vote by which this bill passed, keeping the bill in the House essentially putting a "brick" on it until the motion is acted on. With only 2 days left, this may not be moved.

**Legislative Update**

The Illinois House of Representatives just passed the Fingerprint FOID - "Fix the FOID" bill HB1091 as amended by a vote of 60-50.

The following are some highlights of what this piece of legislation would do.

-Require Fingerprints for a FOID Card - either renewal or new card
-Reduces the length of the FOID card from 10 to 5 years
-Increases the cost of the FOID card from $10 to $20
-Caps the one-time fingerprint fee at $30
-Creates an electronic FOID card
-Auto-renewals with renewals of the CCL and the FOID to be at the same time
-Creates a Secretary of State database for address changes

This now moves onto the Senate where the sponsor has stated that there will some changes to include changing length back to the 10 year renewal and the fee to $10. Once it goes through the Senate, it will need to go back to the House for Concurrence.

Voice your opinion. Call your Senator.

Stay Informed. Be Educated. Follow along as we learn more about this bill and as always we will continue to update as we know more.

Read the bill and see how your Representative voted here: https://ilga.gov/legislation/fulltext.asp?DocName=10200HB1091ham001&GA=102&SessionId=110&DocTypeId=HB&LegID=129762&DocNum=1091&GAID=16&SpecSess=&Session=


*Trailer Registration Fee Update*

There is currently an amendment in the Senate that proposes to create a new class of trailer plates. Utility trailers would be classified as UT plates and be a registration of $25. These would be 2,000 lbs or less for personal use only. TA plates those 3,000 or less and more than 2,000 would still be the $118 registration fee.

This amendment is currently not in any committee and may very well not go anywhere – but this is the current proposal on the table.

You can read the amendment here - https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/fulltext.asp?DocName=10200HB0394sam001&GA=102&SessionId=110&DocTypeId=HB&LegID=128390&DocNum=394&GAID=16&SpecSess=&Session=

We will continue to update you.


*Legislative Update as of May 28th*

The following bills have passed both Chambers and now move onto the Governor. These were non-controversial pieces of legislation.

SB 1245 – Clarifies the language in the statute related to allowing the DNR to make public announcements related to Late Winter and CWD season. This is just a clean-up bill.

SB 1247 – Herptiles Act Clean-up which creates clearer definitions to reduce confusion. Aligns language related to propagation of any endangered or threatened herptile species with federal law.

SB 1533 – Allows for disabled veterans, active duty members, military members, and terminally ill people to have the same permit and fee exemptions for trapping licenses that are granted for hunting licenses.

SB 1878 - Adds bowfin and paddlefish to a species list with a $4 per pound or $8 per pound fair market value or replacement cost. Removes bowfin from a species list for species with a $1 per pound fair market value or replacement cost. This will put them on the same penalty level as other roe species.

SB 1879 - Provides that it is unlawful for any person to take or attempt to take aquatic life by means of a pitchfork, underwater spear gun, bow and arrow or bow and arrow device, including a sling shot bow, spear, or gig along, upon, across, or from any public right-of-way or highway in the State. This will just codify this into the Fish & Aquatic Life code instead of just the Wildlife code. DNR clean-up bill.

You can read more about each bill here: www.ilga.gov

Follow along as we continue to track things under the Dome. That May 31st deadline is coming quick. Legislators are dealing with redistricting, the budget and COVID wrap-up measures. We don't anticipate a trailer bill to reduce fee by May 31st!


*Legislative Update*

HB 3928 - The Thirty by Thirty Conservation Task Force bill passed the Senate Environment Committee today and moves on to the full Senate.

This bill creates the Illinois Thirty-by-Thirty Conservation Task Force Act. The Task Force shall hold listening sessions regarding ways in which Illinois can protect 30% of its land and water resources by 2030. It further states that the task force shall hold a minimum of three listening sessions across the state.

Stay informed. Be educated.

Busy legislative week coming up. Follow us to stay up to date.


😁😁😁 check it out!

IDNR Announces Partial Schedule of Waterfowl Blind Site Drawings
Learn more visit https://bit.ly/3vRKQAr



HB 2744 - Asian Carp - Aquatic Licenses Stamp PASSED HOUSE today.

This is the bill that would increase fishing licenses by $5 to combat Asian carp. It also requires that fees derived solely from the sale of aquatic conservation stamps, gifts, donations, grants, and bequests of money for the conservation of aquatic life shall be deposited in the State treasury and set apart in a special fund known as the Aquatic Conservation Stamp Fund.

This now moves onto the Senate.

You can read more about the bill here:

Contact your Senator. File a witness slip. Voice your opinion!

Share with fellow anglers.


We found our first mushrooms of 2021. Anyone else have any luck? Drop a picture below.

Photos from Razz Family Outdoors's post 10/04/2021

Congrats to my buddy Matt (Steele Custom Baits)for kicking BASS at his first nationals appearance at Lake Chickamauga with the NBAA-Bass, the OFFICIAL page of the National Bass Anglers Association weighing in a 33lb 4oz bag on Championship Saturday for a 3 day total of 64lbs 10 oz. containing 2 biggins weighing 8lbs 9oz. each.


Inside Illinois DNR April Newsletter visithttps://www2.illinois.gov/dnr/director/Documents/InsideIDNR-April2021.pdf

Inside Illinois DNR April Newsletter visithttps://www2.illinois.gov/dnr/director/Documents/InsideIDNR-April2021.pdf

Videos (show all)

We found our first mushrooms of 2021.   Anyone else have any luck?  Drop a picture below.  #enjoyoutdoors
