Emergency Card

Emergency Card

The card that can save your life. Get yours @

Timeline photos 17/01/2015

There is significant outbreak of the flu specially in children.Children should seek emergency care if they are experiencing any of these symptoms:
• Fast breathing or trouble breathing
• Bluish skin color
• Not drinking enough fluids
• Not waking up or not interacting
• Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
• Flu-like symptoms that improve, but then return with fever and increased cough
• Fever with a rash

Mobile uploads 31/12/2014
Photos from Emergency Card's post 29/10/2014

Um estudo realizado em 2640 crianças com idades entre cinco e 10 anos, chegou à conclusão que as crianças que comeram uma banana por dia reduziram o risco de desenvolver sintomas de asma, ou problemas respiratórios, em 34%.
A study of 2640 children aged between five and 10 found that children who ate a banana a day reduced their risk of developing asthmatic symptoms, or breathing problems like wheezing, by 34 per cent.

Photos from Emergency Card's post 07/10/2014

Apples and pears can reduce stroke risk by 52%. Researchers from Wageningen Uninversity in the Netherlands, found that consuming fruit with white edible portions, such as pears and apples, can potentially reduce the risk of stroke by 52%.
As maçãs e peras podem reduzir o risco de acidente vascular cerebral em 52%. Pesquisadores da Wageningen Uninversity na Holanda, demostraram que o consumo de frutas com porções comestíveis brancos, como peras e maçãs, pode reduzir o risco de acidente vascular cerebral em 52%.

Timeline photos 22/09/2014

Eating fish twice a week is good for the audition.
Source of omega 3, this could improve the microcirculation of the inner ear.

Timeline photos 08/09/2014

Summer fun is almost over. It’s time to put away their swimsuits, dust off the book bags and head back to school soon.
To ensure that students of all ages go to class in the best possible health, parents and guardians must do their own little homework and go through a back-to-school health check list.
1) Organize your child’s medical history records and emergency medical contact information. You can use Emergency Card to keep all this information;
2) Coordinate with the school nurse and your child’s physician to develop action plans for any health issues, such as asthma or food allergies;
3) Schedule medical and dental check-ups before school starts;
4) Review and do a dry run with your child of his/her route to school, explaining potential hazards along the way;
5) Make sure your children know how to telephone for help. Post emergency contact numbers by every telephone in your home.

Timeline photos 01/09/2014

Toda a sua informação de saúde num único espaço. Sempre acessível a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar.

Timeline photos 28/08/2014

Now that the holidays are almost over, you better start thinking about your healthy life!

What happens when you survive Ebola? 22/08/2014

What happens when you survive Ebola? After successful Ebola treatment, Dr. Kent Bently will be released from Emory Hospital. Learn more about the Ebola treatment drug.

Target Heart Rates 20/08/2014

Do you usually do sports? Do you know your target heart rate?

Target Heart Rates The American Heart Association explains the estimated target heart rates for different ages. Learn how to calculate and monitor your target heart rate, resting heart rate and target training heart rate.

Timeline photos 05/08/2014

In your summer holidays be careful of jellyfish sting...do you know what you should do if ever happen ?
Local treatment is simple to do it:
1) Get immediately out of the water cause the pain can promote panic effect and therefore risk of drowning;
2) Rinse the wound with a loto f seawater;
3) Remove the tentacles with tweezers or gloves,
4) Then scrape the wound with a knife or coated sand to remove what is invisible to the naked eye,
5) Take painkillers.

Mobile uploads 29/07/2014

What are the benefits of seafood?

Seafood usually contain fewer calories and provide between 10-18% of good quality protein.

They are low in fat and contain mostly omega 3. Rich in iodine, an essential element for the growth and normal development of the body, they also contain other minerals including phosphorus, selenium and fluorine in addition to being rich in vitamin A and a good source of vitamin D.

These holidays try to eat some seafood!

Timeline photos 21/07/2014

Before travelling overseas, it is important to be aware of the possible health risks and how to prevent problems, or minimize the chances of them occurring. Most importantly, you should know:
▪ whether there are any specific health risks in the country you are travelling to for which you need to take precautions – for example, malaria
▪ how to avoid becoming ill when you are abroad
▪ what to do if you do become ill when you are abroad
how to get emergency medical treatment when you are abroad

Timeline photos 08/07/2014

The most precious cargo you can carry in your car is your child.
Do you know that temperatures inside the car are much hotter than outside? Never leave your child in a hot car. To prevent fatal accidents, always LOOK BEFORE YOU LOCK.

Timeline photos 01/07/2014

Common causes of dehydration include vigorous exercise, especially in hot weather; intense diarrhea; vomiting; fever or excessive sweating. Not drinking enough water during exercise or in hot weather even if you're not exercising also may cause dehydration. Anyone may become dehydrated, but young children, older adults and people with chronic illnesses are most at risk.
Prevent dehydration by drinking fluids frequently, even if you don't feel particularly thirsty.

Mobile uploads 23/06/2014

Laundry detergent pods – A health hazard

In recent years, there was a significant increase of poisoning reports among young children, who often confuse laundry detergent pods with candy because of the small size and appealing colours.
Since the pods are designed to dissolve in water, putting them in the mouth and handling them poses as an immediate risk, as the pods shortly explode.
If one of these situations occurs:
- Try to clean the mouth with a wet towel, and don't offer a glass of water
- If the eyes are affected, wash them as well as inner eyelids under a stream of warm water.
- If the exposure is cutaneous rinse thoroughly to prevent burning and irritation.

Whatever the case, rush to the emergency room.

Mobile uploads 12/06/2014

Almost about to start....

Mobile uploads 11/06/2014

Falls Are The Leading Injury-Related Cause of ER Visits
If you or someone you know has been treated in the emergency department recently after suffering a fall, you are not alone. Unintentional falls are the leading injury-related reason for why people seek emergency care, with almost 9 million visits occurring each year.

It’s important to look around your everyday environment and minimize the risk to not only for yourself, but for others as well. Unintentional falls can happen at any time, any place and happen to anyone.

Timeline photos 05/06/2014

The 2014 FIFA World Cup is about to start! (12 June)
Brazil has twelve host cities around the country taking part in this sporting event, including Manaus in the Amazon region.There are vaccine recommendations for travellers going to Brazil and your doctor or nurse can best advise what is appropriate for you. Be sure to allow enough time for vaccination, ideally 4 – 6 weeks before you want to travel.
See your doctor before you go.

Timeline photos 27/05/2014

Emergency Card was initially thought for those who take medication or have a medical condition such as diabetes, heart disease or epilepsy but can, in fact, be an asset for everyone.
A hard wearing waterproof plastic card displaying your emergency contact and essential medical details that fits into your wallet!
If health care professionals should need more information they can easily access your online profile (that you have previously setup) using the numeric code printed on your Emergency Card or using the QR Code printed on the back.
Always carry your Emergency Card, especially if you are travelling!
Get yours now @ emergencycard.me for just EUR 9, 99.

Timeline photos 22/05/2014

Emergency medical care can be life-saving but is often filled with difficult and expensive decisions that must be made rapidly.
Maintaining your own records is one of the best ways for you to take an active role in your own health care and to ensure that you receive rapid, effective, and safe treatment in both emergency and routine medical situations.
What are you waiting for? Get your Emergency Card now!

Timeline photos 20/05/2014

In case of an emergency it helps to carry something that identifies you as a person with a special condition. Your Emergency Card kept in your wallet can be easier to spot than a medic alert bracelet.

Have your relevant information available simply by keeping your online profile updated!

Mobile uploads 13/05/2014

Stop what you're doing and take a minute to check your blood pressure. High blood pressure develops silently without special signs. The only way to diagnose it is to measure blood pressure regularly.

Mobile uploads 06/05/2014

The attitude of the doctor with his patient has an impact on health.
Interrupting a patient who describes his symptoms or keeping eyes on his computer, are two ways that could reduces the effectiveness of the doctor's consultation.
Watch his patient in the eye, give him time to describe his symptoms without interrupting or open-ended questions are not only mundane marks of attention, but a real clinical competence.