Prana Fitness

Prana Fitness

An online fitness & health community focusing on yoga | fitness | meditation | nutrition


To my dearest Prana Community!
How are you all?

It has been many years since we have communicated. My heart hopes that you are all doing well, especially through the past year with the onset of Covid and all the changes and upset that has occurred globally.

I have noticed that we have 2 Prana Fitness pages, so I will be closing this one, and keeping the original page Prana Fitness.

If you'd like to stay connected and learn about a NEW Prana project being launched online soon, please connect with us at Prana Fitness.

I have thought of you all and held you in my heart, every day.

Wishing you blessings!

PS: This page will be closed by the end of March 2021, so please join us at Prana Fitness to stay connected!


Dearest Prana community

It is with great sadness that I write to you to let you know that Prana is closing its doors August 31, due to personal matters.

Please check the online schedule for the classes that are running until August 30/31. It will be updated again within 2-3 days.

I will write a more in depth message soon. For now, know that this was not an easy decision and you are all so cherished as part of the community that gathered at Prana.

Afterglow studio and Spirit Loft will accommodate our current paid clients by offering them a special package. Please contact them directly for details.

This is not the end of Prana, just an end to this current chapter. I wish to see you all again soon.

I wish you well in all that you do.

Much love and gratitude for this journey,

Timeline photos 14/07/2016

Find your fav products at in the ! Now you can grab your fav Power Shot after your fav Prana class! It's a match made in the Beach 😉

Timeline photos 12/05/2016

11/05/2016 (Instagram)


Our 10 pack, even better!


"You can build a village with the energy of 5000 chaturangas". Watch this video to have a nice laugh and poke a little fun at your practice and your teachers ;)

Timeline photos 15/03/2016

I know my choice! What's yours?

Where Have All the Yogis Gone? 13/03/2016

Great article, and a great reminder of why I love our Prana so much. In every class we see such a diverse group of people. At Prana, we'd like you to come to class because that's what your body needs, and that's the time and day that suits your schedule. At Prana, community is not about finding people that may look similar to you, it's about the collective whole, the beauty of diversity and a multi-generational presence in each class. Our clients say they feel comfortable entering our studio because there isn't a cookie-cutter mold of who our "target clientele" is. At Prana everyone is welcome. Always.

Where Have All the Yogis Gone? A yoga teacher over 50 talks about the importance of making yoga spaces more diverse.


:) "ask your doctor if nature is right for you"


Hi Folks! Please visit and LIKE our official page at Prana Fitness


Our Prana Unlimited Summer Pass is back! 60 days of practice, $189 (+ tax) - get yours online today and kick-start your asana!
(Valid from today until Sept. 30 - any 60 consecutive days)

Videos (show all)  #precious #health #getmetoprana #yoga #fitness #toronto #meditation #beachto @beachbuddy  #tired #yoga #toronto #beachto #getmetoprana @pranafitness (Instagram) @pranafitstudio
Our 10 pack, even better!  #followme #yoga #toronto #goals #getmetoprana #pranamotivatesme