

Real Hunts. Unreal Stories. Two things have always intrigued me about hunting in New England; the deer and the story behind it. How great is that?

Vermont and other New England states are unique in that the story behind the deer is very significant. In fact, the tradition of the hunt is just as important if not more so than the deer itself. That’s why I started “The 4 Pointer”. I started it to carry on the tradition of the hunt; to tell the story behind the photos and to remind people that the hunt is more than just about killing an animal.


Been a frustrating season capped off by discovering a couple of SD cards were stolen today. I don’t understand why people feel the need to mess with other people’s stuff. I hope they enjoy the pictures.


Second time hunting this year…pretty late to the game so I don’t have high expectations. They are so low, in fact, that I took a nap for the first hour. I didn’t see a thing.

I’m finding very little sign. No food, no scrapes, no rubs. I suspect the answer is to hunt near fields because that must be all that’s available to eat.

Beautiful weather for a nap, though. It’s nice to have a chance to get out, even if brief.


Different priorities have kept me out of the woods since last February, so it’s been a struggle To find deer sign last minute with all
The fresh leaves and zero nuts or apples…but we almost pulled it off this morning before church. We’ll give it one more go this afternoon.

Anyone else having luck this youth weekend?


Time to dust off the ol climber!


Happy 4th!


Can venison be killed twice? Yes. I’m more proficient at the second killing than the first.


It Hurts. It Hurts real bad....

Photos from Mike Rowe's post 16/05/2022

Interesting read from Mr. Rowe.


Even a blind hunter finds a shed once in a while….


Doing a little Spring cleaning and just noticed my treestand isn’t hanging where it should be. I have no idea where it is…


December 17th, 2021: I have located the deer.


Something to dream about in the offseason - A nice young buck that'll be bigger next year that I won't ever see in the daylight.


If I crop it right he becomes a four pointer. That’s better.


And then, walking out in the fading light, right at my feet I noticed the perfect visual representation of my season. 🥴


The sun is setting pretty darn quick on my Vermont deer season adventures. Only made it out 3 times in Vermont this year. 😭😭😭😭😭

If anything happens it’ll be a miracle. 🦌🦌🦌🦌


Final day of Vermont muzzleloader. Best of luck to all of you still out there!


He does not exist in the daylight. I've confirmed it.


Pudgy bears in the snow are cool to see.


These are not the critters I’m after.


I remember that time I decided to hunt NH with my rifle instead of in Vermont on opening day of muzzleloader. Add that to my list of good choices this fall.


Found myself going for one last walk in the NH woods this morning. These girls gave me a nice send off. Lotta “what if’s” and “what could have been’s” with this season, but it wasn’t meant to be. My quest for a mature NH buck is to be continued until next year.


I haven't filled a tag all year, so naturally, I just purchased another one.


When I sleep, they roam. When I roam, they sleep. It’s a very simple equation that needs to be changed.


Bucks that are totally nocturnal really bug me. It’s like, “HELLO! DON’T YOU KNOW YOU CAN SEE DOES BETTER IN THE DAYTIME?! MOVE IN THE DAY!”


That’s a wrap on my Vermont rifle season. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to scout at all before the season, and I was only able to hunt opening day and the last afternoon. I’m not going to whine about it, I’m just going to be in a bad mood until next November.


One more close call today…oh well. Next year. I’ll get him next year.


So far my son and wife are the only people in my household to get a deer this year. She got hers with our car and cost $6700, but it’s still aggravating she’s killed more than me.


Hung this camera 4 weeks ago convinced I'd get a buck travelling from his bedding route to feed. I was right! It only took 4 weeks to get a video of one....if only I'd had the time to sit in this spot every day for a month! :)


I hadn’t been able to hunt in over a week until this evening. It’s been so long even the deer think the season is over. I hate to break it to the little bucks, but there’s a high likelihood I’m not going to play Mr. Nice guy much longer, especially since most of the big ones are probably in someone’s freezer by now.


Anyone ever wonder why squirrels and chipmunks will travel 100 yards away to get a nut when the hiding spot they bring them back to is surrounded by them? It’s very confusing.

Videos (show all)

Something to dream about in the offseason - A nice young buck that'll be bigger next year that I won't ever see in the d...
He does not exist in the daylight. I've confirmed it.
Pudgy bears in the snow are cool to see.
I remember that time I decided to hunt NH with my rifle instead of in Vermont on opening day of muzzleloader. Add that t...
Found myself going for one last walk in the NH woods this morning. These girls gave me a nice send off. Lotta “what if’s...
When I sleep, they roam. When I roam, they sleep. It’s a very simple equation that needs to be changed.
That’s a wrap on my Vermont rifle season. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to scout at all before the season, and I was only ...
One more close call today…oh well. Next year. I’ll get him next year.
Hung this camera 4 weeks ago convinced I'd get a buck travelling from his bedding route to feed. I was right! It only to...
I hadn’t been able to hunt in over a week until this evening. It’s been so long even the deer think the season is over. ...
Crazy night in the woods with my son beside me. Called in two bucks in the span of ten minutes. The first buck came righ...
*RATTLING WORKS*Quick hunt this AM, had to be aggressive and make something happen with the time I had. Let’s just say h...