Brett L Grams Accounting, Tax & Financial Services

Brett L Grams Accounting, Tax & Financial Services

Brett Grams is a financial consultant in Pensacola, FL. If that is something you are interested in, please contact him to set up an appointment.

Get convenient, secure, quarterly UPS pickup and delivery of your business records and financial statements. Get the professional who will help you enjoy all your rights and privileges available under the current tax code.

7 Misconceptions About Annuities And The Truth 23/01/2020

“The insurance company makes all the money and I don’t.”
“I don’t have access to my money.”
“There are too many hidden fees.”

Are these some of the questions and doubts you have about bringing annuities into your portfolio? This article answers those questions, and if there are more you have, give me a call or shoot me an email and let’s meet!

7 Misconceptions About Annuities And The Truth Over the years, annuities have been misunderstood. Read here to discover seven common misconceptions!

Annuity Exchanges, Full or Partial, Boost Flexibility without Creating Taxes 22/01/2020

Did you know if you’re not happy with an annuity you currently have, you don’t have to stay put? You can make a tax-free 1035 annuity exchange and trade in an entire annuity, or part of it, for a better annuity at a different insurance company. If that sounds like you, let’s get together to make a change in your portfolio!

Annuity Exchanges, Full or Partial, Boost Flexibility without Creating Taxes 1035 exchanges let you trade up for a better annuity or trade-in unneeded life insurance.

Building Your Financial Plan Around Cash Flow 19/12/2019

When we’re talking about investments and cash flow, we’re not talking about the budgeting of your long-term plans. A budget is used to track expenses. Cash flow is really about strategically using money to not only live your life but to create more income sources for yourself. When you put your focus on cash flow, it solves a hundred other decisions.

Building Your Financial Plan Around Cash Flow The process is a lot like putting a puzzle together.


People need to account for their business activities AND to exercise their individual RIGHTS to both the least-possible tax costs and the greatest-possible wealth accumulation. Concerns about affordability, risk, growth, and distributions are ELIMINATED by properly implementing a simple-yet-comprehensive plan for generating permanently-risk-free-tax-free-compound-interest-bearing wealth and income.

I’m Brett Grams, and I connect people to the only two types of vehicles available for this purpose. You can reach me at 248.250.8255 or via email [email protected]

3 advantages of using fixed indexed annuities in retirement 17/12/2019

Fixed Index Annuities are one of the more misunderstood annuity products. FIAs should be compared to insurance products, not investment security products like mutual funds. They allow clients to protect the principal of their investment in the insurance product while letting the annuity be credited with growth based on certain indexes like the S&P. Contact me today and let’s discuss how an FIA can help build your portfolio in the long-term.

3 advantages of using fixed indexed annuities in retirement Research has shown FIAs can outperform bonds, making them a solid bond alternative.

How Investors Can Use Insurance to Reduce Risk 12/12/2019

Use annuities to help reduce the risk of running out of money in retirement! Annuities can help you generate a paycheck for life!

How Investors Can Use Insurance to Reduce Risk Insurance policies can be valuable tools for an investor to reduce risk.

What Is an Immediate Annuity and Is It Right for You? - Blog 10/12/2019

Immediate annuities are great for Estate Planning when funding life insurance or income for life. On the other hand, the immediate annuity can be the kiss of death — no accumulation, no lump sum access. In other words, your money is locked in time!

What Is an Immediate Annuity and Is It Right for You? - Blog It can be comforting to know that you'll get a set amount of money each month to support yourself. What is an immediate annuity and is it right for you?

Don’t Fall for the Suspended Social Security Number Scam 05/12/2019

There’s another social security scam on the rise — the Suspended Social Security Number Scam! As with most of these types of scams, they’ve chosen to target older Americans over the phone. They’ll usually call and tell you that your Social Security Number is suspended, or under suspicion, according to Robert Siciliano, a cybersecurity expert for ETF Managers Group in Summit, New Jersey.

"Any call that states your Social Security number is under suspension is a scam," he says. Thieves are hoping you'll be scared and turn to them when they offer help. "In reality, these scammers are trying to steal your information," Siciliano says.

Don’t fall for this scam so you can get your Social Security benefits in a timely fashion without any possible hiccups!

Don’t Fall for the Suspended Social Security Number Scam Follow best practices to keep your identity and savings well-protected.

Your questions about retirement planning boiled down to 20 answers 03/12/2019

This is a pretty good primer on the questions I hear all the time from clients whom I meet for the first time. However (!) it doesn’t answer ALL the questions you’re going to have. There’s no one-size-fits-all advice for retirement financial planning, so why don’t you give me a call, send me an email or drop a comment on this post to set up a time to chat about your future!

Your questions about retirement planning boiled down to 20 answers Confused about investing, Medicare, Social Security? Start here.

The 1 Thing Most People Get Wrong About Retirement | The Motley Fool 28/11/2019

Social security is a tricky subject to broach with a lot of clients. They’re either in the program, heard horror stories from their friends about it or don’t think it’ll be around long enough to help them out. However, it can be the backbone of many people’s retirement. If you would like to chat about social security benefits or any other type of financial planning, give me a call, shoot me an email with the information in my bio, or drop a message in the comments below!

The 1 Thing Most People Get Wrong About Retirement | The Motley Fool Not fully understanding this factor could throw off your entire retirement plan.

3 Reasons Annuities Are The Unsung Heroes Of Retirement Income Planning 26/11/2019

This recent article in Forbes is a pretty great overview of why, as the title suggests, Annuities Are The Unsung Heroes Of Retirement Income Planning. It picks apart some common misconceptions about annuities. It also highlights great reasons annuities are a valuable part of your retirement portfolio like how research has shown they actually reduce retirement portfolio failure.

3 Reasons Annuities Are The Unsung Heroes Of Retirement Income Planning Whether you love or hate annuities, research shows that they can add a lot of value in a retirement income plan. Annuities do more than just lock up your money in an expensive insurance product, they can provide tax benefits, secure cash flow, longevity protection, and actually free up other assets.


I'm Brett Grams, your four decade experienced constitutional accountant. Please ask me about the automated formula with guarantees for wealth and the synergies, principles and steps and free coaching for most effectively implementing it with no money out-of-pocket. You can reach me in Pensacola, Florida at 248.250.8255 or via email [email protected].

Lifespan is increasing in people who live to 65 | Stanford News 21/11/2019

Thanks to advances in science and medicine, people are living longer — especially those who get to retirement age, 65 years old. A recent study from Stanford University found that the average age of death in those who live to be older than 65 increased by three years in every 25-year period, which means that people can expect to live about six years longer than their grandparents, on average.

An annuity is a perfect way to make growing older easier. Let’s get together and make that plan for the future!

Lifespan is increasing in people who live to 65 | Stanford News Life expectancy data from the past 50 years shows that people who survive to age 65 are continuing to live longer than their parents – a trend that doesn’t appear to be slowing down.

3 Reasons Why Renting Can Be Smarter Than Owning a Home in Retirement 19/11/2019

According to Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies, in households with someone at least 65 years old, 8 in 10 homes are owned. Owning your home and land is one of the hallmarks of planning for one’s retirement. But what if that common wisdom was wrong? What if renting is the way to go to best prepare for retirement? That seems to be the trend, as evidenced by a report that noted that the percentage of renters at least 60 years old increased more than 40% in the 10 years through 2017. That exceeded the 31% growth rate for homeowners of the same age.

What has been your experience? Are you a retiree with a rental? Or have you set your roots down by owning your own home? Let us know in the comments!

3 Reasons Why Renting Can Be Smarter Than Owning a Home in Retirement For an increasing number of retirees, there's a new American dream.

Explaining the Different Types of Annuities 15/11/2019

A lot of people don’t know what an annuity is — and I don’t blame them! Fixed, variable, indexed… when you enter this world, it’s best to have a guide that can tell you how and why to pick a certain annuity. I want to be that annuity guide for you! Contact me via email or on the phone so we can set up your future, today.

Explaining the Different Types of Annuities Those nearing retirement age may be looking to supplement their income. If they've already maxed out their other retirement savings accounts, like their 401(k) or IRA, then an annuity might help. Annuities come in many variations, including fixed, variable, indexed, … Continue reading ->The post

Annuity Sales 'On An Upswing'; Second Quarter Data Confirms - InsuranceNewsNet 13/11/2019

Right now, annuity sales are hot. How hot? According to the Insured Retirement Institute, overall annuity sales rose 5.2 percent in the second quarter of 2019. But why is this happening?

Because people were “driven by consumer need and a growing awareness of the importance of allocating a portion of savings to annuity products, which can guarantee lifetime income and protect against market downturns," according to the head of the Insured Retirement Institute.

So what are you waiting for? Shoot me an email or let’s get on the phone to set up your future!

Annuity Sales 'On An Upswing'; Second Quarter Data Confirms - InsuranceNewsNet The combined sales of fixed and variable annuities totaled $60.7 billion, compared to sales of $57.7 billion in the first quarter of 2019, according to data reported by Beacon Research and Morningstar.

