ÆTHER Security Lab
ÆTHER Security Lab is all about hard core hacking and pentesting. This is a place we share ideas and teach hacking.
I wrote a tips and tricks blog an how to use a .NET 's own code against itself to decode strings in the .
Tips and Tricks: Using the .NET Obfuscator Against Itself | FortiGuard Labs FortiGuard Labs recently analyzed a fake phishing email that drops the Warzone RAT. Read our blog that provides more detail on reverse engineering techniques used during the analysis.…
Rare occasion for me to use that I am from Hungary. But in this case a threat actor was using fake Hungarian government emails to drop Warzone RAT. So I wrote about it. It contained an interesting chain of obfuscated .NET binaries ending in the Warzone sample. Check it out:
Fake Hungarian Government Email Drops Warzone RAT | FortiGuard Labs FortiGuard Labs recently discovered an email pretending to come from the Hungarian government with a malicious attachment, which is a zipped executable that, upon ex*****on, extracts the Warzone RA…