Intuitive Insights with Katie

Intuitive Insights with Katie

Astrology and daily tarot insights to help guide you. Distance reiki healing, and officiant services Tarot and astrology


General collective twin flame reading :

PSA: energy is interchangeable, when I say she , he, him, her, I refer to divine masculine and feminine respectively. Divine energy does not equate to what you identify as on this plane or what gender is written on your birth certificate. We all have both masculine and feminine energies within us and the goal is to balance them equally.

The divine masculine in the headspace Is not looking for a relationship with anyone in particular. This means their focus is on career, school, self development etc.

In their heart, they are evolving to a place where they are considering traditional values like marriage whereas before they may have denied that for themselves and rebelled. They may also be focusing on spiritual values to grow ( this is part of their evolution and self development we spoke about above). This means that DM is doing the work needed to ascend.

Page of swords confirms the evolution. The page of swords is all about learning lessons that attribute to their growth. They are gaining the knowledge needed. They will eventually reach the stage where they reach the knight and then the king. Then the king of swords must move to the emperor. There’s a lot of work still needing to be done for our DM. Right now is an introspective viewpoint.

For the DM moonology oracle the message for the divine masculines is to show the world the real you. Not what you think people want to see. Break free from societal ideals and be authentic. Break free of ego and fears!

Our whisper of love message for divine masculine is to take a chance on love. Open your heart and break down your walls. The thing you want is to be loved but you’re blocking it from coming in towards you.

For the divine feminines headspace, they are in hermit mode. Isolating, contemplating, and thinking and thinking and thinking. The problem here is we can get stuck overthinking. Focusing on everything else we forgot to think about ourselves. We lose focus, we lose momentum and stop doing the work that’s needed.

In the heart space the DF holds hope. She has a wish and has been wishing on stars for a long time. She is holding space for what she knows intuitively.

In the 3d she wants to speak up. She’s thinking about it, again. But that’s all she’s doing is thinking. Not acting. She’s not speaking from her heart about her wishes. The dreams she’s had.

The Moonology message for DF is the energy is gaining momentum. We spoke about this in the headspace of lack of momentum. This is also a message that the ascension the DM is experiencing is changing the dynamic. Keep hope, get out of your head and focus on where you need to make changes and grow.

The whisper of love message for the DF is miracles and blessings. If we follow the advice of the oracle we will see how quickly things shift for us.

For the combined energy of the two we have stagnation in the 3d for love to come in due to lack of action. Yet a new beginning is coming (momentum) for passion and inspiration to grow for both!


General collective love reading:

There is passionate energy moving in. A great change has pushed this energy. Could be movement physically, communication that’s needed, or actions taken that have been stagnant.

You’ve personally felt that you can’t trust this person or that something has been hidden for a while. Those are just subconscious fears. The person deceiving you is your own egoic mind.

You’ve battled between letting go and fighting it out. Laying down your burdens or carrying on as usual. This too is subconscious, it’s hard right now but as we’ve seen things are moving.

The moonology oracle says conclusions are within reach. Those doubts or questions that’s you’ve held will be coming to a close very soon.

The love oracle for the general love reading from our whispers of love deck says, act as if your partner is here. This says multiple things. If you’re single act as if you’re being loved the way you need to be loved. Law of attraction brings what we resonate to the world. If we live in a place of love we will recieve more love. If you’re attached but things are rocky the same message applies act as if they are with you. Tell them good morning every day when you wake up, goodnight every night before bed. Tell them you love them when you think of them. More love will flow into your life.


General collective shadow work tarot spread for the day:

You’re feeling the pressure of finances on you, for some of you it’s a loss of a job, others it’s an ongoing job search that seems endless, and for others it’s financial fallbacks.

You’re feeling a sense of overwhelming defeatedness. Waiting for the shoe to drop. Is this the new normal? What’s to come? Will we ever get back to a little more stability?

All of this is clarified again with the knave of swords. Internally you’re between a rock and a hard place. You want to remain positive and stay hopeful. At the same time you’re losing hope wondering how far you’ll fall and not be able to recover.

The moonology oracle is saying stay hopeful nothing in today’s world is stable or stagnant like the moons phases waxes and wanes so does the energy of chaos. Always remember what goes up must come down, and there’s nowhere left to go but up once you hit the bottom. Things will look up again.

Jupiter, Pluto & Pallas Conjunction + BENNU - November 2020 12/11/2020 I knew something felt different today !

Jupiter, Pluto & Pallas Conjunction + BENNU - November 2020 Are we prepared to plant seeds into the fertile ground of this moment that will flourish a New Earth Story ?


Hi everyone I am extending current pricing to the end of October. I have a couple spots open for tonight if anyone is in need of some guidance. Message me to book now!

Timeline photos 16/08/2020

Upheavals, Inconvenient Truth & Powerful Awakenings ✅ PASS IT ON


Hi everyone I have some slots available for some readings! Offering a 5 card spread and one love oracle for $25!

Timeline photos 09/08/2020

The high point of the 8/8 🦁 Lions Gate is almost here! Beautiful blessings are on the other side! Stay grounded & drink lots of water to facilitate integrating the new light codes & frequencies! Big changes are opening up for us all! Sending love & light...gratitude & blessings...🦉☀️🌻☔️🌈🌕💫🔮💖🙏🏼🦄.

🔥🔥To book your own personal & private reading or healing session, Please go to my website

Intuitive Astrology: Chiron Retrograde 2020 - Forever Conscious 13/07/2020

Intuitive Astrology: Chiron Retrograde 2020 - Forever Conscious Chiron enters retrograde on July 10-11, 2020, but traveling through the underworld is a place it’s very familiar with.  Chiron was abandoned at birth and left to fend for itself. It was through this wound of abandonment and difficult upbringing that it was able to rise up, and turn its wounds int...

Timeline photos 12/07/2020

TONIGHT, everything changes 🌒🌕🌘


I have a new deck and love oracle if anyone would love a reading 😊


Neptune retrograde helps to sweep away anything that you’re not seeing the truth about. It helps reveal insights you may have had an inkling about but weren’t quite so sure because you have been seeing through rose colored glasses or even seen things from a perspective that was a bit off. Spiritual ascension and enlightenment may be on the horizon. This could trigger a dark night of the soul for you as well. Be extremely loving and patient with yourself right now.


HUGE energies right now with the retrogrades along with the new moon on the 20th, the solar eclipse on the 20th, and solstice on the 20th! Major shifts and changes are on the way, most likely fated to happen. This energy is going to be the focus for the next 6 months. There's a lesson to learn, fears to overcome, and releasing things that no longer serve that provide growth. There are no coincidences! Pay attention to the signs around you :)


General tarot reading for June 14-20th.

With the heavy planetary energies, it makes sense that there may be some clouded judgement or a fog lingering over our thinking processes. We may even feel defeated. With the retrogrades and up to the energies of the new moon and midsummer we may feel the tension coming to a head with those close to us. The important thing is to not allow our personal judgements to stand the way of what can come to fruition. If we stand in our true divine selves we will find the room to provide the collective with unconditional love. We must find ways to stand victorious against the media perpetuating and leading us into chaos. We are not alone and this is an opportunity for a new beginning for all!

A lot of us are feeling stagnant finances. Between job losses, waiting on businesses to reopen, waiting to find out if we are receiving unemployment, and potentially finding a new job keep hope. Things will be financially turning around for us as a whole.

Politically, harsh words have been said and we find division in our politics. There are things being covered up not by the government but by media. So much is being hidden as a diversion. We, the people, will stand together and end things that no longer serve us.

We are still not out of the dark health-wise. The COVID mess still lingers and we will see more getting sick and worrying about our loved ones.

Through our families, we will see new beginnings and understandings about what clouded our judgements before under Neptune. We will be laying down our loads, cutting ties that bind us to negative ideas, and finding our way back to what truly matters. The ones we love.

In love, The divine masculine ( regardless of actual gender) see's his beautiful queen and wants her to know that she is very special to them. The queen is all-powerful and extremely strong. They want the queen to know they see what she truly is and not the mask she wears to those around her. For they too have taken off their mask!

The Divine Feminine ( regardless of gender ) has been losing sleep and potentially having night terrors. There is a message that lingers for them. The owl stands nearby to tell them its time for an end. and end to negative self-thoughts and self-sabotage. They fear this may be the end and that its all over. If they look closely they are the beautiful queen of cups. They hold that cup for eternity for their divine masculine. Waiting for them to stand up and stand victorious through this battle in life.

For the divine pair; Divine feminine set down your sword and pick up that cup you hold. For the divine masculine will be coming forward with an offer in the 3d world. There are new beginnings here with the new moon. At least space to communicate and show unconditional love to each other. Through Justice, there is an equal balance for both. We all must balance the inner divine masculine and feminine within ourselves. For we truly can only make ourselves happy before we can be happy with another.

There Are 4 Planets Retrograding Right Now, These Energies Are Intense 28/05/2020

There Are 4 Planets Retrograding Right Now, These Energies Are Intense Right now we’re in the middle of a quad retrograde. This meaning there are four planets retrograding and well, it’s shaking some of us to our cores. The four planets that are currently retrograding are Pluto, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn. Venus has been retrograding since the 13th of May, Pluto si...


Astrological energies for the week of May 17, 2020- May 24, 2020

Venus is currently retrograde in Gemini until June 3rd :
Reunions are quite possible with those from your past, Maybe wanted may not. Be aware of delays that could stall your progress, It is a time of being patient and making sure you are organized.

Jupiter is currently retrograde in Capricorn until July 13th
This is a time to take a moment to breathe when Jupiter retrogrades, it's a time to slow down in this hectic life and enjoy what you have. Look into yourself and determine what it is that YOU want instead of what society tells you you need. Take back your own voice.

Saturn is currently retrograde in Aquarius until July 21st. Saturn will enter Capricorn on July 1st.
Saturn is the teacher and the sense of Authority when Saturn retrogrades in Aquarius and into Capricorn it is a time to look at what you are responsible for and your own authority. Place only healthy conditions on yourself and focus on you and not the others around you.

Pluto is currently retrograde in Capricorn until Oct 3rd
This also ties in with Saturn in Capricorn, where Saturn is the teacher, pluto is the one that tears down old constructs and rebuilds what truly serves you. Defying and resisting either will make the transformation that much more difficult. Whatever leaves you at this time is meant to be for bigger and better things that are to come.

major astrological events for this week:
May 17th: Sun trine Jupiter; review your plans and finances for the future. Jupiter is about luck and expansion, the sun is ourselves. It also may expand your waistline, however, this speaks more about the expansion of your wallet, income, finances especially in Capricorn which is very much about responsibilities and corporate structures.

Venus square Neptune; Beware of delusions with those surrounding you, you are they may be wearing rose-colored glasses. Make sure not to idealize anyone. Use your inspiration to be productive.

May 20th: Sun enters Gemini: Opportunities are coming your way. trips, education, relationships, and friends. It is time to put your plans into action!

May 21st: sun trine Saturn: Today you begin to see something from a new and different perspective. You receive the A-HA to the lessons that you have been facing. Something just happens to click today.

May 22nd: New moon in Gemini; A time for creativity, Put your thoughts down on paper, journal, draw, write a poem or song. Channel your energetic creativity in artistic ways. Get in touch with old friends, honor your spirituality, take up yoga or meditation or both to help balance and ground yourself. Take up gardening as a great way to hone your creative side.

Mercury conjunct Venus; Harmony between head and heart, you know what you want and all you need to do is express it to yourself and those you love around you. Be honest with yourself and trust yourself to make the right decision.

Mercury squares Neptune; Once again we are back with self-love, this seems to be the theme for the week, trusting yourself loving yourself, honoring yourself. Be wary to trust those with a slick tongue.

Venus square Neptune; We are back at the end of the week with Venus square Neptune again as Venus is retrograde. This is another reminder to remain true and honest to yourself. You cannot trust everyone around you. Neptune is the planet of disillusion and may cause you to leap in like a fool. Trust your head in this instance, not your heart.

May 24th: Mars sextile Uranus; Mars is the planet of passion and action in the sign of Neptune ruled Pisces. Take heed what I said above only fools rush in. With it in a harmonious sextile to Uranus, you just may be that fool. However this may be one of those opportunities the sun in Gemini presents us about and one of the lessons Saturn teaches us this month. If you have used your head over your heart, made your list of pros and cons, my friend jump right in! Whatever happens, expect spontaneity and the unexpected.

For further personalized insight on how these aspects may affect you specifically contact me for a personal reading!


General tarot reading for the collective energies of the New moon:

You will be harvesting the rewards for things you've already put in place. Something you've longed desired for tangible results. A new job, higher income, better car, something real in the mundane. Something you've needed and looked for for a long time.

Maybe even a sense of independence coming your way, breaking down the walls of codependency. The key here is learning self-love and not looking for someone else to validate your feelings. You will be releasing doubts about someone in your life.

Letting things go that you have outgrown, that no longer serve you, and looking forward to things you have overlooked previously. You become your own guide in this life. Stop hiding start that journey you've been preparing for!


BIG changes coming soon ! I am adding services to my list.

I do tarot readings, I do specialize in relationship readings but I do all kinds.

I also do astrology natal/birth readings, solar returns, venus returns, Saturn returns, career, and relationships.

I'm level III Reiki Master and do distance healings.

I'm legally ordained to officiate weddings, handfastings, baptisms, and funeral rites within the United States.


General card reading for the day:

The six of pentacles says that today we cannot hold onto what we haven’t yet earned. Work hard and what you need will be provided. For those of you seeking a job or a promotion. If you’ve done the work it’s coming to you. So fill out those applications, apply yourself for that promotion. Open that business or work together with someone in a co partnership. Now is the time to move forward.

6 is a number of moving forward from the stagnant energy we have just journeyed through. For the changes that came now we have the potential to see the fruition.

Alternatively holding on too tight to material objects or even money can be negative. Greed is never good.

So for those of you waiting on your tax return ( all of us lol) this is a lesson stating to use it wisely for things that you need (debts paid off, something for your family, kids) projects you’ve been needing to do, or even using it to elevate your skills. Do not use it to buy some material object that temporarily makes you happy as you’ll regret wasting your money in the long run.
Also sitting on it may be counterproductive in the long run.


Chiron is the wounded healer and the key to unlocking your pain. Transiting Aries means the pain you feel will be sharp like a blade but as the door is unlocked and opened this leads to potential to heal those past wounds. Find out what you need to learn during this transit to heal and move past those wounds.


Did you know the time of day you were born and the natal position of your Saturn and Pluto depends on how the Saturn and Pluto retrograde will effect you ? Depending on if you were born in the daytime or night time or with natal retrogrades this period of time will either be tough or not. The house position of the transit and aspects to your natal planets will depend on what karma (Saturn) you will learn or release and the area of growth ( Pluto ) I’m prepared to do consultations to help you with this transit.


Saturn the lord of karma goes retrograde April 17th . Observe and make cautious decisions because karma will be the main focus and sorted out for the next 4.5 months. Especially as Pluto the lord of transformation goes retrograde on April 22 for the next 5 months. Pay attention to what happens in your life from now until September.
