Fairtrade Coke

Fairtrade Coke

Towards a humane and sustainable alternative for the War on Drugs

Halsema over cocaïne: 'War on drugs werkt niet' 07/10/2022

"Het liefst zou ze zien dat de verkoop van drugs gelegaliseerd wordt, maar ze weet dat daar veel te weinig politieke steun voor is."


Halsema over cocaïne: 'War on drugs werkt niet' Dat zei de Amsterdamse burgemeester op een congres over georganiseerde misdaad, waar een aantal Europese ministers bij waren.

Colombia’s truth commission says war on drugs contributed to decades of violence 12/07/2022

"The nearly 900-page document of findings and recommendations said that until there is a shift to regulating the drug trade, Colombians will continue to be “witnesses to a permanent recycling of armed conflicts.”"

Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/colombia/article263035518.html =cpyhttps://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/colombia/article263035518.html""

Colombia’s truth commission says war on drugs contributed to decades of violence The war on drug trafficking in Colombia was a main factor in prolonging the violence in the country during the decades-long armed conflict with guerrillas, according to the final report by the country’s truth commission, which was established as part of the 2016 peace agreement between the governm...