Gifts For The Seasons

Gifts For The Seasons

Give a gift from your heart this season to someone you care and love Thank you. Best Wishes,
GFTS Admin.

Dear Friends & Visitors,
This simple page aims to let more people know that good things are still happening in this world and that good deeds are still done by many kind and loving people who give their gifts from their hearts in all seasons to the needy and to those they love everyday. So if you like this page and its contents please give a Like and share them with others, and this will go a long way to inspire others likewise to do something good for our society.

She acts as daughter to seniors living alone in rental flats 13/11/2023

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Fight On!

I would like to share with you how I helped a foot reflexologist to become financially free within a very short period of time.

After migrating out of China, he tried very hard to find a job. He was prepared to do anything to eke out a living.

Life was hard on him. Many potential employers didn’t treat him kindly and want to give him a job.

He went through a long and intensive search for a job.

Meanwhile, he saw his savings going down and down.

Finally, he had no choice but to be a foot reflexologist.

Being a foot reflexologist is not the most dignified and easiest job.

He had to serve drinks to his customers and make them feel comfortable.

There were times when he had to serve rude and even mean customers who treated him worse than a servant.

He had to literally go on his knees at times to help his customers remove their socks.

Wash and clean feet that were oftentimes dirty and smelly.

He had to ensure that temperature of the water was appropriate and to the liking of every customer.

He had to dry their feet properly.

Make sure the massage and pressure of the massage fulfil unique and even quirky expectation of customers.

Some of whom would pass uncalled for remarks on him and his work.

His bosses and colleagues constantly put additional pressures on him because he had to prospect for customers.

He had to achieve assigned sales quota to earn his keep and to earn enough money to support his family.

His wife was a full time homemaker and he had two children who were of school going age.

At the end of a long day - and every day was a long day - he had to literally crawl home. His energy sapped and his emotion reaching the pits.

Yet, deep in his heart, he harboured a dream. A dream for a better life. A dream to give his loved ones a brighter future.

He knew he was destined for greater things and he never gave up hope.

The world had cruelly crushed the fire of his dream but there was a flame burning within him, ready to be reignited for a blazing glory.

He knew he couldn’t be totally free unless somebody is willing to train, coach, guide and mentor him.

He wanted to attend a mentorship course conducted by my educational company.

However, his wife was deeply against the decision.

In exchange for her approval, he promised to quit smoking.

At that point, he was already a chain smoker for many years. And those who are addicted to smoking would tell you it’s not the easiest thing to quit at short notice.

That was how determined he was to be financially free.

Back then, he was staying with his family in a small flat, a flat that was developed for those in the lower socioeconomic sector.

He somehow knew that he was going to break out of the curse of poverty.

He would have the money, the time, and the life to give the best of everything to his loved ones.

He would be able to contribute to help the last, the least, the lonely, and the lost.

To do all that, he had to be a landlord.

As they say, we all work for the landlord.

Over time, he learned the art and science of property investment.

He was able to upgrade his property and moved his family to a much better property – a landed property.

Through astute investing, he even owned a bungalow that was located near to a beach.

Eventually, he was able to set up and manage a property investment syndication.

Together with his clients, they invested in many properties all over the world.

He moved his family to America because he knew that’s the financial hub of the world.

Together with his family, they learned how to speak proper English.

He was able to enrol his children at two of the most prestigious universities.

For many years, he stayed in a beautiful house that sits on a wonderful piece of land in America before he moved to the UK.

He commuted frequently to New York - the financial capital of the world. He had reached heights that he had never dreamed was possible just a few years back.

Today, he travels all over the world and enjoys the best of life.

He has become a good speaker, trainer, and coach. He’s helping many others to be like him.

Helping them break out of their financial prisons and create a brighter future for themselves.

I remember a touching moment when I was with him.

He noticed that I was very tired, and he asked me, “Patrick, why don’t I give you a good foot massage?”

I almost broke down in tears.

Looking at him, I was filled with joy that a foot reflexologist could become rich and wealthy and yet, still remained a humble and caring soul.

The reason why I tell you this story is to inspire you that if a foot reflexologist can achieve true freedom, you can do it too.

Fight On!

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We’ve never seen anything like that: Woman behind TikTok video on lost and found corner in coffee shop

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