Nicole Nussbaum Yoga

Nicole Nussbaum Yoga

Brooklyn based yoga instructor exploring the ideas and objectives of yoga on and off the mat.

Timeline photos 27/10/2016

Let's do this!

FESTERS! You all packed? Throw in some comfy clothes and a towel for yoga and add it to your schedule! (Or not- you can also do yoga in skinny jeans and band ts!)
Detox from prefest and get warmed up to mosh all weekend 🤘🏻🤘🏻💪🏻💪🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Can't wait to see you on Saturday!

Ps-- We've got t-shirts!

Timeline photos 11/10/2016

So excited to be teaching yoga at Fest this year!!

Yoga for Punks will be back at ! Come on out to First Magnitude Brewing Company on Saturday October 29th at noon! It's free and open to everyone!

Timeline photos 07/10/2016

Teaching the Community Class at tomorrow at 12:30! Donation based. 💠 Next week (and all weeks for the foreseeable future): Monday and Wednesday at 7:30 am 😘😘

Timeline photos 05/08/2016

One down, one to go!
7:30 AM ✅
7:30 PM

Also teaching Sunday at 11:15!


Bright and early class in Clinton Hill tomorrow!

AM Yoga | Stellar Yoga Space | Class | ClassPass A slower-paced version of the morning class, with energizing music, a moving flow and plenty of modifications for all body types and abilities.

Timeline photos 27/07/2016

Schedule next week!


Thoughts on attachments, suffering, and purity:

I am materialistic. I love things. Things, and what the Buddhists refer to as 'attachments' make me happy. This is something that I've struggled with a lot through my exploration of Buddhism and vipasana meditation. Can I live in New York City and refrain from attachments? Do I even want to? Attachments cause dukkha, or suffering. But, is the suffering that comes with the guilt I feel over succumbing to attachments greater than the suffering caused by the attachments themselves?

And how does this all translate to relationships? Relationships are also attachments. So, do we refrain from opening ourselves up to relationships in order to avoid dukkha? Is the goal here to detach from all things and beings so that we can live a life free from dukkha? I asked my meditation instructor that question last night. His response quite literally rocked my world. He said something along the lines of, the point is not to never suffer (even in living a pure life free from attachments, dukkha still exists); the goal is to avoid causing any unnecessary dukkha. We can do this by entering relationships and attaching to things without the expectation that they will solve all of our problems. As I understand it, if I see a really cool dress, I don't need to feel guilty about buying it- but I can't think to myself "This dress will make me happy and will solve my problems" (Since I was very young, I always had an obsession with Christian Louboutins. I have literally thought to myself and said out loud to others "when I can buy myself a pair of Louboutins, that's when I'll know I've made it!" -- nope!). I can enter a relationship and be comfortable with allowing myself to feel attached to another human and welcome the support that they provide. But, I must also be comfortable and at peace on my own and with an outer support system (pretty sure I have this down..).

My intention for the New Moon has been Saucha (the last of the 5 niyamas, one that means 'purity' and 'cleanliness'). Since learning about this niyama in teacher training, I have been fascinated with it since it does not come naturally to me. I am and have always been mentally and physically messy, and am horrible at setting up and sticking to routines. In relation to attachments, saucha could mean purging all of your belongings, all of your 'things,' and detaching from toxic partners or friends. It could mean going vegan and abstaining from alcohol. I'm not quite ready for that yet (like I said, my belongings make me happy.... and so do alcohol and cheese). Instead, I am choosing to manifest saucha by.............. flossing. Every night. By introducing this small act of cleanliness I am beginning to create a routine. I am also, of course, questioning my attachments and checking myself and my belongings for any unnecessary clutter and dukkha. But mostly, flossing.

In yoga, this could translate physically to twists and detoxifying poses and pranayama. It could translate mentally to scraping judgement and expectation from your practice (ex. Not thinking "I should be able to do a handstand by now!" or "I don't need blocks!"). I invite you to join me in manifesting saucha under this New Moon. Through yoga, purging belongings, ending toxic relationships, or (the easiest, IMHO) flossing.

FYI this is the talk that spurred these musings:


Boston yogis, go to this incredible class that's gonna happen in a few weeks. It'll be a class taught by the spring teacher training graduates from JP Centre Yoga and it will be amazing. Wishing luck to all the graduates.

Dharmapunx NYC and Brooklyn 01/06/2016

Josh's talks every week are powerful, but this week's hit me especially hard. He just put up the podcast, give it a listen (Ways to Address & Heal the Hidden Causes of Shame).
NY friends, come with me to his talks Tuesday nights!

Dharmapunx NYC and Brooklyn

Timeline photos 09/03/2016

.. And tonight is my last class at Beacon Hill Yoga. Heated Vinyasa Flow at 5:45. See you there?

Timeline photos 07/03/2016

Tonight will be my last Monday night class at Beacon Hill Yoga before I move. I am so honored to have shared this space with you guys for the past few months. Thank you to everyone who has come to my class and held space for me as I learned to navigate this new part of my practice.

That said, come by tonight at 5:45 for a loving, grounding flow. Sign up on MindBody or ClassPass!


Tonight @ Beacon Hill Yoga 5:45 for All-levels vinyasa!


Happy Valentine's Day! Let's talk about the heart chakra, y'all! The heart chakra (aka Anahata) is all about balance. Anahata is the 4th of 7 chakras, so it serves as the fulcrum between the 3 upper and 3 lower chakras; the mind and body connect here. "More than just a meeting, this is an interpenetration who's final goal is integration of spirit and mind with soul and body" (Anodea Judith, Eastern Body Western Mind). What colors do you see everywhere on Valentine's day? Pinks, reds.. Anahata is actually represented by shades of green: the color of "growing plants, which push toward the heavens from their roots in the earth" (Judith). Earth and heaven meet at heart's center.
I love practicing and teaching balancing poses. I build my balancing poses from the ground up. For dancer pose (pictured), I begin in a strong and stable tadasana. Toes lifted, feet plugged into the earth. The next step for dancers pose is bending the knee and connecting your hand and foot. Hands and arms are an extension of heart chakra; feet and legs are an extension of root chakra. By uniting these forces and kicking foot into hand and hand into foot, we are immediately and unapologetically asking our bodies for grounding as we move into a less stable place. Dancer pose cracks open the chest, giving Anahata full power. Dancer is such a vulnerable asana. It not only exposes our heart, but it asks us to access our second chakra (hips) AND PSOAS (total minefield for past trauma) while removing our stable ground. We must use compassion to allow that vulnerability to express itself in wobbling, trembling, or falling. It is okay. Taking the free hand to your heart allows for an injection of loving energy and compassion for yourself. Just like all yoga poses (*~and loving relationships~*), dancer is not a Thing to achieve. It is a constant maintenance of forces: exposure versus protection; grounding versus lifting. I want to feel safe and secure while sharing my heart with the world. Balance. That's the heart's work. 💗

Timeline photos 03/02/2016

Heated Vinyasa flow tonight at 5:45 at Beacon Hill Yoga
I'm super excited to lend my hands to Alex at JP Centre this Saturday for a radically restorative workshop!


Such lovely weather today! Come join me for a grounding flow to take us through these unexpected temperature transitions. 5:45 pm 🌞


My new weekly schedule includes Wednesday nights at 5:45!
See you this evening at Beacon Hill Yoga !

Timeline photos 11/01/2016

Come to class tonight at 5:45 at Beacon Hill Yoga, and expect a Bowie-studded playlist.


Subbing out my 5:45 class tonight to take a gnocchi and risotto making class with my sister for her birthday. Sometimes, food > yoga!

Have a great class with Jessi Dellert Yoga - I'll be back next week with Monday and Wednesday 5:45 pm classes!


As we approach 2016..

The new year brings a fresh start, a new outlook, maybe some resolutions for change. We have many astrological and culture-driven times like this throughout the year (equinoxes and solstices, first of a new month, new moons, Monday mornings, all mornings... and so on), but January 1st is the mother of all 'fresh start' holidays. It can be a really lovely time to reflect and set new intentions, and reconnect with old ones.

It's also important to note that it's very arbitrary. If you set an intention for the new year, the new week, the day, and so on, and you come to find yourself 'off-track,' you do not have to wait until the next year, next week, next day to recalibrate. Why not 2:18 pm on a Wednesday? Why not 10:40 pm on a Saturday night? Why not on January 3rd or December 30th?

So, sink into the transition of the new year. Sink into the feeling. The release of the past and the fresh slate of the future. Fully immerse yourself in all the energy of the New Year. This way, throughout the year when you find that you need to access this feeling, to release toxicity and start fresh, you can manifest it.

Take some cleansing twists, keeping the chest broad and the heart moving forward. Nadi shodhana to ground and kapalabhati to cleanse.

Every time you step on the mat, manifest the feeling of a fresh slate. Every time you bring your hands to heart's center, manifest the fresh slate. With every exhale, release the past, and with each inhale, welcome the present and future.

Here's to the new year, the new day, the new inhale.


Website up!


Nicole Nussbaum Yoga I found yoga through my local gym when I was in middle school. I loved how energized and clear-headed I felt when I got off my mat. I soon began to deepen my yoga practice, learning more about meditation and practicing pranayama off the mat to decrease my anxiety.

Videos (show all)

Happy Valentine's Day! Let's talk about the heart chakra, y'all! The heart chakra (aka Anahata) is all about balance. An...