Breastcancerneedsmore # now
Free page to everyone post , talk, vent, learn, discuss about everything related to breast cancer...
Amooooo... a receita é ser natural... vamos amadurecer, apodrecer e cair do pé minha gente... viva a vida como ela é e seja o que Deus quiser.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Please vote to help them.... thanks
Just in a blink of an eye, we've slipped into third place! Can ya believe it? We were in first and then BLAM! 😲 We're in the final push. Voting ends tomorrow at 7pm and we're depending on YOU to bring 1st place home!
📣 If you have voted already: Thank you! You can only vote once per person. YOU CAN STILL HELP! Please ask a friend, a family member, or a co-worker to do ya favor and vote! If you can ask several people, that would be even be more amazing! Imagine if everyone who voted asked just 1 person who hasn't. We'd steal the win!
📣 If you haven't voted, please vote. Visit our website (as pictured below) and scroll until you see "vote here". That will take you to the voting platform. When you vote, make certain you complete the entry form under our logo! It's the 2nd form. The only ask your name and email address, and they give you the option of opting out of emails. And then, please ask others to vote too!
(We don't put the link in this post because FB will limit the number of people who see it. Look at the picture and you'll see our very easy website address.)
Thank you all for your support and eagerness (and competitiveness) to win this $10K grant! COVID has been tough on nonprofits, and For 3 Sisters is no exception. This grant would do a lot of good for families and neighborhoods! It's because of YOU that this even possible. We love you! xoxoxo
In my city in Brazil
Good morning America
Sending good thoughts of love with hope in better days to everyone.
Stay safe
* about time to take things more seriously than ever before... please... thank you
Hello ❤💯
I know you can't hear me but I just said I love you.
- Somewhere around ... ... 👏👏👏👏❤💯🏆
🍀 Wednesday Evening Update 🍀 - We're currently in 1st place! Thanks to everyone who has voted and shared our plea! We came from behind (nearly in 3rd) to now holding 1st :-)
If you haven't yet voted, please visit our website and vote. It's one vote per person and you can opt out of emails. It literally took us 30 seconds to vote! And remember, you want to complete the entry form under our logo (the form in the middle).
If you have voted (thank you), would you consider tagging 3 people in this post or texting 3 people and asking them to vote to? Perhaps share this post with your FB friends and family?
Voting is open until December 14, so we'd like to get way ahead of 2nd to hold on to our position. We have big plans on a special project with this grant, and we can't wait to announce it!
Thank you! xoxo
Here's the 3rd of 3 fundraisers we wanted to share on this beautiful Saturday! Well of course - it's our 6th Annual Corks for a Cause Virtual BINGO! Bingo cards are 💥on sale now💥 and with only 2 weeks left, you should hurry to get yours!
You'll enjoy 8 games of bingo with fabulous prizes to the winners! Prizes are valued between $50 and $300! Door prizes awarded through out the night too!
Check out the event, grab your card(s), and invite your friends!
Que mensagem linda...
Eu tenho uma linda história pra contar... e vc ?
Uma história sofrida, cheia de cicatrizes e vitórias...
Quanta gratidão...
Acho que foi merecimento depois de tanta luta...
Ainda há muitas batalhas a serem vencidas...
Tenho esperança
Movida pela coragem de lutar
Tenho cansaço
Movido por tristezas, traições, maldições diria...como dói...
Tenho fé
Movida pela certeza de que sendo o que sou não terei nada a temer, hei de vencer...
Tenho tantas coisas...
Seguirei confiante...
Rumo ao tudo...
ou de quase nada...
porque não?...
Viverei intensamente cada segundo que me resta...
Não sei se haverá amanhã...
Melhor viver assim
Tenho pressa de ser o melhor de mim e hoje...
Assim sou...
Eu mesma e apesar de tudo...
Sylvia Rosenbloom
Nov 22nd, 9:52pm
- Can you relate?... have fun... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
😂😂😂😂... I love you woman.... where are you? I need friends like you. 😂😂😂😂😂 💙💙💙💙💯🏆
From my friend and if you can please vote to help a good cause. Thank you
" Please vote for my friend (and grace goddess) for an award for black led non profits. Her non profit is called “Angel in disguise”
This award will give her the opportunity to win $5000. Throughout Covid, Jersi has continued to provide transportation and support for cancer patients to and from their treatments, infusions and surgeries. She herself has stage iv metastatic breast cancer but she hasn’t let that stop her important work... sometimes driving hours and hours a day to assist those that don’t have the means. $5000 will be a lot of gas money and car maintenance which will help enormously.❤️ "
#SpotlightOnCLT: Black-Led, Black-Benefitting Nonprofits Vote now for the local nonprofit of your choosing to win $5K from the Amy and Brian France Foundation as part of August's !
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers who, like me, had to amputate their breasts that in the past breastfed and saved their children's lives ... we are heroines and continue to live more than ever like champions ... and it was our love that brought us to this day ... Congratulations my dear sisters ... I love you ... stay beautiful, intense and always winning ... a big kiss on your hearts. ❤️💯
We are born of Love; Love is our Mother - Rumi
Please everyone
I need your attention
We need to spread it around to help save lives.
Thank you very much
HOW COVID-19 KILLS--I'm a Surgeon--And Why We Can't Save You Dr. Duc Vuong, World's #1 Weight Loss Surgeon, Author of 13 books, explains how coronavirus kills its victims. Talk with Dr. V Live at https://www.facebook.c...
Dispensa comentários !!!!!
Por favor façam com tecido, camiseta velha branca para que possam lavar com água sanitária para continuar usando.
1- porque a máscara não pode ficar umida porque perde o valor
2- porque vai acabar o papel toalha nos lugares porque infelizmente as pessoas não estão colaborando e estão comprando tudo que vêem pela frente.
3- E recomendado pela organização Mundial da Saúde trocar a máscara a cada duas horas..
- pensando também quantos fanáticos vão apoiar isso.... fim dos tempos.... Odeio políticos e principalmente aqueles que não tem estrutura para copiar outros países que tem uma infraestrutura de saúde muito maior e mesmo assim não estão dando conta de controlar a gravidade do problema que hoje contaminou o mundo...
Vergonha .... pare de copiar o Trump que é o que TB não tem noção do que faz...
Infelizmente o planeta vive uma crise por falta de decência e responsabilidade de políticos que fazem o que querem e não o que deve ser feito...
Se o planeta não passar por uma reeducação em massa não haverá jeito e de fato será o fim dos tempos....
Então pessoal... Infelizmente muitos vão ter que passar por isso tudo para acreditarem e mudarem de comportamento... Lamentável !!!!!
A falta de informação, entendimento do assunto e do que está acontecendo no mundo irá de fato destruir muitas vidas.
Como cidadã brasileira tenho o dever de alertar o povo: muito cuidado com o que estão fazendo hoje.
Quanto aos governantes, que vergonha o que estão fazendo e como estão conduzindo um problema dessa magnitude.... Um crime contra uma nação inteira... Reeducação tem de começar com vocês..... Lamentável !!!!
Pior ainda são os fanáticos apoiando isso... Esses são a praga da humanidade.... literalmente desumana....
- bora seguir a gente !!!!!... e presta atenção, mesmo estando dentro de casa faça isso diversas vezes por dia porque não sabemos ainda se trouxemos pra dentro de casa esse vírus porque tocamos em alguma coisa lá fora ou se pegamos ele de alguém.
Leva até 14 dias para o vírus incubar.
Se você não ficar em casa você não vai terminar essa quarentena e terá que começar ela de novo.
Não subestime esse vírus.
Semanas decisivas e difíceis se aproximando
- What's wrong with people's minds?
It's not everyone that calls you that want any favors from you or maybe trying to go to your house or take some advantage.
Friends are real too. They don't want anything from you. They want to make sure that you're doing alright and safe.
So, please do not ignore anyone else... Thank you
Simples assim... Dúvidas!!??
Stolen from a friend page... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Right on !!!!🎯
Eating the leftover from yesterday... 🤣🤣🤣❤️💯🎯
# enfermeira na
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