The Real Deal Podcast
The Real Deal Podcast is just that - REAL. Real topics, Real feelings and Real fun.
Just like the natural season's change, so do the seasons in our lives. In this episode, we share more about those seasons, especially in our spiritual life, and we also share the new season that this Podcast will be going through, you don't want to miss the special announcement.
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So often we have intentions, but are we being intentional when it comes to encouraging others? Today we share some ways that we can be that person who encourages and builds others up.
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Frustration is an emotion that everyone experiences from time to time.
We all deal with frustration, and being able to effectively deal with that emotion is a very important skill to develop. Today Trinity and Ralph share some ways to manage and handle everyday frustrations.
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This week we ask the question, How are we living, in Christ, or in Crisis? In times like these, it's easy to be in fear and make decisions in our life based on the crisis around us. Listen now for more with Trinity and Ralph.
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This week we are talking about freeing up space, no not on our electrical devices, but in our minds. Fear, worry, doubt, and other negative thoughts take up space and keep us from focusing and being present. They may also be getting in the way of allowing us to live our best life. Listen in for some strategies and encouragement.
Time management is something we all struggle with. The Bible says a lot about Time Management. There will be things that need our attention, right away, and things that can wait, we are called to steward our time well, so in this episode, Trinity and Ralph will share some helpful tips to live life well. This life we are living isn't a practice run, it is the real deal.
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How do we see others? That is just one of the soul-searching questions that Trinity and Ralph are asking in this episode. We can all benefit by looking inward and asking ourselves how we would honestly answer these deep questions. You may be feeling lost or confused, so gaining clarity by asking some poignant questions can oftentimes help to ground, encourage, and direct us.
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What does it look like when we "Let It Go"? When we let go of all of our plans, our lives, our agendas and set them aside to seek God's plan for our lives. In this episode, Trinity and Ralph share more about surrendering, and what it means to truly Let It Go.
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In this Light and Fun Episode, Trinity and Ralph share some Easter Fun Facts.
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In this episode, once again Trinity and Ralph share a message based on a book written by their Pastor Marco Debarros, titled "Untangling Jesus from Religion". This week they have a L.O.V.E Challenge for you. Each letter in the word "love" is designed to help you think of ways to show love towards others. By doing these challenges you take the focus off of you, and instead, put it towards how to love others the way Jesus loves you. You can find the book on,, and
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In this Episode Trinity and Ralph share a message based on a book written by their Pastor, Marco Debarros, titled "Untangling Jesus from Religion". Many people have been taught more about religious traditions than a meaningful relationship with God. This book will untangle all that mess. You can find the book on, and
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Research suggests that positive self-talk is important for several reasons, including health benefits. Overwriting negative thoughts with positive self-talk helps to bring more joy, optimism, and contentment to your life. Trinity and Ralph share in this episode titled "Power in Positive Self-Talk"
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