Jenn Smith Coaching Outcome Oriented Healing

Jenn Smith Coaching Outcome Oriented Healing

Intuitive Life Coach, Reiki Master, Tarot Reader, Astrologer, connecting you with your intuition.


๐Ÿ“ฃ PSA

THE NEXT 3 WEEKS are going to be intense.

Road rage will be higher than usual.
People will be impatient and trying to move quickly through things and it wonโ€™t be going their way.
Tempers will be short.
People will be acting selfishly.
Fated moments will be happening.
Shocking realizations will be happening.
People will be pushing each otherโ€™s buttons related to their deepest wounding. ๏ฟผ


Let go of what other people are doing and saying.
Focus on what you are doing and saying.
Reflect on the things that you have said and done out of impatience and anger throughout your life.
Reevaluate what is and is not working for you right now.
Be accountable for your actions and words.
Let others be accountable for their actions and their words by detaching yourself rather than by blaming them.
Slow down.
Take deep breaths.
If youโ€™re in a hurry, consider what need you have that is not being met and focus on meeting that need for yourself.
When the light turns green, look again before you go and donโ€™t engage in road rage. If anything, give them a ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป.
Reflect on the things that make you really angry and consider why. What unmet need do you have related to the reason why this thing makes you angry? And how can you meet that for yourself? Or who can help you meet that need?
Look for the all and beauty and awe in the world.
Give yourself extra time to get where youโ€™re going.
Practice random access kindness for both yourself and others.
The word is wand. What you say and do right now will exponentially create your future.


This New Moon is bringing:

Sudden or unexpected realizations/insights that conflict with our emotions, our identity or who we thought we were, and with our strategy or plans.

Sudden or unexpected realizations that conflict with police and military.

DEEEEP emotions and the potential to deeply desire severe revenge.

Women moving forward with their independence, sovereignty, and power, possibly as a result of sudden realizations or deep emotions or reclaiming their identity.

Depending on your situation, either very strong clear intuition on the actions you need to take, or deep escapism from your emotions. (If you feel yourself falling in to escape, start journaling and get curious. It will kick up your intuition.)

This is your roadmap for about the next 6 days. Be gentle and with yourself. Monday is also World Kindness Day. ๐Ÿ’‹


Mercury Retrograde Work:

What criticism do you hold so tightly to that you would rather die than reconsider?

What if that criticism was no longer true?

What if it was over, and it served it's purpose, but is no longer is the case?

Just get curious.

I can already feel the sheer terror and panic of the possibility of letting go of that criticism. If you can't let go of it now, that's ok. Just imagine what it might be like if it was outdated. If it's no longer accurate.

How would your life be different?

Mercury stations direct September 15 at 2:22pm MDT.

Use the rest of the time to reconsider this.


Happy Super Blue Moon in Pisces!

Dream Big, Love. Dream BIG. ๐Ÿ’™

Right now I'm dreaming of dancing with a tall man in the kitchen with oldies playing. ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽถ


Mercury retrograde is August 24th through September 14th.

If you can, try to remember what was going on from August 3rd up through August 24th, by looking at journals or emails or messages, anyway you can try to remember what was going on during that time, because that's what you will be going back over again from August 24th through September 14th. It's like retracing your steps back over those days and then when Mercury goes direct on September 14th you'll be going forward again over that same path but with new information and clarity that you gain during the retrograde phase.


Sometimes it's an automatic socially programmed response.

Sometimes it's a desperate grip to try to actually be ok, because we fear if we told ourselves the truth, we would die.

I'm not going to ask you to reach out if you need help.

I'm telling you I am going to check on you.

I'm going to check on you. I only ask that you tell me the truth. I will hold you and witness your pain and sit with you in it.

Photos from Jenn Smith Coaching Outcome Oriented Healing's post 22/11/2022

Tomorrow, 11/23/22, the Moon is New in the sign of Sagittarius at 3:56pm MST and conjunct Mercury and Venus. Then only 6 minutes later, at 4:02pm MST the ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter, goes direct while also in trine with the New Moon.

As we know, New Moons are a time for manifesting and new beginnings. This New Moon in Sagittarius reflects a time for new beginnings in the areas of adventure, travel, spirituality, philosophy, higher education, and the search for meaning. Also, with a hint of love and communication in these areas. Jupiter Direct adds an extra boost of luck and expansion to these new beginnings.

So, start considering what you desire in these areas, as well as what you will leave behind in these areas. How far do you want to go in these areas?

As always, be good to yourself and take a teasy (take it easy with an accent ๐Ÿ˜‰).


ALIGNMENT - that's what happens during an eclipse. The Sun, the Earth, and the Moon align with each other, blocking the light of one of them. This happens every month though, but we don't have an eclipse every month. This alignment is also what causes us to see the New Moon and the Full Moon.

โœจ What makes this alignment an eclipse, is that they also align with the Lunar Nodes - The Nodes of Fate and Destiny. โœจ

This is the purpose of our lives - to align with our purpose. Purposes, really. To align our thoughts and feelings with our words and our actions, to align our hearts with our Soul family, to align with Love in all of its forms. To align with and BE our true selves (Uranus). And this morning's eclipse was also aligned with Uranus conjunct the Moon and the North Node.

This is a really big moment in time for Ta**us placements. I really really wanted to be able to see this eclipse, and I really desperately needed to sleep also. So I decided not to set an alarm to wake up for the eclipse and to just give myself the rest. I would still have the full impact of the eclipse even if I was sleeping. That's how astrology works for all of us.

But get this! I woke up on my own a little after 4:30 a.m.! I could see the dark reddish light through my open blinds, so I got up and looked out the window. Sure enough, I got to see it!!! I was SOOOOO GRATEFUL!! And then I went right back to sleep.

This really felt like such an aligned moment for me! To be so aligned that I naturally woke up at just the right time. We can actually live our whole lives like this.


In what ways can you align with your self today? With your thoughts, your emotions, your words, your actions, and with what's absolutely best for you?


This Full Moon total lunar eclipse coming up has Uranus conjunct the North Node. This adds an element of "shocking fated events" Sudden, unexpected things happening with fated outcomes and heavy consequences will be happening. There may be big endings, or an ending to life as you've known it up until now. They may have already started by now. These things will affect you/each of us in individual ways for at least the next 6 months, possibly longer. Potentially the rest of our lives.

This one of those Divinely choreographed windows in time that may be incredibly difficult and also overwhelmingly lucky at the same time, and is ultimately happening for you in the long run.

Relax into it. Trust your intuition even though it may be completely illogical. Communicate with the Universe, Angels, Spirit Guides, whatever you call your Source and ask for what you need.

Deep breaths. Lots of water. Rest as needed. Be kind and give yourself grace. This is an incredible time to be alive. ๐Ÿช„โœจ๐Ÿ”ฎ๐Ÿ’‹


We've got some awesome astrology coming up!

Please vote EARLY!

Get it done, so that no matter how crazy election day is, you can have the peace of mind and relief knowing you've already done it.

Jenn Smith Coaching on TikTok 25/09/2022

Jenn Smith Coaching on TikTok Jenn Smith Coaching's short video with โ™ฌ I love U

Jenn Smith Coaching on TikTok 24/09/2022

Jenn Smith Coaching on TikTok Jenn Smith Coaching's short video with โ™ฌ original sound

Timeline photos 21/09/2022

Our world is a beautifully painted canvas, appreciate it. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿงก


Today is the last day of Summer. The autumn equinox is tomorrow 9/22 at 7:03pm mountain time.

This is the beginning of my favorite time of year.

What I love about this equinox is that, on top of having equal day and night, we have Mercury retrograding in Libra, the sign of balance and justice.

Tomorrow is an extra special day to reflect on balance, equality, justice, gratitude, harvest, giving and receiving equally.

Where in your life do you have balance?
Where in your life is there equal give and take?

Where in your life do these need to be renegotiated?

What are you grateful for?

I'll share my favorite heart/brain coherence/gratitude meditation with you in the comments. It would be a great balancing ritual for tomorrow. (๐Ÿคซ and everyday)

Merry Mabon, My Loves.





"Why Jenn, WHY do you tell me to slow down, take my time, double check things, give myself extra time, pack important items in carry-on, give myself and others extra grace during Mercury Retrograde? I don't want to deal with it!"


I will actually give you a real life example that just happened to me. ๐Ÿ˜

I placed an order for lunch on doordash from Ironwood Kitchen. They are great! Check them out! When the order arrived, it ended up being someone else's order. I contacted doordash to let them know, and they issued a reorder. The second order arrived, and it was someone else's order again! ๐Ÿ˜ซ

This moment right here, this is where you have an opportunity to throw a temper tantrum and decide that the entire world is against you and Mercury is a monster, or to finally realize that this is the energy that we're working with and mistakes happen more often during this energy, and have some Grace.

I contacted doordash and decided to just get a refund this time, because I know that we are in the transition of Mercury from Station (standing still) to retrograde in about 13ish hours. Refund issued, easy peasy. Sure, I was bummed that I didn't get what I ordered, but I did end up with two new items from that restaurant that I had never tried before for free!

I called the restaurant to let them know that both the orders I received were for someone else. NOT Karen style! But with Grace. It may have been a mix up there at the restaurant or it may have been a mix-up with the driver. Either way, these are the things that happen during Mercury retrograde. The person I spoke to at the restaurant was incredibly kind (thank you for your grace, Sir!) And offered to give me a free meal and a free kids meal (because that's what I originally ordered) valid only in the restaurant, not for delivery. I thanked him and told him I really appreciate the offer, but it's okay. I already got two free meals from them today. He said I hope you still come back, and I said of course! You guys are wonderful! I was just calling to give you the heads up about the Mix-Ups so that hopefully it doesn't happen anymore throughout the day for you. He really appreciated that. He explained that the driver took two orders the first time and must have given them to the wrong people. The second time, the driver took two orders and they were both for people named Jennifer! So that was the mix up there.


It's just reading the road signs up ahead that say "Hey, Mercury Retrograde, mistakes ahead, accidents ahead, miscommunication ahead." What you do with the signs is up to you, and the consequences are only yours. I genuinely want the best for everyone, including myself. This is why I tell you these things and practice them as well.

Maybe the doordash driver was really stressed out and didn't know to slow down and take her time, despite being stressed out. She certainly would not want to be reprimanded for delivering the wrong orders twice in a row, especially if she was already stressed out. Maybe she wasn't stressed out at all, but being reprimanded twice for delivering the wrong orders would still suck and feel like it came out of nowhere. And I'm sure the restaurant and doordash don't want to be handing out free meals to everyone for a month or so!

This is why I tell you these things. We can all play our own part in making sure that things go better for us when the energy gets tricky like this. If there was a sign on the road that said speed trap ahead, or God forbid land mines ahead, would you be on your phone texting and speeding as you go through? Because you just don't want to deal with it? I mean, if you do, the consequences are only yours. That's not a warning or a threat, that's just the way it is. You can do what works for you or you can choose to do what doesn't work for you. It's the exact same during Mercury retrograde.

As always, there is no shame or judgement and no requirement for perfection. Just a road sign with a suggestion and your free will.

The doordash driver also text me and forwarded a message from the cook sending his apologies if the order was not up to par. The orders were great, just not what I ordered. I have a feeling that driver still is not completely aware that she goofed both times, so I hope she slows down and takes her time now.

Mercury retrograde is not the monster you've made it out to be. It's really a time for all of us to slow down, double check things, and reflect within. It's a Universal blessing that everyone on the planet is granted all at the same time.


So you guys over here get this picture instead of my TikTok video about this, because that ended up with some major Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy vibes. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ

I don't even know how that happened, but I'm going to break my own advice and say Mercury Retrograde. ๐Ÿคฃ

Okay okay, I'll be the example and take responsibility. I really meant for it to be a calming thing so that people stop panicking because they think they're supposed to, but that didn't work out! It's cheesy AF.

I am also all about laughter though so I left it up. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


Tomorrow, Saturday September 10th, is the Full Moon in Pisces. It brings big emotions and endings. There will be some difficulty in knowing your intuition from your emotional responses. Grounding techniques will resolve this! Which is the reason for my previous posts about grounding.... I'm not just being airy fairy floater, do some meditation and s**t, I'm actually preparing you to get through the astrological transits that are happening.

When you're grounded you will have sudden insights and inspirations. The challenging parts of this energy could manifest in emotional revolting, social uproar and unrest, rebellion.

There may be quick changes in business or jobs.

Exposure of deeply buried feelings and emotions is likely. Exposure of how people feel about each other rises. Sudden insight about lies We have been told, lies We have told to others, and even lies We have been telling to ourselves offer a chance for revolutionary change and honesty.

There will be a deep feeling of responsibility to live up to the divine within you and to free yourself from the limits of your past. Your destiny is linked with being who you truly are at your core, while also allowing what is best for humanity.

Mercury also stations retrograde on September 10th, in the sign of libra. This brings deep reflection and renegotiation on what works and what doesn't work anymore in our lives, what is just and what is unjust. People from our past will arise in our thoughts, and our hearts, and some even in person to help us reflect on and remember why we made the decisions we made in relationships and legal issues.

Remember to realign with what is right for you. ๐Ÿ’œ

Jenn Smith Coaching on TikTok 09/09/2022

Exciting Weekend ahead! Take it easy.

Jenn Smith Coaching on TikTok





๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ This is perfect timing.

This made me giggle just a little.


When a storm comes, anything that is not tied down, grounded, doesn't have a solid foundation blows away, breaks, is lost, etc.

The same is true for life.

This is NOT a call to perfection. This is NOT a "if you don't do ___, then ___ will happen.

It's just a metaphor for understanding. And also a call for Grace. โœจโค๏ธโœจ

Storms happen in life. Health storms. Emotional storms. Relationship storms. Financial storms. Business storms. Grief storms. Natural disasters.

Sometimes the storms happen to clear a better path for us. To clear out what we no longer need in our life or what's not working in our life.

Sometimes they clear out things that we really didn't want to let go of.

No matter what storms we face, one thing that's fairly common across the board is that when we are grounded in who we are, grounded in our own form of spirituality, when we have a solid foundation, we can ride the storm out a little easier. We take good care of the things that are most important to us. Everything else can be rebuilt.

So why would we not focus on that grounding on a daily basis? Why not deepen it every day? I'm sure there are infinite excuses about life happening. I'm also sure that even one minute a day is more than zero minutes a day.

Just for today, give yourself some extra grace. Settle in to your body. Remember who you are and what is important to you. Nothing has to be perfect. It just has to have a solid, grounded, foundation.


We have a big weekend coming up astrologically. ๐Ÿ’œ If you haven't already started, right now is the time to commit to some daily grounding practices. As always, we all have free will. I hope you'll choose to be your best self. Here are some ideas. If you have other things you do for grounding, please share in the comments.

Look into your eyes in the mirror
Physical Therapy
Time in Nature
Essential oils
Peaceful music - comment or DM if you want my playlist
Meditation - again, I will give you my playlist!
Placing your hand on your heart
Deep Breathing
Reducing noise
Stop complaining and start listening
Write out your hearts desires
Write a list of your accomplishments
Hug someone
Anything you can do to get in and stay in your body.
The more grounding you can do throughout the day, the better, for the next month at least. Ideally, everyday for the rest of your life, but let's start with a month.


A lot of you have been asking, and I have been slacking! Well, just working on other things really, but I love that so many of you have reached out and asked!! ๐Ÿ’– So I just printed up some of the astrological transits from now through December 2023, and I will start posting more of the upcoming awesomeness. It truly is an incredible time to be alive!

We are coming up on some really incredible things.... Mercury retrograde in about a week, an eclipse in October and another eclipse in November! Election in the US in November! And I've been invited to be a speaker at the Dark Goddess Summit in November, which you can attend from anywhere in the world!! ๐ŸŽ‰

So, stay tuned! And by that I mean, tune in to the things that light you up, which hopefully includes my work! And tune out from the things that drain you and make you feel like ๐Ÿ’ฉ.

Much love! I'm getting back to these transits. ๐Ÿ’‹โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’‹


Speaking of Mercury.......๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿ˜‰

How are you going to ride this upcoming Mercury Retrograde?


So.....if you saw some hilarious stories on my business page today, they were meant for my personal page! Oops! ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜†

You know what that means.....

It's that time of the year again to backup your computers and update your phones. NOW!

And start paying extra attention to who and where you are sending messages. Seriously. Double check who you are sending emails, messages, social media posts, etc., BEFORE you hit send!

After you backup your computers and update your phones, get out your notebooks and other avenues of communication for the review of what you have been experiencing from August 20th up until 9/10. All of the things that you were experiencing during this time are all of the things you will be revisiting during MRx from September 10 to October 1.

Mercury stations retrograde on September 10th at 9:38pm MST and direct on October 1st at 3:06am MDT. (there's a time change in here)

Nobody panic. And nobody fall for the fear mongering astrological click bait.

You always have free will, and astrology will help you make healthy decisions if you choose to. It simply gives you road signs of what's up ahead. If you see a road sign for a school zone and decreased speed limit coming up, you get to choose to slow down and be mindful or drive through like an as***le and maybe kill some kids. It's the same with MRx.

Videos (show all)

We've got some awesome astrology coming up! Please vote EARLY! Get it done, so that no matter how crazy election day is,...
Just for today, consider this. What would peace in your own heart feel like?

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday 10:00 - 18:00
Sunday 10:00 - 18:00