Maya The Shaman

Maya The Shaman

Transform your life. Leave your unwanted blocks, old beliefs, patterns and past behind to re-create

Maya Verzonilla, AKA Maya The Shaman - Transformative Healing for a Prosperous 2024

Welcome to a journey of transformation with me, Maya, a 4th Generation Lemurian Shaman and the visionary behind "Infinite Cosmic Records: Sacred Doorways To Healing & Remembering." At Radhaa Publishing House, I collaborate to bring heart-centered stories to life, and as the Creatrix of Lemurian Code Healing & Infi

An Interview with Maya The Shaman, Co-Author of 'Poems From The Heart’ 18/07/2024

An Interview with Maya The Shaman, Co-Author of 'Poems From The Heart’ Today, we proudly present an enchanting exploration into poetic expression in the collaborative poetry book, "Poems From The Heart," with Multi-Author and Poet Maya Verzonilla, aka Maya the Shaman.


"🌟 You are cordially invited to a transformative two-day online conference on July 27 & 28! 🌟 Join me on July 28 at 1 pm PST as I delve into the mystical realm of Lemuria. Discover the secrets of the lost continent of the Pacific and unravel the connection to Maharlika, the ancient Philippines. Explore the legacy of the Lemurian beings, their profound vision, mission, and pivotal role in shaping our world today.

ℹ️ Gain insights into why it's crucial to awaken the dormant energies of Lemuria as we navigate the awakening of global consciousness. Seize the opportunity to be a part of this significant timeline shift from darkness (Kali Yuga) to the age of enlightenment and truth (Satya Yuga). Embrace the call to reclaim your destiny! 🌺

🗓️ Save the date: July 28 at 1 pm PST. Let's embark on this journey together. See you there! ✨ With love and light, Maya The Shaman 🌙"

Here is the event page to get your tickets


Hello beautiful souls! This book, "POEMS FROM THE HEART" by is coming out soon! Join me and other poets in this journey!

Step into a world where emotions flow freely and words vividly depict the human experience. This anthology brings together voices from across the globe, showcasing the power and beauty of poetry. 🌍

I'm honored to be among the talented poets featured in this collection. Each poem offers a glimpse into my soul, exploring love, loss, and resilience themes. I poured my heart into these verses, and I can't wait for you to experience them. 📖

Take the chance to immerse yourself in this journey of poetic expression. Secure your copy of "Poems From The Heart" today for just $2.99 during our special pre-sale offer! 🌹✨
📚 Grab Your Kindle Copy: 📚

So catch the drip of this opportunity to inspire you. Feel your heart touched by these poems! Sending you Love & Light, --Maya The Shaman

Exclusive Interview with Healer and Author Maya The Shaman at the Luxury Gala 2024 31/05/2024

Radhaa Publishing proudly presented Maya The Shaman at the Luxury Gala 2024, where she captivated audiences with her transformative works. Maya Verzonilla, known as Maya The Shaman, is a visionary shamanic energy healer and author celebrated for her groundbreaking healing modalities, Infinite Cosmic Records and Lemurian Code Healing. Her work uniquely integrates Eastern wisdom with Western needs.

Maya authored "Infinite Cosmic Records: Sacred Doorways to Healing & Remembering" and co-authored best-sellers like "Energy Healing & Soul Medicine" and "Awakening Starseeds Vol. 1, 2, 3." As founder of the Lemurian Code Academy, she mentors students in Lemurian Code Healing and Infinite Cosmic Records Healing.

Featured in the documentary "The Cure" alongside Deepak Chopra and Marianne Williamson, Maya also champions peace in "Guns, Bombs, and War: A Love Story." Recognized in LA Formidable Magazine, she inspires as a teacher, mentor, and beacon of hope.

Maya The Shamanis in the upcoming collaborative book, "Poems From the Heart', by Radhaa Publishing House. Grab a kindle copy HERE:

Connect with Maya at or via [email protected].

Exclusive Interview with Healer and Author Maya The Shaman at the Luxury Gala 2024 Radhaa Publishing House proudly presented Maya The Shaman at the Luxury Gala 2024, where she captivated audiences with her transformative works. Maya Verzoni...


📢 Announcement: Pre-Release of "Poems From The Heart" Join us! 📢

In a time when our hearts need global healing, poetry stands as the universal language of solace and understanding. Radhaa Publishing House proudly presents "Poems From The Heart," featuring authors worldwide who express the voice of their soul.
Within these sacred pages, discover the stirring voices of poets from around the globe. Each offers a unique perspective on love, loss, joy, and resilience. From tender whispers to bold declarations, their words resonate deeply, igniting readers' imaginations.

Join us in celebrating the power of poetry and the enduring legacy of "Poems From The Heart." Lose yourself in its mesmerizing world, where every page turn brings new insights and revelations. Get your copy today for just 99 cents, and let the beauty of poetry touch your soul. Grab your copy HERE!

Meet the Poets: Queen Helen Abdurajak, Patricia Wald-Hopkins, Milallan Diipalii Younan, Maya Verzonilla, Caroline Roy (Care), Cristal Ortiz, Hjalti Kristinsson, Leah Sonaria, Chrystina Box, Alanna Starr Shimel, Tayo, Diya Marie Miller, Sabrina L Avalo, Kari Russell, Lisa Littleton Samson, Joan of Angels, Radhaa Nilia, Wendy Ramirez, Maya the Shaman, Neil Guar, Sandra Basude.

Published by Radhaa Publishing House:

The Lost Civilization of Mu 2 Day Conference 22/05/2024

🌟 Maya The Shaman is honored to be a Speaker at this incredible conference on Lemuria! 🌟

Dive into the depths of ancient mysticism and embark on a transformative 2-day gathering as we unravel the enigmatic secrets of Lemuria—the fabled lost continent shrouded in mystery. Join me and many others as we delve into the archaeological evidence and channel insights that reveal a civilization of extraordinary spiritual knowledge and profound significance.

Step into a world where the land of Mu, a once-thriving ancient civilization rooted in the Pacific Ocean, intertwines with the captivating tales of Atlantis. Ancient scriptures, mesmerizing stories, and awe-inspiring archaeological discoveries paint a vivid portrait of a world far beyond our conventional understanding.

The Earth's face has shifted countless times, witnessing the rise and fall of civilizations. Now, it is time to explore the evidence of Lemuria's existence, decipher the wisdom within spiritual texts, and comprehend its impact on the advancement of human civilization.

Join us on this extraordinary journey as we unlock the consciousness of the ancient Lemurians. Discover the deep-rooted connection between our existence and the cosmos. This gathering promises to be a gateway and a catalyst for personal growth.

Are you ready to awaken to the hidden truths of Lemuria? ✨

The Lost Civilization of Mu 2 Day Conference 🌟 Honored to be part of this incredible conference! 🌟Dive into the depths of ancient mysticism and embark on a transformative 2-day gathering as we unravel...


Happy Earth Day! If you missed celebrating the Earth Day like me, you're never too late, because everyday is an Earth Day for me!

Here's my heartfelt dedication and love letter to our Earth Mother, celebrating her nurturing and life-giving essence:

To Our Beloved Earth Mother,

In your rolling hills and vast oceans, we find the whispers of ancient wisdom and the breath of life. With every sunrise that paints your skies and every gentle breeze that caresses your lands, you nurture us, sustain us, and provide unconditionally.

You are the artist of landscapes that inspire dreams and the guardian of waters that cradle the mysteries of life. From your fertile soils sprout the nourishing grains, and delicious foods, and in your forests sing the chorus of the wild.

As we walk upon your sacred ground, we vow to cherish and protect you, to honor your cycles and learn from your rhythms. For in your health lies our survival, and in your beauty, our spirits find solace.

Thank you for your endless giving, Earth Mother. May we live each day with gratitude and commitment to preserving your splendor for generations to come.

--Maya The Shaman


Solar Eclipse are celestial events and have been revered throughout history for their profound impact on the earth and its inhabitants. For individuals who have dedicated themselves to inner work and aligning with the universe, a solar eclipse can symbolize a powerful moment of reflection, renewal, and transformation.

Here are some tips:
1. Reflection and Introspection: Solar eclipses provide a unique moment of darkness during the day, which can symbolize a pause or a moment of silence in our bustling lives. This can be a time for deep reflection about where one is on their personal journey. It's an invitation to look inward, assess one’s progress, and acknowledge the growth that has occurred.🤩

2. Renewal and Rebirth: Just as the sun re-emerges from the shadow of the moon, individuals may feel a sense of renewal or a fresh start following an eclipse. It can be seen as a symbolic moment to let go of old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve and embrace new paths or ideas that align more closely with one’s current state of being and understanding of the universe.

3. Manifestation and Intention Setting: The unique energy of a solar eclipse can be harnessed for setting intentions or manifesting goals. For those who have been doing the inner work, this celestial event can amplify their desires and intentions, helping to bring them into reality. It's a potent time to focus on what you truly want to manifest in your life.😍

4. Increased Sensitivity and Intuition: The energy of a solar eclipse can heighten sensitivity and intuition. For those attuned to their inner workings and the universe's rhythms, this period can offer profound insights and revelations. It’s an excellent time for meditation, journaling, or any practice that helps you connect with your higher self and the cosmic intelligence.🤩

5. Unity and Connection: It highlights the idea that we are all part of something much larger than ourselves and can foster a sense of unity and collective consciousness.😍

If you wish to upgrade a shift into your life, I provide a free consultations. You can reach me at: & fill out a form.

Happy Solar Eclipse


Just letting you know I have a Youtube Channel called Infinite Cosmic Records:


I was invited to a red carpet & Oscar event, where I had the privilege of presenting my book, "Infinite Cosmic Records: Sacred Doorways to Healing & Remembering." I extend a heartfelt invitation to each of you to grab your own copy, now available on Amazon.


Diving into a detox—whether it’s for your body, mind, or emotions—is honestly like signing up for a roller coaster ride, because "it gets worse before it gets better!" You know, the kind where you think, "Why did I even get on this?" But trust me, it’s all part of the journey to feeling the shift.

So, here’s the deal: when you start to detox, it’s totally normal for things to feel a bit off before they start to feel right. Imagine your body throwing a bit of a tantrum because you’re taking away all the stuff it’s used to, even if that stuff isn’t really good for you. You might feel more tired than usual, notice your voice sounding a bit funny, and even look a bit different in the mirror. It's your body’s way of saying, “Hey, what’s going on?”

But let’s talk about the mental and emotional side, because OMG, it’s a wild ride. Letting go of old habits or facing those mental gremlins head-on can stir up all sorts of feels. You might swing from feeling super emotional to wondering why you’re suddenly feeling so foggy. It’s all part of the cleanup process—like clearing out the junk in your attic to make room for awesome new stuff.

I won’t sugarcoat it: this process can be tough. But remember, it’s temporary. The achy, foggy, and emotional whirlwind phase is just your body and mind doing some heavy lifting to get rid of the bad and make space for the good. And once you’re through it, you’ll start noticing how much lighter, clearer, and more energized you feel. It's like emerging from a cocoon, ready to take on the world.

My personal detox is going to my daily red-light sauna, getting massage, and taking fruit shakes and green juices. Drinking lots of liquid helps to reduce headaches.

So, hang in there. The detox journey is a powerful one, and it’s all about hitting the reset button for a healthier, happier you. Keep your eyes on the prize. You’ve got this! Stay strong and keep pushing forward. Consult an expert if you needed extra support.

--Maya The Shaman
[email protected]


Our Old World vs The Shifting New Earth

The Cosmic clock is ushering humanity towards our boundless reality. As we step into 2024 timeline, we're experiencing a significant shift—a cleansing that's dividing worlds. On one side are those resonating with lower frequencies (burning of the old ways); on the other, those ascending to higher vibrations. This period is activating numerous pathways to various realities, offering us the chance to choose the future we wish to embrace.

The mystical realm is increasingly merging with our 3D world. While this interaction isn't new, our planet has been shrouded in what I call a 'Blanket of Darkness.' This metaphorical blanket has obscured truths and realities, reversing ideas and masking genuine insights. Therefore, cleansing is essential for uncovering the authentic essence of truth and reality during these pivotal times of planetary ascension.

I invite you to join me in healing our world, embracing the ascending energies necessary for humanity to navigate towards the higher realms of our future, made possible on our blue planet. -Maya Verzonilla, aka Maya The Shaman, author of INFINITE COSMIC RECORDS: SACRED DOORWAYS TO HEALING & REMEMBERING. www. or [email protected]"


Doorways to Infinite Possibilities

In the realm where the veil between dimensions thins, a tale unfolds—a story of an Empress whose spirit, as vast as the universe, embarked on a journey not just of realms but of awakening. This Empress, a radiant figure of strength and devotion, had triumphed over the shadows, her chariot riding high above the aftermath of a battle that had raged in the 3D realm. Her heart, a beacon of light, yearned for a union that transcended the physical, reaching into the depths of the cosmic dance.

She found him, her twin flame, a mirror to her soul, yet veiled in the fog of unawakened potential. With a heart brimming with hope, she envisioned him as her Emperor, ruling by her side with wisdom and courage. But destiny, it seemed, had woven a different pattern. Despite her attempts to guide him towards enlightenment, to awaken the divine masculine within, he remained ensnared in the illusions of the 3D world, his spirit anchored to earthly games and trivial pursuits.

Time, in its relentless march, waits for no soul, and the Empress, bound by her sacred duty to the Creator of All—the God of the Universe and Multiverse—could linger no longer. With a heart heavy yet resolute, she chose her path. Her chariot, a vessel of divine light, carried her forward, leaving behind the twin flame whose destiny diverged from the cosmic journey they were meant to share.

As she rode, her silhouette against the horizon became a symbol of profound transformation. She embodied the essence of spiritual awakening, her devotion to the Creator a beacon for all souls entangled in the shadows of unawakened existence. Her journey was a testament to the power of moving towards the light, of transcending beyond the confines of the 3D realm into the vast expanse of the multiverse.

Her chariot, alight with the glow of thousands of stars, moved ever forward to where light resides, a realm of infinite possibilities and divine connections. And though she rode alone, her spirit was never solitary, for in her heart burned the light of a thousand suns, guiding her towards her true destiny.

The Empress enters her Cosmic Doorway to Infinite possibilities.

--Maya The Shaman, author of Infinite Cosmic Records:Sacred Doorways to Healing & Remembering (get your copy from Amazon) Or get a free Consultation & email Maya: [email protected]


Remembering Lemuria

Embark on a journey to the mystical land of Mu, where the essence of magic has long been concealed, its truths veiled from the generations born of its soil. For centuries, this sacred knowledge has been overshadowed, its brilliance dimmed by conquests and dominions that sought to sever the deep roots connecting us to our Lemurian spiritual heritage. A silent war of shadows and illumination has unfolded, where the ancient wisdom of our ancestors—once bright as the stars—was obscured, their stories and teachings nearly erased from memory through acts of suppression and destruction.

Yet, the light of Lemuria refuses to fade. It's time to reawaken to the ancient teachings and spiritual ancestry of Lemuria, to rediscover the hidden narratives and embrace the luminescence of our forebears. Let's unite in remembering and reclaiming the profound spiritual practices, healing modalities, and cosmic connections that have been ours all along.

Join us in this sacred revival at or, and be part of the movement to illuminate the path back to our ancestral wisdom. Together, let's step into the light of knowledge and empowerment, rekindling the magic that has always been within us, waiting to be rediscovered. The time is now—to remember, to heal, and to ascend.


What is a Divine Masculine 'Ancient-Future' like?

In the Divine Masculine's pursuit of justice, peace, and freedom, at his core is a seeker and warrior of light. His battle begins within, confronting the shadows of his own fears, doubts, and unconscious patterns that have held sway over his actions.

Freedom for him is not just a concept but a lived experience that involves liberating himself from societal conditioning and the chains of past traumas. His awareness of these elements is the first weapon in his arsenal, the light of consciousness that reveals the shadows.

His eyes are open to the oppressive blanket of darkness that seeks to manipulate, use, and abuse not just him but the collective spirit. He recognizes the subtle and overt ways in which forces of manipulation operate, often masquerading as societal norms or in the guise of fear, greed, and power. His intellect dissects the lies woven by wickedness, his empathy thwarts the spread of hatred, and his spirit lights over the shadows of malefic entities.

His fight is waged with sharp swords of indomitable strength of his mind—a fortress of intellect and wisdom—and the unwavering courage in his heart, which beats with the rhythms of ancient drums calling him to stand in his power. It is a battle fought on the planes of mental resilience, emotional intelligence, and spiritual integrity.

The real freedom he seeks is the liberation of his spirit, a benevolent freedom that allows him to express his true essence in the three-dimensional realm where he resides. He strives to become a conduit of light, a channel through which higher consciousness flows into the material world.

As he continues on his path, his journey is one of constant evolution, marked by trials that test his internal strength, challenges that refine his soul, and victories that celebrate his spirit. Each step forward is a triumph over the darkness that once sought to claim him. He moves deliberately, guided by an internal compass aligned with the spirit of the highest good.

This internal alchemy is the foundation of inner work that allows him to stand as a man of honor and dignity. In his fight for peace, he cultivates inner tranquility, understanding that external peace is a reflection of the calm and order within. He knows that true justice begins with self-accountability, recognizing his own biases and limitations, and actively working to transcend them.

The Divine Masculine becomes a hero not by conquest but by his self-love and the light he embodies through his sincere devotion to the 'Infinite source of all that is.' He stands as a living proof that the human spirit can overcome the greatest adversities when aligned with divine intention. His legacy is one of peace forged through the internal mastery of the warrior's way, an eternal testament to the enduring power of transformation.

--Maya The Shaman (Author & Healer, Lemurian Code Healing & Infinite Cosmic Records at Lemurian Code Academy) You can reach Maya at: [email protected]


Wisdom of Today:

"In the silent genesis of timeless creations, patience crafts the bedrock of legacies that whisper through ages. Do not be swayed by the gentle pace of initial growth, for beneath the quiet surface, the cosmos meticulously orchestrates a grand tapestry. This universal architect weaves the future's organic fabric, a realm unveiled only to those who pierce the veil of illusion.

What remains invisible to the eye is intricately concealed, yet accessible to the seeker who ventures inward, unraveling the enigma cradling the cosmos. It is a journey of trust, a dance with the divine rhythm, where the heart's opening aligns with the Cosmic Pulse. Herein lies true success—rooted in the faith that all unfolds in sublime harmony, guided by the unseen hand of the Divine Order." --Maya The Shaman


🌟✨ Big News & Infinite Blessings! ✨🌟

Hello, beautiful souls! 🌈💖 I'm thrilled to share some exciting developments from my heart to yours. After much creative energy, introspection, and dedication, I've birthed a new creative expression of my healing journey - the "Infinite Cosmic Records" with its own FB Page! Join below 🙂

This venture is not just a project; it's a deep dive into the essence of spiritual healing, guided by the timeless wisdom of the cosmos. I'm absolutely in love with my new LOGO! It encapsulates the spirit of Infinite Cosmic Records perfectly, merging the mystical with the tangible in a symbol that speaks to our interconnectedness with the universe. 🌌

To bring this vision closer to you, I've created a brand new page: 🌠 Infinite Cosmic Records 🌠. This space is dedicated to sharing more about our spiritual healing modalities, sprinkled with words of wisdom and insights to enlighten and uplift your journey.

👉 I warmly invite you to follow our new page and embark on this journey with us. Together, we'll explore the vast expanse of healing, love, and cosmic wisdom. Expect a blend of profound insights, heart-opening content, and the occasional sparkle of joy to light up your feed.

Sending you waves of love, light, and joy. Let's connect on this new platform and continue to support each other in our paths of growth and enlightenment. 🙏💓
With all my heart, Maya The Shaman



Embrace Your Journey: Become the Trailblazer of Your Life

Are you ready to explore the depths of your heart and the resilience of your mind? Sometimes, it's about testing the waters within us and finding balance amidst the soft and hard realities of life. This moment of conscious awareness is where transformation begins.

Join us on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Become the pioneer of your destiny, navigating through life's challenges with grace and determination. 🌟

👣 Start Your Trailblazing Journey Today! 👣"

Dive deep into the exploration of self, balancing emotions and intellect, to emerge as the trailblazer of your own life. Discover tools and insights that guide you back to conscious awareness, empowering you to pioneer your unique path.

Learn More: Email Maya at: [email protected]


Embrace Your Spiritual Journey with Lemurian Code Healing 🌟

In a world of constant change, our spirit remains an eternal beacon of light, guiding us through the myriad paths of life. At Lemurian Code Healing, we understand that navigating these paths requires more than just intent; it requires a deep, unwavering connection to the Divine and the universe's infinite possibilities.

🔹 Discover Your Divine Mission: Tap into your inner strength and co-create with the universe to manifest peace, happiness, and abundance. Our journey is one of continual growth, overcoming obstacles, and evolving into the best versions of ourselves.

🔹 Elevate Your Spiritual Frequency: Through silence, reflection, and understanding our soul contracts, we can raise our vibrations, heal from our past, and align with our true purpose. It's about coming home to a place of self-love, peace, and joy.

🔹 Connect with Like-Minded Souls: Encounter those special individuals who resonate with your energy, sharing a journey of understanding, high vibes, and mutual growth.

Maya of Lemurian Code Healing & Infinite Cosmic Records is here to guide you through this process. Whether it's healing your inner child, navigating past life regressions, or simply finding peace in the present, our tailored support is designed to facilitate your spiritual awakening and help you create breakthroughs on your path to enlightenment.

Ready to Transform Your Life? 🌈

Contact us at [email protected] and let's embark on this sacred journey together. Your sanctuary of peace, contentment, and spiritual joy awaits.



Embracing 2024's Infinite Possibilities for Growth and Fulfillment

Welcome to 2024, a year brimming with boundless opportunities for health, wealth, and happiness. This year, you're not just living; you're recreating your reality with focused intention and burning desire. As we journey through life, each of us carries karma, a unique path we're destined to traverse and transcend. But 2024 is extraordinary—the veil between our tangible world and the boundless beyond is at its thinnest, offering unprecedented access to profound soul growth.

This is your moment. Your chance to infuse your life with purpose and passion. Your birthright is a life lived fully, joyously, and consciously. Choose wisely, for every decision shapes your journey on this rapidly evolving Earth. Stay attuned to the cosmic flow, let your intuition guide you, and remember: you are a powerful co-creator in this dynamic universe.

Every life is a soul contract, an agreement to experience and grow amidst the cosmic soup of duality. And when the path seems obscured, when answers elude you, it's time to turn inward. Contemplate, meditate, and seek your true purpose. Only you can manifest your destiny, but guidance and clarity are crucial. Don't hesitate to seek the wisdom and tools that can propel you forward.

The Universe is unveiling groundbreaking energies in 2024. Revolutionary health tools are emerging to rejuvenate and heal, while untapped reservoirs of wealth await those ready to harvest. The key? Start with a clear mind. Affirm your desires, align them with the Creator's vision for your highest self, and the answers will come.

If you find yourself at a crossroads, unable to clear the blockages on your path, remember: I am here to assist. As Maya The Shaman, I offer guidance and healing to those seeking to unlock their fullest potential.

🌟 Let's unlock your journey together:
Email: [email protected]

2024 is your year. Embrace it with Maya The Shaman.
Maya is the author of "Infinite Cosmic Records: Sacred Doorways To Healing & Remembering" & collaborative author of multiple books at Radhaa Publishing House. Maya is also the creatrix of the healing modalities, "Lemurian Code Healing" & "Infinite Cosmic Records."


Live. Life. Laugh. Love. Lay all your burdens. Let go. Repeat.


My Book "INFINITE COSMIC RECORDS: SACRED DOORWAYS TO HEALING & REMEMBERING" is out. You can buy it on Amazon or order it directly from me. It is a compilation of my story, how I got into healing work, and 18 clients who shared their personal transformative sessions during our Infinite Cosmic Records shamanic journeying with me. Any issues related to inner child work, shadow work, generational grief, shock and trauma or having to deal with entities, black magic, etc. that no longer aligns with your ascension, its time to clear it, and this book brings light and inspiration. When darkness comes into the surface to be cleared, a sacred healing tool as this can assists you! Blessings to everyone. May peace, love, abundance and happiness this holiday season brings clarity in your heart and mind. A time when we needed the most to release heavy baggages that no longer serves. God Bless humanity and planet Earth. Sending all Love and peace!💓🌈😊

Videos (show all)

"🌟 You are cordially invited to a transformative two-day online conference on July 27 & 28! 🌟 Join me on July 28 at 1 pm...
I was invited to a red carpet & Oscar event, where I had the privilege of presenting my book, "Infinite Cosmic Records: ...
Maya the Shaman, AKA, Maya Verzonilla is a Co-Author in Awakening Starseeds, Vol 2. Stories Beyond The Stargate. Her Cha...
A very inspiring interview of Maya the Shaman on Lemurian Code Healing by Alanna Starr. Inspiring Interview with Maya th...


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday 10:00 - 17:00