Quran And Sunnah

Quran And Sunnah

Assalam Alaikum Brothers&Sisters We are team, on a mission to spread the true deen of Islam. We ask for no reward and no thanks from our members in the least.

Our reward is in the safe custody of the Lord of the Worlds.- Welcome to Quran And Sunnah Prophet Muhammad (saw) said :I have left among you two matters by holding fast to which, you shall never be misguided:Quran And Sunnah


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Many countries have confirmed Eid for Sunday!

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A beautiful dua for lailatul Qadr. Please say Ameen after reading each and every one and keep us in your duas, also.

Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem, Ya Rabb Al Alameen...

Grant me death with the shahadah on my tongue.

Expand my grave for me and illuminate it with light.

Lighten for me the questioning of the grave.

Grant me death in a state of Ibadah, resurrect me in the same state.

Keep me free from fear, anxiety and terror of the Day of judgement.

Grant my book in my right hand.

Help me cross the Siraat like lightning.

Ya Allah, please do not give away my good deeds to others.

Reunite me with my family in Jannah.

Do not expose my faults in front of others on the Day of judgement.

Ya wadood, forgive the sins that I don't remember and the sins that I didn't even consider as sins.

Cleanse my heart from jealousy, hatred, self-admiration, show off and envy.

Grant me the ability to forgive others.

Grant me soft speech, protect my tongue from lying, backbiting and hurting others.

Grant me beautiful patience.

Grant me correct aqeedah, excellent memory and understanding of the deen with daleel.

Bless my parents, forgive them, grant them good health and make me a sadaqa e jariyah for them.

Bless my siblings and their families. Bind us together with love. Do not let shaytan break our bond.

Grant all those who are single with pious spouses and children who become the coolness of their eyes.

Grant us righteous children and make them a sadaqa jariyah for us.

Help me maintain good ties with my relatives.

Help me see my faults and cover them from others.

Bestow me with wealth to spend in your way.

Do not let others humiliate/oppress/mock/take advantage of me.

Help me be courageous and take correct decisions.

Grant me modesty in clothing and speech.

Forgive and bless the ummah - the living and the dead. Grant victory and reward to the oppressed. Fill the oppressor’s hearts with Iman and hold them to account.

Oh Allah, accept my good deeds.

Ya Allah, O my Allah, Ya Rehman, Ya Rahim, Ya kareem, Ya Sattar, Ya Ghaffar, Ya Kadir, Ya Sami, Ya Aleem, Ya Zuljalaali Wal ikraam be rehmatika astaghir.

Ya Allah I turn to you in repentance, in submission. I beg you please fulfill my duas.

Ya allah forgive my sins, a complete forgiveness that leaves no trace.

Ya allah forgive my transgressions of Your Commands & the violations of the rights of people.

Ya allah grant me victory over my shortcomings.

Ya Allah accept my duaas, ibaadah & deeds.

Ya Allah guide me towards performing good accepted deeds for Your Sake only.

Ya Allah help me to attain khushu' & ikhlaas in my ibaadah.

Ya Allah help me get closer to you as my end draws near.

Ya Allah make me love You, Our Prophet (pbuh), Our Deen, Our Quran the way it deserves to be loved.

Ya allah increase my Iman, tawakkul, yaqeen in You.

Ya Allah increase me in Taqwa and make me of your grateful slaves.

Ya Allah give me the strength to be steadfast throughout the trials I encounter.

Ya Allah grant me a soft heart & content with Your Laws.

Ya Allah make the Quran be my companion in both worlds.

Ya Allah guide me to the siraatal mustaqeem until my last breath, never be deviated in shirk, kufr or bid'ah.

Ya Allah make me among the muhsineen, muttaqeen the mukhliseen, the sabiqoon fil ilm.

Ya Allah increase me in beneficial knowledge.

Ya Allah protect me from sicknesses of the heart (envy, arrogance, proudness, show off)

Ya Allah bless me with happiness in this dunya & akhirah, protect me from sadness & depression.

Ya Allah remove the love of this world in its degrees & forms from my heart.

Ya Allah grant me a good end, make me love to meet You.

Ya Allah grant me the Shade of your Arsh on Yawmul Qiyaamah.

Ya Allah give me my record of deeds in my right hand and make my mizaan (scale) heavy with the good deeds.

Ya Allah grant me the favour to drink from the Hawd Al Kawthar by our beloved Prophet's (pbuh) hand.

Ya Allah ease my crossing of the Siraat & Qantarah (bridges before Paradise).

Ya Allah favour me the ultimate bliss of seeing You in Hereafter.

Ya Allah shield, increase & protect the love/mercy/barakah between me & my spouse for as long as we live.

Ya Allah improve our behaviour with each other.

Ya Allah reward my spouse Your best reward for her/his striving for my family.

Ya Allah make the Quran & Your Commands be our judge in all matters.

Ya Allah strengthen our practice of the deen together.

Ya Allah make us join together in bliss in Jannah al Firdaus.

Ya Allah, assist us with physical & emotional strength to be good parents & a good example to our children.

Ya Allah save our children from the impact of our mistakes in their lives.

Ya Allah bless us with righteous children.

Ya Allah make our children the coolness of our eyes and make them sawaab-e-jaariya for me & my spouse.

Ya Allah make them of those who establish Salah and prostrate only to you.

Ya Allah protect my family from evil, calamities, enviers & the shayaateen from man & jinn.

Ya Allah protect our children from harm, sicknesses, disbelief, haraam and destruction.

Ya Allah grant our children success in Deen, duniya & Aakhirah & grant us a lineage of righteous offspring until Yawm al Qiyaamah.

Ya Allah unite our entire lineage in Jannah al Firdaus.

Ya Allah make our children workers for Your Deen, hafidhul Quran, da'ees, imaams, scholars and shaheeds.

Ya Allah make them become the reason for our place in Jannah & shield against the Hellfire.

Ya Allah save me & my entire family from the Hell Fire & make us enter Jannah al Firdaus Aa'laa without being accounted.

Ya Allah, you are Al Ghaffaar. Forgive my parents.

Ya Allah reward them in the greatest measures in this dunya & akhirah.

Ya Allah elevate their ranks and grant them Jannah al Firdaus.

Ya Allah make me coolness of their eyes in their old age.

Ya Allah grant my siblings success in this dunya & akhirah.

Ya Allah elevate the ranks of my parents, spouse's parents, my sisters & brothers, my elders & entire Ummah.

Ya Allah protect them from illnesses and difficulties of old age.

Ya Allah forgive the sins of those who have passed away in my family & the Ummah - young & old.

Ya Allah grant them a peaceful time in the barzakh till they meet You.

Ya Allah save us from trials of Dajjal, Yujuj & Majuj & the last Day.

Ya Allah grant my family & friends who are waiting for the gift of "children".

Ya Allah unite the hearts of my worldly companions who work for You & strengthen our brotherhood.

Ya Allah unite the hearts of those undergoing family/marital difficulties.

Ya Allah grant your perfect cure to those who are sick.

Ya Allah protect my brothers & sisters across the warzones & from persecution, r**e, slaughter, and humiliation.

Ya Allah Relieve their suffering & elevate their ranks.

Ya Allah Bring the downfall of those (modern day pharaohs) oppressors & relieve those who are deprived, burdened, oppressed, in debt.

Ya ALLAH bless the person who forwards this dua and make this a source of sadaqa e jariah for them Aameen.

Ya Allah, answer our Duaas You are the All Hearing, All Knowing!


Please keep me and my family in your Duas 🤲🏼.

Share with others to increase ajr.


Laylatul Qadar night of decree night of power night of value and the night of destiny keep repenting make dua,s Allah is forgiving and Allah loves forgiveness and inshallah Allah will forgive us Ameen...


*Ramadan Dua Day 8*

O Allah, on this day,
let me have mercy on the orphans,and feed the hungry,and spread peace, and keep company with the noble-minded, O the shelter of the hopeful.


اللَّهُمَّ احْفَظْنِي مِنْ بَينِ يَدَيَّ, وَمِنْ خَلْفِي, وَعَنْ يَمِينِي, وَعَنْ شِمَالِي وَمِنْ فَوْقِي, وَأَعُوذُ بِعَظَمَتِكَ أَن أُْغْتَالَ مِنْ تَحْتِي

"O Allah protect me from my front, behind me, from my right and my left, and from above me, and I seek refuge in Your Magnificence from being taken unaware from beneath me."


Ramadan Dua Day 2:

O Allah, on this day, take us closer to your pleasure, keep us away from your anger and punishment, grant us the opportunity to recite your verses (of the Qur’an), by your mercy, O the merciful....!!



* *

*May Allah shower Ramadan's blessings on all of us and bestow his acceptance of our prayers and fasts! Ameen*

*We you a very !*

* us in .*

*Pray for world*

*Regards *


EFFECTIVE RAMADAN ROUTINE; you may find it useful.
1. Sleep Daily by 10pm.
2. Wake up 3am.
3. Tahajjud 3:30am till 4:15am
4. Study Quran for 20mins, at least 10verses with meaning. 4:15am - 4:35am. Observe your Dua for 10mins, ask all your desires from Allah 4:35 - 4:45.
5. Eat Sahur 4:45am till 5:05am
6. Rest till 5:20am but try not sleep.
7. Pray Salatu Subhi: 5:30am
8. Do Morning Azkar till 6am/6:30am
9. Rest/Prepare for the day till 7am.
10. Pray Salatu Duha, at least 4 Rakats. From 11:00am to 11:30am
11. Constantly Listen to Quran.
12. Pray Salatu Zuhr by 1pm. Do 20mins Azkar.
13. Pray Salatu Asr by 4pm & Do 20mins Evening Azkar, and recitation of the Qur'an.
14. Break your fast at 7:00pm with what you can afford. But pray and ask Allah foranything and everything you want before breaking the fast. Pray Salatu Magrib,your Dua will not be rejected.
15. 8:00pm Start Praying Ishai & Pray 11 Rakats of Taraweeh till 9:00pm.
16. After Taraweeh, spend 5mins to reflect on the day, and ask yourself these questions;. What did you do well? What needs to be improved?. What needs to stop? what needs to start?
May we witness Ramadan in good health.🤲
We pray Almighty Allah rewards us all
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*ساعة الاستجابة*

عَنْ جَابِرِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ، ‌‌‌‌‌‏عَنْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، ‌‌‌‌‌‏أَنَّهُ قَالَ:‌‌‌‏ يَوْمُ الْجُمُعَةِ ثِنْتَا عَشْرَةَ يُرِيدُ سَاعَةً لَا يُوجَدُ مُسْلِمٌ يَسْأَلُ اللَّهَ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ شَيْئًا إِلَّا أَتَاهُ اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ، ‌‌‌‌‌‏فَالْتَمِسُوهَا آخِرَ سَاعَةٍ بَعْدَ الْعَصْرِ .

سنن ابی داؤد ، 1048

*جمعہ کے دن قبولیت دعا*

رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا: جمعہ کا دن بارہ ساعت ( گھڑی ) کا ہے، اس میں ایک ساعت ( گھڑی ) ایسی ہے کہ کوئی مسلمان اس ساعت کو پا کر اللہ تعالیٰ سے مانگتا ہے تو اللہ اسے ضرور دیتا ہے، لہٰذا تم اسے عصر کے بعد آخری ساعت ( گھڑی ) میں تلاش کرو ۔

Acceptance of Duaa on Friday:
Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah رضی اللہ عنہ:
The Prophet صلی ‌اللہ ‌علیہ ‌وسلم said: Friday is divided into twelve hours. Amongst them there is an hour in which a Muslim does not ask Allah for anything but He gives it to him. So seek it in the last hour after the afternoon prayer.




In our homes we must recite below mentioned suplications and suras of Quran besides the worship what we already do ,and must involve our family in it

• لا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
There is no worthy of worship but you :glory to you , I was indeed wrong

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْبَرَصِ، وَالْجُنُونِ، وَالْجُذَامِ، وَمِنْ سَيِّئِ الأَسْقَامِ

Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from leprosy, madness, plague, and from bad diseases

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ الْعَفْوَ وَالْعَافِيَةَ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ، اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ الْعَفْوَ وَالْعَافِيَةَ فِي دِينِي وَدُنْيَايَ وَأَهْلِي، وَمَالِي
Oh Allah,I ask you forgiveness and wellness in this world and in the hereafter. Oh Allah, I ask forgiveness and wellness in my religion, in my worldly life, in my family, and in my wealth

اللهم ادفع عنا البلاء والوباء والغلاء والمحن ما ظهر منها وما بطن

Oh Allah, take away from us the affliction, the epidemic, the high price and the tribulation, what appeared from it and what didn't appeared from it

3 time سورة فاتحه
3 time قل هو الله أحد complete surah
حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل 313


Did you know🤔 that the 🕋was more than in ?
This is the in history. Out of the 40 times it happened, some of the of the Haram:

🙁 : It was first closed in 251 AH. Ismail Ibn carried out a massacre in Makkah killing hundreds of hujjaj.

😪 : This was one of the most disastrous events. The Qaramita, who are an extremist sub group attacked Makkah. They called tawaf around the Kabah as idol worship. They tried to destroy the Kabah and stole the Black Stone. Umrah was stopped in that year. They took the Black Stone with them to Qatif. They tried to invent their alternate version of Hajj instead. For 22 years it remained in their possession until it was bought back. While they were stealing it, into 7 pieces as it is seen today.

💔 : The attacked Baghdad. They massacred over 2 million people and threw 500,000 books from the House of Wisdom into the river. They also assassinated the Khalifah and his family. Out of fear for their lives and safety concerns amidst this chaos, the people didn't come for Umrah.

☠️ : This is the the Prophet peace be upon him spoke about. More than 8,000 people died.

☠️ : There was an outbreak of a from . It claimed the lives of over 3 quarters of the Hujjaj present in Makkah at the time.

☠️ : There was an outbreak of . The of the Hujjaj were like mountains around the Haram, till they were able to be buried. What's worse is that this happened on the Day of .

💣 : claimed to be Al_mahdi and with , he took an of the Haram for 2 weeks until a coalition of were able to defeat them and reopen the Haram.

☠️ : Around around the Haram were affected by which is an inflammatory disease impacting the brain and spinal cord.

🤔Even in , they had built places around the Haram for , so that people coming to Hajj would be placed and treated there in case of any issues.

The is trying to scare us because it sells better. My intention is to counter this by calming us down seeking only the reward of Allah (calm while we take the necessary precautions).

We ask Allah to protect our health, heal us, and invite us into His home once it is safe for us to return and visit. Ameen!

ولله عالم


When was banned in .
In 1973 communism was at its peak in Russia, whole was saying that sooner whole will turn red. At that time a went to Russia for training. This is his story
He said that on he asked his to get ready for prayer. They said are turned into storage in this country, few mosques are turned into motels for tourists, only one or two mosques in this city are kept as they were. Even they are close most of the times. I asked them to just guide me toward a . When I reached there the mosque was closed. A person in had its keys, I requested him to open its gate so that i can say my prayer.
He : Okay i will open the gate for you but I'm not responsible if you will face any harm.
Me : Brother! I was a Muslim in Pakistan and shall remain a Muslim in too. I prayed in , Pakistan and I shall pray in Moscow Russia too no matter what.
He opened the door and i saw Mosque was in bad shape. I cleaned it in a hurry and tried to make it as good as i could in limited time. After that i said call for prayer ( ) in loud voice. Many old people, women and children gathered on the door of the mosque when they heard the call for prayer but no one came inside. I wasn't able to say juma prayer cause i was alone but i did said my Zuhar prayer. When I came out people were looking at me as I've done some thing new.
A kid came to me and invited me to his home for tea. His voice had such sincerity that i wasn't able to refuse so i went to his home. People there cooked different dishes for me and were extremely happy. I had my lunch and after tea i asked a little kid who was sitting there that if he can recite Quran?
Kid : Yes sir! we all know how to recite Quran.
I opened my pocket Quran, placed my finger on a verse and asked him to recite it to me.
That kid looked at me, then looked at Quran and then look toward his parents. I thought "he don't know how to read but then why he said that he can?"
I recited that verse
ﻳَﺎ ﺃَﻳُّﻬَﺎ ﺍﻟَّﺬِﻳﻦَ ﺁَﻣَﻨُﻮﺍ ﻗُﻮﺍ ﺃَﻧْﻔُﺴَﻜُﻢْ ﻭَﺃَﻫْﻠِﻴﻜُﻢْ
and that kid started recited ahead without even looking at the Quran. I was shocked, looked toward his parents and asked what is this?
They smiled and told me that "Quran is banned here. If a person is caught having even a single verse of Quran his whole family is killed. Thats why we cant keep Quran in our homes.
Me : If no one here have even a single copy of Quran then how come this kid memorized it?
They : We have many Hafiz e Quran here doing different jobs. Some of them are tailors, some are shop keeper, some are farmers and some sells vegetables. So we send our kids to them pretending that they are there for work but in reality they are memorizing Quran there. Thats why even though we don't have even a single copy of Quran but all the kids you see here and in all the Muslim families are hafiz. So when you put your finger on a verse, the kid was not able to read it but when you recited it then he recited whole chapter. And you stopped him otherwise he was going to recite whole Quran.
That day i saw not one but many miracles of Quran. A society where Quran was banned, whole generation became hafiz. I tested this thing on many kids. All were hafiz.
That day i truly understood the meaning of the verse
ﺇِﻧَّﺎ ﻧَﺤﻦُ ﻧَﺰَّﻟْﻨَﺎ ﺍﻟﺬِّﻛﺮَ ﻭَﺇِﻧَّﺎ ﻟَﻪُ ﻟَﺤَﺎﻓِﻈُﻮﻥَ
‏( 15:9 ) Assuredly, We alone have revealed this Glorious Admonition (the Qur’an), and surely We alone will guard it.
People can ban. copies of Quran but how can they ban whats in heart.
Please share it. Its worth it.


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Asalamualikum to all fans of this page.
I hope you are safe by the grace of God


نور ⛯ قرآن 📖
حضرت ابن عمر رضی اللہ عنہ بیان کرتے ہیں کہ رسول اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے ارشاد فرمایا کہ : جس نے جمعہ کے دن سورۃ الکہف پڑھی تو اس کے قدموں کے نیچے سے لے کر آسمان تک نور پیدا ہوتا ہے جو قیامت کے دن اس کے لیے روشن ہوگا اور ان دونوں جمعوں کے درمیان والے گناہ معاف کردیے جاتے ہیں.
(الترغيب والترهيب)


*Ameer Jama’at led delegation meets Geelani*

Srinagar: A high level delegation of Jama’at-e-Islami Jammu and Kashmir led by Amir-e-Jama’at Dr Abdul Hamid Fayaz met the veteran leader and chairman Hurriyat Conference (G) Syed Ali Geelani at his Hyderpora residence and expressed condolences on the death of his son-in-law Ghulam Hassan Makhdoomi who died in SKIMS on Tuesday night. The delegation comprised of Faheem Mohammad Ramzan (Secretary General), Nazir Ahmad Rana (Guidance Bureau head), Advocate Zahid Ali (Political Bureau head) and Reyaz Ahmad Nadvi (Secretary to Amir-e-Jama’at). The delegation also enquired about the health condition of the veteran leader and prayed for the eternal peace of the deceased Makhdoomi.

Press Bureau
Jama’at-e-Islami Jammu and Kashmir...................
*امیر جماعت کی قیادت میں اعلیٰ سطحی وفد گیلانی سے ملاقی*

سرینگر// جماعت اسلامی جموں وکشمیر کا ایک اعلیٰ سطحی و فدزیر قیادت امیر جماعت ڈاکٹر عبدالحمید فیاض نے حریت (گ)چیرمین سید علی گیلانی کی رہائش پر اُن کے داماد غلام حسن مخدومی ساکن ڈورو سوپور کی رحلت پر اُن سے اظہار تعزیت کیا اور مرحوم کے حق میں دعائے مغفرت بھی کی۔ وفد میں فہیم محمد رمضان (قیم جماعت)، نذیر احمد رعنا (ناظم شعبہ تعلیم و تربیت)، ایڈوکیٹ زاہد علی (ناظم شعبہ سیاسیات) کے علاوہ ریاض احمد ندوی (سیکرٹری امیر جماعت) بھی شامل تھے۔ وفد نے اس موقعے پر حریت (گ) چیرمین کی خیر و عافیت سے متعلق جانکاری بھی حاصل کی۔

پریس بیورو
جماعت اسلامی جموں وکشمیر


”سید مودودیؒ “

رات کے کھانے اور عشا ٕ کی نماز کے بعد جو کام کرنے بیٹھتا تھا تو بسا اوقات فجر کی اذان ہو جاتی تھی۔اگر ایسا نہ کرتا تو تمہیم القرآن کیسے مکمل ہوتی؟
بس اب یہ انکھیں مجھ سے انتقام لے رہی ہیں۔ اب میں سونا چاہتا ہوں ٗ لیکن یہ بند ہونے کا نام نہیں لیتیں۔انہیں میں نے جاگنے کی ایسی عادت ڈال دی ہے کہ یہ سونے پر آمادہ ہی نہیں ہوتیں۔ چاہتا ہوں میرا ذہن سوچنا بند کر دے تاکہ پر سکون ہو کر سو جاٶں ٗ مگر دماغ کو سوچنے کی ایسی عادت ڈال چکا ہوں کہ یہ سوچنے سے باز ہی نہیں آتا!اب میری ہڑیاں مجھ سے انتقام لے رہی ہیں۔ پہلے میں نے انہیں آرام کرنے نہیں دیا تھا ٗ اب یہ مجھے آرام نہیں کرنے دیتیں ٗ۔۔۔۔۔

” شجر ہاۓ سایہ دار ص٨٢ “
”سید حمیرہ مودودیؒ“


***يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ ٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ وَلْتَنظُرْ نَفْسٌ مَّا قَدَّمَتْ لِغَدٍۖ وَٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ خَبِيرٌۢ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ***
O you who have believed, fear Allah . And let every soul look to what it has put forth for tomorrow - and fear Allah . Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do.


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