Mr. Twenty Twenty

Mr. Twenty Twenty

Mr Twenty Twenty is an author, speaker and trainer who legally changed his name to the number of perfect vision. Living with vision is his main focus.

Neville Goddard’s Lost and Found Technique – UPDATED | 11/01/2024

Shelly manifested a NEW HOME!
(by imagining TOUCHING TOMATOES...)
You have to read this! It's WILD!

Neville Goddard’s Lost and Found Technique – UPDATED | "Hey TT and V! Thanks for all you do and for the Feel It Real Power Pack. I was imagining growing tomatoes and happy to share them with my neighborhood to IMPLY that I had my own home, instead of the apartment I had lived in for years because of crappy credit. I imagined

Spotify for Podcasters - The easiest way to make a podcast 11/01/2024

I know....
"You're busy..."
Give this a listen now....

Spotify for Podcasters - The easiest way to make a podcast The Neville Goddard Quote and Lesson Podcast with Mr Twenty Twenty

The Lullaby Method of Neville Goddard – Free Neville Goddard | 10/01/2024

Neville said, "FEELING is the Secret".
Not words....
Not numbers....
Not rocks....
Don't SKIP one bit of this....
Because if you SIMPLY NAIL IT - you will - ROCK - YOUR - WORLD!
(And you'll set the stage - for endlesss wins!)
Have fun!

The Lullaby Method of Neville Goddard – Free Neville Goddard | "Why is it that other people have way more success at this than I do? I'm doing EXACTLY what you tell us in the free daily emails, but I am not getting anywhere. Please help!" - P. B. Nebraska Hey mate, Today P. B. you are going to learn a very simple method of Neville's

UPDATED: Are You Forcing It Real or Feeling it Real – Free Neville Goddard | 10/01/2024

Are YOU....

FORCING it REAL or FEELING it REAL? (Here's how to tell.... and what to do....) - Click Here!

UPDATED: Are You Forcing It Real or Feeling it Real – Free Neville Goddard | Hey mate, Let's call this, Manifesting Warren Buffett style. Because this is THE SOLUTION, if you ever feel like... "I can't hold the state" or "I keep making myself do my sessions but it's getting harder and harder..." TODAY IS GONNA BE A GAME CHANGER DAY FOR YOU! Because STRUGGLE ONLY happens: Whe...



Or is it DRIFTING AWAY - starting the second after your session ends?

If you aren't doing THE SINGLE ACT - exactly this way - you are leaving HEAPS of "money on the table".

In other words, this will amp up your success - big time - if you do it right.

Maybe I'll start a series on this called....


Read the article - it's important. And let me know what you think in a comment below.


Here's how to FEEL IT REAL and QUIET YOUR MIND in less than 60 seconds.....

Ready? You've got a choice. You can choose to either:

1. Worry about what might happen.
2. CELEBRATE what DID happen.

If you are FEELING IT REAL, like we teach, what you have WANTED - has already happened - in consciousness - the only reality.

Neville says:

"Consciousness is the ONLY reality."


"Imagine what would IMPLY your wish HAS BEEN fulfilled."

Here's why so many people STRUGGLE with this, and STRUGGLE in life.....

They THINK reality is OUT THERE.....

It's not. It can't possibly be. YOUR EXPERIENCE is YOUR REALITY. And you can only EXPERIENCE two things.... WHAT LEADS (your imaginal act) and what FOLLOWS (which is everything else).

Both of those are in CONSCIOUSNESS - the only REALITY.

And the other way to STRUGGLE, is to keep HAPPINESS, SUCCESS, FREEDOM out there - in the future FEELING.

Do you know how many times Neville said to IMAGINE WHAT IMPLIES your wish is now a fact?

I don't..... All I know is that it's in pretty darn almost every single lesson he taught - about this stuff......

If you've missed either of these, DIVE DEEPER.

You know my SUPER SECRET AGENDA. "I want more play time and more playmates." And when I imagined what implied that was true..... THIS is what showed up.

STOP worrying about what MIGHT happen (future tense). And celebrate what did....... Because if you have FOLLOWED THE FORMULA - it did - and it will objectify.


Mr Twenty Twenty


Having a hard time....
Here's why.
(But first, let's dive into THE REST OF THE STORY.)

From what I can tell, most people bought "the story".

The story goes like this, there's a good guy (usually you), and a bad guy (some "them" you can blame for "what's happening".)

It sure makes for a good movie.
It sure makes for a good religion too.
And for good politics.

But it's really no way to LIVE LIFE.

You've got an option.....

You can BUY THE STORY...

Or you can BUY THE PEARL.

THE PEARL is choosing to notice - you are - solely responsible - for the phenomena of your life.

It doesn't matter what the rocks in the sky are doing.
It doesn't matter what the rock heads "in office" are doing either.

Stop pretending that ROCKS run the show.....
Start noticing who and what you REALLY ARE.

God Having The Adventure of a Lifetime!

Join us!

Mr Twenty Twenty


"Abandon all hope.... ye who have found their way to Neville's teachings".

(And abandon all other teachings while you are at it.)
(If you want to manifest easily and quickly....)

Here's why.....

First, HOPE is nothing more than DOUBT with some icing on top. It's icing on a turd. You don't HOPE you take your next breath, you just do.

You take your next breath - because you know - you can......


That's THE FEELING that Neville teaches MATTERS MOST.

Meanwhile.... "other people" teach silly stuff like you need to be thankful for what you have - for what's has REALLY happened - so you can get - what you dream about....


I'm thankful. All day long I am thankful - for two reasons. The first is i KNOW who i am..... and the second - i know what i have imagined - what I have FULLY felt it real for - is REAL.

It will objectify - unless i start "hoping it does - someday".

It will objectify - unless i "detach from it". (Another bulloney teaching that MOST "people" teach as truth.)

Think about it....

You become SUCCESSFUL, by FEELING FROM successful. By imagining what would imply - you are - successful.

And the moment you STOP - feeling - successful - - in other words DETACH FROM IT.... your SUCCESS is DEAD in the water.

Power Point: Neville teaches to DETACH from your old REACTIONS to the world, from who you WERE.... and to FULLY ATTACH yourself to your AIM, as though it were true.

And he teaches THE TRUTH about YOU shall set you free.

There is only ONE CAUSE, and that cause is YOU - the real you.

Dive in, dive deeper and deeper...



So I am imagining...
Having written a really great article....
Having no idea, "what to write about".

(Get that this is how MOST manifesting might be...)

You don't know the how, you only make THEN / NOW.

You make THERE / HERE.

And you get to notice....
You get to discover....

The jobs that get to be done - by your body and behaviors.... and by the rest of the universe too.

You aren't your body. You aren't an "animated being". You are what animates ALL BEINGS.

And the more you "sit in the silence" and "feel it real" and explore goldmines like "the state akin to sleep" - - the more you will know that - as TRUTH.

That's it. How did I do?


GIFT RECORDINGS – Introduction To Manifesting To The Max | MetaManifesting 07/01/2024

Let's dive into YOUR requests.....

Yasemin asked.... "How did you discover what made YOU exceptional to getting what YOU want?"

At some point - while sitting in the silence.... I got at a whole new level that I wasn't my physical body....

And that my physical body - like everything else - is moved by movements in consciousness......

Talk about FREEDOM....

If you aren't your body - you can't be limited by it's history....

If you aren't your body - you notice an endless invitation to dance with your mystery....

Which leads to crystal clear questions - that only get answered by experience.....


IGNITION - is not only a SPEEDY WAY to SPEED UP your manifesting....

IGNITION - is maybe the most lovely "way in motion" to notice who you really are.....

Here's 4 gifts....

For those who don't know what I'm talking about or who want more....

GIFT RECORDINGS – Introduction To Manifesting To The Max | MetaManifesting GIFT RECORDINGS – Introduction To Manifesting To The Max by Mr Twenty Twenty | Jul 4, 2016 | Articles Hey mate, Enjoy this tiny little sneak peek into a very special project Victoria and I are working on – Manifesting to The Max – 2016! Blessings, TT and V YOUR FREE GIFTS IN THE SNEAK PEAK: In...


Join us for FEEL IT REAL FUN - Episode 225 - Manifesting Money by BOTH Walking in the STATE OF YOUR WISH FULFILLED and HOW TO PLAY ALL DAY! Bonus bits on Pink Cars and more! - Join us!


From Today's Inbox: A friend of mine sent me this, and wanted to know what I thought......

LOA teacher: "What I want you to do today is to manifest something easy. Pick something easy to manifest and imagine that it is coming to you. Once you have done this enough, move on to harder things....."

Here's my reply:

Why would you want to imagine manifesting ONE THING is easier than manifesting SOMETHING ELSE.....

To do that - you have to imagine SOME STUFF IS HARD.

I really wouldn't suggest taking that route....

Instead - explore NATURALNESS.....

Because once it becomes NATURAL for you to THINK FROM your chosen state..... It's happy dance time.

To Dive Deeper - Read this....


Let's dive into this... So YOUR Success Speeds Up!

“If you really believe me you will not pass anyone without doing something to lift his burden. Taking up his cross, you will represent him to yourself as you would like to see him; and to the degree that you are self-persuaded, he will become it, even though he may never know what you did.” – Neville Goddard

Have you imagined Trump having a great day today?
How about that cranky guy down the street who is always hassling EVERYONE....


COPS, that's a group people LOVE TO HATE.

Have you imagined lovingly for that cop you passed today? How about that PUNK that looked at you funny....

Just for fun....

Drop the Trump hate for 90 days.... And imagine lovingly for that cranky guy. And for the COPS too.....

And notice what happens to your manifesting.... if you take it just ONE STEP further and IMAGINE LOVINGLY FOR THEM.

If you DO THIS, I bet you'll find what we keep saying..... "your own captivity will be lifted", "your cross will become lighter and lighter", until you discover....

What else Neville says here.....


It's morning here mates! And I'd love to wish a good morning to you! But first....

It's coffee time. How do I know?

Because shortly, either Victoria or I - well one or both of us is gonna make the coffee....

Because we've imagined - drinking coffee - in the morning.

Timmy asked about "manifesting at an exact time" yesterday. So I want to share.....

This is "coffee time".

And it will happen, in perfect divine timing.... It always does....

I'd suggest - that almost all your ROUTINE - INVISIBLE manifestings happen this way. You know "It's coffee time" or "tax time" or "pizza night" and in the case of the last....

You order pizza....
Or the kids bring it up first....
Or the Misses makes a suggestion, how about tonight - instead of what we usually IMAGINE eating - and then eating....

In Manifesting To The Max - this reveals itself in ignition.

Where "divine timing" isn't about wondering or waiting....
(Which is how many people torture themselves with time.....)

Diving timing is often SO DARN INSTANT - that you would be tempted to say, "it would have happened anyway".

But I'll tell ya....

If I imagine drinking orange juice every morning instead of coffee - fully enough.... What I drink in the next few moments WILL have changed....

Or if I make quarterly tax payments, and hire an accountant (Imagine doing that) - "tax time" will be a very VERY different experience..... And it could be on a very VERY different date too. Accountants love filing extensions, so they can play with the numbers longer....

To them - they imagine it's the playing with the numbers that matters - from what I can tell. To me - I imagined tax time was taxing - mentally - financially.... Hmmm....

And then there is pizza night.

Let's just let some things be sacred, and let that be. But you could imagine different toppings - on your pizza - and in your life.


Want to dive deeper? Read the article below....

And notice - you don't wait to imagine - coffee in the morning - taxes are real - and pizza..... Nobody waits to imagine pizza....



Your questions answered.....

Amber asked, "What exactly is the law of reverse effort? What are the reasons why it happens?"

Let me see.... How easy I can make this....

The easiest way would be to simply share a link, to a yummy and detailed article I wrote on this - with a goodie bonus - a lovely photo from our garden.

I notice plants take the easy route - and I notice that people don't - all that often - take the easy route - letting things be complicated - and making it take longer.

(Notice how I wrote that sentence...... I was doing it..... That sentence could have been much shorter and quite a bit sweeter.)


Neville says to ASSUME THE STATE - of your wish fulfilled - with the least amount of effort.

In other words - let it be easy.....
Don't make this hard.....


Because all day long, you are surrendering to something - might as well let it be something yummy and lovely....

And the more you do that - the easier that will get.... surrendering to something yummy and lovely...

(How's that for a hint?) ;)


The State Akin To Sleep is probably the #1 best "tool" i know of - that will enable you to SURRENDER into the STATE OF YOUR WISH FULFILLED.....

And from what I can tell, you will go through it BIG TIME at least 2 times per day.....

One while waking up from SLEEP.....
And the other time when you are going from awake to ASLEEP....

So make a commitment - to INVEST those times.....

And to make being an INVESTOR easier too....

Always - be - investing....

This tiny little article - is an investment in "my legacy", my tribe, my Feel It Real Family, and my ability to teach.

Every time I teach - teaching becomes easier.....

I wonder how many hints are in this article - proven ways that I've explored that make this (and all of life) so much easier....

Feel free to scan for them, bonus points if you write them down, and even more bonus points if you teach them to someone... Because teaching - is one of the most effective - and easy ways - to really learn something.....

Thanks Amber!
PS: Here's that yummy article!

How To Feel It Real – Simple Speedy Manifesting with Neville Goddard 04/01/2024

In the end.... I can't offer ANY REAL HELP... if you aren't DIVING INTO the basics....

The 7 EasyManifestingMethods videos....

The daily 221 email list....

And I REALLY CAN'T offer any help, if you don't tell me, what you ACTUALLY DESIRE, and how you are REALLY using The Tools.

Dive in....

Then we can offer guidance - that will rock your world....

Put the horse - before the cart - where it belongs - and WATCH how rapidly your world changes....


How To Feel It Real – Simple Speedy Manifesting with Neville Goddard As you watch this quick Video – feel free to take notes, so next time you dive into the program, you will absorb the lessons more fully and have even greater success.

Secret Mirror Feel It Real Method | 03/01/2024

I was a bedwetter.... (I think that's how you spell it.)

I was sick, shy, picked on, but I was SMART. And i got picked on for THAT too.

Meanwhile, every weekend I would go to the little "bookstore" that was about a mile outside of town, tucked away in a little old barn.

They sold books for 25 cents each, and since I was a POOR KID, they always gave me a few freebies each week......

It was THEN, than I started to learn THIS.....

And it was THEN that I started playing heaps and went from super shy sickly bed wetter to BLACK BELT.

If you are on the 221 email list, you just got this in your inbox....

If you aren't, get on the list...

But DIVE INTO THIS - RIGHT NOW either way....


Comments welcomed....
Questions too...

Secret Mirror Feel It Real Method | When you see your reflection anywhere, WHO are you seeing? Are you seeing the body you have been, are you seeing your old limits? Or are you...

Neville Goddard's Almost Lost Secrets of Success #2 - Why We Imagine Lovingly for Others | 03/01/2024

From Today's Outbox:

(Note: Linda is wants her hubby, to be more like us - and less dogmatic.... So let's dive in.....)

HI Linda!

I"m gonna take a leap here....

I bet - that he thinks he's "found the truth".
(But doesn't REALLY feel that way.)

Because if he REALLY LIVED FROM "I found the truth" - his entire way of being would be different....

Less forceful...
More peaceful....
Truly loving.....

I'd imagine him.....

Less forceful....
More peaceful...
Truly loving....

That would TRULY imply something.....

How's that to begin?

Neville Goddard's Almost Lost Secrets of Success #2 - Why We Imagine Lovingly for Others | "We can each accept the blessings or the curses of a seeming other. You’ve been doing that all your life. So why not take the time to..."


The Secret Power of NON NEGOTIABLES
THIS is how I live a life I absolutely love and adore....
A life that is full of love, peace and energy.....

Here's HOW I do that....

Every single day - there are 7 things that are ABSOLUTELY NON NEGOTIABLE....

(In other words, they never get skipped, traded in, bargained away, or have "other people's requests" stop me from doing them....

NON NEGOTIABLE #1: THREE FEEL IT REAL SESSIONS - one while waking up - one at nap time - one at bed time....

NON NEGOTIABLE #2: Send out the daily emails.... This is the most important thing I do - to feed my tribes. (If you aren't on any of my daily email lists, why not?) ;)

NON NEGOTIABLE #3: Private puppy time. Every morning, me, Emmett and Bruce - have some quiet time together in the garden.... Now this is before sunrise.... It's SLOW AND SACRED.

NON NEGOTIABLE #4: Quiet time with Victoria. How this happens, varies. We might both be in bed together.... I might be sitting here in my chair - listening to her breathing... It's lovely - full of space - giving....

NON NEGOTIABLE #5: Calling BSC, what it is. Because if I don't, it will grow.... You can watch people, accept one innocent seeming piece of "something else could have maybe kinda caused this" - - and a year later, they are sharing nothing but BSC on their timeline..... Pull the weeds...

NON NEGOTIABLE #6: "Listen to only the lovely." One of my friends at the dog park yesterday asked me about "Syria". I told him with a giggle, "I don't know nothing about that..." - Then listened to him telling me something lovely, (I wasn't hearing what he was saying) as I went on with my morning.

NON NEGOTIABLE #7: PLAY. I bet I play more than just about anyone you know. Every day I play with my "kung fu", every day I come here and play with YOU in this lovely sandbox. Every day I go to the Dog Park and play with the pups, and I play with Victoria in our lovely home and garden. How else, can you play today?

This is how - I've set up my day...... my life.... my world....

Got questions? I'd love to answer them.....

And here's how i "do all that"......

Spotify for Podcasters - The easiest way to make a podcast 02/01/2024

"It is Done"
"I am THAT!"
(Which one is REALLY the RIGHT way?)

Spotify for Podcasters - The easiest way to make a podcast The Neville Goddard Quote and Lesson Podcast with Mr Twenty Twenty

The Secret of Real Relief - Speedy Manifesting with Neville Goddard 01/01/2024

The Secret of Real Relief
(Most people miss the 2nd bit.)
And they NEVER REALLY nail it.

The Secret of Real Relief - Speedy Manifesting with Neville Goddard Join us TODAY in Make THIS your TOTAL way of life!See HUNDREDS of Neville Goddard SUCCESS STORIES here:https://freenevil...

Speedy Manifesting - The Secret of Surrender 01/01/2024

(This is why so many people STAY STUCK.)
His email began with...
"I need the world to STOP so I can move."

He missed the entire point....
He is... you are....

THE SILENCE of you hears the sound of my voice...
Then YOUR STATE comments on it...

All the motion is noticed - and where it comes from...

You don't need the world to stop...
You need to START GIVING LIFE right now...
You GET TO give life - to what you choose.

Let it be lovely!
Let it be a Surrender!

Speedy Manifesting - The Secret of Surrender Join Mr Twenty Twenty for a fascinating exploration... For the next hour... We're going to explore the sweetness of surrender.... You are going to discover why Neville Goddard taught Prayer as an act of surrender... And how all of your manifesting can become easy as breathing... Recorded live before...


I told Bob this morning....

"I can tell WHY you are stuck..."
"And I can tell HOW you get stuck..."
"And I can tell in about 17 seconds..."

100% based on the s**t you share on Facebook.

Honest to God, if you want to know what someone is REALLY feeling real...

If you want to notice WHERE they haven't bought the pearl...

Notice what they share.
'Sharing is caring...."

My Mom cared for me as a as a baby...
She cared for me as a child...
She helped me grow into the man I have chosen to become....

She was always sharing photos of me...
She was always sharing stories about me....

Getting gold?

Aunt Betty didn't have kids....
Aunt Betty was always sharing the s**t storms of life...
She NEVER got married....
Never found the right one....

She sure found a lot of s**t to bitch about....
Don't be Bitching Betty...

Leave a comment....


I request you read people's comments....

And notice.... "Have they bought the pearl?"
Before liking or following their advice....

Just notice....

Is what they are suggesting you to do with your life.... coming from buying the pearl, or not.

Because once you BUY THE PEARL, everything in your life changes. For example, you don't do ANYTHING PHYSICAL to amp up your success....

Instead you LIVE FROM YOUR CHOSEN SUCCESS... and you let THAT determine what you do.

Side note: Every month, I INVEST a pretty fair amount of money on both education, and nutritional supplementation. That doesn't mean that I haven't bought THE PEARL.

The REASON WHY, what drives me to INVEST in both of those - are the states I live from.

I don't "educate" myself - to improve my success... I live from a WILDLY SUCCESSFUL level already, and that INVITES ME to learn more and more.

Living from my version of "wealthy and healthy" has ME PERSONALLY into nutritional supplimentation. Your chosen states might have you eating chicken wings.....

And being healthy.....

But here's THE CLUE....

Notice - where to people - tell you to go - first......


Those who have bought THE PEARL, will tell you to STOP AND BE STILL, dive into the FIRST PRINCIPLE..... then to USE THE TOOLS.... Imagine Lovingly.....

Those who haven't... start everywhere else.... from the world of THE CREATED.....

Being a LOVING PUPPY DAD, that's A STATE - had me buy $49 in puppy things this morning, on the way back from the dog park, and has one of them on my lap, right now.....

But I could have done the exact same things.... out of "keeping face" or "obedient husband" or some other weird state, that I choose not to embody....

Been there... Many moons ago......

And what's cool.... Once you BUY THE PEARL, you can love less than lovely states behind.....



Mr Twenty Twenty

What Happens When You Stop Imagining What You Want? Neville Goddard Quote – Neville Goddard Quotes 31/12/2023

FEELING IT REAL - is about planting seeds.

ONE of the things that makes it UNIQUE, is that you DON'T "plant a seed" hoping it will happen - if you take enough massive action....

You plant a seed - knowing it is done. Consciousness is the ONLY reality, and within consciousness is what leads - and what follows.

The IMAGINAL always leads....
The PHYSICAL always follows....


Imagine - what would IMPLY your wish HAS BEEN fulfilled. What would you notice? How would you feel? How would you KNOW, it's a done deal....

Do that - plant the seed THAT WAY, and it's a DONE DEAL....

Which brings us to....



You can be VERY SNEAKY with how you doubt. One way to DOUBT is to have "secondary cause".

A goodie example of SECONDARY CAUSE is "it would have happened anyway, because....."

Another is, "In case this doesn't work out, I am....."

(Notice the DOUBT in both of those. The first DOUBTS that your IMAGINAL ACT MATTERED.... The second puts FAITH in something PHYSICAL being your backup plan....)

Perhaps the most sneak SEED DIGGER UPPER is, "I don't know if what I imagined did anything"......

Here's THE DEAL....

EVERY IMAGINAL ACT that you FEEL AS REAL - EXPERIENCE.... WILL show up in your life, IF you don't dig up the seed.

Which brings us to.....

If you imagine something STUPID..... STOP.

Just STOP. Be still and know - notice - you are what gives life. Notice crappy states and crappy conversations in consciousness - come and go. But YOU remain. You give them life.....

Then STOP giving life to what you don't want, and give life to what you LOVINGLY CHOOSE.....



You will be so glad you did....

Mr Twenty Twenty

What Happens When You Stop Imagining What You Want? Neville Goddard Quote – Neville Goddard Quotes “Your desire is brought into being by an imaginal act. It is sustained by an imaginal act, and when that imaginal act is withdrawn your desire – fulfilled – will collapse and vanish. So I maintain there is no fiction!” – Neville Goddard



Join us for FEEL IT REAL FUN - Episode 196 - Dealing With Negative People - Revision - The Greatest Talent! Join us!


Them: "You might upset someone, and they might leave, so you ought to be more tolerant...."

Me: "Or they might wake up to who they really are, how things really work, and enjoy knowing they are God Having The Adventure of a Lifetime!"

Here's the deal.....

No matter how nicey nice you put icing on a turd, it's still icing - that has no nutritional value....

And it's till a turd....

On the other hand....

When you REALLY GET who and what you are.....
(I don't mean saying it, I mean NOTICING it....)


FREEDOM.... What's that worth to you?

Is it worth giving up what you already "know to be true" so you can discover THE TOTAL TRUTH about you.

Which brings us to.....


Your biggest enemy is success.....

Because most people MISS ENTIRELY the real reason why they are successful - at ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.

Think about it....

What made your last success happen?

Now go read THIS.....

If your answer was different than the one I would give, which is the one NEVILLE gave.....

DIVE deeper! And enjoy discovering more and more the truth about you, for you are God Having The Adventure of a Lifetime!


Mr Twenty Twenty


SUPER SPEED UP - SUMMARY - You might want to SAVE this post, because it just might be the most important one you read here....

Most people think they have a question..... That needs answered.... And that it's somewhat "unique".....

And you'll notice - 90% of "the questions" asked in Law of Attraction by Neville Goddard - have THE SAME answers, if you stick around here for a while.

The other 10% is where it gets GOOD.... Because the 10% of the questions - that come from PLAYING with this stuff - a lot - are such good fun to explore......

Think about it..... Most of the posts are answered with.....

The First Principle...
Greg's Golden Questions....
Put more Buns in the oven....
IGNORE all channelled crap and silly stuff.... (vision boards, abrathem, sacred purple rocks, etc)

Now if you want to have some fun....

You can SEARCH this group - for the most common answers mentioned above....
And you will MINE GOLD by doing this....


Dive into THE QUOTES we most commonly share. There are close to 300 of them HERE....

And all of them will help you discover more and more - You Are God Having The Adventure of a Lifetime - - while you manifest up heaps of good fun....

The Confidence Creator – Instant Manifesting 28/12/2023

The Confidence Creator....
How to have daily wins....
Wins that matter....

The Confidence Creator – Instant Manifesting

Videos (show all)

I really want to know!