Khidma Bit Taqwa

Khidma Bit Taqwa

Khidma bit Taqwa (Servitude with God Consciousness) aspire to become the management committee of Wycombe Mosque and in doing so serve the community of H/W

Candidate Application Form 12/02/2024

*Applications are now Open*

if you are interested in representing Wycombe For Change at the next general election, please register your interest by filling out this application form:

Applications are open until the 19th of February, 5pm. After this, 3 candidates will be shortlisted and then asked to attend a hustings to put their case forward in front of the local community.

if you have any enquiries, please contact Iblal (07751157098)

Candidate Application Form A brief application form inquiring as to why you would like to be the WFC (Wycombe For Change) Parliamentary Candidate. Applications close on Monday the 19th of February at 5pm. Successful candidates will then be shortlisted and a hustings will be held on Saturday the 24th of February at Bucks New U...

