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Timeline photos 26/11/2018

If your not trying to push yourself then what is it all for. 💪⠀

Old School Body Builder Tip:⠀

You do arms until you can’t touch your shoulders, that’s when you know it’s a good arm day. 💪🔥⠀

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🔥 170lb Dumbbell Shoulder Press 💪⠀

Double Tap if you train this hard 🏋️‍♂️⠀

🎥: ⠀

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Timeline photos 06/11/2018

Hey APEX Pack I have been getting a lot of request for content on losing fat and building muscles on Lats 💯⠀
Today is a workout designed by Nautilus inventor Arthur Jones. 🙌🙏⠀

Arthur Jones reengineered the body building scene with his High Intensity Training, utilizing Single Sets till failure for maximum 💪 growth 📈.⠀

His techniques were used on tons of bodybuilders and the proof is in the pudding! ⠀

Casey Viator a legendary bodybuilder utilized his routines to pack on insane amounts of mass in such a short amount of time ⏱⠀

Here is Arthur Jones' 2017 Lat Crushing Workout 🔥💪⠀

1. Straight-Arm Pullover w/ DB⠀

2. Bent-Arm Pullover with Barbell ⠀

3. Pulldown to Chest on Lat Machine w/ underhand Grip ⬇️✋️🤚⬇️⠀

4. Bent-Over Row w/ DB & w/ Parallel Grip ✋️🤚⠀

5. Negative Chin Ups ☠️⠀

Perform this routine in sequence without stopping. This is how Casey Viator was able to build such a dense, wide and muscular back with only 30 minutes in the gym!⠀

Stay Active. Stay Motivated. Stay APEX.⠀

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🔥Proper Form for Tricep Dips on Bench🔥⠀

Great accessory movement for those who can't do hanging dips. 🙌🙏💪⠀

Here are some tips to ensure you start our dip safely and efficiently. ⠀

✅ Hands about shoulder width apart ↔️⠀
✅ Scapula Retracted 🔙⠀
✅ Bracing Your Core⠀
✅ Back Straight⠀

Here's what you don't want to do ❌❌⠀

❌Rounded Back⠀
❌Shoulders rolled forward⠀
❌Loose Core⠀
❌Hyperextended Neck⠀

Note: For added intensity you can also elevate your feet on another bench to add more tension on your triceps 💪💯⠀

Stay Active. Stay Motivated. Stay APEX. ⠀

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Timeline photos 01/11/2018

✅How to Prevent Food Bloating✅⠀

We all get it, food bloating is a common thing that happens to all athletes throughout the day. 😋⠀

👉 However, is dropping some great tips on how to help prevent food bloating. 💯⠀

🤔💭 What are some tips you use to help prevent food bloating?⠀

😌 I personally have broken my meals down to smaller portioning. ⠀
This is my favorite strategy bc not only does it allow me to eat a little more but I don’t suffer from over eating or feeling too full. 🤤⠀

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Timeline photos 30/10/2018

When you see the results it becomes an addiction. 💪🔥⠀

🔥AB Routine🔥⠀

Circuit with 60 sec Rest⠀
3 Rounds:⠀

10 Hanging Toe to Bars⠀
(No Kipping or swinging)⠀

20 Crunches⠀

12 Side Crunches (Each Side)⠀

30 sec Plank ⠀
Give this routine a try and add more rounds for added intensity. 🔥🔥⠀
Farthest I have gotten is 8 rounds, couldn't touch my toes to the bar at the end ⠀

Stay Active. Stay Motivated. Stay APEX. ⠀

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🕸Reverse Spider Curls🕸⠀

This is absolutely one of my favorite movements on Arm day for building that peak in the Bicep 💪🔥⠀

⏳ Make sure to have full contractions with slow negative reps to really increase the time-under-tension. ⠀

📲 Save this post for future reference ⠀

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Stay Active. Stay Motivated. Stay APEX.⠀

📹: .julian⠀


Timeline photos 28/10/2018

🔥 Pull Ups vs Chin Ups 🔥⠀

Both movements are great for upper body strength and endurance. 💯⠀

However, there are subtle differences in the muscles targeted. 💪⠀

Chin-Ups focus more on using the biceps to pull the body up. 💪⬆️⠀

While Pull-Ups are very upper back oriented, focusing on traps and lats to pull the body up. 💯⠀

Which method do you prefer? 🤔💬👇⠀

I personally like to do Chin-Ups on Pull Day (Back&Bis) bc of the Bicep focus. 🙌🙏⠀

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🔥Narrow 'Platz' Squat🔥⠀

Looking for a way to work on your deep squat form while focusing on your quads?⠀

Then you should try the Narrow Platz squat! 🏋🏻⠀

Named after legendary athlete Tom Platz.⠀

This Squat involves setting up like normal, except foot placement is much narrower as the name suggest. ⠀

Throw this into your next leg day 🙌🙏⠀

Check out our new article:⠀
5 Tips to Build Massive Arms!⠀
👆Link in bio👆⠀

Stay Active. Stay Motivated. Stay APEX.⠀

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🔥Seated Barbell Shrug🔥⠀

🎯Target Muscles🎯⠀

⬅️✋️🤚⬅️ Slightly wider than shoulder width Grip⠀

Concentrate on pulling with shoulders instead of elbows and arms. 💪⠀

Increase isolation by minimizing the bend in your arms to reduce Bicep activation.⠀

⏳ Pause at peak of contraction to really work those traps. 🙌🙏⠀

Throw this into your routine abd make sure to 📲✅save this post for future reference. ⠀

💬👇 What you want to see next.⠀

Stay Active. Stay Motivated. Stay APEX. ⠀

📹: .julian⠀


Timeline photos 25/10/2018

Squatting Hurting Your Knees? 😩🏋🏼⠀

✅ Here are some helpful tips from to use to avoid chronic knee pain after squatting. ⠀

🏋🏼 Make sure you are always using proper squatting form to reduce the risk of injury. 💯⠀

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🔥 Dumbbell Floor Press 🔥⠀

Decreasing the range of motion focuses more on the triceps allowing you to Press more weight than normal. 💯⠀

Throw this into your chest day and add some variety to your routine 💪⠀

Check out our full Dumbbell Chest Press Guide 💯⠀
⛓link in Description Above⛓⠀

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Timeline photos 22/10/2018

✅ Etiquette Check ✅⠀

This post isn’t about the form of the movement more about how to act when in the gym. 🤔👇⠀

We all know those guys/gals who like to be the center of attention 💃🏼🕺🏼⠀

But being obnoxious doesn’t help anybody achieve their goals or make for a happy environment. 😒⠀

❌ Instead of doing movements up the weights to draw more attention or look at yourself in the mirror. ⠀

👇Try This👇⠀

✅ Simply grab the closest bench or space available near a mirror or simply on its own.⠀

This will allow others to use the gym as it was intended and assist everyone in furthering their development ⠀

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Timeline photos 20/10/2018

🔥Stiff Leg Dead Lifts🔥⠀

This is the ultimate movement to activate the lower posterior chain. ⠀

I love putting my toes on plates to elevate them, this allows for added tension on your glutes and hamstrings. ⠀

👇Try this Super Set👇⠀

Stiff Leg Deadlifts w/ toes elevated: 5x10 ⠀

DB Lunges: 5x15 each Leg⠀

This will have your legs fried!⠀

Let me know what you think.⠀

Stay Active. Stay Motivated. Stay APEX.⠀

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Talk about shredded! 💯⠀

🌲Full on Christmas tree striations in the back. ⠀

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Timeline photos 08/10/2018

☠️Don’t Let Your Knees Cave In ☠️⠀

Especially during deadlifts or squats the knees allow for the foundation of your lift. 💪⠀

When you Knees cave in you lose power, balance and efficient energy transfer. ⠀

Meaning your working harder and putting your other muscle under serious strain to counteract for the knees. ❌⠀

✅ Keep tight form and if your knees start to buckle inward, got to lighter weight and work on flawless form. ⠀

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Want Massive Arms? 💪🔥⠀

Then you have to focus on the bigger of the two muscles...the Tricep!⠀

Tricep Straight Bar Push Dows ⠀

✅ This movement is perfect for building strength and definition in your Tricep. ⠀

I️f you struggle with Close Grip Bench give this movement a try! 💯⠀
⠀julian shows us how it’s done with some perfect gym lighting 💪🔦⠀

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🎯Target Muscles🎯⠀
Quads, Glutes, Soleus, Adductor Magnus⠀

What to Avoid:⠀
❌ Shoulders and spine rounding forward. This is actually quite easy to do whenever you’re holding weight in front.⠀

❌ Partial range of motion – probably because the weight is too heavy or you don’t have adequate mobility for the exercise.⠀

❌ Knees hitting the floor or going over your toes. ⠀

❌ Performing the exercise too fast with no control.⠀

✅Helpful Cues:⠀

1️⃣Stand 4-5 inches in front of a bench with your feet shoulder width apart from each other. The body should be facing forwards away from the bench (A good way to measure this is by take 3 paces)⠀

2️⃣Lift the dumbbells and hold them by our side with a neutral grip. ⠀

3️⃣One foot should be moved backwards so that it rests on the bench, whilst the other foot is positioned in front.⠀

4️⃣Stick your chest up, retract and depress your scapula.⠀

5️⃣Gradually lower the leg until it is low enough to feel a contraction.⠀

6️⃣Slow Negative Movement with Explosive Movement up from the bottom. ⠀

7️⃣Once performed for desired number of reps, return to the starting position and perform with the opposing leg.⠀

Let us know what you think! ⠀

Stay Active. Stay Motivated. Stay APEX. ⠀

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Timeline photos 01/10/2018

Looking for T-shirt blasting biceps? 💪💥⠀

Give this Routine a try and I️ guarantee you won’t be able to touch your shoulders 🔥⠀

🔥 Bicep Workout 🔥⠀

4 x 12 Drag Curls⠀
5 x 15 Reverse Spider Curls⠀
3 x 10 Incline Curls ⠀
3x 10 Plate Isolation Curls⠀

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Looking to blow up those quads? 💪🔥⠀

☠️Goblet Squats Heels Elevated☠️⠀

One of the best ways to focus as much tension as possible on the quads. 🔥⠀

Elevating the heels allows for the quads to be preloaded with the weight, even before the movement begins. 👌⠀

If your not a fan of barbell front squats Give this movment a try!⠀

Let us know what you think in the comments below!⠀

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is getting that daily pump in 💪🔥⠀

Looking to build those bicep peaks into 🏔?⠀

Instead of doing hammer curls seated or standing try⠀

👉🏻 Backing up to a standing preacher curl pad and place your triceps on the pad. This will ensure maximum tension is being placed on your biceps! Forcing them to work as hard as possible. 💪🔥⠀

Let us know what you think in the comments below!⠀

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🍑 Ass to Grass 👇🏻🌾⠀

While we would never recommend loading the weight for a heavy back squat like this, this is still very impressive. 💪🔥⠀

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There are no excuses, the world is your gym 🌎💪⠀

✌️ Stay Calm, Lift On 🏋️‍♀️⠀

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Never Judge a Book By its Cover 😧⠀

Standing ab roller at 140kg bodyweight.⠀

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still trains just as hard as he did in the beginning to reach new milestones. ⠀

“Worked up to 375x4 for 2 sets previous sets were 345x4 for 2 sets. Followed up with close grip 2x6 w335. Then went into back and rear delt accessories. I love the grind! I cant wait to see my bench go up at the end of this training cycle.”⠀

Get excited about pushing yourself! 💪⠀

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Videos (show all)

🔥 170lb Dumbbell Shoulder Press 💪⠀⠀Double Tap if you train this hard 🏋️‍♂️⠀⠀🎥: @therealmuscleunit⠀⠀Follow 👉@apex_pack fo...
🔥Proper Form for Tricep Dips on Bench🔥⠀⠀Great accessory movement for those who can't do hanging dips. 🙌🙏💪⠀⠀Here are some...
🕸Reverse Spider Curls🕸⠀⠀This is absolutely one of my favorite movements on Arm day for building that peak in the Bicep 💪...
🔥Narrow 'Platz' Squat🔥⠀⠀Looking for a way to work on your deep squat form while focusing on your quads?⠀⠀Then you should...
🔥Seated Barbell Shrug🔥⠀⠀🎯Target Muscles🎯⠀Trapezius⠀⠀⬅️✋️🤚⬅️ Slightly wider than shoulder width Grip⠀⠀Concentrate on pull...
🔥 Dumbbell Floor Press 🔥⠀⠀Decreasing the range of motion focuses more on the triceps allowing you to Press more weight t...
Talk about shredded! 💯⠀⠀🌲Full on Christmas tree striations in the back. ⠀⠀Follow 👉@apex_pack for daily fitness tips.⠀⠀St...
Want Massive Arms? 💪🔥⠀⠀Then you have to focus on the bigger of the two muscles...the Tricep!⠀⠀Tricep Straight Bar Push D...
🔥BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUAT🔥⠀⠀🎯Target Muscles🎯⠀Quads, Glutes, Soleus, Adductor Magnus⠀⠀What to Avoid:⠀❌ Shoulders and spine r...
Looking to blow up those quads? 💪🔥⠀⠀☠️Goblet Squats Heels Elevated☠️⠀⠀One of the best ways to focus as much tension as p...
@damengriffith is getting that daily pump in 💪🔥⠀⠀Looking to build those bicep peaks into 🏔?⠀⠀Instead of doing hammer cur...
🍑 Ass to Grass 👇🏻🌾⠀⠀While we would never recommend loading the weight for a heavy back squat like this, this is still ve...