Optimal Health Solutions

Optimal Health Solutions

We are here to assist each other as to manifest Optimal Health in ALL aspects of Life


Sick and tired of being sick and tired, no matter if this is physically, mental-emotional or in regard to your relationship, career or home environment. If this is you, then join this free online 8 week journey as to turn it all around.


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Your Physical body rebuilds itself again and again. The quality of the foods and the quality of your energy (thoughts &emotions) determine the quality of this rebuilding process. Toxicity in all its forms (physical, mental, emotional) reduces this quality. Some call this ageing. However, for many the decline is much faster then they would like, and unnecessary suffering is the result.

Just remember, you do have the power of CHOICE.



Any dis-ease, no matter if it is physical, mental-emotional, and /or spiritual can only be transformed by you. If you continue to ignore this dis-ease it will manifest eventually as a disease and can even spread out to other aspects of your life. Others can help you but you have to make those choices that allows you to stay on track, and manifest more ease, away from dis-ease and disease.


Welcome to day 22 of the Journey to manifest Optimal Health

Today I will give you a basic blueprint as to get started, based on the info of the past 20 posts.

In theory it may look very simple, but to put it into practice is something different. This is why it’s called a journey. The journey as to stop standing in your own way. The word issue says it all…the iss-ue is always you, as you are the only one that can make the choice as to transform that which does not serve you anymore.

Heaven or Hell is a state of consciousness and the foundation of your state of consciousness is determined by your physical health and your mental-emotional health.
These are interconnected as poor physical health affects your mental-emotional health and vice versa. So, what to do? In simple terms, you must get rid of the toxicity in body-mind and Spirit.

First step is to get rid of the toxicity in the physical body as this not only affects the physical body but also the mind and spirit.

You must stop consuming dead acidic forming foods. The optimal food is fruit. Fruit will not only provide you will all the minerals, vitamins, amino acids, but also assist with optimal hydration. Fruit is easy to digest and assimilate and not draining your body from vital life force, as does the standard western acidifying-dead-food diet, and thus assisting your body to detoxify and heal itself.

After the fluids from fruit and vegetable juices, distilled water is the next best choice. It is not only the purest form of water, but its negative charge will assist with pulling toxins out of your body, before they end up in the bloodstream.

Physical Exercise is also a must as to have an optimal functioning body. I am not talking about endless workouts as to “whip the body into shape” but physical activities you truly enjoy and if possible, outdoors surrounded by mother nature. Physical exercise will help burn off excess stress hormones, assist with detoxification, and much more.

Next step is to get rid of the mental-emotional toxicity. A healthy physical body will help tremendously with this. A healthy body is able to produce copious amounts of dopamine, serotonin and melatonin, which is required to be happy, fulfilled and slows down aging.

First step is to stop all the exposure to the media, as they are not only full of lies but primarily fear based. There are many new resources on the internet today that provide a great alternative. Programs that open your mind to new possibilities and not just ongoing fear-based programming.

Second step is learning to disconnect from the thinking brain. Disconnecting meaning….. not being swayed by it. The thinking mind is the realm of the Ego-self and wired for protection, for self-preservation, for survival. The ego can only recycle information and is not wired for inner growth and true prosperity.

To start the disconnection, the practice of meditation is a great way to start. Take time just for you and practice being in the moment in whatever way that works for you. This can be a sitting guided meditation, taking an early sunrise walk on the beach, write in your journal of whatever comes up, being lost in time doing your favorite hobby, etc.

Then next step is to be more mindful during the day. How much is your thinking brain directing your actions and re-actions. Become the observer of you by YOU. Who is making the decisions, the choices. Are they true choices or automated habits and behaviors.

Every day is a new day with new opportunities. The past (yesterday) is the past and use it as a great tool to learn from. Then apply that newfound wisdom in the choices you are making today. If you do that every day, then the future will always be a better version, as you are not bringing the past into the future. No regrets, just a learning curve.

Be aware that progress is never linear but circular. Some days will be 3 steps forward and the next day may be 1 step back and at times even 4 steps back. This as to make sure that you mastered the lesson. But the overall long term trend will be upwards.

Most of all be kind to yourself, others and have fun with it.

I highly recommend you read all the posts again, and even several times, as new knowledge has to sink in, before it is accepted and applied.

Knowledge is potential power. Knowledge without application will not change anything. Your ego-self and its intellectual mind will try to convince you that you have grown, and that action is not required. Do not make that mistake!

True change only happens by creating new experiences, and this is only possible if you take action. New experiences will make the knowledge a knowing. Once you get to the knowing then nobody can sway you as you KNOW that it’s true, because you lived it.

I hope these posts have helped you in some way.

If you want to know more then visit my website or contact me at OHS2020.COM

Have an incredible life.

Talk soon.



Welcome to day 21 of the Journey to manifest Optimal Health

I the past 20 posts I have given you a glimpse of how to achieve Optimal Health.

The harsh truth is that we are living in a society that overall is not designed as to support us in achieving this.

Our medical system has made progress in emergency medicine but regarding preventing disease, they are totally missing the boat. The bottom line for the established medical “industry” is profit and big pharma is ruling the medical industry.

Our financial and political system is favoring the rich and keeping the working people enslaved through exuberant taxes and policies that are dictated by big money.

Our food system consists of mostly dead non-foods and devoid of any life force, robbing people from their health and vitality. Our environment (inner and outer) is bombarded with toxins and its almost a miracle that people even make it into their 80’s.

Not a pretty picture, and I have not even gone down the rabbit hole, as the deeper truth is beyond belief. However, you can focus on all the negativity and be in survival mode (mostly unaware) or you can wake up and make those choices that will allow you to thrive.

In each aspect I have attempted to give you more awareness of what steps you can take. All these aspects are interwoven and in ways that is truly amazing.

We all are but one choice away from going into a different direction in our life. The direction to continue to survive or choosing to thrive.

The first step is to make sure that we take care of the physical body. It is this physical body that is the vessel that will allow us to experience life. When this vessel is in Optimal Health then you will be able to weather the challenges of life much better, then when it has lost its vitality and is aching all over.

When you are young and full of vitality then all what I am writing may fall to deaf ears, as the experience of burnout, repeated heartache, and failure, etc. may be the only way for you to wake up. It was for me as it is for the majority. I hope you choose to take the road less traveled.

I learned it the hard way and ended up with adrenal burnout. It took away my vitality and with that me resilience to deal with life. It affected not only my physical health but also my relationship, my career, my mental-emotional status, and finances.

Hindsight is easy but I sure would have liked to know that what I know now. It could have prevented so much suffering.

This is why I provided you with the past 20 post in the hope you can prevent at least some of it, and maybe all of it, at least to some degree.

We are meant to thrive and tomorrow in the final post of this series, I give you a summary of all the 7 aspects and an overall holistic picture what you can do as to live you best life ever. A life where you truly can thrive.

The sooner you start, the easier it is, and as they say- there is no moment like the present moment.

C U tomorrow

Much Love always and all ways.



Welcome to day 20 of the Journey to manifest Optimal Health

In the last post I discussed Career and how many are stuck in an endless loop of just getting through the day due to low vitality and/or being in a career that is far from fulfilling.

On top of that exuberant taxes, low wages are preventing many as to even try something different. Something that is more aligned with who they are and what they are passionate about.

Today, I will discuss the environment aspect. The environment aspect relates to many things. On a global scale it’s the environment as a whole, and how we as people are destroying the foundation that brings us life, Mother Earth.

In this post I will focus on your personal environment meaning the home that you live in, the space you work in and also the people that surround you every day, in these environments.

First let’s start with the home environment. Do you love, or at least enjoy, where you live. Does your home feel like home. With this I mean, is it a place that allows you to recharge yourself, or is it a place that adds more stress into your life.

If it adds more stress, then why is that. Is it because of the physical building itself? Is it rundown, cluttered ,…… etc. and if so why is that?, and have you tried to do anything about it?.

Do you own the home, rent it, do you have others living there, like roommates, partner, spouse and children, other family.

If the reason of added stress is the state, the home is in. Is it because of repairs that needs to be done, clutter in the home, …? If so, have you communicated with others that live in the home to correct that, or if you rent contacted the owner.

If you did not, why not? If yes, and nothing changes, why stay. Is it finances, is it that you are taking care of others (elderly parents, ailing partner, ?..) and feeling overwhelmed?

There can be many reasons why, and this alone can be overwhelming, and keep you in “survival” thinking. When you are in survival mode, it is very hard to come up with solutions as the thinking brain just keeps regurgitating the same thoughts and scenarios over and over.

As to escape this you may to try to numb it with external activities, not related to solving the problem but trying to “get away” from the issue at hand.

If you live alone the issue is just you. If you live with others then the issue may be shared, and thus communication is key. Communication, so you together can find a solution as to create an environment where all can thrive.

In regards to work environment, do you like where you work? I mean this regarding the space you are in, as well as the people you are surrounded with each day. Do you prefer to work in your own space, maybe even from home. If so, does your job allow this and if so, have you asked your employer if you can do this.

If you must work in an office space. Do you like the actual space you work in. If not, what change would you like and what can you do about this short term or long term.

Are you enjoying working with the people you encounter daily. Is it a positive environment where you may get challenged, but all with mutual respect and the feeling that you matter and the feeling that you are aligned with the mission that the company is providing, in whatever line of work and/or position that may be.

Maybe the work that you do is a steppingstone to a career that you are truly passionate about and you are acquiring specific skills that are needed down the road. All of the above will determine if your job at the present time will drain you or energize you.

We all have good and bad days but if you hate to go to your place of work every day then you need to ask WHY and figure out what the next step could be as to transition to a different position, whether this is within the same company, another company, or even start your own business.

This can be starting a completely new company, working as a contractor, or even working part-time while you transition, etc.

To summarize: The environment that you reside in, and especially your home, should be space where you can thrive instead of having to deal with constant stress and draining your battery, your vitality.

If there is any issue, the answer always lies within as what to do next. The question is, will you take the action as to change what needs to be changed.

Next post I will give a summary of the past 20 days and what the core is of how to manifest Optimal Health not only regarding physical health, but health in all aspects of Life. They all are interconnected, and if one aspect is constantly draining you, then it will “infect” the other areas sooner or later.

Talk soon, Blessings.

Kees Verdaasdonk


Welcome to day 19 of the Journey to manifest Optimal Health

In the last post I discussed love relationships and how a love relationship can be a great opportunity as to know and love oneself and the other, unconditionally, and allowing the relationship to thrive.

Would it not be great if we all could thrive in the workplace and were encouraged to not only become the best that we can be, but also do work that makes us come alive.

We live in a society where monetary gain, power, and titles seems to be more important than following that which you are meant/love to do.

Fortunately, there is a change in the air and the younger generation seem to care less what others think and is less inclined to sacrifice their joy for a title, power or paycheck.

Not easy in a system that is doing everything they can, to prevent people to step into their own power. One of the ways they do this is to keep the average worker stuck through exuberant taxes, rising inflation, but maybe most by keeping the fear alive through spreading lies in the media, science, etc. regarding almost everything.

Fear means survival mode and when one is in survival mode, not only clear thinking is out of the question but it will also drain your vitality, and before you know it, all you can do is trying to just get through the day. No wonder that Starbucks and Red Bull have become multi-billion-dollar companies.

Your most valuable currency is your energy, your vitality, and thus you should be cautious about how you spend it.

Your career is where you spend much of this vital energy and thus make sure you spend it on work that you love. Besides that, you also need to find a balance. Balance not only in your work but all aspects of your life.

Quite the challenge if you are trying to make ends meet financially and especially if you are in a career that you are not passionate about at all.

Your work, career comes with many opportunities for inner growth, which down the line may be much more valuable then money, status and/or power. So be aware of that.

Money is important as it will allow you to do much good in the world. Just don’t let money, power and /or status be the end-all, as the Ego-self will never be fulfilled.

Changing careers can be quite the challenge and if a career change is not possible, then at least find balance within all the aspects of your life.

Next post I will delve in the external aspect called environment.




Welcome to day 18 of the Journey to manifest Optimal Health

In the last post I gave a summary of the 3 inner aspects, the mental, emotional and the spiritual aspect as well as the first external aspect, the physical body.

The external aspects are also called the manifestation aspects. The 4 external aspects are the physical body, relationships, career, and environment. The manifestation aspects are the mirror of your inner aspects, as the inner aspects animate you and is expressed through your behaviors and actions, which determine your outcomes.

Your external aspects are the mirrors, showing you opportunities for inner growth. Any outer aspect that continues to bring dis-ease (struggle, drama, depression, etc.) is a call as to explore this aspect, so you can transform it into its opposite, meaning more ease (joy, passion, inner peace, etc.)

You must become your own investigator as why this dis-ease is present.
“Man know thyself” is at the core of all internal, and thus also external changes.

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome, is the definition of insanity. We all are guilty of this in some aspects of our life.

For some this insanity may play out in relationships.

In this post today, I will focus on the Love relationship.

At our core we all want to be loved and accepted for who we are. But for this to happen you have to love and accept yourself first, which includes all your imperfections.

When we are in the “in-love” stage, we often accept others for all that they are and are “blind” to their “imperfections”.

However, this “in-love” phase is rarely everlasting. Maybe that’s why it is called “falling” in love. But instead of “falling” in love we should be rising in love.

For this to happen, each person must first rise in love as an individual, then allowing the relationship to rise also.

In our present society we often put on different hats and play different roles as we think that is required to manifest what we desire. It is our Ego-self that is the director, pushing us into these roles as to prevent that we get harmed (shamed, ridiculed, ignored, etc.).
However, this comes with a high cost, which is giving up who you truly are, your authenticity.

Your love relationship is meant to be the place where you can be loved unconditionally despite your “imperfections”.

However, for this to happen you must “take the risk” to expose yourself, meaning being authentic. This includes exposing those aspects that you rather not show, not talk about, etc. as you may feel ashamed, guilty, etc. about even feeling that way.

However, this “playing it safe” is a game of the Ego-self and it will block the flow of your energy. If not addressed it can not only suffocate you, but also the relationship.

It is then that people start disconnecting or blaming the relationship as there is too much tension building up within between who you truly are (the authentic self) and that what they ego-self tells who you have to be, as to be loved and accepted.

We are meant to “Rise in Love”. This can only happen if we love ourselves and the other unconditionally. This is a journey. Thoughts will arise and emotions activated by behaviors and actions of your partner. Instead of re-acting, you must learn to become a witness, an observer, of these thoughts and emotions, and let them flow through you.

After that you can communicate to your partner what it is that triggered you and how they can help support you when this occurs.

Not all Love relationships are meant to stay together forever. But as long as you love and respect each other for where you both are in your journey, and are willing to put the time and effort in to become the best version of yourself, then you continue to rise in love, which continues to deepen the connection and the love for each other.

Some tools that I/we used as to know myself/each other better is astrology, enneagram, human design, 5 love languages.

Relationships are as unique as the people that are part of that relationship, but at the core we all want to be unconditionally loved and accepted, while becoming all that we can be.

All relationships, but especially love relationships brings us an incredible opportunity as to have that experience and more.

Next post I will delve in the external aspect called career.




Welcome to day 16 of the Journey to manifest Optimal Health.

Today, I will go a little more into each practice that I recommended in the last post, as for you to start manifesting balance within your own being, and manifesting your heaven on earth.

Here are the 6 practices I mentioned.

1) Consuming Living Foods
2) Start the practice of meditation.
3) Sun gazing
4) Spend time in Nature.
5) Eliminate toxic media and people.
6) Speak only kind words to self and others.

1: Consuming Living Foods.

I have covered this in the previous posts on day 3 through 8. This step is vital as without it your body will never truly thrive but instead is just trying not to die. Our physical body is the vehicle through which our Soul aspect advances, with the ultimate goal to embody Christ Consciousness.

2: Start the practice of meditation.

This step is required as for you to learn to re-connect to the R-brain (God-mind) and dis-connect from the L-brain (ego-mind). Meditation comes in many forms, but a sitting guided meditation may be the best way to start. You can find many of those on the internet.

3: Sun gazing.

Looking at the sun when it rises in the morning will assist you to fuel the body for the day. The sun is pure consciousness and will help bringing clarity. Sun gazing at night helps the body to unwind, so you can get a good night sleep and allow the body to restore itself.

4: Spend time in nature.

Being in nature nurtures our inner nature. It’s not called by coincidence Mother Earth.

We all re-incarnated in physical form and to sustain this physical form we not only need the living foods from mother earth but also her energy. If you are out of alignment with the energies of Mother Earth then it will have a negative effect on your personal bio-field which if not corrected causes an imbalance, dis-ease and disease.

5: Eliminate toxic media and people

Since the invention of the Tel-a vision, programming humanity took on a new level, and it has evolved to a mass monster. The computers and smart phones have stepped it up to a level that many feel alienated if they do not have their computer and/or phone with them.

Instead of making our life easier, all this technology is making humanity more enslaved than ever before. So be very selective what information you allow yourself to absorb and know that it WILL influence your mind and if unaware, not in a good way.

6: Speak only kind words to self and others:

As you may know, we are 70% water. Scientists have discovered a fourth phase of water, aka – EZ water – where molecules bound together in such a way that the water takes on a gel-like quality. This EZ water can literally take shape under the influence of information or resonance, and thus becoming the carrier of information for the rest of your body!

If resonance of the body-field is disrupted, then the structured water in the body is altered and everything starts to go haywire.
Many scientists have also demonstrated that this form of water responds to incoming information.

For instance, a Japanese researcher named Dr. Masaru Emoto noted that water could be imprinted with words and sounds. When imprinted with positive information, the water created beautiful crystalline structures, while negative information would deform these structures.

Because we all are 70% water, the words and sounds you are exposed to has a massive influence on your wellbeing. So especially be aware how you talk to yourself and others and replace any negative dis-empowering (self) talk with positive words and visualize that it is already in your life.

In the next post I provide you with a summary of the past 16 posts of this Journey to manifest Optimal health

Much Love



Welcome to day 15 of the Journey to manifest Optimal Health

Last post I introduced you to “the fact” that we all are Spiritual Beings having a human experience, by incarnating into a physical body.

More people start to become aware of this due to the New Age era and the many spiritual teachings that sprung from this. I belief all these have their purpose, as to assist people at different times of their journey.

So, what is that journey. It is my inner standing that we are here to (again) manifest heaven on Earth. However, to manifest this in the outer realm, the physical reality called Earth, we first have to manifest this within our own being.

How do we do this. Some say we have to merge the Higher aspects of that which we are with our physical being. However, it may be more accurate as to say that we have to shed all that we are not, so the Higher aspect that which we are, can shine it’s light.

You can compare it to a diamond that has been buried for thousands of years, and covered with so much debris that no one would even belief that it’s a diamond.

The debris is represented by our beliefs and these beliefs have convinced us that we are not a diamond at all. By now you know that is a lie. Be-lie-f meaning “being a lie in the material plane”

The lie is that we are the ego-self, that’s it. This ego-self, through many incarnations, has created such a strong identity (who it thinks it is), that any attempt to change, is often a severe threat to the ego. This Ego-self will protect itself based on the beliefs it has accepted as truth due to past experiences.

Because the ego-self has so many negative past experiences and its survival instinct has gotten so strong, the only way to dis-arm is to ignore the THINKING mind.

When you ignore the THINKING mind, then you prevent the E-motion that is attached to that specific thought to come into play.

However, as to get there is a journey.

Because we live in such an acidic environment, creating acidity in our body (toxic foods), mind ( toxic media and people) and Spirit (religion), is putting many in a
baseline survival mode, and unfortunately this has become the new norm.

This baseline survival due to the acidity is causing the Ego-self to be more on guard, and it will react quicker than when the body is more alkaline.

To manifest the Garden of Eden within our own being, first we must make choices as to reduce the acidity in our lives so we become not only less re-active but it will allow the physical body (cells, tissues, organs and organ systems) to function the way it was designed to. This will provide you with not only abundant energy but also more clarity of what steps to take as for you to manifest your heaven on earth.

Here are several practices that will get the process started.

1: Consuming Living Foods
2: Start the practice of meditation.
3: Sun gazing
4: Spend time in Nature.
5: Eliminate toxic media and people.
6: Speak only kind words to self and others.

This is a great list to start with. Next post I delve deeper in each of these practices.

Talk soon.



Welcome to day 14 of the Journey to manifest Optimal Health

Today, I go into the Spiritual aspect.

You may have heard the expression that we all are Spiritual Beings and that we chose to have a human experience. However, many have forgotten this and it is only in the past 20 years or so that people start to remember that we are not just physical. It may still be a minority who acknowledges this but the numbers are growing.

In the previous posts you have become aware that besides a physical body, we also have an energy body represented by a biofield or aura. This biofield is not separate from us but part of us. This biofield is powered by the spiritual aspect that you are, as without this field you would be a dead body. This spiritual aspect is also known as Higher Self, Soul, Holy Spirit.

This biofield is powered by pure consciousness and is designed as to keep your human battery (your cells) functioning perfect. When there is a disruption in this field then it starts to impair the proper function of this battery (cells), with the first signs often being a lack of energy /vitality, or some kind of dis-ease (symptoms). If this disruption continues, more severe malfunction may occur aka disease.

These symptoms are warning signs that there is a disruption in the flow and that this need to be addressed asap. You can see this as you, the Spiritual aspect, trying to get your human self’s attention as to prevent suffering.

However, our society is more geared towards ignoring and/or covering up these warning signs, and hence dis-ease and disease / suffering is not only present everywhere on this planet, but also within almost every human being.

As human Beings we have free choice, meaning we can choose to continue to ignore and/or suppress any warning signs (dis-ease and disease) that manifest in our inner and/or outer lives, or we can make a choice as to change it.

As I have addressed in the previous posts, many of the choices people make every day are not free choices but automated choices, aka patterns of behavior.

The part of you that is making most of your choices is your Ego self and not your True Self.

The mind of your Ego self is called the carnal mind aka the thinking mind, and its main motto is fear and self-preservation aka survival.

The mind of your True Self is Christ Consciousness and the motto here is love, and how to thrive.

You decided to step into the experience of being human as I did. I accepted my present incarnation as Kees Verdaasdonk. Most of my life I was purely driven by my Ego self and it caused me much suffering. Initially it was not easy to realize that all the suffering was created by me, but at least now I can learn how to make true conscious choices and learn how to thrive, instead of continuing to make automated choices based on primarily how to survive.

Thus, I am in the process of cleaning up the damage. I crashed my physical body caused due to adrenal burnout. Simply said it was all caused by many ingrained beliefs that drained me not only of a lot of my life force but also had caused physical issues.

By being in constant stress mode, a slow but steady breaking down of my body tissues, including the lining of my gut occurred, and I was not aware that this was happening.

To heal this, nutrition has, and continue to be, a major part. But what is more important, I had to stop the Ego-self from being in charge.

How do I do that? …….. I explain that in the next post on Monday

Love always


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Sick and tired of being sick and tired, no matter if this is physically, mental-emotional or in regard to your relations...
Sick and tired of being sick and tired, no matter if this is physically, mental-emotional or in regard to your relations...