Future Leaders Of Tomorrow Youth Center

Future Leaders Of Tomorrow Youth Center

We are geared towards educating the youth in the community through our services. A homeschool co-op program will be provided for parents that's interested.


Up to nine kids for our summer tutoring program. There's room for more! Contact Rachael's or my inbox, or call us at 601-627-8066


Our summer tutoring program is designed to help students who are struggling in certain subjects. We also want to aid in preparing students for their upcoming grade. It would be helpful to get information from the school on what your child will be learning in the next school year. We will be serving Newton/Lawrence , Hickory, Decatur, Union, and Lake.

We also provide CPR Training both for schools/community and for the health profession through American Heart Association


We will be providing a summer tutoring program for grades K-12th. We will have all day care with tutoring for grades K-6th. Also there will be a preschool summer program for ages 3 & 4 (limited space). Dates for the program is June 10th - July 19th.


Tutoring with all day care - $55 weekly

Tutoring sessions (2 hrs.) - $20 per session.

If your child attend more than two sessions per week, the price will be $15 per session.

For more information contact us at 601-627-8066


We are doing a trial run on our home school tutoring service. Parents we need at least 10 students to get this started. Visit our website at https://flotyc.weebly.com. Our other services will be implemented once we see how successful this trial run goes.


Thought for today:


We believe that children have to be taught how to be producers and not consumers. Being consumers allows you to feed off of another person's legacy. Being producers allows you to create your own legacy.


There's an African proverb that says "know thyself ". This is one of the services that will be provided - helping our youth understand who they are as individuals.


Hi guys, welcome to my new page. This page will contain information on the services that will be provided at my center.