SoulWays InterPlay

SoulWays InterPlay

InterPlay is an active, creative way to unlock the wisdom of the body, using movement, sound, storytelling, stillness, and contact.

Unlock the wisdom of your body!

InterPlay is an active, creative way to unlock the wisdom of the body. It uses movement, sound, storytelling, stillness, and contact to provide a powerful forum for creative expression, self-exploration, connection, and play.

Using simple incremental forms, it helps to free your body and your voice, deepen the connection with your creative self, bring breath and ease back into your life, and build awareness of the wisdom of your body, all while cultivating meaningful community connection.

InterPlay is something that anybody can do—no experience is necessary. The focus is on exploration, authenticity, and enjoyable personal and group expression—all you need is a willingness to engage. Expect to laugh, savor and relax & be surprised by what you can do!

Come join us for a joyful, creative, and transformative experience! And to hear about local events and receive updates, please sign up for our email list under the "email sign-up" tab.