Strides Against the Grain

Strides Against the Grain

Making sense of health & nutrition in the modern world. Read more... Hi! I'm Tania. I look forward to hearing from you! TTFN

I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and my experiences and the research I share here are for those interested in questioning the mainstream information and advice out there when it comes to nutrition & overall health & well-being. I have created this page so that my family & friends have a one-stop-location to see what I'm reading / researching & for them to share their thoughts with me.

The childhood obesity crisis started before Covid-19. The pandemic has made it much worse. 29/01/2021

"As the pandemic rages on, the nation’s attention has focused on the immediate dangers of the coronavirus: the ongoing infection, hospitalization, and deaths of adults. But more than a dozen pediatricians and public health experts interviewed by The Counter say that a more subtle, insidious outcome should not be overlooked: a predicted surge in childhood weight gain, caused by the closure of schools."

The childhood obesity crisis started before Covid-19. The pandemic has made it much worse. Experts fear that the profound disruptions of 2020—including changes to school lunch—may have a lasting, harmful legacy.

Photos from Paul Saladino MD's post 09/01/2021

Real meat vs Beyond Meat!

These meat "alternatives" are full of the same harmful ingredients found in processed food. The third ingredient in beyond meat is canola oil followed shortly by methylcellulose, aka sawdust!

Cows raised properly might just be our BEST hope for surviving as a species of Homo sapiens- they regenerate the soil and are part of ancient ecosystems. This is why supporting regenerative agriculture is so important!

Dietary Intake of Red Meat, Processed Meat, and Poultry and Risk of Colorectal Cancer and All-Cause Mortality in the Context of Dietary Guideline Compliance 08/01/2021

Meat doesn’t cause cancer—in a high-quality diet.

Conventional wisdom holds that meat causes cancer. However thids view ignores the importance of diet quality. (Most people in the United States who eat a lot of red meat also eat a lot of other foods that actually are harmful, like sugar, industrial seed oils, and processed and refined foods.)

A new study published in the journal Nutrients found that when meat is consumed in the context of a high-quality diet, it is not associated with cancer.

Dietary Intake of Red Meat, Processed Meat, and Poultry and Risk of Colorectal Cancer and All-Cause Mortality in the Context of Dietary Guideline Compliance Meat intake has been linked to increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC) and mortality. However, diet composition may affect the risks. We aimed to estimate associations between red and processed meat and poultry intake and risk of CRC and all-cause mortality and if they are modified by dietary qual...


Last month, a panel of 120 health and medical experts wrote an open letter to world governments calling for a widespread, immediate increase of vitamin D intake to 4,000 IU per day for healthy adults in order to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Evidence to date suggests the possibility that the COVID-19 pandemic sustains itself in large part through infection of those with low vitamin D, and that deaths are concentrated largely in those with deficiency. The mere possibility that this is so should compel urgent gathering of more vitamin D data. Even without more data, the preponderance of evidence indicates that increased vitamin D would help reduce infections, hospitalizations, ICU admissions, & deaths.

#VitaminDforAll: 100+ Authorities Call For Vitamin D To Combat COVID19 Over 100 Scientists, Doctors, and Leading Authorities Call For Increased Vitamin D Use To Combat COVID-19

Endocrine complications of COVID-19: what happens to the thyroid and adrenal glands? 04/01/2021

Investigating the effects on the thyroid & adrenal glands could explain the fatigue experienced when recovering from Covid 🤓

Endocrine complications of COVID-19: what happens to the thyroid and adrenal glands? Letter Published: 01 June 2020 Endocrine complications of COVID-19: what happens to the thyroid and adrenal glands? G. Bellastella ORCID:, M. I. Maiorino1 & K. Esposito2 Journal of Endocrinological Investigation volume 43, pages1169–1170(2020)Cite this article 2070 A...

Consumers associate plant-based with clean label: There is a ‘disconnect’ between perception and reality 20/12/2020

“Demand for plant-based products is booming and many consumers identify the sector as being ‘natural’, ‘healthy’ and ‘artisan’, new research reveals. “There is an apparent disconnect between the consumer understanding of natural products and the reality of the synthetic ingredients that are used to make many plant-based products.”

Consumers associate plant-based with clean label: There is a ‘disconnect’ between perception and reality Demand for plant-based products is booming and many consumers identify the sector as being ‘natural’, ‘healthy’ and ‘artisan’, new research reveals. “There is an apparent disconnect between the consumer understanding of natural products and the reality of the synthetic ingredients that...


I enjoy watching Food Documentaries such as this one, called Sacred Cow, that carry a positive message about how to improve our food systems unlike those typical food docs that incite anger & guilt, & promote division ☺️🙏🏼


Is it UNETHICAL to force people to eat a diet that relies on foods that aren’t native to the region nor culturally appropriate?

Is it a PRIVILEGE to be able to eat a meat-free diet?

The idea that a group of privileged, wealthy, “civilized” people from industrialized nations can dictate a single, global dietary solution is misguided.

Do You Need to Protect Yourself against EMF Dangers? | Chris Kresser 26/11/2020


Do You Need to Protect Yourself against EMF Dangers? | Chris Kresser Cell phones, Wi-Fi, and high-voltage power lines can expose us to EMFs. Find out about the potential dangers of EMFs and the risks they may pose to our health.


Tired of vegan documentaries & propaganda.
Then watch this. Sacred Cow 🐮

“Beef is framed as the most environmentally destructive and least healthy of foods, but while many argue for greatly reducing, or even eliminating, it from our diets, Sacred Cow takes a more critical look at the assumptions and misinformation presented about meat—and has the science to back it up!”

Could excessive sugar intake contribute to aggressive behaviors, ADHD, bipolar disorder? New peer-review paper looks at evolution and current Western diet to help explain manic behaviors 24/10/2020

Excessive sugar contributes to aggression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and bipolar disorder.

However, the idea that sugar contributes to behavioural disorders is still controversial in the conventional medical community.

Could excessive sugar intake contribute to aggressive behaviors, ADHD, bipolar disorder? New peer-review paper looks at evolution and current Western diet to help explain manic behaviors New research suggests that conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome (ADHD), bipolar disorder, and even aggressive behaviors may be linked with sugar intake, and that it may have an evolutionary basis.

Dietary Cholesterol Myth: Saturated Fat is Not An Enemy | Chris Kresser 15/10/2020

Dietary Cholesterol Myth: Saturated Fat is Not An Enemy | Chris Kresser Cardiovascular disease is one of the most misdiagnosed and mistreated conditions in medicine. Read on to learn the truth about one of the most common myths.


Putting things perspective...


High amounts of carbon are released into the atmosphere (and lost from the soil) in agriculture, but no-one in mainstream seems to talk about it. Emphasis has always been on cattle rearing.

But here, finally, is a documentary film that doesn't guilt you into thinking you should eat a certain way - remember that disastrous Game Changers doc 🙄. Kiss the Ground actually provides solutions on how to improve our modern-day farming practices by looking after our soil to provide healthy natural food we want to eat (including cows!!) and in turn working with nature and healing our earth ❤️ It's available on Netflix. I watched it yesterday, I gained a lot of insight & it was def worth the watch. Whether you're a climate change believer or non-believer, it doesn't matter, this doc is relevant either way.

Over-Sanitizing: What Are the Health Effects? | Chris Kresser 24/09/2020

It is rather ironic that our obsession with sanitising our environments could actually be decreasing our ability to fight off pathogens, rather than protecting us...

Over-Sanitizing: What Are the Health Effects? | Chris Kresser Many of the cleaning products we use indoors can pose significant risks to our health. Find out more about over-sanitizing and safer alternatives.

Cattle might be secret weapon in fight against wildfires, experts say. Here’s how 14/09/2020

We need cattle 🐮

Cattle might be secret weapon in fight against wildfires, experts say. Here’s how Experts say the animals can be put to greater use as wildfires become more widespread and severe.

Financial ties between leaders of influential US professional medical associations and industry: cross sectional study 06/09/2020

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” - Author Upton Sinclair

The researchers found that 80% of doctors on the boards of these organizations had ties to industry.


Financial ties between leaders of influential US professional medical associations and industry: cross sectional study Objective To investigate the nature and extent of financial relationships between leaders of influential professional medical associations in the United States and pharmaceutical and device companies. Design Cross sectional study. Setting Professional associations for the 10 costliest disease areas....

Financial ties between leaders of influential US professional medical associations and industry: cross sectional study 06/09/2020

STUDY: Researchers found that 80% of doctors on the boards of these organizations had ties to industry...80%!!!
A recent study in BMJ that examined the financial ties between leaders of influential professional medical organizations in the United States, and Big Pharma and other medical industry companies. Research has shown that:

1. “Sponsored trials have more favourable outcomes for sponsors’ products.
2. Sponsored education is associated with higher prescribing of sponsors’ medicines.
3. Guideline panels, which change and often expand disease definitions, are populated by doctors with extensive financial conflicts of interest.”

Financial ties between leaders of influential US professional medical associations and industry: cross sectional study Objective To investigate the nature and extent of financial relationships between leaders of influential professional medical associations in the United States and pharmaceutical and device companies. Design Cross sectional study. Setting Professional associations for the 10 costliest disease areas....

Timeline photos 01/08/2020

"To throw blame on animal agriculture for the planet’s climate crisis, while essentially giving Big Oil a pass is reckless" #:~:text=The%20United%20Nations%20has%20been,the%20world's%20biggest%20oil%20companies.%22

For too long, livestock has been a scapegoat for climate change, allowing these big players in the fossil fuel industry to hide behind a smoke screen as they continue to damage our planet. Hopefully, the real culprits will be held accountable and we can begin to devote more of our time, energy, and headlines towards meaningful solutions.

The Secret Powers of Ovulation (It's Not Just for Making a Baby) 28/07/2020

Truth 😝

“Gloria Steinem said that if men could menstruate, menstruation “would become an enviable, worthy, masculine event: Men would brag about how long and how much.”

I would take it a step further and say that if men had to ovulate to make testosterone, they would never stop talking about it.”

The Secret Powers of Ovulation (It's Not Just for Making a Baby) Ovulation is beneficial for health because ovarian hormones are beneficial for health and ovulation is the only way to make them.

Why is it necessary to eat animals? — Sacred Cow 26/06/2020

Why is it necessary to eat animals? — Sacred Cow There are a lot of people who believe that it’s not “humane” to eat meat. I get it. On the surface, it can seem that the most humane thing to do is to not eat meat. Avoiding meat can also appear to be the best for sustainability and the “cleanest” way to eat. I understand that having compa...

Opinion: Software to Swallow — Impossible Foods Should Be Called Impossible Patents 28/05/2020

Impossible Foods, nothing natural about the 100 patents that make up their ‘food’ products.

Doesn’t surprise me that Mr Bill Gates is a big investor, we can always rely on him to be looking out for our health 🙄

Opinion: Software to Swallow — Impossible Foods Should Be Called Impossible Patents Intellectual Property Model of Food Maintains Harmful Reliance on GMO Grains, Detracts from Regenerative Agriculture, Hastens Soil Loss

Our Diets Are Changing Because of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Is It for the Better? 19/05/2020

“The epidemic is likely affecting diets, and our diets are likely affecting who dies,” says Willett. He is now studying how people’s diets are linked to their outcomes if they get infected with the coronavirus. Research is finding that major risk factors for being hospitalized for COVID-19 include diet-related conditions, like obesity, hypertension and Type 2 diabetes. “If we had a metabolically healthy population, the risk of hospitalization from COVID could be dramatically lower,”...

Our Diets Are Changing Because of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Is It for the Better? People are cooking more. But dietary shifts aren't affecting everyone equally

Our Diets Are Changing Because of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Is It for the Better? 19/05/2020

“The epidemic is likely affecting diets, and our diets are likely affecting who dies,” says Willett. He is now studying how people’s diets are linked to their outcomes if they get infected with the coronavirus. Research is finding that major risk factors for being hospitalized for COVID-19 include diet-related conditions, like obesity, hypertension and Type 2 diabetes. “If we had a metabolically healthy population, the risk of hospitalization from COVID could be dramatically lower,” Mozaffarian says.”

Our Diets Are Changing Because of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Is It for the Better? People are cooking more. But dietary shifts aren't affecting everyone equally


'Your job is to love as much as possible every day. If you can just love and adore everything you possibly can today, look for and feel the things you love, and turn away from the things you don’t love, your tomorrows will overflow with the untold happiness of everything you want and love.’ These are words from my book, The Power. With our current experience it is especially important to switch our mind to what we love and adore, so we keep ourselves on a positive frequency, where all positive outcomes are. Let’s do it!

Beyond Meat and its rivals rely on Chinese ingredients, opening food-safety debate in the COVID-19 era 12/05/2020


Beyond Meat and its rivals rely on Chinese ingredients, opening food-safety debate in the COVID-19 era China's food-processing factories provide most of what goes into vegan burger patties and other meat replacements made by market leaders Beyond Meat and Impossible foods—an arrangement that could damage their standing among consumers in the coronavirus age.

Timeline photos 05/05/2020

Imagine how many lives could have been saved over the last 9 WEEKS if this had been part of the mainstream messaging.

Instead we’re prepared to wait years for a vaccine 🤷🏻‍♀️

This is the failure of healthcare systems: that they continue to ignore these connections and favor Pharma based interventions over dietary and lifestyle change.

NINE DAYS! That’s the amount of time that has been CLEARLY shown to observe improvements in insulin sensitivity in clinical studies. In children in the above noted paper, sugar, and sugar sweetened beverages were removed but kept macronutrient ratios, and overall calories were kept the SAME-> within 9 days significant improvements were noted in all aspects of insulin sensitivity! Over the course this pandemic I’ve been making a lot of noise about connections between metabolic dysfunction, AKA insulin resistance, AKA prediabetes, and increased risk of infectious illness, especially severe COVID-19. Amidst this, many astute individuals have asked me how quickly we could reverse these conditions with intentional lifestyle choices. This is a fantastic question, and something I address direction in today’s podcast with , Aseem Malhorta (who is a cardiologist in the UK). The answer is pretty darn fast as we can see in this study. With this in mind, imagine how many lives could have been saved over the last 9 WEEKS if this had been part of the mainstream messaging. This is the failure of our healthcare system: that it continues to ignore these connections and to favor Pharma based interventions over dietary and lifestyle change. Think people won’t do these things? Listen to last week’s podcast with in which we talk about the fact that people WILL make changes if the media messaging is consistent. What’s the real problem here? IMO it’s the fact that the media confuses people, and is heavily funded by agribusiness. What do you think?

For people with dementia, the coronavirus pandemic is a nightmare 29/04/2020

Intense focus on covid-19 is interrupting research & progress in other areas of health which will cause longer(er)term devastating effects...

- Dementia/ Alzheimer patients worsen as they lose the social contacts and routines that shaped their lives.
- Scientific research into dementia has also been disrupted by the pandemic.
- An American pharmaceutical company, has had to delay its attempt to gain approval a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s.

Don’t all lives matter?

For people with dementia, the coronavirus pandemic is a nightmare And it may do long-term damage to efforts to improve their lot

Why The WHO Faked A Pandemic 28/04/2020

WHO benefits from a pandemic?

-Classification of a pandemic-

In 2007, the US health authorities defined a five-tier classification for pandemic influenza and counter-measures. The five categories are based on the observed lethality (CFR) of the pandemic, from category 1 (2%). According to this key, the current corona pandemic would probably be classified in category 2 (0.1% to 0.5%). For this category, only the „voluntary isolation of sick persons“ was envisaged as the main measure at the time.

In 2009, however, the WHO deleted serverity from its pandemic definition. Since then, in principle, every global wave of influenza can be declared a pandemic, as happened with the very mild „swine flu“ of 2009/2010, for which vaccines worth around 18 billion dollars were sold.

Why The WHO Faked A Pandemic The agency needed to bounce back after the avian flu embarrassment.

Crackdown lockdown downtown: fiddling case numbers while Rome burns « Jon Rappoport's Blog 26/04/2020

Fauci, New England Journal of Medicine, February 28, 2020, “Navigating the Uncharted”:

“If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968)…”

Crackdown lockdown downtown: fiddling case numbers while Rome burns « Jon Rappoport's Blog Crackdown lockdown downtown: fiddling case numbers while Rome burns Apr22 by Jon Rappoport by Jon Rappoport April 22, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) In today’s episode of CDC/WHO holds the world hostage and builds a new wing on its mystical temple of lying science, while trance-induced...
