The Souls Agenda

The Souls Agenda

This is a repost of The Soul's Agenda blog. Please feel free to comment, repost and share! Please feel free to comment, repost and share as you feel so inspired.

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On: When push comes to shove

When push comes to shove, Dear One, you should know that sometimes the very best thing that you can do for yourself to get ahead is to step aside.

* Let those pushing, push along without you.
* Let those shoving, shove right by.

Believe us when we tell you that you really don’t want to end up where they are headed anyway.


On: Teachers

Everyone is a teacher, Dear One.

Everyone around you has something to teach you.

Yes, everyone.

But here is the thing.

The value, the importance, the significance, the impact of the lessons that they have to share with you has practically nothing to do with how good of a teacher they are, and absolutely everything to do with how of good of a student you choose to be.


On: How to not get carried away

Propaganda, Dear One, has a very specific purpose, serves a very specific function. And it is not to deliver a message.

Its function is to sway or move large (or very small) groups of people; to shift their energy/opinions/beliefs and ultimately, their actions, in a very specific direction, by any means necessary.

Propaganda is about the movement, not the message.

The message is nothing more than a means to an end. Don’t focus on the words if you want to discover their true motivation for using them. The words are meaningless. They are nothing more than a tool.

Look instead, Dear one, at where they are leading you, at where they are trying to get you to go by engaging you in the conversation. And once you see, once you know, you will be in a much better position to decide if you really want to go there, or, if you would rather make a different choice.

Do this, Dear One, consciously become aware of the motives behind their words, and you will essentially be putting stakes in the ground, putting safeguards in place, that will make it virtually impossible for them to carry you away on their platform, without your full awareness and consent.



On: Loosening the reigns

You are not meant to already have all of the answers, Dear One.

You are meant to discover them through the experience of living.

That is what you are here for.

So cut yourself a little slack today, okay?


On: Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Why would you choose to throw away an opportunity to be happy, Dear One?

Why would you not take advantage of joyful experiences when they are within your grasp?

You know that is exactly what you are doing when you choose those things that you feel obligated to do, that you feel you ought to do, that you think others want you to be doing, over those things, people, places and activities that you want to do, that you love to do, that bring you the most pleasure, contentment and joy.

Our advise to you today, Dear One: Choose happiness.

Whenever there is a choice to be made, whenever you are in a position where you have to decide between multiple options, which is always – choose happiness.

Always choose that which makes you feel alive, that which excites you, that which invigorates you, that which inspires you, that which holds the most possibility, promise and potential for you, over that which does not.


Decision made.


On: What comes after forgiving?

It only fades if you let it fade, Dear One – if you choose to let it go, day by day, choice by choice.

It only fades when you decide to allow something else to capture your attention, to distract you, to become more important.

You can choose to remember, or you can choose to forget.

But know, Dear One, that it is a choice and that it is yours to make.


On: The wait is over

The wait is over, Dear One, the moment that you decide it is, the moment that you want it to be, the moment that you choose.


On: Ending disappointment

If someone that you love, Dear One, is not living up to your expectations of them, instead of being disappointed, instead of trying to change them, instead of trying to fix them, instead of trying to force yourself to stop loving them in order to put an end to your unhappiness, why not simply change your expectation of them instead?


On: Missing them

Don’t miss them, Dear One.

Close your eyes, open your heart and connect with them instead.


On: Practicing kindness

We would like you to practice kindness today, Dear One.

We would like for you to remember to be kind to yourself in response to all that you do and don’t do, and all that happens to you, and those around you.

Without exception.


On: How do you know if it's worth it?

If it’s not fun, pleasurable, serving to enhance, strengthen or deepen your understanding of your connection to source; if it is not rooted in love, if it does not generate loving creations, connections, or bonds, then, Dear One, you know….

…it’s just not worth it!



On: The opposition

What if we told you that there was no opposition, Dear One?

What if we told you that there was only you?

What if we told you that you; your thoughts, your actions, your beliefs, were the greatest, and only source of conflict in your life?

Would you respond them any differently, if you knew this to be true?


On: Being independent

The realization that you are bound by nothing but your beliefs and the limits of your own imagination – That is what true independence is, Dear One.


On: The moment of transformation

Make a choice, Dear One. Make THE choice you have been struggling to make.

The moment that you make it you will be transformed.

You will not be the same after as you were before.

MAKING the choice IS the catalyst, Dear One.

What comes next, the outcome, the results are secondary, are the least significant part of the equation.

They matter of course, but so much less than you think they do.

The act of choosing, of deciding what action to take and then aligning/investing your energy into the act of taking it, THAT is the moment when everything changes.



On: Things you are not

* You are not here to be liked, Dear One – You are here to be yourself and make connections.

* You are not here to find “The One” — You are here to know true love.

* You are not here to win awards — You are here to create, bravely, confidently, authentically, and from the heart.

* You are not here to accumulate wealth — You are here to have an experience of abundance.

* You are not here to achieve notoriety — You are here to learn just how powerful, creative, and capable you really are.

Are you starting to get the idea?


On: Being fallible

We can see that you have a strong desire to live a more authentic life, Dear One, and yet… you don’t.

You allow your fear of rejection, being alone, being wrong, being made fun of, disappointing, being less than perfect, or failing, stop you from trying, stop you from speaking up, stop you from being the real you.

Well, its time to put to an end to that, Dear One.

It’s time for you to join the ranks of the fallible.

* It’s time for you to allow yourself to join those who make mistakes, who fall down, who fail, who don’t always do the right thing at the right time, who sometimes get hurt, and who sometimes, despite their best efforts, hurt others.

* It’s time for you to allow yourself to join those who know that if they fall, they can get back up, that if they fail, they can try again, that if they get hurt, they will heal.

* It’s time for you to allow yourself to join those that know that playing it safe, that not trying, that not speaking up, that not being your authentic self, is and will always be a far more agonizing, frustrating, painful, disappointing and damaging experience in the long run, then not trying ever will be.


On: Something you already know

If you relax, Dear One, let go, allow, trust, breathe, smile, lighten up, things in your life will flow a whole lot more smoothly than they are right now.

We know that you know this already, but from where we are sitting, it looked as though today you could use the reminder.


On: How to make a difference

If you really want to be helpful today, Dear One, if you really want to do something that will make a difference, do things that make you smile, that bring you pleasure, that bring you joy.

When you are happy, centered, and strong, you are in a far greater position to help those around you, to make a useful contribution, to do something that matters, then you are when you are taking action fueled by negativity, regardless of how good your intentions may be.


On: Feeling powerful

Sometimes the most powerful thing you can do, Dear One, is to let go.


On: The lack of tolerance

If you want to see more tolerance in the world, Dear One, be more tolerant.

It really is the only way.


On: The day to day

Your life is meant to be a joy, Dear One, and if the things that you are doing, from day-to-day-to-day, are no longer bringing you joy, then it is time to let them go. Simply put them down and step away, and make room to allow for something new.


On: Gratitude

Take a few minutes and write down 5 things that you are grateful for, Dear One.


Because gratitude is a powerful emotion and we want you to enjoy the benefits that it will bring to your day.


On: Improving your spending habits

What you do today matters so much more than what you did yesterday, Dear One.

Your energy, your attention, your effort, your focus, your creativity, your love, will be so much better spent here, rather than there.


On: The distance from here to there

It is not the amount of space between where you are and where you want to be that determines the length of your journey, Dear One.

The length of your journey is determined by the distance that you must travel from where you are, to feeling good about where you want to be.

And how long that takes, is entirely up to you.


On: It's a conspiracy

The moment that you decide that you and your needs, wants, and desires are a priority, Dear One, the universe will too.


On: Just how far can you really go?

Just how powerful are you, Dear one?

Just how much are you capable of? Just how far can you go?

That is something that only you can decide.


On: Fulfilling your obligations

You have no obligation to anyone, Dear one, that will ever be more important than your obligation to yourself.


On: Committed relationships

Yes, Dear One, being in a committed relationship is absolutely essential to living a happy life.

If you are not already in one, we suggest that you get yourself into one ASAP.

We want to see you make an authentic, joyful, loving, passionate, compassionate, forgiving, life long commitment to someone.


It will be the most important, sacred, and fulfilling commitment you will ever make.

We promise you that.


On: Is it worth the fight?

How do you know if you should let it go, Dear One?

Ask yourself; is investing your energy in that emotion, in that relationship, in that exchange, in that conflict, in that fight, a worth wild investment for you?

That is how you know.


On: Depersonalization

Think about what motivates your own rude, rash, unkind, thoughtless, inconsiderate, impulsive, fearful, or aggressive behavior, Dear One.

Is it an intentional desire to hurt, upset, inconvenience, distress, or disrespect those around you? Or is it something else?

Just something to keep in mind before you take their words, actions, attitudes, or behaviors to heart.


On: It's not that complicated

Matters of the heart, Dear One, always seem to be much more complicated then they actually are.

But you see, love is love. It is what it is. Wonderful, powerful, intoxicating, healing, transformative, transcendent, inspiring, fun. No matter how you slice it, dice it or serve it up – love is just that, love. And there is nothing complicated about it.

Love only appears complicated when you begin to put dependencies on it and assign requirements to it – when you decide that it exists only in conjunction with a specific set of circumstances, behaviors, actions, words, or deeds. THAT is where the complication rests, Dear One – not with love.

The truth is that love has no dependencies and it is everywhere. You are swimming in it in fact. And all you need to do to experience it, is allow yourself to open up to it – allow it to flow to you, through you, and from you. And the way many of you learn how to do that, to open up to the experience of love, is through relationships with people that inspire you to fall, and through that inspiration you learn to let go, open up, and let it flow.

But remember, Dear One, that love is not s*x. Love is not marriage. Love is not a family. Love is not a promise, a commitment, a duty, an obligation or a responsibility.

We want to help you see that any complications that you think you are experiencing as a result of love – are actually a part of your perceived personal reality only, and are not in fact a reality of love.

Grant yourself a great gift today and let go of all of the things, rules, dependencies that you have put in place as a condition of love and give yourself permission to simply allow it, experience it, enjoy it, be inspired by it, transformed by it, healed by it. Swim in it, unfettered, undefined, uncomplicated, love.

Life, can be complicated, Dear One, but love never is.

Enjoy it.


On: Proof

If you need proof in order to believe, Dear One, then we want to wholeheartedly encourage you to look for it.

Believe us when we tell you that there is far from a shortage of it.

* Look for proof of abundance, joy, honesty, integrity, kinship, well-being, true love, and limitless possibility, and you will find it.

* Look for proof of lack, insincerity, dishonesty, deceit, imbalance, deception, selfishness, and limited resources, and you will find it.

Are you getting the idea?


On: Unfamiliar territory

Finding yourself in unfamiliar territory is actually a good thing, Dear One.

It means that things are moving, shifting, changing, evolving.

Instead of getting distressed about it, questioning it, and exerting your time and energy trying to figure out how to get yourself back out of it, give yourself a minute to adjust, look around and explore this new space, because chances are that when you do, you will discover that you are standing exactly where you need to be.


On: In this moment

In this moment, Dear One, you can choose to love a little more, to be a little kinder, to be braver, to take a chance, to let it go.

You can choose to be confident, to make a different choice, to change your expectations.

You can choose to take better care of yourself, to honor yourself, to respect yourself, to forgive yourself, and to do the same for those around you.

In this moment, Dear One, you can choose the life that you want.

Now will you?


On: Where you are now

Be at peace with where you are, Dear One – as the place where you are now standing is a pretty remarkable one.


Because you are there.


On: Your significance

Until you come to see and truly grasp the immeasurable value of your own significance, Dear One, all of your ideas, actions, and words are going to feel insignificant to you, are going to feel as if they are not enough, are going to leave you feeling as if you are not enough, or are coming up short.

BUT, as soon as you come to see and understand fully the value, the significance, the treasure that is you, THEN, and only then, will you be able to see the great value and significance in every – single – thing that you do.


On: Getting enough love

LOVE IS AN INSIDE JOB, Dear One. Totally and completely.

Experiencing it, enjoying it, feeling as though you have enough of it in your life, has very little to do with them, with their thoughts, feelings, actions, beliefs, and behavior towards you, and everything to do with you.

If you are not open to it, if your heart is not open to receiving love, if you don’t practice loving yourself and others, you will never feel it, you will never feel as if you have enough of it in your life, no matter how much they love you, no matter how often they tell you, no matter how many different ways they try to show you.

But, if you are open to it Dear One, if you open your heart to the experience of love, to the love that exists all around you, that is flowing to you and through you at all times, you will never be without it, you could never be without it, you will never know the experience of feeling a lack of it in your life again.


On: Your support system

Make all of your decisions today, Dear One, as if there was someone standing beside you, holding your hand, encouraging you, supporting you, loving you, adoring you, believing in you, cheering you on every step of the way.


Because there is.

You have no idea just how big of a support system you’ve got working for you behind the scenes.

Please remember to use them.


On: How to not make things worse

Please remember, Dear One, that having a bad feeling is not a valid excuse for making a bad choice.

Thank you!


On: Your job

You are most powerful as a creator, Dear One, when you are enjoying the experience of imagining things just as you would like them to be.

Much more so then when you are fretting about the details of how you are going to try and make it all happen.

Your job as a creator is to imagine, enjoy, choose (act), allow, and imagine some more.

It is the universes job to take care of all the rest.

If you want to do your job well today, Dear One, stop worrying about the details and allow yourself to get back to the task of imagining all that you want and enjoying yourself in the process, as quickly as you possibly can.

Remember, you’re on the clock.

Videos (show all)

On: The serious stuffIt really is okay to not take it all so seriously, Dear One – whatever it is – even the really, big...
On: Coping skillsDon’t’ wonder if it’s all going to be okay in the end.Know that it will be.Why?Because it’s true.And be...
On: Finding your centerDo you want to know how to find to your center, Dear One?  Do you want to know how to move toward...