Kimisha - I Am SHE

Kimisha - I Am SHE

Daughter of the King.οΏ½ I Am SHE (Saved Healed Empowered) encouraging women to live the divine life.


Several years after my divorce, I began praying and asking God about being married again. In response, God would always show me a vision of a really tall cake. I thought it meant that I would have a big wedding or a rich husband 😁. Whenever I would meet someone of interest and ask God about them, I'd see this cake. It would frustrate me because I know I don't care to have a big wedding and I'm not particular about whether a man is financially wealthy or not. Lately, as I move closer to 50, I've been asking God about marriage more and just like in times past, I see the cake. So last night, angrily, I said, "What is this big cake!" God finally replied, "YOU are the cake."

God showed me (again) that all of the tiers/layers represent my divine gifts and calling. He said, "The cake is so big because you have many people to serve. The man who is your husband MUST BE ABLE TO COVER YOU-- IN YOUR FULLNESS. If you are not operating at full capacity, you may end up with someone who can only accommodate you at a minimum and ultimately he will hinder you from growing to your full potential and he will damage you. Rise up and be all that I've created you to be, then the one who is your husband will be revealed. He will help you move about in your purpose while covering and protecting you."

Y'ALL... I was up watching cake videos all night!!! 😳😳😳

What I learned about tall cake coverings/ porters:
1) They are designed to ensure the cake maintains its integrity during transport to its destination.
2) They are customized specifically for the cake and can accommodate each and every layer, if ever disassembled.
3) They are insulated to ensure the cake does not melt(down).
4) They are sturdy and designed with a cushion and nonslip mat to absorb the shock for the cake and to keep the cake from sliding.
5) They have a dowel that pierces through the heart of the cake from bottom to top to ensure it doesn't fall over. The dowel is anchored in the cake covering's foundation.

If I'm being honest, I dont always listen or obey God when He first tells/shows me something; but, when God intends for you to know a thing, He will reveal it to you multiple times in multiple ways. Funny thing is for the last month or so I've really been into cake decorating. I mean REALLY vested in it! πŸ€”

Don"t know who needs to hear this but-- Baby Girl, You are the cake... Rise up!


Don't know who this is for but it came to me this morning so I'm sharing. Resistance and avoidance are two different things. In the gym, your strength is built when you come in contact with the weights and press back up against them, not when you avoid the machine altogether. Stop running. Stand flat-footed and tell that devil to go-- to his face! ~James 4:7


So today I did a thing... I chopped my hair off. Some of you may think it's no big deal-- its just hair, but to me it meant so much more than just a haircut. For years I was with a man who liked the fact that I had long hair so he asked me never to cut it. I wanted to please him and having long natural hair made me feel some type of way when I was with him, so I agreed. Well fast forward to 2023. Me and this man have not been together for a good long while; however, for some reason I still wouldn't cut my hair. I'd trim a few inches here or there but a full blown cut, above my shoulders... nope! During the pandemic, I just let my hair do whatever and it ended up in bad shape but instead of cutting it, I"d disguise the areas that were by damaged and broken by adding extensions to fill it out and to match my length. I'd tell myself that it was what I wanted but if I'm being honest, I think it indirectly had more to do with him. I realized that although I had asked God to break the soul ties that I had with this man, I was unknowingly holding on to a promise made to him (even though he wasn't around ), and it was my unspoken loyalty to an unfruitful covenant that was keeping me from experiencing flourishing growth. So I decided today to break that covenant agreement and to liberate myself from a hidden form of bo***ge. So in the natural, so in the Spirit. Sometimes we pray for God to remove or release us from things that have a hold on us, without realizing that in some weird way, we are the ones still holding on to the very thing that he set us free from. Whether it's a hairstyle, a promise, a t-shirt, jewelry or even a last name πŸ™„, stop holding on to emblems, tokens or memories of the former things. If it's over let it go. ~Selah If you have ears to hear...

*And no I'm not posting any pics...yet. 😘


Sorry y'all, I felt compelled to say that. In Luke 2:49, Jesus, as a child, flashed on his earthly parents for coming to look for him-- they thought he was lost. When they found him, he said, β€œWhy did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” He knew his assignment. He knew that his work was not to be vested in his own thoughts, feelings and desires (nor in where everyone else was going) but in doing the will of the Father. Our focus should be the same. Instead of worrying about what the world has going on (what celebrities are dating, breaking up or beefing; what the economists are saying about recession; what laws the government is passing, etc...), we, as children of God, should be minding our business, which is the work of the Kingdom. Despite what is happening around me, I'm not worried because my gaze is affixed on what is before me and that is the Kingdom. If you are a child of God and you find yourself struggling with the worries and cares of this world, Seek ye first the Kingdom and all other things will be added to you. ~Luke 12:31
In other words, MIND YOUR BUSINESS! πŸ™πŸΎπŸ’• ~K. Daughter of the King


The grass may look greener on the other side but you better know what you're getting before you hop that fence. God is the Creator /Father of the heavens and the earth aka 'the universe'. Crystals only glisten in the light of the Son. The Holy Spirit is greater than energy, in that it is the immeasurable power of God.


Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. ~1 John 4:1-3


It's The Word ~Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and SEND PORTIONS UNTO THEM FOR WHOM NOTHING IS PREPARED: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength. ~Nehemiah 8:10~

This was spoken to the remnant of exiles who were returning to rebuild the city, after being scattered for many years. As they sat and listened to book of law being read, they got in their feelings and became sad realizing that they had be scattered and broken for so long. But Nehemiah encouraged them to rejoice.

During the pandemic, I saw churches fractured, disassembled, and some even completely shut down. We experienced lives without fellowship, lives outside the sanctuary and for some, lives completely outside of God's will. As many people now try to scurry back into our pre-covid lives, and churches try to gather the fragments of what once was, that same sense of heaviness can be seen and felt across the body of Christ.

So I'm here to encourage you just as Nehemiah did. Get back in your Word; meditate on it; let it saturate your hearts day and night but don't be discouraged. Be thankful that it has never left us. This is a time of restoration. Rejoice! Today, go out and eat the fat, drink the sweet then feed the poor and needy [with the fruit of the Spirit, the bread of life, new wine] OFFER SPIRITUAL FOOD TO THOSE WHO ARE MALNOURISHED of the Word. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength (your motivation). Again, I say Rejoice! ~K πŸ™πŸΎπŸ’•


Today marks the start of the 21 Day Speak Life Challenge. Only releasing positivity into the atmosphere. It's also a great time to reactivate the First 15... Worship, Word & Prayer πŸ™πŸΎ
Daily inspirational posts

Ntokozo Mbambo - My Blessing (Live) 25/04/2022

Friends & Family, don't let the enemy distract you from your blessings. This morning, I was so distracted with wanting to watch a sermon before going to work that I left out of my prayer room before getting what God had for me. Then I recalled a message where Stephanie Ike said she had a vision of angels holding gifts surrounding people as they were supposed to be praying but the people were too distracted to tap in to receive their blessings and the angels went away sad carrying the gifts. I was listening to this song today when the Lord told me to go back-- go back into my prayer closet. I did and let me tell you He drenched me with an outpouring of His spirit so much that I'm still covered in it. I'm so blessed!!! Always be aware that the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy and will use whatever methods necessary, even good things to do it. Pastor Mildred Kingsley Okonkwo says, "The one we're playing with is not playing with us." Kill, steal and destroy are not threats to be taken lightly. Pray and get in God's presence to gird yourself in His armor. I'm sharing this out of obedience. This is for someone. Receive it and be blessed. ~K πŸ™πŸΎπŸ’•

Ntokozo Mbambo - My Blessing (Live) Ntokozo Mbambo performing My Blessing taken from Ntokozo's β€œMoments in Time” live album recorded live in Johannesburg at Emperor's Palace in 2018.Subscribe &...