Unique Health Designs

Unique Health Designs

Juliana Nikolova, AFMC, NBC-HWC,FMCHC, NTP
Юлияна Николова, холистичен диетолог, хранителен терапевт, сертифициран здравен коуч функционална медицина

Photos from Sara Gottfried, MD's post 31/01/2024

Медицински Център Качествен Живот / Medical Center Quality Life Нашата мисия: Цялостна грижа за здравето на съвременния човек


Перименопаузата е периодът преди настъпването на менопаузата, която обикновено започва на средна възраст при жените, най-често през 40-те години. Този период се характеризира с промени в репродуктивната система и хормоналния фон. Важно е да се отбележи, че менопаузата е моментът, в който жената спира да има менструация и няма менструален цикъл в продължение на 12 последователни месеца.

По време на перименопаузата нивата на естрогена (женския полов хормон) могат да се колебаят и постепенно да намаляват, което може да доведе до различни симптоми. Някои от най-често срещаните признаци и симптоми включват:

👉 Нередовна менструация: Менструалните периоди могат да станат по-малко предсказуеми, а продължителността и количеството им да варират.

👉 Физически промени: Възможно е да настъпят промени в теглото, разпределението на мазнините и костната плътност.

👉 Горещи вълни и изпотяване: Един от най-характерните симптоми на перименопаузата. Жените могат да почувстват внезапни горещи вълни, които са придружени от изпотяване.

👉 Безсъние и нарушения на съня: Промените в хормоните могат да повлияят на съня, причинявайки безсъние или събуждане през нощта.

👉 Промени в настроението: Емоционалните колебания, раздразнителността, тревожността или депресията може да са често срещани по време на перименопаузата.

👉 Намалено сексуално желание: Намалените нива на естроген може да са придружени от вагинална сухота и намалено сексуално желание.

Как да постигнем оптимално тегло, да възвърнем своята красота, жизненост и баланс преди, по време и след този предизвикателен житейски период, как да преоткрием вътрешното си спокойствие и да се наслаждаваме на живота?
Отговорът на всички тези въпроси ще получим по време на събитието с лектор Юлияна Николова, хранителен терапевт към Американската асоциация по хранителна терапия (NTA), сетифициран здравен коуч функционална медицина от Академията по здравен коучинг (FMCA) към Института по функционална медицина (IFM), сертифициран от международен борд професионален здравен и уелнес коуч (NBHWC), магистър „Обществено здраве и здравен мениджмънт“, магистър „Трудова медицина и работоспособност“ от Медицински университет София. В практиката си Юлияна комбинира експертната роля на хранителен терапевт, който оценява здравното състояние и изготвя препоръки с цел благоприятно въздействие върху здравето и ролята на коуч, който помага трайно да промените навиците си, свързани с хранене, движение, мислене, стил на живот с цел постигане на оптимално здраве.

Дата: 11.02.2024г. (неделя)
Начален час: 10:00-11:30 ч. на живо в МЦ Качествен Живот или онлайн през платформата Zoom с допълнителен линк за включване след заплащане на таксата по банков път
Единичен билет: 50.00 лв
Двоен билет: 80.00 лв
Банкова сметка: Медицински Център Качествен Живот ЕООД BG27BUIN95611000617685
За контакт: 0878941010, МЦ Качествен Живот, София, бул. Витоша 164

Timeline photos 11/12/2023

If you thought the brain's in charge...

The Gut is Mostly Informing the Brain - not the other way around!
Our powerful vagus nerve is 80-90% afferent, that is taking information from the gut to the brain vs. the other way around. In particular, the vagus nerve can play a key role in preventing excessive inflammation and excessive gut permeability. But only if the lines of communication are wide open! Research into the microbiome-gut-brain axis is starting to clarify how chronic stress hampers this communication and increases the risk of systemic inflammation dysregulation, from IBD to mood disorders. Poor vagal tone is pro-inflammatory. A potent example of cross-system interconnectedness through the functional medicine lens. And a reminder that chronic stress promotes disease - all by itself.

Read article here:

Photos from Unique Health Designs's post 04/11/2023

Днес имах удоволствието да представя своя лекция на тема „Перименопауза“ по време на Shine On ритрийта организиран от компанията Calivita Bulgaria в Трявна.
За всички, които не успяха да присъстват лично и се интересуват от темата и по-специално от това как да преминат по-леко през този ключов период и да подкртепят здравето си по естествен начин можем да предоставим запис. За повече информация може да се обърнете към екипа на Медицински Център Качествен Живот / Medical Center Quality Life.
Благодаря на целия екип на Каливита и МЦ Качествен Живот за поканата, професионализма и съдействието за организирането на това прекрасно събитие.


Great article on how to reduce advanced glycation end products in cooking and take proactive steps to improve your health👌

When food is cooked (especially at high temperatures), there can be unhealthy compounds that form. These are called Advanced Glycation Endproducts, or AGEs, which is a perfect acronym because they are associated with accelerated aging. In our latest blog, we discuss how to reduce glycation in foods, especially with spices!


🎉 Exciting Milestone Achieved! 🎉

I am thrilled to announce that I have passed the level 3 exam with the The School of Applied Functional Medicine, and now I am officially certified as an AFMC Practitioner.

🌿 This journey has been a rigorous and transformative one - three years of relentless study, commitment, dedication, and hard work.

For me, this certification is not just another credential added to my toolbox. It represents a profound recognition and an even greater responsibility for the work that I am doing.

Thanks to my rich training in functional medicine throughout those years, I am confident and capable of supporting my clients to get well and stay well.

This certification is a testament to my unwavering passion for empowering individuals to take control of their health and well-being.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way. ❤

As a lifelong learner, I am fully dedicated to continuing my education and deepening my knowledge in the field. I believe that staying at the forefront of the latest research is essential to providing the best support for my clients.

Here's to a future of better health and well-being together! 🌟

Photos from Unique Health Designs's post 30/09/2023

Прекрасен ден, прекрасно есенно време, в прекрасна компания и Здравей здраве в Панагюрище🙂

Photos from Медицински Център Качествен Живот / Medical Center Quality Life's post 29/09/2023

Заповядайте утре на IV-тия фестивал на здравословния живот в гр. Панагюрище.

Photos from Медицински Център Качествен Живот / Medical Center Quality Life's post 08/08/2023

It was a pleasure for me to talk about the topic of perimenopause and how to address its symptoms naturally through lifestyle change and proper supplementation. Thank you Медицински Център Качествен Живот / Medical Center Quality Life and all the participants who set aside some time today to learn how to take care of themselves in this very important time in their lives.



Just like smoking, depriving yourself of sleep, and eating junk food, continuing to listen to the Relentless, negative commentary in your head is a choice. One that has a dramatic impact on your health.

- Tracy Harrison


I am so excited about this upcoming event🙂


Има само седмица до 08.08.23, когато ще проведа семинар на тема:

"Перименопауза - как да се справим с неприятните симптоми"
По време на семинара ще научите:

👉Как да се справим с неприятните симптоми като горещи вълни, умора, мозъчна мъгла, промени в настроението, покачване на тегло, безсъние и др. в периода на перименопаузата без хормони и лекарства?

👉Какви са съпътстващите симптоми на перименопаузата, какви дисфункции могат да се крият зад тях и какво можем да направим, за да ги преодолее по естествен път?

👉Как да възвърнем своята жизненост и баланс в този предизвикателен житейски период, как да преоткрием вътрешното си спокойствие и да се наслаждаваме на живота?

Заповядайте на 08.08.23 в 18.30 ч в МЦ Качествен Живот на бул. Витоша 164.

Очакваме Ви. 🙂

Photos from Calivita Bulgaria's post 22/05/2023

Today I had the opportunity to be a guest speaker at VMware Bulgaria. I presented the topic of “Nutrition and Habits for high energy, vitality, and good health.”

I hope I have inspired all the attendees to take control of their health. I am looking forward to new opportunities for collaboration, and I would like to thank VM Ware for the warm hospitality and Медицински Център Качествен Живот / Medical Center Quality Life and Calivita Bulgaria for the fantastic partnership.

Photos from Calivita Bulgaria's post 13/05/2023

I had the honor to give a talk on skin health at one of the most impressive events of the cosmetology branch in Bulgaria - The Dermocosmetology Symposium VIII Beauty Woman, with more than 70 exhibitors. 🤩

I am immensely grateful for the incredible experience of participating in this event and being surrounded by excellent professional partners who share the same passion for natural health and beauty. The symposium provided a platform for learning, networking, and exchanging ideas with industry experts, and I couldn't be more thankful for the opportunity.

Thank you, Vili Hubenova and the fantastic teams at Медицински Център Качествен Живот / Medical Center Quality Life and Beauty Woman for your collaboration, support, and professionalism.🤗


🤩Today is the day.🤩

My talk on perimenopause will be live today at 4 pm BST.

I have been invited to be an expert speaker at the Women Who Matter Transformational Online Summit this month alongside some other awesome ladies. 🤩

I would love to invite you to come and join me and learn how to Master Perimenopause Naturally to feel calm, energetic, and confident in your body again.

In this masterclass, I will walk you through all the steps you need to take to alleviate the symptoms of perimenopause, like hot flashes, anxiety, brain fog, and mood swings without meds, hormonal therapy, and drastic lifestyle changes in perimenopause and beyond.

Best of all, the summit is completely free for you.😀 All you have to do is register through the link in the comments.


Exciting news🥳

I have been invited to be an expert speaker at the Women Who Matter Transformational Online Summit this month alongside some other awesome ladies. 🤩

I would love to invite you to come and join me and learn how to Master Perimenopause Naturally to feel calm, energetic, and confident in your body again.

In this masterclass, I will walk you through all the steps you need to take to alleviate the symptoms of perimenopause, like hot flashes, anxiety, brain fog, and mood swings without meds, hormonal therapy, and drastic lifestyle changes in perimenopause and beyond.

Best of all, the summit is completely free for you.😀 All you have to do is register through the link in the comments.


There’s nothing I can add to that…

High sugar intake is linked to a greater risk of depression.

Consuming more sweet food and beverages is associated with a 23% greater risk of depression, independent of other health behaviors or sociodemographic factors, according to the UK’s Whitehall II study, which is the largest study to date to look at the impact of sugar intake (Knüppel, 2017).

In the United States, we consume triple the recommended level of added sugar.

What’s the mechanism? There are a few:

▪Rodents fed high-fat and high-sugar diets, but not high-fat diets alone, have lower BDNF levels, which is associated with the shrinking hippocampus seen in depression.

▪Sugar is addictive, tying in the addictive and depression effects of dopamine.

▪Eating a diet high in refined sugar increases inflammation, which may lower mood and lead to exaggerated insulin responses, harming mood.

▪In addition to an inflammatory response that can trigger depression, a high-sugar diet may cause obesity and resulting psychological problems, such as having to cope with weight discrimination.

👉In short, sugar harms your body, then your brain.

Just as depression is twice as common in women, it’s twice as common in people with diabetes, and blood sugar problems are worse in depressed people with diabetes.

Depression and diabetes likely share the same mechanism of overactivation of the immune system, leading to a cytokine-driven inflammatory response, as well as overactivation of the HPA axis.

The cytokines are like bombs and gunfire that inflame the brain, causing depressive symptoms, poor stress coping, and blood sugar problems.

In my opinion, we need to consider these shared origins of blood sugar problems, stress overload, and depression to improve the outcomes of both disorders simultaneously and, ideally, prevent and reverse disease.

Interesting side note: depression often occurs for the first time in pregnancy or postpartum, which is when diabetes often gets unmasked for the first time.



Nutrition is not “yes” or “no”. It’s a spectrum.

Every time I give a talk on some aspect of nutrition, what I try to do is rather than collapse the information into a "yes" or a "no" to a food or a "right" or "wrong" way to eat, I like to bring out the spectrum of options available to each person uniquely for their physical, environmental, financial, mental, emotional, spiritual kaleidoscope of being.

Nutrition has been on a pendulum, swinging back and forth with trends. Seeing nutrition as a spectrum requires reconfiguring how we think and act relating to foods and nutrients because, over time, we've been "fed" to approach it in a binary (yes/no) way rather than a continuum with conscious choices.

You are empowered to individualize your choices. It's the highest degree of conscious self-care.

Timeline photos 19/02/2023

The almighty diagnosis is often distracting! Just because we agree on a Label for a collection of symptoms doesn't mean we know what's actually Causing it. Much less, what to Do to reverse it.

-Tracy Harrison

Don't forget to register for our free Facebook Lives --> https://safm.tips/live_fb

Timeline photos 25/12/2022

The air you breathe, the water you drink, and the food you eat. These are literally the Only things that will physically enter your body daily to fuel (or not) your biochemistry to thrive under Any upcoming challenge. Implying the quality of these things "doesn't matter much" is not only unscientific, it's illogical.

Don't forget to register for our free Facebook Lives --> https://safm.tips/live_fb


It's always good to hear about my clients' successes.🥳

Here is what my client Michaela has to share:

"The missing link between what you think is good for you and the doctor's office. Juliana helped me to overcome, with little effort on my part, the general discomfort and the chronic fatigue that was constantly accompanying my daily life. In the process, I will feel even better following her advice and feel more at ease that I am taking adequate self-care, and investing in my current and future health."


I am so excited.🥳

I have been invited to be an expert speaker at the Ultimate Woman Who Matter Transformational Summit in January alongside some other awesome ladies. 🤩

I would love to invite you to come and join us, and best of all, it's completely free for you.😀 All you have to do is register here:


Just finished my last course Labwork 202 and preparing form my 2nd year exam with the School of Applied Functional Medicine. This is so exciting.😊

Photos from Медицински Център Качествен Живот / Medical Center Quality Life's post 07/12/2022
Photos from Unique Health Designs's post 03/12/2022

За мен беше истиснко удоволствие да присъствам на финалния семинар за 2022 г на швейцарската фирма Вивасан.
Дкоснахме се до прекрасните аромати на вълшебните етерични масла, висококачествените хранителни добавки и козметични продукти, както и имахме възможност да споделим своя опит и изградим нови приятелства и възможности за сътрудничество. Vivasan Bulgaria / Вивасан България

Timeline photos 23/11/2022

Authentic, warm human connection with others activates vagal parasympathetic response. Which is Essential for optimal immune function. Eye contact, smiles, hugs, laughter, trust: these are medicine.

Don't forget to register for our free Facebook Lives --> https://schoolafm.com/fb-live-notifications-general/


A main principle in my practic: Root Cause Resolution

As a functional medicine health coach, I help my clients get to the root of their health issues. Once we uncover the potential contributors, we design a plan that works for them to resolve their concerns through nutritional interventions and lifestyle changes.

Not getting to the root cause = Band-aiding the problem.

Getting to the root-cause = Permanent Resolution of the problem.