Coalition to Close the Concentration Camps - Bay Area

Coalition to Close the Concentration Camps - Bay Area

Coalition to Close the Concentration Camps (CCCC) Bay Area. Migrant rights groups & activist organizations united for a movement in action.

Donate to fund our work on Cash App: $ClosetheCampsBA

#DisarmICE #CloseTheCamps

We refuse to stay complicit as the tech giant responsible for the intelligence apparatus used to track, terrorize, deport, and imprison migrants, refugees at our border, and their families continues operations in our backyard. We are calling on all who are opposed to the repression of migrants and refugees and the existence of concentration camps to join our coalition.

On July 12, we disrupted Palantir and shut business as usual down in Palo Alto. As 500+ community members left our action in unity, we chanted a clear message: WE'LL BE BACK! The time to build is now. Fill out the form below to keep in touch with us and join our efforts.

Until every concentration camp is shut down and safe conditions for people seeking safety are ensured, we must make it impossible for ICE and their partners -- Palantir -- to continue business as usual.

Videos (show all)

PALO ALTO — HAPPENING NOW:SURPRISE ACTION #NeverAgainisNOW: We have shut down Palantir’s HQ in Palo Alto in coordination...