Massiel Wellness, LMFT

Massiel Wellness, LMFT

Licensed marriage and family therapist specializing in mothers, couples, and families.

The Most Courageous Self-Care Act: Learning to Say, “I Need Help” - Mindful 26/10/2019

Go ahead and ask for what you need. People naturally want to help.

“... there are plenty of people in your life who at one time or another would have been happy to help you had they been asked. They would have gladly watched your kids; assisted with the project you were stuck on, or just given you the space you needed to take a moment of reflection. The problem was never their willingness to help you. The problem was and is your fear and inability to reach out with the ask.”

The Most Courageous Self-Care Act: Learning to Say, “I Need Help” - Mindful We all know when we’re feeling overwhelmed, but learning to press the pause button starts with being vulnerable enough to claim your healing time.


Happy Monday!

I hope you can inspire change in someone today!

4 Ways to Make Time for Mentorship as a Manager 26/08/2019

I can’t thank my mentors enough. Generation Z thrives on mentoring and they are eager to learn. Creating a mentoring pipeline works best when your job facilitates it but here are some tips on how to make it work for you if your self employed.

“‘Don’t confuse mentoring with rescuing, enabling, or taking on the work of an underperformer. Mentoring can mean providing clarity or direction, offering advice, or asking great questions to help someone else discover their own answer or way of solving a problem,’ says Su.”

4 Ways to Make Time for Mentorship as a Manager Start by setting clear boundaries and expectations.

Gina Belton: Radical hospitality in tending to our stories at the end of life 21/08/2019

This is an interview of an End of Life Practitioner. Yes, a doula for the dying. Here is some insight about embracing dying in our culture and how hospitals and the medicalization of dying (and even childbirth) has its restrictions and limitations.

“To bear witness to something, someone, an experience, I am bringing my full self to the experience—to bear witness acknowledges our relationality as we are becoming and unbecoming in mutuality...In bearing witness we ask how deep and wide can I get? So in the context of end of the life work, this kind of bearing witness can transform our anxieties, fears and perceptions of something that is tragic into to something that is soulful and healing...”

Gina Belton: Radical hospitality in tending to our stories at the end of life Her work is about tending the stories in the intersection between the western bio-medical model and the indigenous knowledge system, in the end of life experience.

3 Reasons to Focus On Your Oral Health During Pregnancy | CariFree 25/07/2019

As a therapist, I focus on a holistic approach to wellness. For all of us who put off our medical check-ups, here’s another reason to make that appointment to the dentist.

P.S Did you know that women are the primary driver behind all family member doctor visits?

“Good oral health, in addition to being a good idea in general, can both complement a healthy pregnancy and is associated with improved pregnancy outcomes.”

3 Reasons to Focus On Your Oral Health During Pregnancy | CariFree CariFree is a scientifically proven dental decay prevention system that’s been proven safe for everyday use. Read 3 Reasons to Focus On Your Oral Health During Pregnancy to learn more.

What Q***r Couples Can Teach Everyone About Communication 20/07/2019

Love and relationship is like ice cream, we all like it a little different. Different flavors, with or without whip cream, a little melted, in a cup with a spoon or licked of a cone. We can learn from q***r couples who must reflect on their likes and have the conversation with their partners early on.

"'Because both members of a q***r relationship are subverting heteros*xual and cisgender norms in order to be together, they have already had to delve fairly deeply into internal dialogues in order to feel whole and authentic,' Bodenheimer says. 'The result of these deep dives is typically the ability to articulate pieces of one's inner world with those that they are in relationship with.'

Crawford adds that q***r people tend to have a better understanding of oppression, privilege, and trauma, which allows them to communicate to each other about those topics more effectively."

What Q***r Couples Can Teach Everyone About Communication Straights! This one's for you.

Opinion | Lizzo: Self-care is rooted in self-preservation, not just mimosas and spa days 16/07/2019

Read this piece by rapper and musician Lizzo about the importance of taking care of yourself with therapy. We can’t all engage in self-care the way it looks in Facebook and Insta. We can’t be there to take our family member for that nature walk and meditation is not something most of us grew up with. Why not try weekly therapy with a trained professional?

“I know that therapy is some privileged sh**, and the fact that I'm financially able to afford it, and that I was also in a place where I could accept the fact that I needed it, is incredibly fortunate.

And I also know that there's a stigma around therapy in the black community, and there had been for a long time, especially for black women. We're so strong, because of all that we have been put through, and how little we're sought after and looked out for. So, black women end up like, I got it. I don't need help. I'm handling this. That's why I tried to be strong for so long.

But I finally realized that owning up to your vulnerabilities is a form of strength, and making the choice to go to therapy is a form of strength. It took years for me to get to that point, but I did it last year for my friends and my family. I didn't really do it for myself at first, but because I realized what my emotional condition was doing to my relationships. And I wanted to be a better sister and a better daughter, a better boss and a better friend.“

Opinion | Lizzo: Self-care is rooted in self-preservation, not just mimosas and spa days I know how difficult it is to “just love yourself” in a society in which the media tells us that we don't have enough money for that.

Want To Transform Your Relationships? Try Saying "Thank You" 13/07/2019

Do you tell your partner the things that you appreciate about them?

When you experience feelings of anger or discontent, expressing your feelings of gratitude and combat those difficult emotions. Gratitude serves as a replacement emotion for the anger that can build up in us and affects our relationships. Sharing our appreciation for those closest to us is a great way to practice gratitude.

"'A number of studies show that gratitude goes along with feeling good about how your life is going, and with lower levels of depression, anxiety, and envy than others sometimes have,' explains Stephen Yoshimura, PhD, professor of communication studies at the University of Montana, who has studied gratitude. Research suggests that gratitude also improves people's sleep quality, and makes them perceive fewer health problems about themselves. 'Above all, however, gratitude can improve the quality of our relationships with other people'"

Want To Transform Your Relationships? Try Saying "Thank You" Having a simple gratitude practice can enhance your relationships and make you feel less stressed. Here's how to do it.

The Psychology of Creativity 11/07/2019

This is for my creatives out there. I am a creative person myself and the process of writing and making art is often intertwined with my mental health. Creativity supports me, baffles me and consumes me. I think life would mean little if it wasn’t for the beautiful writings, works of art and music that exists. Thank you to all those out there who put beauty and insight in a tangible form for all of us to consume. 🙌🏾💋🤟🏾

“I have to show up whether I think my writing is good or bad, whether I feel inspired or not. I cannot put things on hold until I find myself in the proper mood.

To fall in love with the process, we have to acquire an attitude of humility. I must think of myself as a simple transcriptionist rather than a great author.”

The Psychology of Creativity Making it all work when you don't feel inspired.

In Love and Relationships, Family of Origin Matters 10/07/2019

The influence of your family is never far from your marriage or your parenting style. Even absent relationship from your past affect the decisions you make today.

“The purpose of looking curiously at our family of origin as adults is not to blame, point fingers, or even to fix our families, but rather to compassionately develop heightened awareness of our own history and wounds, as well as tendencies that our families may have contributed to.”

In Love and Relationships, Family of Origin Matters It's important to talk about how your families influenced you.

How Your Attachment Style Impacts Your Communication About S*x – Kinsey Institute Research Blog 05/07/2019

Let’s talk about s*x! But first, how does that talk make me feel and behave?

Any attachment style you carry is neither wrong nor right. Attachment styles are about how we feel and behave about connecting with others.. We can be avoidant, secure, anxious in our styles of relating when we are in a relationship. This article talks about how this interacts with our ability to have discussions about s*x with our partners.

“This tells us that being comfortable with intimacy in general seems to be an important prerequisite for having healthy and productive discussions about s*x with a partner.“

How Your Attachment Style Impacts Your Communication About S*x – Kinsey Institute Research Blog How Your Attachment Style Impacts Your Communication About S*x Posted on by Kinsey Institute By Dr. Justin Lehmiller Communication is one of the keys to establishing a healthy s*xual relationship. However, the quality of s*xual communication varies tremendously across couples—an observation that h...


WELCOME to my new project! As you may have noticed over my last few posts, I have created MassielWellness! This platform is aimed to provide therapeutic insights and consulting about maternal health, couples and families along with professional development and leadership skills.
I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and part of what I do is psychotherapy sessions with families and individuals. I focus on human development, attachment, and alternative healing practices. I am seasoned in my profession as I have been doing this work for 10 years now; providing direct care to clients, clinical supervision, training and speaking engagements.
I believe mental health is beneficial for people in all walks of life. Over the past few years I have focused on maternal mental health and infant / early childhood development. Learning about babies and their caregivers has taught me so much about the meaning and beauty of life. This knowledge combined with my love for artistic expression and leadership is what I hope to share with you.
Like and share my posts to spread the word on this critical knowledge😘🙌🏾♥️

Reflections of an Afro-Dominicana Family Therapist 30/06/2019

Check out my article about my work in collage as group therapy published in La Galeria Magazine.

Reflections of an Afro-Dominicana Family Therapist Written By: Massiel Abramson The chaos that comes with change is the chaos that brings us peace. In these recent times, we are being challenged on how much we are


I am on a podcast! Check out my episode where I talk about maternal and infant mental health on the Holistic Nature of Us Podcast.

Podcast: Holistic Nature of Us: Meet Massiel Abramsom There are many spokes to the center of the wheel of life. Holism is the glue that keeps the circle strong. My guest this week, Massiel Abramson, a licensed m...

How Art Therapy, Music Therapy, and Dance Therapy Help People with Cancer 28/06/2019

“Nonverbal expression is extremely important and powerful. It is fundamental to our creativity and unconscious. It allows people to convey feelings, experiences, and emotions that may be difficult to access or express with words. It also provides an outlet to focus on something external and tactile.”

How Art Therapy, Music Therapy, and Dance Therapy Help People with Cancer Meet three creative arts therapists at Memorial Sloan Kettering.
