

Join the Private Facebook Support Group: Fertility Support Find Hope. myMindBodyBaby is an online hu


Standing together in support of and bringing awareness to those struggling with fertility challenges.



While supporting egg🥚 quality is just ONE element of conception, I’d argue it’s a pretty important one!

Remember, to create a healthy embryo we need 2 things - a good quality egg and a good quality s***m.

To help you identify key factors involved in building healthy eggs, use my FREE Egg Quality Checklist✅

Comment “EGGS” below and I’ll send it right over!


COMMENT “hormones” FOR FREE DOWNLOAD LINK✨ a 10-Day countdown to better balanced hormones (and improved fertility)!

I’m frequently asked about hormone balance, and it’s a valid concern—hormonal imbalances significantly impact fertility.

So I wanted to make something to help!

Creating this resource took considerable time because I aimed for it to be highly practical rather than filled with vague information. Real change doesn’t come from fluff, right?

So, I’ve compiled this 10-Day Countdown. The idea is that each day, for the next 10 days, you’ll adopt a new hormone-balancing strategy . By the end of it, you’ll have solid strategies in your toolkit.

Unsure if this is for you? If you’re trying to conceive (TTC) and know you’re grappling with hormone issues, comment “hormones” for the download link. Even if you’re unsure about your hormone status, trust me, at least one of these hacks can benefit you.

Want the file? Drop a “hormones” comment below, and I’ll send it your way.

Let the hormone-balancing journey begin!

Xo michelle



Can we all agree to ditch the New Years Resolutions and just keep it simple?

Here are 5 easy ones that can have a BIG and LASTING impact on your health and fertility ⬇️

💫Revamp your morning ritual by incorporating the first rays of sunlight, hydrating with ample water, and embracing moments of tranquility before the hustle of the day unfolds. This helps to keep cortisol levels under control and you feeling calmer through the busy day

💫 Devoting just three to five minutes to daily mindfulness can make a significant difference. Currently, I’m particularly focused on nurturing the vagus nerve, a key element I emphasize in my fertility coaching program - the Strong Fertility method 😉

💫Rewrite this. Protein before caffeine helps to stabilize hormones first thing and ensure cortisol levels don’t skyrocket due to the stimulating effects of caffeine on an empty stomach

💫Scrolling on your phone before bed exposes you to blue light, which suppresses melatonin production, disrupting your sleep-wake cycle and negatively impacting sleep quality and hormone regulation. Can we all agree an old-school paper book is best anyways?!

💫Prioritizing sleep has never been more crucial then it is for those TTC. But with all the stress, to-do lists and never-ending appointments it’s easy to miss out on. 7.5-8 of sleeping in the DARK, is the sweet spot for sleep when trying to conceive. Work on getting to bed 15 minutes earlier every few nights until you have hit your sleep sweet spot.

What realistic fertility/health goals do you have for 2024?




My wish for you 🤍



Do you have irregular or absent periods (therefore irregular or absent ovulation)?

If so, do you know WHY?

Part of my job as a fertility coach/nutritionist is to help you figure out WHY and then put a plan in place to help address this issue…all with the ultimate goal of getting you pregnant.

To start, I have put together a resource to help you understand the most common reasons women experience absent or irregular periods/ovulation and simple ways you can start to support your body and address this issue.

Want it?

Just comment “ovulation” below and I’ll send it over!


Comment a ❤️ if these squiggly lines look like your journey to baby


Did you know that ovulation can be quite unique for each individual?

Some women may experience a surge without releasing an egg (ovulating), while those with PCOS might have multiple surges or none at all.

Understanding these variations is essential, which is why I teach my clients to recognize signs of ovulation to pinpoint their fertile window accurately. **Identifying this window significantly increases the chances of conception**

Find this information helpful? Don’t forget to like and save! 💕


These notes make my day 🤍

Congratulations to new mama A.N



One of the first things I do with each and every client is to add more colour to their diet!


Antioxidants are associated with higher pregnancy and live birth rates… here are some highlights ⬇️

1. Orange Power 🍊: Orange-colored fruits and vegetables, like sweet potatoes and carrots, are packed with beta-carotene, a potent antioxidant. This mighty nutrient not only gives these foods their vibrant hue but also helps protect reproductive cells from oxidative stress, potentially enhancing fertility in both men and women.

2. Green Guardians 🥦: Leafy greens, such as spinach and kale, are rich in antioxidants like folate and lutein. Folate is essential for healthy cell division, including during early pregnancy, while lutein supports eye health and may also play a role in reproductive wellness. Adding more greens to your diet can be a green light for fertility!

3. Purple Potion 🍆: Purple-hued fruits and veggies, such as blueberries and eggplants, are brimming with anthocyanins, a powerful group of antioxidants. These antioxidants are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, which can positively impact better implantation rates.

Comment below with your favourite antioxidant colour!



Hormone Hack to the 🛟 rescue!

Our circadian rhythm - our body’s internal clock - plays a crucial role in regulating hormone production and reproductive health. By letting your eyes soak in the gentle morning light (without glasses), you’re sending a powerful signal to your brain that it’s time to wake up and kickstart the day- reinforcing that critical natural rhythm our body depends on for keeping hormones in check. ⏰☀️

Want 9 more hacks? Comment “hormones” below and I’ll send you a free download all about TTC and hormonal balance!


So why is this SO important?

Simply put- a disregulated nervous system is likely a more inflamed and hormonally imbalanced body… neither of which are awesome for fertility 😉

H**p hearts = blood sugar and insulin stabilizing fat and protein. These are essential for nervous system regulation

Legumes = high in fibre to support gut health (remember this is where our happy chemical are produced) and fibre supports the removal of toxins and excess hormones from our body

Kimchi = a fermented food that helps the body produce more healthy bacteria. Research is showing evidence that irritation in the gastrointestinal system (caused by various factors like stress and diet) may send signals to the central nervous system that can trigger mood changes.

Avocado = fibre and blood sugar/insulin management

Sardines = health source of omega 3 fatty acids that helps reduce inflammation and support nervous system regulation

Dark chocolate -aim for 85% or higher. Rich in magnesium- it’s a calming mineral. Dark chocolate is a delicious choice when looking for a treat.


I get this question asked( in various ways) ALL THE TIME.

And that’s fair, hormonal imbalances impact so many people and greatly impact the chance of getting and staying pregnant.

It took me a long time to put together this resource as I wanted it to be SUPER actionable and not just full of fluffy stuff.

Change isn’t made on fluff right?

So, after careful consideration I put together this 10-Day Countdown. The goal is that each day (for 10 days) you will tackle a new hormone-balancing hack.

And at the end of the 10 days, you will have some pretty solid strategies under your belt.

So wondering if this is right for you? If you are TTC and KNOW you are struggling with your hormones then comment “hormones” below and I’ll send you the link to download.

Or, if you are TTC but are not sure if your hormones could use a little love then trust me on this, you can still benefit from at least 1 of these hacks.

So, if you want this file, comment “hormones” below and I’ll send it over.

Let the hormone- balancing begin!

Xo michelle


Are you coming tomorrow? 😆

We will be tackling Fertility Blind Spots- where to look if you have tried “everything” and are still not pregnant.

If this is you, or if you are at the place where you know you need to start digging a bit deeper, then join me tomorrow for a LIVE training.

You will learn my 3 step process for identifying fertility blind spots and then how to address them once you have isolated them.

Ready to take your fertility journey to the next level? Comment “training” and I’ll send you the link to register!


How I went from fertility challenges to identifying my Blind Spots and meeting my sweet baby ⬇️

Join me, this Thursday June 29th at 6pm EST where we will be discussing how to identify your fertility Blind Spots and what to do once you find them!


Need to figure 🕵️‍♀️ out how to increase your chance of pregnancy, read this⬇️

This is BY FAR the most common question I get - “what should I do to increase my chance of getting pregnant?”

And my answer is this - there are soo many things…but we gotta figure out what you need and what is best for your body.

There is no point in stressing yourself out trying every new hack and tip someone posts on IG.

We need to be methodical about this.

We are all different and therefore need different things.

YES, absolutely, reducing processed foods and taking a prenatal is key access the board…100%. But there are also a lot of nuances that come into play.

So, I am going to start diving into some of those nuances and start to answer the most common question I get - “how can I improve my chance of pregnancy?” in my LIVE training this Thursday 6pm EST.

If you want the goods on where to start, this training is for you.

Comment “training” and I’ll send you the free link to register.

Can’t join live? You still need to register and a replay link will be sent out after.


✨✨Identify YOUR fertility blind spots with a free training this Thursday June 29th ⬇️

Have you…

Dr. Googled it all (supplements, nutrition, how to track your cycle properly etc.) but are overwhelmed with how to put together all the info out there?

Wondered what you are missing ("is there something wrong that I haven’t found yet?”)?

Questioned if you are doing everything in your power to optimize your chance of pregnancy?

If you have answered “yes” to any of these then I can assure you that you are NOT alone.

I asked them myself during my own fertility journey and when I talk to people in this community, I hear the same things.

It’s this drive for more answers that prompted me to put together this training.

On Thursday June 29th at 6pm, we will be diving into your Fertility Blind Spots - Where to look if you have tried “everything” and are still not pregnant.

I hope to shed some light on how you can move forward in your journey with more clarity, more empowerment and more hope.

Comment “training” if you want the free link to register.
Xo Michelle


With each passing cycle, have you ever thought to yourself, “what am I missing?”

“Why hasn’t this happened yet and what can I do to improve my chances of getting pregnant?”

I 👂 hear this ALL THE TIME.

I call these the Fertility Blind Spots and in my opinion, they are critical to identify.

They are the gaps or roadblocks in your journey that could be slowing down your time to pregnancy.

Sometimes these blind spots are easy to spot…and other times not so obvious.

That’s my job! To help you find them! 🕵️‍♀️

To help, on Thursday June 29th at 6pm EST I will be hosting a FREE live training on Fertility Blind Spots - where to look if you have tried “everything” and are still not pregnant.

✨If you would like to begin to identify your fertility blind spots then comment “training” below and I will send you the link to register.✨

Spaces limited so sign up today.

See you there!
Xo Michelle


Support egg quality and improve your chance of pregnancy ⬇️

Do you ever feel?
👍🏻 “Hangry”?
👍🏻 Feel shaky or dizzy between meals?
👍🏻 Have cuts and sores that don’t heal quickly?
👍🏻 Have stubborn belly fat?
👍🏻 Have an afternoon slump?
👍🏻Have skin tags?
👍🏻 Have increased thirst or tiredness?

If any of these symptoms sound like what you experience then it might be time to have your fasting glucose and fasting insulin checked.

If they are elevated then taking the steps to get these into a healthier level is critical as mismanaged blood sugar and insulin can age our cells…including egg cells.

This is why ⬇️

Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are compounds that are formed when protein or fat combine with sugar in the blood.

Together these harmful compounds cause cells to function abnormally (amongst other unpleasant changes).

And think about it….what is the acronym for advanced glycation end products? That’s right AGE! Sugar ages your egg cells.

So my friends, step 1, get your sugars checked.

And, if you need help with this (plus SOOOO much more fertility support), drop a ❤️ in the comments and let’s dive into all your bloods.


While supporting egg🥚 quality is just ONE element of conception, I’d argue it’s a pretty important one!

To help you identify key factors involved in building healthy eggs, use my FREE Egg Quality Checklist✅

Comment “EGGS” below and I’ll send it right over!



Photos from myMindBodyBaby's post 11/05/2023

To all the hopeful mama’s this upcoming Mother’s Day 🤍


Sending love and strength today as we recognize the weight so many women around the world carry with them each and every single day.


Do this
Don’t do that
Try x,y,z
My friends, sister’s , cousin got pregnant when she did this…
Just get drunk…

And I was THAT girl… my legs were up, I tried the thing from my friends, sister’s cousin..and I literally booked a trip to Hawaii to ‘get drunk and relax”.

It didn’t work.

But you know what DID work?

When I figured out my blind spots.

I was doing the nutrition, the supplements, the acupuncture…I was doing so many good things…and I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that these things were necessary and needed. These things ensured my hormones were balanced and I slept well and that I kept inflammation low….BUT, there was a gap, a void that needed filling and until I figured out what it was, I didn’t have success.

But once I found the missing piece of the puzzle, I was pregnant in 5 weeks…. And she’s now almost 5 years old!

AND, I’m not talking about a pill or a secret seggs position,I’m talking about getting my MIND in the right place. Once I got a handle on my stress, that’s when the magic happened.

Well all have these gaps - things we could hone in on, improve, optimize to help increase our chance of pregnancy. The research shows us nutrition, GI etc. etc. all impact the chance of getting and staying pregnant.

So, let me ask you this, do you know your fertility blind spots?


Loss is loss.

And loss no matter when, is heartbreaking.

After my ectopic pregnancy I felt shame in the feelings I had.

I was JUST 5.5 weeks along… surely that didn’t count and I wasn’t justified in feeling a deep sadness in what would or could have been.

Now looking back, I wish I had someone sit me down, hug me and tell me that my loss counted and my grief was real and valid.

Because loss is still loss.

So now, as I work with clients to help improve their chance of conception… and unfortunately many have suffered losses in their journey.

And while a very high percentage of miscarriages are due to genetics, we are now learning more and more about other factors that influence miscarriage.

And knowing about these factors and being able to address them (if needed) will hopefully help to empower more couples along their journey to parenthood.

So to help, I’ve put together a free download. This will go through 3 things that can impact the chance of miscarriage and what to do about it.

This is a must-read for anyone who is TTC 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

Comment “SEND “ below if you want this download


Please report this fake account ⬇️



“Up to 40% of women experiencing infertility have a psychiatric diagnosis, most often depression or anxiety”.
- American Psychiatric Association


S***m health, in general, has been on the decline over the past 40 years.

One study shows a 59.3% decline in count in men in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

Experts believe the following are major contributors to this problem:
Environmental pollutants

So, knowing diet is a factor, consider the following foods for supporting s***m health!

**Remember it takes approximately 90+ days for s***m to regenerate, so whatever changes you make today will ideally be reflected in 90+ days**

▶️ Mushrooms and eggs rich in Vitamin D

▶️ oysters, dark chocolate and seeds rich in zinc

▶️ poultry and eggs rich in protein to help with hormonal management

Foods to ditch ⬇️
✅ white process flours and sugars
✅ juice and soda and very limited alcohol
✅ artificial sweeteners and colours
✅ trans fats such as those found in fried “foods” and shelf stable “foods”
✅ flavoured yogurts, sauces and candy

💥💥Remember, s***m health is 50% of the baby-making equation!! Let’s not forget about them 💥💥

***mhealth ***mhealthtips ***mhealthdiet ***mhealthmatters

the birth of myMindBodyBaby

We were those #1in6 women trying to conceive. Our amazing (ok... we’re biased!) kids came after long, heartache filled journeys. We cried, we got angry, we Googled every possible answer out there.

Throughout this time we leaned on exercise, good nutrition, natural supplementation and various stress relieving practices (check out our go-to song for deep breathing - Snatum Kuar) to empower ourselves and take back some control.

So welcome to our online home! It was built on the foundation of our personal experience and resulting passion for helping others get through this crazy motherhood journey with a little more support, advice (& maybe even laughter!) than we had the first time around.

Videos (show all)

Live with @birdbeco to discuss big learnings we took from our individual fertility experiences!#ciaw #niaw #infertilitya...
Update on talk with Dr. Nayot!
Partnering with Your Fertility Doctor
COVID-19 Vaccine & Fertility Treatment
Fertility Treatments 101
Inflammation & Your Fertility
What to wear to fertility appointments!👗Or rather - what not to wear! ❌❌ no jumpsuits - too hard for “Wanda” appointment...
Vaccine + Fertility
COVID-19 Vaccine + Your Fertility
Luteal Phase Defect